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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time

Taking other people's powers, their reactions to losing them (physically and emotionally), the off-handed way he talks about always wanting to take someone's power or the worth in leaving someone alive if they don't have a power he personally could take and use (Best Jeanist), forcibly giving his brother a power designed to store power, he gathered a bunch of people under his banner and manipulates people whom One For All fought against.

One For All's power being a representative of his character doesn't mean all character's powers are representative of them; it's the framing and way he acts that gives it that connection.

I dunno dude, Imma disagree with you real strong on this.

O4A has been shown to have incredible patience at working towards something, and though a bit misanthropic in regards to his dislike of All Might and the things he stands for, a relatively calm and collected mind for the assessment of things. A pretty rational dude.

That doesn't conflict with his dominance or attitude towards Shigaraki and his crew at all to me.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
I don't think we know all there is to know about AFO yet.

I know, if only we could have a chapter where we could just sit down and get a good idea of who he is. Oh wait, that was supposed to be this chapter... Jokes aside, I don't think this was a good chapter if we all have so many questions about his motivations.

But that Deku text was cute as shit though.

Also minor speculation, I think Stain knows something important about A4O. There was a weird emphasis on his face when A4O was rolled in and I find the face human cop was interviewing him very suspicious.


fleurs n'est pas britannique


It's pretty obvious AfO is sociopath. He does it because he wants to and I feel he doesn't really care about people. Now people will argue he cares about Shigaraki but I think AfO feels he's a means to an end. And how did he know where to find Shigaraki in the first place? Why him? He said why, revenge, to mess up All Might. Torture him emotionally and he almost broke him when he revealed Shigaraki's identity.
He's evil and loves anarchy and had the means to, plain and simple.


Jirou is the one who's insecure about her looks.

Not quite what I meant. There's a difference between being secure about how one looks and aware of how one looks.

Because this is a universe that doesn't seem to hold any prejudice of people looking different (Kouda is a rock, Shouji looks straight up like a monster), I'm just wondering if Tsuyu is even aware that she's significantly different from other girls in body shape, but still cute, or if it's so normalized that her wierdness isn't even considered wierd by her (and/or the rest of the world)


Not quite what I meant. There's a difference between being secure about how one looks and aware of how one looks.

Because this is a universe that doesn't seem to hold any prejudice of people looking different (Kouda is a rock, Shouji looks straight up like a monster), I'm just wondering if Tsuyu is even aware that she's significantly different from other girls in body shape, but still cute, or if it's so normalized that her wierdness isn't even considered wierd by her (and/or the rest of the world)
Originally I thought part of the reason Habuko Mongoose was so alienated from her peers was because of the snakeface, but I don't know. They did say there's such a thing as a "heroes who look most like a villain" list so it's not like people are blind... Come to think of it dating Gang Orca must be quite the experience.


Shouji's backstory mentions that he wears a mask over his mouth because it was creepy to his classmates, and he didn't want to give a bad impression. (You know Ectoplasm, the cloning guy? Same kind of mouth.) That might not be a big deal for adults, since Ectoplasm is fine with not hiding it, but it's a thing.

There's also the whole deal with Shinsou (brainwash kid), I'm guessing most people with "questionable" quirks are like him, not outright discriminated against, but feel the social pressure against them and their quirk. So the world is very accepting, but it's not completely okay with everything.

Edit: yeah, Habuko Mongoose too. Feeling anxious over her appearance and quirk but not discriminated against, and she was fine once Tsuyu helped her get over it.


Not quite what I meant. There's a difference between being secure about how one looks and aware of how one looks.

Because this is a universe that doesn't seem to hold any prejudice of people looking different (Kouda is a rock, Shouji looks straight up like a monster), I'm just wondering if Tsuyu is even aware that she's significantly different from other girls in body shape, but still cute, or if it's so normalized that her wierdness isn't even considered wierd by her (and/or the rest of the world)

I don't think she cares about it like that. She does have great hair though, like wow.


I don't she cares about it like that. She does have great hair though, like wow.

That's definitely true. I wonder how she maintains it.

Edit: yeah, Habuko Mongoose too. Feeling anxious over her appearance and quirk but not discriminated against, and she was fine once Tsuyu helped her get over it.

You know what? I seriously hope she makes a reappearance in the main story. Just a few panels to check in on how she's doing.


I wonder which one of class A girls are considered hot or attractive by the boys.
It's weird because usually in other mangas you always get the boys talking about the girls in their class, but here we only got Mineta's POV, which finds atteactive any being with a vagina.
I wonder where Tsuyu is in the boys ranking.
But at least we kinda got the girls POV, we know at least Hagakure (and maybe Ashido iirc) find Todoroki the coolest/cutest
Momo too definitely

Not counting Deku/Uraraka because they're the main pairing and that usually goes beyond the looks.


Todoroki is like a Sasuke without all of the many unlikable traits. Of course he's the number one beefcake of the class.

