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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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In a story that has made a central theme of the notion that no one is ever irredeemable, how does that explanation sit right with you? I'm not saying that there aren't ways to explain why Naruto said what he did. Kishimoto can pull any explanation he wants out of his ass and set it all up to coincide. I'm just pointing out how lame the explanation is when compared to the theme that's been shoved down our throats from the beginning. Especially when this is basically what transpired in this chapter:

Naruto: "No offense Sage but I felt like your mom was an irredeemable bitch, unlike my awesome mom."

Sage: "None taken, I feel the same way about Sasuke."

Naruto: "Fuck you, Sage. I'll prove that even someone like him can be redeemed!"

Talk about convenient inconsistency...

I'm fine with it because I couldn't care less about Kaguya, and I don't think we were really meant to since she was dealt with so quickly. She was a stopgap villain, if you could even call her that, and it's actually a refreshing change of pace to see Naruto go, "No, that bitch was too much crazy" rather than go through the effort of trying to talk sense into a creature that has none.

I'm actually hoping that Naruto comes to the same realisation with Sasuke. Naruto already tried to talk to Sasuke, he's already tried to help him, and every time they meet Sasuke has become more evil, so now I don't want to see Sasuke redeemed, and I don't want to see a long, drawn out fight. I want to see a good, one-sided ass whooping that ends with Sasuke either dead or exiled. No hugs, no bromance, no heart to hearth, just a fuck you and a fist in the teeth to go with it.


I'm fine with it because I couldn't care less about Kaguya, and I don't think we were really meant to since she was dealt with so quickly. She was a stopgap villain, if you could even call her that, and it's actually a refreshing change of pace to see Naruto go, "No, that bitch was too much crazy" rather than go through the effort of trying to talk sense into a creature that has none.

I'm actually hoping that Naruto comes to the same realisation with Sasuke. Naruto already tried to talk to Sasuke, he's already tried to help him, and every time they meet Sasuke has become more evil, so now I don't want to see Sasuke redeemed, and I don't want to see a long, drawn out fight. I want to see a good, one-sided ass whooping that ends with Sasuke either dead or exiled. No hugs, no bromance, no heart to hearth, just a fuck you and a fist in the teeth to go with it.

That would go against what naruto ( the manga ) is, and sasuke's and naruto's existence in way.


That would go against what naruto ( the manga ) is, and sasuke's and naruto's existence in way.

Would it, or would it just be Naruto growing up, and learning -that he's not a god and that he can't save people from themselves if they won't let him? Naruto's capacity for forgiveness is admirable, and it makes him unique, however all of his opponents, the ones he's converted after kicking their ass anyway, all of them felt they were doing the right thing (Nagato), or at least wanted to be saved deep down, (Obito).

Now, granted, Sasuke feels he is doing the right thing, however I don't believe he wants to be saved, or even thinks that he needs to. If Itachi couldn't change him for the better, and Hashirama couldn't either, maybe he shouldn't be changed.

And I know, I know, Naruto succeeds where others fail. I'm just saying it would be refreshing for Naruto to fight someone that is impervious to his reasoning, someone that needs to be put down.


Why do I feel like Sasuke's pulling a Lelouch?

Also, by all rights Sasuke should be completely wrecked by Naruto. He's gonna pull some bullshit out of his ass, isn't he?
Just read the chapter. Holy fucking shit, we've made it to the promise land. It's happening.


If that isn't the face of a psychopath, I don't know what is.

Hype levels skyrocketed as soon as I saw this face. Goddamn, it's about time. Wipe the fucking floor with this lunatic, Naruto. Can't wait to see which animators they assign to direct this final showdown. It's going to be insane.
I guess I'm different but I want to see Naruto and Sasuke succeed where Madara and Hashirama failed. I mean I won't be upset if Naruto kills the dude and the cycle continues but they've been preparing us for years for the most epic TnJ you can imagine and it will be glorious. And some of you will still act like it's a surprise or cop out even though it was foretold for aeons.

