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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time

how the heck did Mineta ever pass the entrance exam? Also, how was he not the lowest score on the first test/day of school? where is his potential? :/

It's obvious


A quirk that allows you to grow industrial strength adhesive is STUPIDLY broken.

It's not that great. It's better for setting traps or working in teams.

I can picture how he passed the entrance exam: Stick one on the foot of a robot and it will faceplant and destroy itself.

I'm still wondering how Hagakure managed it, but there's clearly more to her quirk than we've seen so far.

Now if you put Mineta together with Inasa, that would be stupid broken.



Midoriya Inko (41 years old)

Birthday: July 4
Height: 160 cm
Likes: Izuku

Her husband is working abroad alone.

She brought up Izuku alone through mutual agreement.

She’s not very brave and has a shy personality.

Because of worry and guilt burdening her regarding Izuku, she became fat


Bakugou Masaru (42 years old) (dad)
Bakugou Mitsuki (38 years old) (mom)

Birthday: March 15
Height: 177 cm
Likes: Classical Music

Birthday: December 1
Height: 170cm
Likes: Volleyball

Mom’s Quirk is “Glycerin”. Gives off a moisturizing effect, giving beautiful skin. Youthful.
Dad’s Quirk is “Oxidizing Sweat”. Produces acid from his palms that explodes. Unlike Ashido’s that gives out a huge amount of liquids, this Quirk is sweat only. The explosions are made by rubbing both of his palms together.

There was also a time when his interest in becoming a Hero was not as strong as entering the design industry, so he chose that path. Met Mitsuki at work where he was fiercely approached by her first.
Bakugou's parents are fashion designers??


I like how Midoriya has one of the rare non-milf designs moms in anime, yet she is an important feature in the story when she comes up. It's stuff like that that makes MHA feel authentic. Deku's mom feels like a real mom.


and he breathes fire o_O

doesn't sound "deadbeat" tho, sounds like they have an arrangement where he works abroad and provides for the family?

"Brought up Izuku alone through mutual agreement."

Sounds to me more like they amicably separated around the time Deku was conceived/born and she receives monetary support from him.
The "mutual agreement" could also be taken to mean not that Inko agreed he "could" go, but rather than she believed he "should" for some reason.
Maybe he just wasn't interested in having children, and Deku was an accident?
Perhaps he had a temper and the "not brave, shy" Inko was an easy and often target? The "firebreathing" Quirk could be a sort of thematic hint in the direction of a guy who's always yelling.
Seems kind of dark, but really it's tamer than Todoroki's story, so it's probably fair game.


"Brought up Izuku alone through mutual agreement."

Sounds to me more like they amicably separated around the time Deku was conceived/born and she receives monetary support from him.
The "mutual agreement" could also be taken to mean not that Inko agreed he "could" go, but rather than she believed he "should" for some reason.
Maybe he just wasn't interested in having children, and Deku was an accident?
Perhaps he had a temper and the "not brave, shy" Inko was an easy and often target? The "firebreathing" Quirk could be a sort of thematic hint in this direction.
Seems kind of dark, but really it's tamer than Todoroki's story, so it's probably fair game.

Having a father absent working overseas is a common trope in manga. I recall The World God Only Knows, for example, used this prominently. The father never even appeared on screen despite being invoked as a plot device several times.

It might be a product of Japanese society where men are often overworked and children tend to be raised almost completely by their mothers.

Seems likely to me that the author just didn't want to deal with a father character.



Jirou Kyoutoku (40 years old) (dad)
Jirou Mika (36 years old) (mom)

Birthday: January 16
Height: 171 cm
Likes: Rock

Birthday: February 16
Height: 159 cm
Likes: Punk

"Ear Tab Jack" [literal translation] is the Mom's quirk. The "Jirou" surname is also from her. Taking the woman's surname for married couples in this universe is not uncommon.

The Dad, a musical composter, instantly fell in love with the Mom's musical talents and so they got married.

Because the both of them had lived a life like that, they hope a fulfilling life also comes to their daughter, Kyouka.

You can do it, Kyouka!
Jirou's dad is quirkless??


More intriguing is that taking on the wife's surname is not considered remarkable. We were just talking about worldbuilding the other page, and how the main social issues seem to be social issues that already exist today...and he sneaks in something like taking the wife's surname not being anything remarkable? Interesting.


Bets on Todoroki changing his name eventually.

And yeah, it feels like social issues haven't vanished, but they're several generations ahead of us, and it's almost gone in Deku's generation.


I remember back when the series started, and people were like "Wait, is that Deku's mom?" when chapter 2 came out


Having a father absent working overseas is a common trope in manga. I recall The World God Only Knows, for example, used this prominently. The father never even appeared on screen despite being invoked as a plot device several times.
Oh yeah, and you never saw Ness's dad in Earthbound, despite regularly talking to him. Itoi based that off his own dad.


Deku's dad exists?! Whattttttttttt

I'd honestly prefer if he was really separate from the family rather than just the usual "works away from home a lot", even if it's more common in Japan it still feels super overplayed in anime/manga, and Deku's mom seems stronger than having to keep up with that.


slime girl is crazy girl, Toga. Well, time to eat crow

I demand a source. PM if you must.

I do not like this development.

Deku's dad exists?! Whattttttttttt

I'd honestly prefer if he was really separate from the family rather than just the usual "works away from home a lot", even if it's more common in Japan it still feels super overplayed in anime/manga, and Deku's mom seems stronger than having to keep up with that.

It's not a matter of strength, or at least it's not perceived that way in Japan. Explicitly, the arrangement was mutual.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Listen I won't believe its real until I see it. And even then, I still won't believe it's real because my powers of denial are god tier.
Maaaaaaan its been awhile since I've been so bummed by clicking a spoiler tag :/. LIke, I'm not complaining, I think what's her face is great and I can always use more of her in my life. Yandere ending for life!


It's not a matter of strength, or at least it's not perceived that way in Japan. Explicitly, the arrangement was mutual.
That could mean anything, most of the similar parent situations in manga are "mutual agreement" and they're still bad and lazy
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