Yaoyorozu I think has received the most comments (compliments) about her looks.

So of course they are going to end up together.

Ironically every indication we have is that Hagakure would be a total knockout except for the fact that no one can see her.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
To this day, I will forever be saddened there wasn't a panel just devoted to someone going "jeez those abs" when they see Deku shirtless or something. Also hottest kid in the class would easily have to be Baku. Hands down. Yeah, he's an asshole but that doesn't change the fact he's still hot as shit.

I mean, there's already hints of a few "who likes who" but the manga has tragically not had too much of that.

Fixed that for yah


To this day, I will forever be saddened there wasn't a panel just devoted to someone going "jeez those abs" when they see Deku shirtless or something. Also hottest kid in the class would easily have to be Baku. Hands down. Yeah, he's an asshole but that doesn't change the fact he's still hot as shit.

Fixed that for yah
I guess you can say he's


fleurs n'est pas britannique
But when will Deku be the Fourh Hokage?

I know you meant this as a joke, but you do know he's trying to become All Might? Right? That's the entire point of the story? Also, speaking of which, when was the last time he and All Might were actually alone together? I feel like All Might is actually pretty meh at the whole "mentor" thing.

Todoroki's a moodier Zuko. That's why he's great.

Does that mean Baku is just a significantly more assholish Sparky Sparky Boom Man?


I know you meant this as a joke, but you do know he's trying to become All Might? Right? That's the entire point of the story? Also, speaking of which, when was the last time he and All Might were actually alone together? I feel like All Might is actually pretty meh at the whole "mentor" thing.
That's a really loose connection, yo. And the story is setting up the idea that Deku shouldn't become All Might, because the whole Symbol of Peace thing was a bad idea.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
That's a really loose connection, yo. And the story is setting up the idea that Deku shouldn't become All Might, because the whole Symbol of Peace thing was a bad idea.

I dunno, I think it's decently apt. Incidentally, I think the whole Symbol of Peace this was a super good idea. It worked so freaking well, and part of the villains whole MO is they need a Symbol fo Evil to do the same thing. This actually ties in really well into two very diverse theories of thought about whether history makes great men or if great men make history? The idea being when there is a need for an exceptional individual, someone will always rise to the occasion, or do exceptional individuals come along and stir up the world as a result?
Yeah, Deku's dream was to become All Might, but part of his arc is learning that not only will that probably not happen, it shouldn't; he needs to be his own person, his own hero, rather than trying to follow in his idol's footsteps.

The "symbol of peace is bad" thing is a little more tenuous at this point. It's certainly setting up a circumstance where the argument could be made that having a single figure that society's safety and self-worth depends on is bad, but I don't think that Horikoshi has necessarily committed to that point of view yet. Or maybe I'm just forgetting when he did. Whatever excuse for a reread, amirite?


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Yeah, Deku's dream was to become All Might, but part of his arc is learning that not only will that probably not happen, it shouldn't; he needs to be his own person, his own hero, rather than trying to follow in his idol's footsteps.

The "symbol of peace is bad" thing is a little more tenuous at this point. It's certainly setting up a circumstance where the argument could be made that having a single figure that society's safety and self-worth depends on is bad, but I don't think that Horikoshi has necessarily committed to that point of view yet. Or maybe I'm just forgetting when he did. Whatever excuse for a reread, amirite?

Bah, their entire society was super god damn great because of All Might, low villain rates, everyone was happy, Endevour was in charge of shit. Great all around. Also, I am half convinced there is some dark unexplained shit with O4A we've yet to get into, and involves whatever those shadowy figures during Deku's fight with mind control kid were!


The series is setting up the idea that heroes, plural, should be the symbol of peace. We don't need a Superman, we need a Justice League.

It's also setting up the idea that All Might's version wasn't the way to do it. All Might's focus on strength and working alone meant that villains and people with problems weren't cured, they were kept suppressed and left to rot.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Seriously though, how do you guys think the Deku disguised Toga thing is going to work out? What's she going to do? Is Deku going to become a fugitive? A hero without a country.
Seriously though, how do you guys think the Deku disguised Toga thing is going to work out? What's she going to do? Is Deku going to become a fugitive? A hero without a country.

He, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Ochako are going to go into hiding in the Los Angeles underground, where they work as mercenaries for hire. If you know how to find them, maybe you can hire... the CLASS A TEAM


I really doubt they're going to frame Deku, do you really expect the police to not know about impersonation quirks? And it's exactly the kind of "dumb misunderstanding" plot Horikoshi has deliberately avoided throughout the entire series.

They're going to try and use Toga-Deku to try and lure All Might out to assassinate him. The last chapter even suggested that. (I don't think she'll kill him directly, sine hey you gotta set up a class battle finale!)

He, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Ochako are going to go into hiding in the Los Angeles underground, where they work as mercenaries for hire. If you know how to find them, maybe you can hire... the CLASS A TEAM
Starring Izuku "Deku" Midoriya, Katsuki "Explosionface" Bakugou, and Mr. Todoroki.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Seriously though, how do you guys think the Deku disguised Toga thing is going to work out? What's she going to do? Is Deku going to become a fugitive? A hero without a country.