I don't even deserve to be hokage if I can't save one friend - naruto


lol @ Sasuke's punkass waiting for all the badasses to leave before starting shit. Someone get the Senju bros. back down here to stomp his ass.
Why do I feel like Sasuke's pulling a Lelouch?

Also, by all rights Sasuke should be completely wrecked by Naruto. He's gonna pull some bullshit out of his ass, isn't he?

pull a lelouch?

pretty sure Madara and Obito already did the whole "unite the world against one enemy thing"
Sasuke's Requiem.

Still though this would be great if it was like Brock Lesnar/Cena at summerslam. All this build up and then one absolutely demolishes the other and it's an easy fight and it's over.

I guess I'm different but I want to see Naruto and Sasuke succeed where Madara and Hashirama failed. I mean I won't be upset if Naruto kills the dude and the cycle continues but they've been preparing us for years for the most epic TnJ you can imagine and it will be glorious. And some of you will still act like it's a surprise or cop out even though it was foretold for aeons.

I don't even deserve to be hokage if I can't save one friend - naruto
I agree.
Sasuke's Requiem.

Still though this would be great if it was like Brock Lesnar/Cena at summerslam. All this build up and then one absolutely demolishes the other and it's an easy fight and it's over.

I agree.

Naruto needs to pay Sasuke back for that piledriver he recieved back at the VoTE.

I expect no less that 24 german suplexes delivered to Sasuke.

and don't tell me the piledriver never happened in the manga, i don't care


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Also, I find the conflict kind of unbelievable from a character perspective.

Since when did Sasuke give a shit about the state of the world around him? for like, every moment of his life up until today, he's either been idolizing his brother and trying to win his dad's approval, or had a singular focus on restoring his clan and getting revenge (Be it against Itachi, or the leaf, or the sound ninja that hurt sakura).

He's never given a damn about anything outside of his own little world until, like, today. And suddenly he wants to change the world? SMH

It's out of character for him to be honest. He's never thought or cared about these things before. Even Naruto's desire to be hokage while he was a little kid was grounded in interpersonal relations (a desire to be acknowledge by everyone), he's always thought about things like suffering, friendship, bonds, conflict, etc. Sasuke's never card about that, though.

It's like Sasuke's having second thoughts about destroying the one thing his precious brother loved but he's still a self-centered dick so he's convinced himself that he wants to start a revolution and make the world a better place (And yeah, slaughtering random political leaders is a great way to make the world less shitty, violent, and hateful for all individuals and clans! *rolleyes*)

Either way, the battle over "How should the world proceed?" is not the right setting for Sasuke vs. Naruto. It's the right setting for Madara vs. Naruto, or Nagato vs. Naruto, or Obito vs. Naruto. But Naruto vs. Sasuke should be more like Naruto vs. Gaara , a battle in the setting of "What's the fucking point of it all?" and "How do I deal with my own personal problems?"

Naruto vs. Neji was kind of a middle ground between these two.


I just want Sasuke to put up a good fight.

I feel like it's been awhile since Naruto was really pushed to the limit, I think Pain was the last one to really do it.
Madara and Kaguya felt like pushovers. Even Obito felt more annoying to deal with then actually threatening.
Naruto is way too confident to be pushed to the limit now. Sasuke said he was going to kill the kages and then sealed the bijous. Pre-war Naruto would probably break down in tears and beg Sasuke to stop.

Now he just said, Chill Kurama, I got this. I just want Sasuke's pretty face to receive the trademarked Naruto punch to the face panel, is going to be delicious.


The only way I'll accept a fight longer than a couple of panels + TNJ is if Sasuke is on complete defence. Like barely any time to react defence. If Naruto is going to be serious, he has to show Sasuke what's up.
Naruto is going to be Nerfed harder than Kabuto, and he had to fight Sasuke without harming him, while fighting itachi and with his eyes close. Sasuke doesn't even have his Sword anymore for God's sake.
The only way I'll accept a fight longer than a couple of panels + TNJ is if Sasuke is on complete defence. Like barely any time to react defence. If Naruto is going to be serious, he has to show Sasuke what's up.

