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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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The natural cycle of this thread:

Chapter comes out -> 1 day spent talking about the chapter. -> 2 days spent talking about characters and how they suck/are awesome and the result of a fight between said character and another one. -> 4 days arguing about pairings and other shipping shenanigans. -> New chapter is out -> Rinse and repeat.

In cases where there's no chapter in a week, it's just pairing wars all day every day.
And yet the girl was still to shy to even APPROACH him to befriend him, while he continued a lonely existence.

Yeah, she totally cared for him, oh so much.

You'd literally have to have a goldfish memory of the manga to try and bullshit your way into saying Sakura doesn't care for Naruto in a way that could lead to romantic epiphany.

Nah you'd have to be seriously bullshitting yourself if you think Sakura has any romantic feelings towards Naruto. Time and time again its been shown that she still has feelings for Sasuke. Even Naruto knows this lol

+1 Sasuke x Sakura
+1 Naruto x Hinata
Here's why a relationship between Sasuke and Sakura would be god awful. I wrote a long time ago.

1. Sakura does not understand Sasuke:

Sakura has no idea what it’s like growing up as an orphan, no clue what it’s like to lose those you care about and love the most. (She compared the loneliness she’d feel if he left the village to the loneliness he felt losing his entire family for crying out loud!) She can’t understand his pain, she has no similar life experiences she could use to relate to him, and while with a normal person, this wouldn’t be that big a deal; Sasuke isn’t normal. He only seems to resonate with people who are similar to him and Sakura is almost his complete opposite. She’s too normal for him. XD
Why is this bad?

A lack of understanding means a lack of knowing your partner. If you don’t know your partner, how exactly are you supposed to be able to make them happy if you have no clue what makes them happy?

2. Sasuke does not understand Sakura:

Sasuke can’t relate to her on anything aside from Team 7 and Naruto. You can’t expect Naruto to be the only thing holding their relationship together. That’s way too much of a burden to put on Naruto and Sasuke would sooner just hand her off to Naruto than deal with the burden of trying to use Naruto as a go-between for him and Sakura.

Why is this bad?

Sasuke wouldn’t know how to make Sakura happy and he’d end up unintentionally hurting her more often than not. He’s a harsh person who doesn’t know how to sugar coat anything and he tends to be brutally honest and completely tactless. Which was fine when he didn’t care how his words or actions affected others, but if he really does love Sakura, then hurting her like this will eat at him with guilt. He’d have to try and become someone he’s not just to try and avoid hurting her as much and that would be really difficult for someone as honest and true to themselves as Sasuke tends to be. Not to mention, trying to force yourself to change like that makes you completely miserable because it puts you at war with yourself. (I know I was every time I tried to change myself for my partner and failed miserably because I couldn’t maintain the change and would revert back to my old ways.)

3. Sakura doesn’t know how to stand her ground against Sasuke:

She doesn’t want to hurt or upset him so she ends up withering and dying at his feet. He brings out the worst of her submissive tendencies which is terrible because it automatically gives Sasuke too much power and control over the relationship. It means he could guilt her into doing just about anything and given how Sasuke tends to be a manipulative control freak, he may unintentionally manipulate Sakura into giving him what he wants without regard for if she, herself, really wanted to do it in the first place or if doing it hurt her in the process.

Why is this bad?

This submissive tendency turns Sakura into a victim of Sasuke’s impulsiveness. He may hurt her on a whim without even realizing it. She’s not beyond hurting herself to make someone else happy and she’s known to hide her pain and suffering from others because she doesn’t want them worrying about her. Her submissiveness towards Sasuke means that it would be very hard for her to say no to him on anything for fear of upsetting him or hurting him. (Sasuke has quite the temper and can be very intimidating when he’s pissed off)

4. Sasuke is far too strong-willed and stubborn for his own good:

When Sasuke wants something, he pursues it with single-minded stubbornness until he gets it. He’s used to using people to get what he wants so actually having to be considerate of another person’s feelings would be difficult for him. He’d want someone who could butt heads with him and argue with him. He’s the type that needs to be constantly challenged, or he’ll get bored easily. He doesn’t want a slave that’ll bend to every one of his whims. That’d be like being in a relationship with yourself and that wouldn’t be appealing to him in the least.

Why is this bad?

You can’t be submissive towards Sasuke, that’s showing weakness and Sasuke looks down on those who are weaker than him. Sasuke has a big personality and a strong will, so you have to match him with an equally big personality and strong will so that you don’t end up getting overshadowed by him. You can’t ever put yourself below him or he will walk all over you, that’s just his nature. Sakura never puts herself above Sasuke, she lacks the self-confidence to do so.

