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My PS2 is out of order :(


I was playing this low budget game called Low Rider, and as I was hopping & dancing my car, the damn game started rattling in my PS2. When I took it out, there were huge scratches on the back :\. Well, I decided to just buy a new copy, and be done with it. Anyway, I reset & popped in Deus Ex, and I got a Disc Read Error. The disc was clean, but I decided to check other games. THUG, MC2, NFSU, and FFX all got DRE's. I tried a crappy game I bought called Ford Racing 2, which is a CD game, and it actually worked. I tried another of my CD games & it worked as well. Seems it'll now only run CD PS2 games :(.

Should I try a lens cleaner, or something on my PS2? Maybe I should just replace it? :\
MaddenNFL64 said:
Sony does free repairs? Cool :).

Yes, just do this. I got my brothers back within two weeks at the most. People will tell you all these remedies to try, but I stick with official repairs lol.
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