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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


I like comic books, but they have limitations that don't apply to manga. Mainly, they're owned by DC rather than any particular writer. I don't know how it works at Shonen Jump, but is there any doubt that if they could have continued Dragonball without Toriyama they would have? Or any popular series.
Not that I feel this is particularly relevant to MHA, but they're doing exactly that with Naruto right now.

And that is HUGE. The reason Batman has a never ending fight with Joker isn't because it's narratively appropriate, it's DC needs to keep making new stories and they throw writers at the Joker wall until something sticks. If they end up with a bad joker story, no big deal, because there is always going to be a new one, and just using law of averages, something good will eventually stick. This also means that there is no way an author can actually end a villain. That's why the "why doesn't Batman just kill the joker" never really work, because Batman could personally see that Joker is launched on a rocket to the sun, and he could succeed, and we could personally see the Joker disintergrate on panel.....only for the next comic to go "Oh, that was just a body double". At this point, authors just leave their endings ambiguous so their stories finality isn't rendered moot by whoever they pass the buck to. So it's just a fundamentally different set up to most mediums.
The point is that Horikoshi could keep it going for as long as he wants to.

All Mights loss of power felt consistent, as has much of the side character development. So I definitely feel we are working to an end point, it's just that I feel it's approaching sooner than expected. The only way I see this working otherwise is if we are introduced to new major players pretty soon.
I personally think you're misreading the curvature of the arc. To me the story is just getting started, and we have only seen the end of the origin story. Midoriya now has to man up and step out of All Might's shadow; that's a beginning and not an end. He's still very very far from being The Number One Hero. Hell he's not even the top of his first year class.


Not that I feel this is particularly relevant to MHA, but they're doing exactly that with Naruto right now.

Ha! Good luck to whatever sorry bastard has to sort out that dump.

The point is that Horikoshi could keep it going for as long as he wants to.

Of course he can. It's his manga. I'm just pointing out how good of an idea it would be to stretch it out. And this isn't even really doubting his abilities as a writer. When a story becomes complex enough, virtually everyone fumbles something in regards to pacing. So I'm questioning exactly how far he's intending to take this thing.

I personally think you're misreading the curvature of the arc. To me the story is just getting started, and we have only seen the end of the origin story. Midoriya now has to man up and step out of All Might's shadow; that's a beginning and not an end. He's still very very far from being The Number One Hero. Hell he's not even the top of his first year class.

Maybe, but Deku has already made leaps and bounds regarding that. We'll see how he keeps accelerating. And if this is only Act 1, then that means Act 2 is bound to bring in a bunch of new faces, which could mean new plotlines to beef the story up a bit.

We'll see. It's just a future concern anyway. As of now, it's making all good moves.


Yeah, I'm guessing most of the post-Chapter 200 plotlines will be ones set up in the upcoming chapters.

...incidentally, what did you think about Nana Shimura? I'm curious 'cause nearly everybody was bowled over by All Might's mentor being a woman back when it was first revealed.


That one I was spoiled to a bit. Shouldn't cruise TV tropes even with spoilers on, I guess.

But women in a position of being both an authority and mentor figure of a respected main character? Good.

Again, the whole social progression thing is nice and all, but I honestly just think we get better stories when we break such conventions. You said it yourself, people were surprised that his mentor was a woman. Why? Because our assumptions work toward certain things, and when those assumptions twisted, it affects us in a certain way that makes us more interested and pay more attention to what is being said, just because it's so shockingly novel. That's a good thing.


Also, that made me laugh.

Edit: It'd also be nice if MHA broke new ground by having it's characters enter a relationship BEFORE the end of the series so we can actually explore them what goes into having a relationship. God knows japan needs dating advice.


it really would be so refreshing so I goddamn hope it happens, there's way too much build-up in the recent chapters for it not to

I give it it a 60% chance of happening. (though honestly that 40% is from being burned by most shounen romance, rather than anything Horikoshi's done)

Edit: oh yeah, incidentally

All Might's real name is "Toshinori Yagi", and the ya is written with the kanji for the number eight. Nana means "seven", and the ku in "Izuku" means nine. Deku's name was a pun all along.


it really would be so refreshing so I goddamn hope it happens, there's way too much build-up in the recent chapters for it not to

You'd think that but every other WSJ story finds new and stupider ways to filibuster.

I really am hoping that Horikoshi breaks that convention because it's one of the most frustrating and infuriating shonen customs.

