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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Why does everything come back to Naruto

Why does it have to poison the well of every manga discussion

Why are my eyes bleeding blorghurgh

Jeez you guys, Naruto isn't that bad. It's not amazing, overall not good, certainly goes down hill quite a bit by the end, but it ain't no bottom of the well shit.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
I actually think early Naruto, which is what inspired MHA, is actually pretty great. The kid Naruto stuff was all good.

I reread early Naruto a bunch, because I think it is legitimately very good. People didn't latch on to it so intensely for so long because they're a bunch of dopes with automatic bad tastes. Also not joking about the comparisons. Seriously, reread early Naruto and actually think a bit about events within it, the roles characters have in shaping the world, over-arching themes, hell even in ways they both handle their ensembles. I'm not saying MHA stole everything from Naruto or is even riding along a preset trail it built, but I think there is more than enough similarities in ideas that go a shade deeper than just generic shonen tropes and also part of what makes MHA so good is that it builds on the lessons and mistakes of Naruto.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
How many of those similarities are just shounen tropes?

Lot less then you'd think.

Edit: hold your horses, there is a lot to type here and to unpackage and I'm not going to just ramble a page's worth of text without going through some old chapters first to get my facts straight before. Serious about the essay btw. I legitimately think there is enough there to do it and believe me I know how to reach for less and make an arguement. Before this came up I was toying with differences between how Shojo mangas typically handle their romantic conflicts and how Nisekoi does similar.

Second edit: can see why people were confused by what I was saying because I meant to say All Might is basically the third hokage in a blonde wig. Thus why we fact check the book.
MHA doesn't strike me as particularly Naruto-ish. It's trope adjacent, but there are a billion manga set in high school and MHA is basically a cross between that and American superhero comics.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
If anything, the series reminds me of Eyeshield 21.

How so? Sorry if it sounds hostile (I felt the tensions rise the moment the orange ninja was mentioned...) haven't read Eyeshield cause I have a strong aversion to sports, so I'm curious what it has in common with MHA?


How so? Sorry if it sounds hostile (I felt the tensions rise the moment the orange ninja was mentioned...) haven't read Eyeshield cause I have a strong aversion to sports, so I'm curious what it has in common with MHA?

Eyeshield is great and I don't even like football. It has a lot of creative freedom when it comes to the action. I suggest checking it out.


My Hero Academia has Eyeshield 21's tone, especially with the protagonist and his coming of age. There's still plenty of differences, but I initially got into the series because of how much it reminded me of E21, so yeah
How so? Sorry if it sounds hostile (I felt the tensions rise the moment the orange ninja was mentioned...) haven't read Eyeshield cause I have a strong aversion to sports, so I'm curious what it has in common with MHA?

Eyeshield is much more similar in terms of overall tone and themes to MHA than Naruto, probably because of the shared western influences. It's fantastic even if you don't like football, I'd check it out.
Jeez you guys, Naruto isn't that bad. It's not amazing, overall not good, certainly goes down hill quite a bit by the end, but it ain't no bottom of the well shit.

I've said it in the Toonami thread, but I thoroughly enjoyed Naruto up until the end of the Pain arc. Everything Shipuuden!Sasuke and Uchiha was what killed the quality.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Ehhh, if these grim times should teach anything, its how to be humble. Tried to make a decent argument but I got nothing that can't just be broken up as a series of tropes. You win cntr, Naruto is terrible, I'm going back to reading my shojo for the night because Sawako wouldn't vote red ;_;

Though, if I had something, it'd be that the fight between All Might and A4O does closely mirror the third hokage v. Orochimaru not in form but in thematic weight and consequences. All might, like the third, is basically held up as the pinnacle ideal of society and fights a guy who believes a variety of powers is the most important thing and jumps from body to body to keep alive. End result both incapaticate each other (All Might done A4O in jail, Third dead Orochi crippled) and they leave the fight for the next generation to inherit, a common theme that runs pretty deep in both their narratives down to their core.


Eyeshield 21 got me into American Football.

Sena is very similar to Midoriya in that they were both dropped into a world of people who seem to be way more powerful than them, but trough training and hard work both learned to stand their ground.

I really want to read Eyeshield 21 again lol


Eyeshield 21 got me into American Football.

Sena is very similar to Midoriya in that they were both dropped into a world of people who seem to be way more powerful than them, but trough training and hard work both learned to stand their ground.

I really want to read Eyeshield 21 again lol
Damnit he really is the Sena of his world. Also I read eye shield 21 once a year. Not only is it the best sports manga of all time but it is very inspirational


Oh yeah, and that's the big commonality in tone, they both feel inspirational in the way that great coming-of-age stories do.


Also he is similar to the main character of baby steps. I recommend the anime and the manga(not officially being released in USA)


Damnit he really is the Sena of his world. Also I read eye shield 21 once a year. Not only is it the best sports manga of all time but it is very inspirational

One more connection between Sena and Midoriya:

Both were dropped into their world to fill the shoes left by a legend.

So yeah, Midoriya is basically like Sena.

Even their timid personalities fit lol

I'm gonna read it again starting today haha


One more connection between Sena and Midoriya:

Both were dropped into their world to fill the shoes left by a legend.

So yeah, Midoriya is basically like Sena.

Even their timid personalities fit lol

I'm gonna read it again starting today haha

Damn I forgot about that one. I love how they quickly grew more confident to match their abilities.

Agon Kongo was the Baku of Eyeshield


Bakugou reminded me of Hiruma, except he's the rival instead of the bro.

bets on Hiruma being like what Bakugou's gonna end up as after his character development
Bakugou reminded me of Hiruma, except he's the rival instead of the bro.

bets on Hiruma being like what Bakugou's gonna end up as after his character development

In terms of attitude, yeah.

No way Bakugou ever hits Hiruma's tier of Magnificent Bastardry, though.

Agon is definitely a lot like Bakugou was at the start, except even worse, somehow.
Wow, that was GOOD. Standalone story, very interesting stuff. Getting a look at the changing dynamics behind All Might retiring. Whole lotta new faces.


This is fantastic world building. We're seeing so many different perspectives in regards to how the world works, it's not just one, single, correct viewpoint.


That Google autocomplete panel, goddamn brilliant. I've never seen that in a manga before.

This is already a top 5 favorite chapter for me.
The new villains are interesting; sort of a predatory offshoot of the regular hoodlums. Not focused on the "grand plan" like the big bads, but extremely dangerous in their own right. Makes sense, really.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I'm impressed that Twice has way more to him than his "I'll do the opposite of what I say" gimmick. That's one hell of a backstory.

It's amazing how the "post-All Might world" feels like a "post-9/11 world". Things are different forever.


I remember Veelk commenting a while ago on the design differences between heroes and villains, and Horikoshi's taking that further with a chapter that reads like it's from a different manga.

I'm going to be singing praises of this chapter for a while, like wow.


Duuuuude this is the most american comic books-like Horikoshi and MHA have ever been.
The world is taking quite a dark turn.
Double guy is much more interesting now, and pest-doctor villain is a 10/10 design.
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