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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
This brings an interesting question. Could there be vigilantes in the shadows or anti-heroes? Then again, considering you need a license to be a hero as well as using powers are illegal unless you're a hero (or villain) it would be hard to tell.

That's what the spin-off "My Hero Academia: Illegals" is about.
I really liked the second chapter of illegals


Knuckleduster man was great.


Also, we finally saw on-screen death. Some people were worried about that after Best Jeanist and AFO survived, so glad to see it deconfirmed.

Nice touch with All Might getting a resized uniform for his depowered form.

It still makes no sense to me that they're keeping AFO alive.
I mean, it makes sense to me that capital punishment is one of those things that wouldn't be around in the MHA world, given how it's been presented; it's both progressive on social issues compared to ours but also more morally strict.


Also, we finally saw on-screen death. Some people were worried about that after Best Jeanist and AFO survived, so glad to see it deconfirmed.

Nice touch with All Might getting a resized uniform for his depowered form.

I mean, it makes sense to me that capital punishment is one of those things that wouldn't be around in the MHA world, given how it's been presented; it's both progressive on social issues compared to ours but also more morally strict.
They have capital punishment.
Someone, quick, compare this chapter to Naruto. Do it now. It's the only way I can relate to the woooooorld.

Also yo this chapter was good man. Also I might be drunk. Also I might be at a bar with my whale


Also, we finally saw on-screen death. Some people were worried about that after Best Jeanist and AFO survived, so glad to see it deconfirmed.

Nice touch with All Might getting a resized uniform for his depowered form.

I mean, it makes sense to me that capital punishment is one of those things that wouldn't be around in the MHA world, given how it's been presented; it's both progressive on social issues compared to ours but also more morally strict.
It wasn't resized, it's still baggy.


Hm, weird, forgot about that line.

but personally, I still don't think it's that weird for them to keep All for One alive. Especially since All Might wants to get stuff out of him.

It wasn't resized, it's still baggy.
Thought it was less baggy than before, but guess it isn't, huh.


also I appreciate the little bit about Endeavor appealing to only a certain demographic, great worldbuilding implications there


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Someone, quick, compare this chapter to Naruto. Do it now. It's the only way I can relate to the woooooorld.

Also yo this chapter was good man. Also I might be drunk. Also I might be at a bar with my whale

God I'm going to have to wear that L on my head for awhile, aren't I?

Or I guess N?
I mean at a point you have to wonder if A4O can even be "killed" by traditional means. I'm sure he's got resiliency and strengthening quirks built up over the two hundred or some odd years he's been alive. It's not unrealistic just like in cape comics that the reason he's, essentially, in the raft, is because he can only really be contained and not killed.


What's great is, by showing vignettes like this that show the psychological trauma a lot of these villains have faced to push them where they are and setting that alongside the trials of the students, you really feel the overall theme that none of this is about power but far more about leadership. It's not about being able to beat the villains, but to make sure that people are cared for and feel welcomed by society, and more importantly, how hard that is. The discussion about Endeavor was perfectly placed at the start of this chapter to show that people didn't like All Might just because he was the strongest hero, but also because he appealed to such a wide demographic. It's all so well done and all very relatable.


Yeah, the bit about Endeavor makes the hero ranking more than just a power level analogue, especially that bit about demographics. And we've got confirmation that Endeavor hasn't always been that professional.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Really? The guy who is all about that eugenics and was literally jumping out of his seat when he saw it in action in Shouto v. Deku is unprofessional?

My big take away is just more fodder for the Dabi is
Endevour's kid
theory. It almost feels like the author is priming information which might be reading too much into it, but be cool if he did do that. Also I swear he looked super like Shouto when he looked down at those corpses, especially after the whole "eyes filled with hate" or whatever thing in the last arc.

Also shout out to the plague doctor aesthetic, my favorite aesthetic. Don't care how evil these guys are, they're winning in my heart by style points alone right now.


I don't know how I'd feel about him being Endeavor's kid. There's no way he'd be a match for Shouto.
TBF we haven't really seen how strong Dabi is.

Dabi is definitely one of Endeavor's kids, I can't see anything else for it to lead up to.


Notice this while on reddit but he does look suspiciously like Todoroki.

I think we need to have more these vignettes for these villains. Like everybody else if this was published in Marvel or DC, it wouldn't be out of place.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
I think the first real big clue was in that full page panel where the villains successfully captured Bakugou. It's not Deku, our main character, who barely misses, but Shouto and I always felt this weird sense of reveling from Dabi when that happened and he saw Shouto failed.

Also anyone else notice the weird emphasis on eyes from this family? Shouto's mom burns him because she's scared of his eyes, WIndguy's whole beef was with Shouto and Endedvour's eyes, Dabi has some pretty dead eyes of his own in this chapter.


I think the first real big clue was in that full page panel where the villains successfully captured Bakugou. It's not Deku, our main character, who barely misses, but Shouto and I always felt this weird sense of reveling from Dabi when that happened and he saw Shouto failed.

Also anyone else notice the weird emphasis on eyes from this family? Shouto's mom burns him because she's scared of his eyes, WIndguy's whole beef was with Shouto and Endedvour's eyes, Dabi has some pretty dead eyes of his own in this chapter.
His mom didn't burn him because of his eyes, she said his left half was ugly because it's the half that he got from Endeavor.

