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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


This goes into what I said before of history make people or people make history? The idea of a justice league is more important in the former, All Might being the most important is with the later. I really feel like "yeah, but he's going to die" is such a poor argument to me. Great people die all the time, the come, do their thing, and they go away. I don't think a justice league would have had the same positive impact All Might alone had on the world. Yeah sure, it last longer, but would it be able to fight against someone of such nonsense power like A4O? Or even an evil All Might?

Well, yeah? I mean, there's no reason to think Deku will be an inferior All Might in strength for the fact that he'll work with others. He'll just be worshiped less than him. Which I think no one cares about. We do not have a choice between 1 super powerful hero or 10 mediocre ones. Just 1 put on a pedestal hero vs 10 respected but realistically seen ones. But in terms of power, they could all match All Might if need be. Remeber, Endeavor is pretty much very close to All Might in strength, but because of their lack of unity, he doesn't have the impact of him.

Incidentally, you've mentioned before how much you love the complexity of MHA, so I'm throwing out a manga recommendation to you. Read Magi. While the character complexity isn't quite the same flavor, the complexity lies more in the moving pieces of its world and various moral questions it constantly proposes within it. The reason I bring it up is because this exact argument happens within it. Not the justice league thing, but that whatever system is in place must work in the long term, the kind that lasts for generations and generations.

I'll put it on the list, but no promises of when I'll check it out. I already have a bunch of reading material.




Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Finally caught up with this series and like it a decent amount. Really enjoy certain characters like All Might but Deku isn't exactly interesting to follow and admittedly a lot of the side characters seem like interesting designs or powers with a character built around that singular idea. The villains are also a bit hit or miss.
All For One shows up to take on All Might and it felt rather anti climactic and rather half baked
Not a bad shonen but really hoping it starts getting a bit more interesting or starts taking some more interesting routes than it has so far.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
You don't like The Absolute Mad Man?

I was just about to make a post about how much I love Deku as a protagonist.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
You don't like The Absolute Mad Man?

I was just about to make a post about how much I love Deku as a protagonist.

He's ok but he's more generic shonen protag than I care for. He might turn into something more interesting like Gon did but so far the best aspect about him is how he can't fully use his abilities without risking serious bodily harm. Adds a cool aspect to a lot of fights but even his design is rather generic. To be honest I would have rather the focus in the story be on characters like All Might and such but then again the villains have been rather one note and underwhelming for the most part so we shall see.


He's ok but he's more generic shonen protag than I care for. He might turn into something more interesting like Gon did but so far the best aspect about him is how he can't fully use his abilities without risking serious bodily harm. Adds a cool aspect to a lot of fights but even his design is rather generic. To be honest I would have rather the focus in the story be on characters like All Might and such but then again the villains have been rather one note and underwhelming for the most part so we shall see.

I actually feel that he's a subversion for most kinds of Shonen protagonists.

Luffy, Ichigo and Gon are utterly fearless. They'll take on just about anything no problem. Naruto had a tiny bit of this in the beginning, but he quickly dropped it in favor of taking on the world too.

Midoriya on the other hand has become a lot more fearless, but he started out utterly terrified of everything with only his drive to be a hero keeping him going. He gained more confidence as he went on, but he's still very cautious about how he approaches things because he respects the kind of powers he is up against. Which also feeds into his analytical battle tactics vs the idea of simply powering through opponents.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I actually feel that he's a subversion for most kinds of Shonen protagonists.

Luffy, Ichigo and Gon are utterly fearless. They'll take on just about anything no problem. Naruto had a tiny bit of this in the beginning, but he quickly dropped it in favor of taking on the world too.

Midoriya on the other hand has become a lot more fearless, but he started out utterly terrified of everything with only his drive to be a hero keeping him going. He gained more confidence as he went on, but he's still very cautious about how he approaches things because he respects the kind of powers he is up against. Which also feeds into his analytical battle tactics vs the idea of simply powering through opponents.

I see a lot of the generic shonen protag in him. One of the main reasons All Might chooses Deku was because even without a quirk he went charging in heedless of his own safety to try and save Bakuga from the sludge villain that was controlling him. It was a move that shocked even the other pro heroes there including All Might. On top of that his whole drive to apply for the U.A. despite the rather obvious knowledge he has no chance and one that is pounded into his heads by the likes of Bakuga.

That hard headed throw yourself with everything you've got nature just screams Shonen protag and even though he doesn't start with some natural gift or advantadge he gets one very early on in the series thanks to All Might and even with all the problems inherent with the power he still continues to excel and blow away most everyone's expectations over and over again.

Then there of course is the fact he constantly sacrifices his body over and over which while not as big an element of it certainly feeds into that aspect of him. I don't mind Deku but I find him a little boring and predictable at times.
I see a lot of the generic shonen protag in him. One of the main reasons All Might chooses Deku was because even without a quirk he went charging in heedless of his own safety to try and save Bakuga from the sludge villain that was controlling him. It was a move that shocked even the other pro heroes there including All Might. On top of that his whole drive to apply for the U.A. despite the rather obvious knowledge he has no chance and one that is pounded into his heads by the likes of Bakuga.

That hard headed throw yourself with everything you've got nature just screams Shonen protag and even though he doesn't start with some natural gift or advantadge he gets one very early on in the series thanks to All Might and even with all the problems inherent with the power he still continues to excel and blow away most everyone's expectations over and over again.

Then there of course is the fact he constantly sacrifices his body over and over which while not as big an element of it certainly feeds into that aspect of him. I don't mind Deku but I find him a little boring and predictable at times.

Except a big part of those early moment was how utterly terrified Deku was. He charged in IN SPITE of his fear, not because he didn't have any. Totally different dynamic.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Except a big part of those early moment was how utterly terrified Deku was. He charged in IN SPITE of his fear, not because he didn't have any. Totally different dynamic.

Yeah and that makes him even more of a shonen protag to me. Throwing the concern for ones well being right out the window to make what would normally be a very ill fated move but of course the story justifies it as its the move that gets All Might back in the battle purely because of how inspirational it is.


Deku is way too smart to be a typical shonen protag.

Luffy, Goku, Naruto, Ichigo, what do they all have in common? They're all fucking idiots. Some of them are just more endearing about it than others.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?

I just felt all the build up to One For All went mostly nowhere as he had a short predictable super fist fight with All Might so Hand Job and crew could run away to fight another day. I'm sure its all part of some much larger plan but as for now it was rather anti climactic and a let down.


I know a series is getting real big to me when i start considering fan pairings.
And MHA is perfect for that. I'm so screwed lol

also its the series with the highest count of "would do" girls
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