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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time

I trust no one

Trust me :^)

the announcement in jump had deku in his new outfit which he only wore with gran torino.




kind of funny that a series explicitly based on training doesn't have training arcs, only montages, lol

It was included in the volume release, iirc.


No? What was Midoriya doing with the old man then?

MHA is basically "Training arc: the series" and I think it's done perfectly well. I dislike that training arcs have a bad rap because watching a character improve is one of the best parts of stories for me.


I meant training arc in the sense of "let's train in the hyperbolic time chamber", which are boring.

but yeah fair 'nuff, definitely giving training arcs too much shit there


The series does avoid focusing on the actual "training", though, like when Deku develops full cowl, the focus is given to how figuring it out (taiyaki!) and developing the wall-jump, not the sparring sessions with Gran Torino.


The series does avoid focusing on the actual "training", though, like when Deku develops full cowl, the focus is given to how figuring it out (taiyaki!) and developing the wall-jump, not the sparring sessions with Gran Torino.

I feel like that's a narrow definition of training. They just stopped throwing punches at each other, but while they were cooking their Taiyaki, they were discussing the very problem that Midoriya was having, which lead to the Eureka moment when Gran Torino made commenting on how the food was being done.

The purpose and design of a training arc is to prepare the student for a given challenge. It's a place that's almost literally designed for character growth, but often mistaken only for power growth by poor writers. A good training arc will not just grow a character's ability to kick ass, but the character itself, as well as grow the audience's understanding of the world, which Gran Torino did. It builds anticipation by demonstrating the kind of power one needs to wield just to have a shot, gives foreshadowing as to whats gonna come, and gives a sense of progress as learning is done.

It's weakness is that preparing for a conflict may not be as exciting as having a conflict, but it's pro's outweigh it's cons when done right. In anything, it annoys me when stories go out of their way to not show how a character learns something.


Hm, fair enough, I can agree with that. I'm used to "power growth" arcs being referred to as training because there's no other convenient term, but you're totally right.


You know, I wouldn't consider the possibility if it was any other series but given how much of a westaboo Horikoshi is, I wonder if Todoroki actually was based on Zuko from TLA?


You know, I wouldn't consider the possibility if it was any other series but given how much of a westaboo Horikoshi is, I wonder if Todoroki actually was based on Zuko from TLA?
I honestly thought Two Face was a likelier inspiration.


Maybe, but the only thing he has in common with Two Face is the scar and vertical division. But he shares so much with Zuko, Horikoshi seems like the kind of guy who'd watch western cartoons, that it could've happened, right?


I wonder how many fanartists remember that Sero doesn't have normal elbows and Iida doesn't have normal thighs

as you can probably tell from the fanart DTL posts of the Bakucrew, not that many.

do you guys want me to post some fanart? I have a ton saved and might as well have something when there's no chapter
A lot of fanart likes taking the things that make a character unique and removing them completely while taking extraordinary liberties with their body types, facial structures and literally everything.


Also a random thought: if Deku hadn't come around, All Might would've chosen Kirishima as his successor, since he has the ideal personality and quirk to use One for All.


Also a random thought: if Deku hadn't come around, All Might would've chosen Kirishima as his successor, since he has the ideal personality and quirk to use One for All.
Once the series grows in popularity a bit I think we'll see a lot of fan fics about X character getting One For All instead of Midoriya.

And give her big tits

That's canon. Mineta even commented about it.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Also a random thought: if Deku hadn't come around, All Might would've chosen Kirishima as his successor, since he has the ideal personality and quirk to use One for All.

I came to this conclusion awhile ago too, all for the same reasons.


This conversation is getting weird, so let's not go down this direction, thanks

Have some fanart!

Jirou's hairstyle always reminds me of Mako from Pacific Rim. She's cool. Underrated character, yo.


And the most recent chapter has
the original Fuuka reappear, because she wasn't dead, she only had amnesia! And her parents held a funeral and told nobody for no reason.

well she might be a third fuuka, but who the fuuka knows

What...I have to read this trainwreck

I knew about Fuuka and the truck, but this now?


You know, now that we know how Tsuyu's quirk works, can Tokoyami get more bird-related powers? or does it only affect his appearance since it's not the main thing about his quirk? Are quirks like Tsuyu's just different from quirks like Tokoyami's?

e: same goes for Ashido if she turns out to be an insect person


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
You know, now that we know how Tsuyu's quirk works, can Tokoyami get more bird-related powers? or does it only affect his appearance since it's not the main thing about his quirk? Are quirks like Tsuyu's just different from quirks like Tokoyami's?

e: same goes for Ashido if she turns out to be an insect person

Can that police officer with a dogs head lick his own crotch?


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I thought Ojiro's hero costume was just a generic karate outfit, but now that I look at it

He's goddamn Luke Skywalker.

Horikoshi loooooves Star Wars.
Izuku lived near Tatooine Station
Their junior high school was named after Aldaraan.
The big battle between All Might and All For One took place in the Kamino District (Kamino being the planet where the clones were manufactured in Episode II)


Yup, and Shigaraki met Deku near the Wookiees store, located at Kiyashi (Kashyyyk) Shopping Mall. And they fought Stain at Hosu (Hoth).

e: And Tsuyu went to Shionosu (Geonosis) Middle School, Shinsou went to Nabu (Naboo, duh) Junior High. The beach Deku cleaned up at the beginning is "Dagobah Municipal Beach". And UA (and thus most of the series) is in a city called Musutafu (Mustafar).

there's a list of middle schools everybody went to in the databook, and I think they're all Star Wars references


the databooks also mentioned that Mina and Kirishima went to the same middle school, if you wanted to know. it's kind of weird how it hasn't come up in the series.
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