I honestly think Kishi literally has no idea how outclassed he made Sasuke be here.

A bloodlusted Naruto would fucking annihilate Sasuke
Also, I find the conflict kind of unbelievable from a character perspective.

Since when did Sasuke give a shit about the state of the world around him? for like, every moment of his life up until today, he's either been idolizing his brother and trying to win his dad's approval, or had a singular focus on restoring his clan and getting revenge (Be it against Itachi, or the leaf, or the sound ninja that hurt sakura).

He's never given a damn about anything outside of his own little world until, like, today. And suddenly he wants to change the world? SMH

It's out of character for him to be honest. He's never thought or cared about these things before. Even Naruto's desire to be hokage while he was a little kid was grounded in interpersonal relations (a desire to be acknowledge by everyone), he's always thought about things like suffering, friendship, bonds, conflict, etc. Sasuke's never card about that, though.

It's like Sasuke's having second thoughts about destroying the one thing his precious brother loved but he's still a self-centered dick so he's convinced himself that he wants to start a revolution and make the world a better place (And yeah, slaughtering random political leaders is a great way to make the world less shitty, violent, and hateful for all individuals and clans! *rolleyes*)

Either way, the battle over "How should the world proceed?" is not the right setting for Sasuke vs. Naruto. It's the right setting for Madara vs. Naruto, or Nagato vs. Naruto, or Obito vs. Naruto. But Naruto vs. Sasuke should be more like Naruto vs. Gaara , a battle in the setting of "What's the fucking point of it all?" and "How do I deal with my own personal problems?"

Naruto vs. Neji was kind of a middle ground between these two.
It's not THAT out of character. Almost everything Sasuke has done from the moment he left team 7 until now has been leading to this for me. Everything he has seen, everything he has learned. The shinobi system that put his brother in a position to do the things he did, that lead to people like Madara. One of the ongoing themes of the entire series has been about the cycle of hatred and about some people becoming victims of the current system and quest for power and whatnot.

None the less, Sasuke's "revolution" is very much him. The dude has had a thirst for violence and an arrogance about him since day 1. Even when he was a good guy. Of course he thinks he has the plan to rule over the shinobi system THE RIGHT WAY.

Well guess what sauce, you bout to get skullfucked by our boy. Deal with it.
And now I'm going to open an Starbucks inside of Naruto, Kurama you will be the barista. LOL

So the Tattoos in Naruto and Sasuke's hands are they going to come back after a recharge time? (Also Sasuke's chibaku Tensei is by far the smallest)
What's interesting is that Sasuke's method, while extreme, isn't really that wrong. The Ninja system has done a lot of shit for all the good it's caused and I don't blame Sasuke for wanting change. Since he is who he is, he believes wiping the slate clean is the easiest way to move forward, but obviously no one is going to accept that.

If he was a different person, I'd imagine he would work with Naruto to fix the system because both agree that it could use some work. For starters, the Biju's won't be a problem anymore because they are no longer feral, and Naruto could work with Sasuke to protect them instead of using them as deterrents for war.

As it stands, if Naruto were to be Hokage, the other villages would be fucking pebbles compared to the might of the Leaf (i.e. the dick measuring with Biju's). As we have seen, just "promising" to not go to war doesn't do shit for future generations, but something in the system needs to change so that there are no boundaries between peoples. I believe this is entirely possible because all the villages have essentially become one under the United Alliance.


also I love how Hagoromo basically gave Sasuke the keys to the universe and then is like "welp, good luck with this shit Naruto. I'm out."
Naruto better not fucking hold back. I swear to god if he starts getting emotional and lets that prick get an opening..

I'm never good at keeping track of anything beyond surface level details here, but does Naruto still have access to the Kyubi's chakara for the fight, despite the beasts being hauled up in those rocks? Or did that comment about a piece of all of the bijus' chakara mean he has a healthy reserve to tap into?
Naruto better not fucking hold back. I swear to god if he starts getting emotional and lets that prick get an opening..

