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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time

It says straight up that Camie was only acting odd for 3 days prior, so it's not that weird that they didn't pick up on it.

On the blood, I wouldn't be shocked if they had some other way of using it, but they might just do the whole infiltration/impersonation thing.
Honestly, I'd only be interested in an impersonation/infiltration thing if by kidnapping/impersonating Deku it focused more on the class and them discovering or figuring it out as the ensemble is one of MHA's biggest strengths


thinking about it, the existence of impersonation quirks would be common knowledge, so things like trying to frame Deku for a crime wouldn't make sense.

Maybe they're trying to get All Might to lower his guard by impersonating Deku, then attacking him?



thinking about it, the existence of impersonation quirks would be common knowledge, so things like trying to frame Deku for a crime wouldn't make sense.

Maybe they're trying to get All Might to lower his guard by impersonating Deku, then attacking him?

They wouldn't be any point to attacking All Might now but i guess for attention seeking and would be a major thing.


Though i doubt it it would have been hilarious if bakugou failed.

I fucking called it.
Someone with better photoshop skills then me needs to meme up Toga's reveal and just replace Camie's face with Toga's saying "You thought it was your new waifu, BUT IT WAS ME, TOGA!"

Then we can do this every time a new girl comes along.

And it will be funny every time.
mineta is the best character

kind of surprised bakugou didn't pass the exam

wow i did not expect camie to actually be the villain girl, pretty interesting

i'm glad we can finally move on from the exam and start a new arc; it wasn't bad, but definitely not the strongest point of the series so far


Jeeeeeezus you guys are so bad at speculations. Transforming? Impostering? No son, think way way way waaaaaaay back to chapter 2. When All Might gave Deku a hair. And that little bit of DNA was able to start the pass down process. And now the villains have a bit of DNA. I'm thinking Army of All Might Nemus. That would definitely pose some problems, especially since the hero's response seems to be "get as many good heroes out as possible."

All for One doesn't transfer without the bearer's will


Nice twist, there was enough clues to make it legit yet it was weird enough to have some doubt, great storytelling as always..

Also my GF got me one of those books that shows the author making a sketch and all kinds of neat stuff, I am so happy.


Jeeeeeezus you guys are so bad at speculations. Transforming? Impostering? No son, think way way way waaaaaaay back to chapter 2. When All Might gave Deku a hair. And that little bit of DNA was able to start the pass down process. And now the villains have a bit of DNA. I'm thinking Army of All Might Nemus. That would definitely pose some problems, especially since the hero's response seems to be "get as many good heroes out as possible."
You can't pass it without the bearer's will. Check mate.


Just read the chapter.

Mineta continues to be a shit that contrasts to the awesomeness of the rest of the class. I don't like him so much...but I wonder if his shittiness is meant to be there so as the class's low point so we have a character we can point to and say 'he sucks', since otherwise the audience would make up reasons to hate the better characters.

I'm so happy at the reasonableness of the instructors. There are so many manga that have "If you don't pass this insanely hard test, you will get kicked out of the school" (looking at you, Shokugeki no Soma) which not only doesn't make sense as an education facility, but also removes some of the tension because OBVIOUSLY the student is not going to be kicked out of the school because that would just end the story right there. Here, the way they provide opportunities to pass and fail not only feels like an actual school that's actually trying to mentor it's students, but also maintains the tension because ANYBODY can truly fail and still survive in the story.

Lastly, Slime girl was the freaky girl. I like that so much. Man, this guy knows how to hype up the next part of the story continually.


And since the retest is almost a year away, the two best students in the class not having a license can have real story consequences!


And since the retest is almost a year away, the two best students in the class not having a license can have real story consequences!

He's understands the value of restraint, how to maintain tension without having to blow up the stakes to unreasonable proportions.

It's a rare and extremely valuable trait as a writer.


That's a general thing I love about the series. The characters, authority figures included, make decisions like real people. Like the Hosu Chief bending the rules for Deku and co.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
To some, that's a feature, not a bug.

I remember way back on /a/ someone posted a thread about how his girlfriend was terrible at making cookies. Which sucked, because she baked stuff all the time. One day, he decided to spy on her, see what the hell she was doing to make these terrible cookies. She does everything normal, and the boyfriend suspects maybe bad ingredients when she then pulls out the kitchen knife and cuts her arm, bleeding into the dough. She has the most normal face like its just part of the process, and she puts the cookies in, cleans up, puts a band-aid on and it's all good. The guy is rightly freaking out and everyone is telling him "get the hell out of that relationship!" and here I am sitting at my computer thinking "That's so romantic. I wish someone would make blood cookies for me :("

Not saying Toga would be that kind of GF, but I would read and enjoy the story where she is that kind.
Mineta's true quirk is casting shade.


then he should be a professional already

Just read the chapter.

Mineta continues to be a shit that contrasts to the awesomeness of the rest of the class. I don't like him so much...but I wonder if his shittiness is meant to be there so as the class's low point so we have a character we can point to and say 'he sucks', since otherwise the audience would make up reasons to hate the better characters.

I'm so happy at the reasonableness of the instructors. There are so many manga that have "If you don't pass this insanely hard test, you will get kicked out of the school" (looking at you, Shokugeki no Soma) which not only doesn't make sense as an education facility, but also removes some of the tension because OBVIOUSLY the student is not going to be kicked out of the school because that would just end the story right there. Here, the way they provide opportunities to pass and fail not only feels like an actual school that's actually trying to mentor it's students, but also maintains the tension because ANYBODY can truly fail and still survive in the story.

Lastly, Slime girl was the freaky girl. I like that so much. Man, this guy knows how to hype up the next part of the story continually.

im p sure he's just supposed to be the main gag character


I think the term your looking for is comedic relief and/or buttmonkey. There generally aren't a lot of gags, just Mineta being creepy in a lot of ways, which is meant to be funny, but that alone doesn't make it a gag.

I usually don't like hate sink characters since they often feel way too simplistic, like that's their only purpose in the story. And I almost get that kind of feeling with Mineta, but there are some, few and far inbetween hints of him being heroic and he's out of focus much of the time...like a lot of the characters really, but still, I can believe there is more to him just because he doesn't show up too often.

I think him trying to discourage Todoroki is genuinely shitty though, like dude, whats wrong with you.


No dude, Cami was literally Catwoman, Toga is Harley Queen-kind of psycho.

So you are saying Toga is Harley Quinn AND Catwoman at the same time.

I remember way back on /a/ someone posted a thread about how his girlfriend was terrible at making cookies. Which sucked, because she baked stuff all the time. One day, he decided to spy on her, see what the hell she was doing to make these terrible cookies. She does everything normal, and the boyfriend suspects maybe bad ingredients when she then pulls out the kitchen knife and cuts her arm, bleeding into the dough. She has the most normal face like its just part of the process, and she puts the cookies in, cleans up, puts a band-aid on and it's all good. The guy is rightly freaking out and everyone is telling him "get the hell out of that relationship!" and here I am sitting at my computer thinking "That's so romantic. I wish someone would make blood cookies for me :("

Not saying Toga would be that kind of GF, but I would read and enjoy the story where she is that kind.

I love how everyone pretty much ignored this post while I am all.
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