Bracing for spinoff series OUTER ACADEMIA

The series is setting up the idea that heroes, plural, should be the symbol of peace. We don't need a Superman, we need a Justice League.

It's also setting up the idea that All Might's version wasn't the way to do it. All Might's focus on strength and working alone meant that villains and people with problems weren't cured, they were kept suppressed and left to rot.

BUT IT WORKED! All Might world was objectively better than it is now, and the reason they're doing the whole justice league thing is because they know there is no possible way they are ever going to get such a slam dunk success again.


I really doubt they're going to frame Deku, do you really expect the police to not know about impersonation quirks? And it's exactly the kind of "dumb misunderstanding" plot Horikoshi has deliberately avoided throughout the entire series.

Problem with any system is that they cannot possibly account for anything. You can excuse anything with a "That wasn't me, it must have been a person with a crime doing quirk!"

The problem with the misunderstanding plot is that it's usually extremely contrived. But they can be done well. The strength of MHA isn't in avoiding trope, but in avoiding their pitfalls. If Horikoshi wants to do a misunderstanding trope, like the lustful female villain trope, he's earned the benefit of the doubt until he genuinely messes up.
BUT IT WORKED! All Might world was objectively better than it is now, and the reason they're doing the whole justice league thing is because they know there is no possible way they are ever going to get such a slam dunk success again.

Lets not forget that All Might was introduced into the series being a cynical bastard that's weighed down by the expectations of society. He wasn't exactly too happy and Midoriya had to remind him of what it meant to be a hero. And the problem is that singular heroes, no matter who they are, they aren't immortal. All Might was going to fall eventually, from Old Age even if nothing else happened, and they'd ahve the same problem as they do now. By having multiple dependable heroes working togther, it's a system less likely to fall apart. You put all your eggs in one basket, what is happening right now is the result, chaos and fear and confusion. If All Might was part of a justice league, this wouldn't be happening.


That's a really loose connection, yo. And the story is setting up the idea that Deku shouldn't become All Might, because the whole Symbol of Peace thing was a bad idea.

I feel that the story implicates the Symbol of Peace is very important. I also feel this story explains why a OP hero (Superman archtype) is so important in a hero story or setting. They're a deterrent.
Bracing for spinoff series OUTER ACADEMIA

BUT IT WORKED! All Might world was objectively better than it is now, and the reason they're doing the whole justice league thing is because they know there is no possible way they are ever going to get such a slam dunk success again.

But if they had done the Justice League thing in the past, they would have had people able to pick up the slack from All Might.


Bracing for spinoff series OUTER ACADEMIA

BUT IT WORKED! All Might world was objectively better than it is now, and the reason they're doing the whole justice league thing is because they know there is no possible way they are ever going to get such a slam dunk success again.

Well My Hero Academia is told through Deku in the future where he "Became the greatest hero" so it did happen again. I still want a W101 outcome from this, the template is there.
Deku IS Wonder Red.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Lets not forget that All Might was introduced into the series being a cynical bastard that's weighed down by the expectations of society. He wasn't exactly too happy and Midoriya had to remind him of what it meant to be a hero. And the problem is that singular heroes, no matter who they are, they aren't immortal. All Might was going to fall eventually, from Old Age even if nothing else happened, and they'd ahve the same problem as they do now. By having multiple dependable heroes working togther, it's a system less likely to fall apart. You put all your eggs in one basket, what is happening right now is the result, chaos and fear and confusion. If All Might was part of a justice league, this wouldn't be happening.

This goes into what I said before of history make people or people make history? The idea of a justice league is more important in the former, All Might being the most important is with the later. I really feel like "yeah, but he's going to die" is such a poor argument to me. Great people die all the time, the come, do their thing, and they go away. I don't think a justice league would have had the same positive impact All Might alone had on the world. Yeah sure, it last longer, but would it be able to fight against someone of such nonsense power like A4O? Or even an evil All Might?

Incidentally, you've mentioned before how much you love the complexity of MHA, so I'm throwing out a manga recommendation to you. Read Magi. While the character complexity isn't quite the same flavor, the complexity lies more in the moving pieces of its world and various moral questions it constantly proposes within it. The reason I bring it up is because this exact argument happens within it. Not the justice league thing, but that whatever system is in place must work in the long term, the kind that lasts for generations and generations.

The story is arguing for stronger social safety nets/mental health care.

This story will start arguing for mental care the moment someone actually gets mental care. Until then, crazies are there for spooking the normies and punching.


Well My Hero Academia is told through Deku in the future where he "Became the greatest hero" so it did happen again. I still want a W101 outcome from this, the template is there.

Deku IS Wonder Red.
Deku's definitely going to be the greatest hero, but as a leader, not alone.

so yeah he's literally wonder-red
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