Episode 18 revealed.
Aired Date: March 15, 2014
Maude Pie
When Pinkie Pie's sister comes to town, the girls find her much different than Pinkie described.
A total stick in the Maude, I bet.
Episode 18 revealed.
Aired Date: March 15, 2014
Maude Pie
When Pinkie Pie's sister comes to town, the girls find her much different than Pinkie described.
Synopsis for It Ain't Easy Being Breezies
S04, E16
Air Date: March 1, 2014
Synopsis:Fluttershy tries to help magical creatures, but soon finds herself tending to their every need.
Sounds boring ._.
Pinkie Pie was down right evil this episode. Also apparently Lyra has a boyfriend.
Pinkie Pie was down right evil this episode.
I'd wondered if that wasn't 100% the intent, but then we have this face:
The mares certainly see something they like...
This further supports my headcanon the real Pinkie was banished in Too Many Pinkie Pies.
The current Pinkie Pie is a clone that got lucky, lied about knowing everything about the rest of the gang, then went home to study her predecessors life (remember those photos on the wall?).
Why else would this particular Pinkie seem to focused on "fun"? And why else didnt she remember Cheese Sandwich from "her" flashback..?
About Pinkie...just saw this theory on derpibooru
It actually makes a lot of sense
Not to mention her long-running predilection for dragon racism which has been established since Season 1. Nobody ever calls her on it because Spike's too much of a nice guy and Pinkie's fun nature overrides any accusations of being intentionally mean-spirited - but it's there.Nah. For starters, in this episode Pinkie wasn't really about having fun at all. If anything she seemed to be trying to make Fluttershy even more self conscious for some reason. Also, this isn't too dissimilar to Pinkie's nearly life ruining insensitivity that she displayed with Cranky, and that was before the mirror pool incident. Pinkie has form for this kind of thing.
Swooning Cheerilee was the best part of this episode. Cracked me up a ton.
Even with the previews out there, I didn't connect the dots on where they were going with this premise. As soon as Zecora's hut showed up, I knew but I feel bad about not deducing this premise in advance especially with it being known that Big Mac was the one in need of a replacement.When I saw where the episode was going, I figured there were two possibilities for how they'd set it up, one of which would be far too crazy of a callback for it to be true.
And then it happened.
Not so sure about this one. The first four minutes or so were some of the most redundant writing the series has ever done. I mean, how can any of the Mane 6 be unaware that Fluttershy suffers from a crippling shyness at this point? It's pretty much her whole deal.
Not sure why the whole gang was out there, either. Could easily have just been Rarity.
Lots of good stuff later though, and Pinkie's evil streak was hilarious every time. Also this:
The Poison Joke callback was a neat choice, and I loved Applejack's interrogation of Big Mac. Finally, ponies with manes up in towels is on the highest tier of adorableness.
Will need a rewatch to get a proper fix on it, but still fun in the short-term.
Nah. For starters, in this episode Pinkie wasn't really about having fun at all. If anything she seemed to be trying to make Fluttershy even more self conscious for some reason. Also, this isn't too dissimilar to Pinkie's nearly life ruining insensitivity that she displayed with Cranky, and that was before the mirror pool incident. Pinkie has form for this kind of thing.
Nice callbacks in the episode, but how did the rest of the Mane 6 seem to forget that Fluttershy has anxiety issues? Especially Pinkie Pie, who was probably written to be unthinkingly insensitive but just came off as a mean-spirited bully instead. Low point for her character.
I can't hate an episode about singing though. dat Big Mac voice.
Only just watched it today. Great episode, and I loved the callback to Flutterguy, but I can't help but think it was something of a flawed premise. "Fluttershy doesn't like singing in front of people, even her own best friends" they say... after she's openly sung a duet with Rainbow about finding pets, and is all-too-eager to do it a second time at that episode's end.
Yep, this for me. This definitely goes in
my awesome episode tier but only once you forget some of those inconsistencies.
Also noticed they didn't go with the original Flutterguy voice, not a terrible thing mind you. Also, surprised Fluttershy actually referred to the name. Kinda felt like a deliberate but of fanservice more than anything.
My favorite part for my sister and I was the rapid fire exchange between Big Mac and Applejack.
You do know that Spike called her Flutterguy in "Bridle Gossip", right?
"Fluttershy doesn't like singing in front of people, even her own best friends" they say... after she's openly sung a duet with Rainbow about finding pets, and is all-too-eager to do it a second time at that episode's end.
Also, singing with her best friend is one thing, in front of a crowd is another. The bigger inconsistency was that Rainbow Dash forgot she had a good singing voice.
Are those weird pony head shots the equivalent of duck faces?
The one instance I highlighted is pretty much spelled out as them actually singing about it by the dialog in the actual episode.Are we of the opinion that all of the musical numbers in MLP actually take place as they appears to us, though? I thought the usual rule for this sort of thing was that the viewer just sees a musical interpretation of an event rather than an accurate representation of what happened. If it's the latter, it raises some interesting questions about songs like "Babs Seed".
S04, E20: For Whom the Sweetie Bells Toils
Air Date: March 30
Synopsis:Sweetie Belle ruins a costume for one of Rarity's clients on purpose; Luna visits her in her dreams.
S04, E20: For Whom the Sweetie Bells Toils
Air Date: March 30
Synopsis:Sweetie Belle ruins a costume for one of Rarity's clients on purpose; Luna visits her in her dreams.
S04, E21: Leap of Faith
Air Date: March 30 (again, so one of these is wrong)
Synopsis:Applejack is doubtful of the Flim Flam Brothers' cure-all tonic; Granny Smith tries it and it seems to work.
Nothing on episode 19, yet.
S04, E20: For Whom the Sweetie Bells Toils
Air Date: March 30
Synopsis:Sweetie Belle ruins a costume for one of Rarity's clients on purpose; Luna visits her in her dreams.
Luna stalking the CMC again rather than finaly doing a Celestia episode...
I guess they're airing episodes out of order again. I mean, they did it in Seasons 2 and 3, and in both cases it was heralded by later episodes showing up before earlier ones on Zap2It...S04, E20: For Whom the Sweetie Bells Toils
Air Date: March 30
Synopsis:Sweetie Belle ruins a costume for one of Rarity's clients on purpose; Luna visits her in her dreams.
S04, E21: Leap of Faith
Air Date: March 30 (again, so one of these is wrong)
Synopsis:Applejack is doubtful of the Flim Flam Brothers' cure-all tonic; Granny Smith tries it and it seems to work.
Nothing on episode 19, yet.
S04, E20: For Whom the Sweetie Bells Toils
Air Date: March 30
Synopsis:Sweetie Belle ruins a costume for one of Rarity's clients on purpose; Luna visits her in her dreams.
S04, E21: Leap of Faith
Air Date: March 30 (again, so one of these is wrong)
Synopsis:Applejack is doubtful of the Flim Flam Brothers' cure-all tonic; Granny Smith tries it and it seems to work.
Nothing on episode 19, yet.
Luna teaches Sweetie Belle how to deal with an older sister that is superior and more awesome than her in every way.
S04, E20: For Whom the Sweetie Bells Toils
Air Date: March 30
Synopsis:Sweetie Belle ruins a costume for one of Rarity's clients on purpose; Luna visits her in her dreams.
S04, E21: Leap of Faith
Air Date: March 30 (again, so one of these is wrong)
Synopsis:Applejack is doubtful of the Flim Flam Brothers' cure-all tonic; Granny Smith tries it and it seems to work.
Nothing on episode 19, yet.
Flim and Flam are full of shit but I'll leave it be.