The sole reason I watched and appreciated Buso Renkin was because it dared to do it.


I'm hoping Horikoshi'll avoid it, since like, manga (and non-manga) use romance to tease "will they won't they" plots or love triangles. But Deku/Ochako is so obvious that neither applies. When Horikoshi's casually saying stuff about pairing them up, it's kind of silly to drag it out, you know? And from how Horikoshi treats shounen conventions, it feels like the kind of thing he'd make happen.

Baby Steps did it too, but it's not Jump.


idk if Todoroki/Yaoyorozu is actually going to be a thing or if people are reading into it, could go either way

and I see Veelk has picked a side in the waifu wars


They are both wealthy, beautiful people who got in on recommendations. They were meant for each other. In fact it's entirely possible that Todoroki makes a move before Deku.


I'm hoping Horikoshi'll avoid it, since like, manga (and non-manga) use romance to tease "will they won't they" plots or love triangles. But Deku/Ochako is so obvious that neither applies. When Horikoshi's casually saying stuff about pairing them up, it's kind of silly to drag it out, you know? And from how Horikoshi treats shounen conventions, it feels like the kind of thing he'd make happen.

Baby Steps did it too, but it's not Jump.

You guys should give Jitsu wa Watashi wa a try.


The first chapter of Illegals came out, look around for it.

It's pretty good!

Aside from the weak protagonist, it's kind of by the numbers, adheres a lot more to convention so far (admittedly this is just the first chapter). The idea of a "street level" version of MHA isn't a bad one though; western comics have been doing that for ages.

Knuckleduster is clearly supposed to be the Batman to All-Might's Superman.

Veelk would probably have issues with the heroine.

I don't think it really feels like MHA really. I'm skeptical that it can work. If it didn't have the name, I wouldn't give it a second thought.


Yeah, Pop-Step was pretty meh, and I can see the "by-the-numbers" aspect. But it has potential; I'll decide whether it's good by how future chapters go.

Gentle-Man's quirk is the most interesting bit, since it's quite good:

The "sliding grovel" means that he can control his position and velocity without movement. His hands are undamaged by sliding over surfaces, and "point of contact" is vaguely defined. The guy his entire hands and feet, but could it work with just fingers? He doesn't seem to need direct contact with a surface, because it works through shoes. And that speed seems like something that could be trained.


You know, as far as shipping goes, you know who else I want to see?

Midoriya X Bakugo's mom

Now listen....it's gross, inappropriate, somewhat cliche, and makes no sense.

But it has one upside you can't ignore.

Can you just picture Bakugo's reaction when he found out about fucking Deku dating his mom?

Worth it for that alone.


You know, as far as shipping goes, you know who else I want to see?

Midoriya X Bakugo's mom

Now listen....it's gross, inappropriate, somewhat cliche, and makes no sense.

But it has one upside you can't ignore.

Can you just picture Bakugo's reaction when he found out about fucking Deku dating his mom?

Worth it for that alone.
Seems like a better setup for Kaminari...


Rapid Response Threadmaker
You know, as far as shipping goes, you know who else I want to see?

Midoriya X Bakugo's mom

Now listen....it's gross, inappropriate, somewhat cliche, and makes no sense.

But it has one upside you can't ignore.

Can you just picture Bakugo's reaction when he found out about fucking Deku dating his mom?

Worth it for that alone.


Oh? How does that figure? Kaminari just had a chapter where he saved everyone.

Oh, btw, I'm all caught up now.

The internet came to the conclusion that Kaminari was the traitor because a seemingly out of place picture where he looks evil, he might have been missing from his bed during the camping trip, and that copying dude didn't get dizzy dumb like Kaminari after using his power (ie Kaminari being dumb after using his power might be a ruse). Also some people think he was the jammer during USJ.

Before that people that Invisible Girl was the traitor lol.


Oh? How does that figure? Kaminari just had a chapter where he saved everyone.

Oh, btw, I'm all caught up now.

Horikoshi drew a picture of him with half of his face looking notably different and more "evil" in expression. Literally two faced.


Early drafts of the manga had an electricity using villain who looked like an uglier Kaminari.

The villain they thought was jamming communications during USJ was the one who had a hold of Kaminari. People now think that it wasn't the hostage taker who was doing the jamming.

During the training camp there was a picture of almost all the students in bed. One of the boy's beds was empty. Kaminari is nowhere to be seen. He was also out of harm's way during that whole arc.

