Anybody here in the Los Angeles area and interested in being a source for a feature piece for my local paper? Please PM me and I can give the details.
:it's a trap:
Anybody here in the Los Angeles area and interested in being a source for a feature piece for my local paper? Please PM me and I can give the details.
Chuck is... I am in the High Desert... not LA..
plus I smell bacon ;p (not really!)
thanks. might be a bit out of the way as I'm sure there are some more locally, but I'll keep you in mind. who is Chuck?
That'd be me. You might know me from the Lego thread.
Although, I think I might be a poor candidate if it's a "brony" interview. I'm kind of a lapsed fan and was never really that deep into the fandom, at least as deep as others still are.
So I'm going through the MLP:Japanese version thread on 2ch. There are a few things that have come up
1) Futtershy got a name change.
It went from 「フラターシャイ」(Furataashai)
and changed to 「フラッタシャイ」(Furattashai)
Not earth shattering, but it's deffernt than what fans are used to.
2) It's is a dual-band audio broadcast. Japanese on one side, English on the other. There is still debate that the English side with be over-dubbed for kids and will have constant Japanese talking over the English.
3) Chances are almost 100% of a new Opening and Ending theme song.
4) The is a lot of hate on the current voice picks. Cute idol group, but they are not pro voice acresses by a long shot. They already have an anime under thier belt and thier acting ability is discribed as around "Meh" They may not be able to carry the ponies mannerisims very well.
so this is a thing.
As a country boy, I like girls in hats.
Lead this page into the light with the ultimate team of Friendship!
There needs to be one of Rodimus and Princess Twilight attempting foreign diplomacy and bungling it.
Click for huge.
From what we saw at the Toy Fair, the other five will be Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity, all packaged with these adorable masquerade-esque masks.
so, the name of that one pone has been revealed.
Sunset Shimmer.
but heres the worrying part:
notice anyone missing?
i think we have a new main character.
So everyone knows that Twilight's cutie mark is one big star surrounded by five small stars, which supposedly symbolise her friends, right?
Well how many of you noticed this in Magical Mystery Cure?
Someone asked Meghan McCarthy in one of the cons recently and she implied they have no idea and it's likely a mistake....but she might not be telling the truth though.
I stopped taking her at her word after the promised Manehatten and Celestia/Luna history episodes failed to materialize.
Never forgetdragonshy and Rarity/Octavia duo.
Some if that was said jokingly you know.
Celestia/Luna backstory could have been the cut stuff from Celestia's ballad.