I'm never good at keeping track of anything beyond surface level details here, but does Naruto still have access to the Kyubi's chakara for the fight, despite the beasts being hauled up in those rocks? Or did that comment about a piece of all of the bijus' chakara mean he has a healthy reserve to tap into?

Naruto has half of Kurama's chakra and a bit of every other tail beast chakra+soul (via fist bump a kajillion chapters ago). So he is set with that.

I didn't wanted this fight to start this soon, Naruto has being fighting for 2 days straight.
I'm not a Sakura hater. In fact I've always liked her despite hows she's portrayed. But if dhe goes chasing after Sasuke after all of this. Then she's officially one of the worst characters in anime.


I'm not a Sakura hater. In fact I've always liked her despite hows she's portrayed. But if dhe goes chasing after Sasuke after all of this. Then she's officially one of the worst characters in anime.

She's hookin up with the better Sharingan user now, Sakashi is now official. Now NaruHina fans don't need Sasuke around.


What's interesting is that Sasuke's method, while extreme, isn't really that wrong. The Ninja system has done a lot of shit for all the good it's caused and I don't blame Sasuke for wanting change. Since he is who he is, he believes wiping the slate clean is the easiest way to move forward, but obviously no one is going to accept that.

If he was a different person, I'd imagine he would work with Naruto to fix the system because both agree that it could use some work. For starters, the Biju's won't be a problem anymore because they are no longer feral, and Naruto could work with Sasuke to protect them instead of using them as deterrents for war.

As it stands, if Naruto were to be Hokage, the other villages would be fucking pebbles compared to the might of the Leaf (i.e. the dick measuring with Biju's). As we have seen, just "promising" to not go to war doesn't do shit for future generations, but something in the system needs to change so that there are no boundaries between peoples. I believe this is entirely possible because all the villages have essentially become one under the United Alliance.
I think you're the third person I've come across that's actually seen it this way. He's going about it entirely the wrong way, but there is some sense to what Sasuke's doing.

But like you've said, Naruto's efforts have already laid the groundwork. Naruto needs to help Sasuke see that, become that "different person" and cooperate. Like he said to his peers after the Kage Summit, it's not just about defeating Sasuke; that alone isn't going to resolve the issue at large.
Sasuke's lucky as hell Kakashi's eyes ran out of juice at just the right time.

Kakashi would've laughed, told Naruto to let him handle and proceed to school Sauce's arrogant ass.
Sasuke is so disrespectful. The second Tobirama goes away, he talks about killing Kages.

Can we let Kabuto consume his body? Is going to waste on that idiot. Also Tumblr reactions are hilarious, people are so angry at Sasuke.
Really can't wait to see how sasuke was holding back/has a tail beast(s)/bullshit power up

I hope to god there's as little susasno/tail beast action going on. Those fights are so boring. The VotE fight in part 1 was drawn so well and had some amazing panels. I doubt this gonna be equal but I hope Kishi tries at least.


oh and sasuke and naruto are so on the same team, sasuke's just a little too extreme, they both realize that they need to change the system. Naruto wants to talk no jutsu everybody but sasuke doesn't have time for that shit.

I think you're the third person I've come across that's actually seen it this way. He's going about it entirely the wrong way, but there is some sense to what Sasuke's doing.

But like you've said, Naruto's efforts have already laid the groundwork. Naruto needs to help Sasuke see that, become that "different person" and cooperate. Like he said to his peers after the Kage Summit, it's not just about defeating Sasuke; that alone isn't going to resolve the issue at large.

+1, and I really hope Kishi "saves" Sasuke in a believable way since this is it!
Sasuke makes a bit of sense. The beasts cannot be roaming free, the last time they were, Kurama attacked the newly founded leaf village... oh wait he was controlled by an Uchiha. And pretty much every time, something bad involving them happened an Uchiha was at fault.

Sasuke needs to die #tobiramawasright
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