His quirk would be ridiculously powerful, top tier, except for the drawback that makes him stupid. What if that's not a drawback? What if he's just faking?

At one point when someone offhandedly mentions that "Kaminari is the real problem" he looks momentarily panicked.

Reread the series with the theory in mind and you'll notice lots of things.


Hm...honestly, I can't think of any of the main students who I wouldn't feel really betrayed by if it were them. If it were one of the class B students or one of the teachers, I wouldn't really care as much, I've come to like almost everyone from class A so much, it'd sucks if it were any of them...which is all the more reason it should be one of them from a narrative perspective.

Kaminari wasn't my favorite by a long shot, but I did like him. Bakugo and Kirishima will probably be hit the hardest if he is the one.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Horikoshi drew a picture of him with half of his face looking notably different and more "evil" in expression. Literally two faced.

Early drafts of the manga had an electricity using villain who looked like an uglier Kaminari.

The villain they thought was jamming communications during USJ was the one who had a hold of Kaminari. People now think that it wasn't the hostage taker who was doing the jamming.

During the training camp there was a picture of almost all the students in bed. One of the boy's beds was empty. Kaminari is nowhere to be seen. He was also out of harm's way during that whole arc.

His quirk would be ridiculously powerful, top tier, except for the drawback that makes him stupid. What if that's not a drawback? What if he's just faking?

At one point when someone offhandedly mentions that "Kaminari is the real problem" he looks momentarily panicked.

Reread the series with the theory in mind and you'll notice lots of things.

I don't think I agree with the USJ thing because the hostage taker, and jammer, WAS hiding like theorized. Now how he got into the ground is another thing (I'm guessing someone elses quirk hid him).


Kaminari wasn't my favorite by a long shot, but I did like him. Bakugo and Kirishima will probably be hit the hardest if he is the one.

Nah man, it'd be Jirou. You haven't noticed the thing she has for him? Watch her reaction whenever he goes dumb.




Nah man, it'd be Jirou. You haven't noticed the thing she has for him? Watch her reaction whenever he goes dumb.

Honestly, because he's kinda dumb, I barely noticed him at all. One of the most impressive acts of restraint that MHA does is that it just eases you into 20 sorta main characters it has. I mean, the real main characters boil down to 5 of the 20 students, but every student legitimately feels like their own hero. For example, Kirishima was basically just the nice guy of the entire class with the rock power. That was just his gimmick to differentiate himself from everyone else, but he didn't have much attention paid to him...until the Rescue Bakugo arc, where suddenly, the fact that he was so nice that he was the only one Bakugo would accept help from became a relevant, plot deciding fact.

And that was almost 100 chapters in. That's a long time to wait to pull the trigger on a character being important. So I only got to know the Class 1-A by inches, and Kaminari was always on the lower half of the list of characters I was interested in. Honestly, he just came off as a discount Kirishima, the same nice dumb guy with potentially cool power that doesn't do anything important. So if he's actually a traiter, it kinda works even on a metatextual level. I just blocked him from my mind.

Though, honestly, I wish I hadn't found out this theory and all it's supporting evidence. I prefer to take these things as they go and just look back on all the foreshadowing after the fact.


Yeah, it's a great way to deal with the large cast. Develop them in the background, then rotate them into a major role.

Tsuyu, Tokoyami, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, and Kirishima were all well-liked, but their popularity exploded when they got a major arc. And, like, it still feels like they're central characters? Even if they aren't getting focus, I can't look at them as background characters anymore. Feels like everybody in 1-A will end up that way eventually.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I liked Kirishima as a character and a potential hero after he tried to see if Deku was alright after USJ. Even All Might acknowledged him but felt bad that he couldn't come near because he was turning emaciated again.


not Sugar Guy, the shirt Jirou wears when Aizawa and All Might visit her house.

it's...quite a shirt, but tbh it's also something a teenage punk would wear in real life


not Sugar Guy, the shirt Jirou wears when Aizawa and All Might visit her house

Oh. I just googled that + My hero academia, and that's what came up. I had no idea what you were referring too.

I went back to check her shirt out and....huh....that's....inviting, I guess

I get the feeling Jirou feels she's the least attractive girl of the class and annoyed by this.

I really like her design though, and she seems like she's the cool chick of the group. Like, the other girls are fun, but she's the cool one.

I have to wonder though if she ever gets her ear jacks tangled up without her noticing.
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