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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


props to Horikoshi for making Deku's first fight not Inasa or Shindou, and for giving the students who got wiped unique designs
Hori brang the hype.
Inasas outfit is easily the coolest this series has had.
i wonder what all those vents and pipes are for.

he honestly looks really good in that outfit with his school hat on cant wait for the fan art.
shark girl has some wierd quirk. she just retracts her body.

i like that jirous new attack is AOE while her previous attacks were concentrated and more suited for individual targets. cant wait to see the rest of teams moves also
no kaminari in sight (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Inasas outfit is easily the coolest this series has had.
i wonder what all those vents and pipes are for.[/SPOILER]

It looks like the wind version of that water Quirk the author used earlier in the series. The vents look like they are sucking in air, which Yoarashi then control with his uncovered hand.

Scratch that, rereading the chapter, his vents are expelling the air.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
When they said Yoarashi is likely stronger than Todoroki, they were not kidding. Holy crap.
His over-acting levels could give All Might a run.

Izuku is passing the barrier from scared to excited. He's finally getting it.




I really really like how the Shiketsu girl is a nameless character who shows up in a few panels but ends up being Deku's opponent over Inasa or Shindou


Rapid Response Threadmaker
LMAO at Chuunibird and his move names.

That girl that shrunk into her body is cute. I'm going to name her Gremlin.

I'm surprised they show'd us Inasa's move already. Usually they save that reveal for when MC fights him or another guy jobs right beforehand.

Oh man another girl added to the Dekubowl. She's hot too.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Tokoyami being such a cornball always gets me. Dude is slowly becoming one of my favorites.


Incredibly hype chapter! I think we are getting new teams of 2 or three characters thanks to the earthquake, I love when we get combination attacks so I want more of that.

Also Wind Guy is a boss.

The girl from the last page its going to get tons of fanart, the power of tight suits.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
It's ridiculous how much hotter she became with her suit on.

So what do you guys want to guess is her power?


it's kind of neat if you think about it, most shounen MC's end up being copies of their mentors as a "pass the torch" thing, but Deku's character arc is to do the opposite


It's ridiculous how much hotter she became with her suit on.

So what do you guys want to guess is her power?
I'm guessing some sort of intangibility. She could go straight through the dirt shakeguy created and would be a interesting counter vs Deku melee specialization. Would fit with what seems to be a cat burglar motif that she has (suit similar to Catwoman + the purse).

Or maybe the purse itself has something to do with it and it's a warping/bouncing power (she did bounce the ball that hit Deku, didn't she?).


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I'm also wondering what exactly Gremlin's power entails. She shrunk her upper torso into herself, but what combat, support, or apprehending ability does she have?


The one thing that's weird to me is how everyone keeps saying "Hey, maybe this physical challenge test doesn't make a whole lot of sense for a large majority of hero applicants because there's an infinite amount of powers out there", but then we keep seeing these physical challenge type tests.

It just seems weird because a test like this where you have to hit exposed skin seems like some powers would be super advantaged. But then again, the author has always followed up with a very aware "This whole hero system doesn't make a whole lot of sense and needs to change" statement after things go down, so maybe we'll see that here.


The series has a lot of criticism of Japanese society, and this is one of them -- in Japan (and most places), everybody knows that systems are broken, but nobody puts in the effort to change it.
That shark girl's ability to retract her body into itself reminds me of a moray eel that likes to hide in rocks and stuff, similar to what you would see in Crash Bandicoot Warped


Ok, I have a new challenge to select who is going to have the honor to choose Best Boy and Best Girl for the month of September!

How many UA students are going to be eliminated in the next episode, My Hero Academia 105?

You can answer any number between 0 and all of them.

Also you can list the students who are getting eliminated, so in case of a tie, we use that as a tie breaker.


Vote: Two Students. Mineta and Iida


By the way if I can get my computer up and running I'll throw in a sketch commission (I'll draw a mha request) for the next bet winner(s). Just a small thing
How many UA students are going to be eliminated in the next episode, My Hero Academia 105?

7, potentially 8.


i.e. the Students who already have less screentime than the others and have yet to have major focus in some form or another. Will allow them to miss Hero major battles, while still being a part of the group somewhat.


I think the characters who've gotten less screentime are more likely to pass. We get to know characters when they team up with Deku, what better chance to give them some focus?


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
How would Hagakure survive this challenge? Her "costume" makes a massive target. Unless there's more to her quirk than shown before.
Ok, I have a new challenge to select who is going to have the honor to choose Best Boy and Best Girl for the month of September!

How many UA students are going to be eliminated in the next episode, My Hero Academia 105?

You can answer any number between 0 and all of them.

Also you can list the students who are getting eliminated, so in case of a tie, we use that as a tie breaker.


Vote: Two Students. Mineta and Iida
Mineta's power is actually super advantageous in this test for a number of reasons. Remember, the targets will only light up when hit with the test balls. Each examinee only gets a very limited number of balls
Mineta's power means that he can easily collect balls thrown at him with his stickyball string (Making it easier for him to collect ammo, and harder for others to steal his), and his ability to bind people in place with his stickyballs can make it easier for him to hit people


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I was wondering if Uraraka was going to take some balls out of play by floating them up. I guess she could just tap someone, have them float and then just throw the ball on them when they are disoriented.
I'd say the best powers for this exam are ones with strong binding capabilities. So todoroki for example, has an advantage because he can freeze many opponents in place

People like Deku or Iida are at a disadvantage because they have to beat enemies into submission for a chance.

But the worst off are ones like Ashido who have little in the ways of stealing balls or using their quirk to help them hit people
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