Ehhh, if these grim times should teach anything, its how to be humble. Tried to make a decent argument but I got nothing that can't just be broken up as a series of tropes. You win cntr, Naruto is terrible, I'm going back to reading my shojo for the night because Sawako wouldn't vote red ;_;
Though, if I had something, it'd be that the fight between All Might and A4O does closely mirror the third hokage v. Orochimaru not in form but in thematic weight and consequences. All might, like the third, is basically held up as the pinnacle ideal of society and fights a guy who believes a variety of powers is the most important thing and jumps from body to body to keep alive. End result both incapaticate each other (All Might done A4O in jail, Third dead Orochi crippled) and they leave the fight for the next generation to inherit, a common theme that runs pretty deep in both their narratives down to their core.