There's a passing resemblance and the power set matches up, but I'm not convinced yet. It's really just the power set that leans in that direction, because it looks exactly like Endeavor's powers and we know the reason Shouto was created in the first place was because using Endeavor's powers too much can burn the user unless he has ice to cool himself down.


But right before that, Todoroki's mom talked about Todoroki's eyes reminding her about Endeavor, didn't she?

Did she? Well if two of you remember that I guess it probably happened.

No one's talked about Dabi's eyes yet though.

Maybe Dabi's deal is that he's willing to go overboard with his powers and burn himself, exceeding his natural limits, which might theoretically allow him to match Shouto in a contest of fire. But Shouto has ice too, and I don't really see how he overcomes that.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Maybe Dabi's deal is that he's willing to go overboard with his powers and burn himself, exceeding his natural limits, which might theoretically allow him to match Shouto in a contest of fire. But Shouto has ice too, and I don't really see how he overcomes that.

This is a little weird, but my big bet in how he evens the playing field is simply playing dirty. Use a gun. Bombs. Sand in the eyes, whatever. I think the tactics Villians use will come more into play soon.


One point against the theory:


His hair is black, not red like the Todorokis. Could be explained if he has a different mother.

One point in favor of the theory:

Dabi has to have a different mother for the theory to be true.

Honestly, if he was one of Endeavor's kids, I'd expect that anyway. None of the rest got abused to nearly the extent that Dabi seems to have been, they just got ignored. Him being illegitimate would explain that, as well as add an additional dimension to him turning Villain.

Honestly, I hadn't even considered the possibility that he was one of Shouto's full siblings, lol.


If he is an abandoned Todoroki, it shows you what Shouto could easily have become if not for what appears to be an innately good nature.


The villains for this series have such great and creepy designs. I don't know if anyone else feels this, but there's this genuine feeling of unease when I see them. I never got that from any other shonen. Naruto's Orochimaru sometimes had this in his most freaky moments, but it was rare. I think Bleach attempted it with Aizen's final form(s), but for the most part they were designed to look cool. MHA do look cool, but also legitimately scary.


The villains for this series have such great and creepy designs. I don't know if anyone else feels this, but there's this genuine feeling of unease when I see them. I never got that from any other shonen. Naruto's Orochimaru sometimes had this in his most freaky moments, but it was rare. I think Bleach attempted it with Aizen's final form(s), but for the most part they were designed to look cool. MHA do look cool, but also legitimately scary.

Their disfigurements have stories behind them. I think that's the difference. We look at his burn marks and we know there's a story there, whether it was done to him or he did it to himself.

With Orochimaru he just always looked like that, didn't he? It appears to just be genetic. When Mitsuki enrolls in the Konoha Academy he doesn't tell anyone that Orochimaru is his father, but really, wouldn't everyone be able to guess by looking at him? The pale skin and snake eyes aren't a giveaway?


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Honestly, I hadn't even considered the possibility that he was one of Shouto's full siblings, lol.

Same. Endevour is all about Eugenics. Did anyone really think he was going to settle down with one woman and keep popping up kids with her until he found the perfect one? Or would he be using different women with different power sets trying to find the perfect combination? Now that I think about it, I wouldn't be that surprised if he had a second power set like Shouto and we just haven't seen it. Maybe he has mommny issues to parallel Shouto's daddy issues? Who knows?

Also doesn't Endevour have black hair? Or did I imagine that?

The villains for this series have such great and creepy designs. I don't know if anyone else feels this, but there's this genuine feeling of unease when I see them. I never got that from any other shonen. Naruto's Orochimaru sometimes had this in his most freaky moments, but it was rare. I think Bleach attempted it with Aizen's final form(s), but for the most part they were designed to look cool. MHA do look cool, but also legitimately scary.

I don't know if I would call them scary per say. A lot of them are, don't get me wrong (or rather disfigured in a lot of their cases now that I really think about it). For me, I'd call them more interesting because of how wrought in symbolism their designs are from the multiplyer's scar in his head as he deals with schizophrenia, to Handy's... well... hands.


They're also realistic disfigurements, "I have no face" or "my skin is rotting" is a lot easier to imagine than weird anime crap.
The villains for this series have such great and creepy designs. I don't know if anyone else feels this, but there's this genuine feeling of unease when I see them. I never got that from any other shonen. Naruto's Orochimaru sometimes had this in his most freaky moments, but it was rare. I think Bleach attempted it with Aizen's final form(s), but for the most part they were designed to look cool. MHA do look cool, but also legitimately scary.

A big part of that is the style, I feel. Horikoshi draws his villains differently, they're a lot... higher detail, often in really unsettling ways. The degree of villainy is tied to it as well. These new guys are opportunistic predators more than anything else, so their style is closer to the rest (tho the designs are still appropriately menacing), but when you get into the upper tiers...


Same. Endevour is all about Eugenics. Did anyone really think he was going to settle down with one woman and keep popping up kids with her until he found the perfect one? Or would he be using different women with different power sets trying to find the perfect combination? Now that I think about it, I wouldn't be that surprised if he had a second power set like Shouto and we just haven't seen it. Maybe he has mommny issues to parallel Shouto's daddy issues? Who knows?

Also doesn't Endevour have black hair? Or did I imagine that?

It looks basically black in the B&W, but it's always officially colored red.

And I don't even think that Dabi is a eugenics experiment. I think that's another part of why he's so thoroughly outcast, he's not just a failure, he's a mistake.
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