5. Sakura is high maintenance:

Sakura has insecurities and self-confidence issues. She needs someone who is emotionally supportive and encouraging. Sasuke is the opposite of that. He’s not the type to throw compliments your way just to make you feel better about yourself. He’d sooner insult you and force you to face your flaws than compliment you on one of your good points. Some would call this the “tough love” approach, which wouldn’t work on Sakura, she’d just think he hated her. She tries to hide her insecurities as best she can, so being forced to face them on a regular basis would really hurt her.

Why is this bad?

When you love someone, their pain is your pain. Hurting them hurts you in the process. Sasuke would be in a situation where he’d have to walk on egg shells and really hold himself back lest he upset her by being himself around her. The worst thing in the world is not being able to be yourself around someone. It’s like trying to live a lie and it rarely ever works. Even if it does work, you only end up being extremely miserable and hiding your true self from your partner.

6. Sasuke is emotionally retarded/unstable:

Uchihas feel emotions more intensely than anyone else. They literally have to block out their emotions to keep from getting overwhelmed by them. As such, Sasuke is really not in touch with his emotions at all and when he does get emotional, he can easily lose control and become dangerous.

Why is this bad?

Sasuke is prone to overreacting severely even when it’s completely unwarranted. He could easily hurt Sakura without meaning to and the guilt, pain, and self-hatred spawned by that would destroy him. Sasuke is incredibly prideful about protecting those he loves so being the cause of their pain? He wouldn’t be able to handle that. As strongly as he loves Sakura, he would hate himself for hurting her. He’d want to make it up to her and promise her it’d never happen again and she’d always believe him, every time, even though it’d keep happening over and over.

They’d both be trapped in this endless cycle of hurt/comfort. She’d keep coming back to him because she loves him and wants to believe he’d change and stop hurting her. Also, they’d have some good times together, but the bad would certainly out-weigh the good. Sakura would see suffering the bad as worth it for those few precious good times they share together. That’s a textbook abusive relationship.

He’d keep trying to change, and it’d work for a while, but every time he’d slip back into his old ways and hurt her, he’d die a bit more on the inside. They’d both be suffering and probably unaware of it because the cycle moves too gradually for them to notice it. Also, those few times when they’re truly happy together would deceive both of them into thinking the relationship is actually working when it’s not.

7. Lack of communication:

Sasuke doesn’t talk much and Sakura doesn’t really know how to talk to him. They wouldn’t be able to be completely open and honest with each other. This would lead to things that need to be said going unsaid for fear of hurting the other person or seeming like you’re not satisfied with the relationship.

Why is this bad?

Being able to communicate effectively is extremely important in any relationship, especially a romantic one. If either partner is scared or reluctant to express when the other person hurts them or dissatisfies them, they could end up sending mixed signals and making their partner think everything is fine when it’s not. You don’t want to be in denial about your relationship when there is a huge problem that you’re ignoring and really need to talk about. There’s a lot of give and take with relationships, sometimes you have to swallow your pride and admit things that you’re not comfortable admitting. Of course you want your partner to think they’re the best lover you’ve ever had, but you shouldn’t have to suffer to maintain that illusion.

While no one likes being made aware of their own shortcomings, sometimes that’s the only way to fix a problem; to face it head on, even if it hurts to acknowledge it.

8. Lack of trust:

Sakura finds it very difficult to trust Sasuke. He’s hurt her in the past and has since given her very little reason to think it won’t happen again. For the purposes of this essay, I’m assuming this relationship was started for the best of reasons and Sasuke had done something to show his remorse and to earn back Sakura’s trust. Even so, given my earlier mentions of the hurt/comfort cycle, Sasuke’s not the only one dying on the inside every time that happens, Sakura’s trust and faith in him would take a hit every time as well.

Why is this bad?

Trust is extremely important in any relationship. Some would argue relationships are built on trust. If you don’t trust your partner then you’ll be quick to suspect them and become suspicious of them. You’ll start to become paranoid that your partner is cheating even if they’ve given you no reason to think so. Lack of trust would also mean lack of being able to let go and be yourself around your partner. If you don’t trust them with your insecurities and your vulnerabilities, then they’ll never really see the real you. Lack of trust can also have a negative impact on performance in the bedroom. Sex should be about letting go and just feeling but if you can’t do that, it makes everything that much more awkward.

9. Sakura is way too hard on herself:

Due to Sakura’s insecurities and lack of self-confidence, she will often hide her problems and beat herself up about them in secret. Due to Sakura’s inability to communicate effectively with Sasuke, I can see her internalizing any failures in the relationship and blaming herself for them even if they’re not entirely her fault.

Why is this bad?

If you constantly berate yourself for not being able to make your partner happy instead of learning what makes them happy, then you’re doomed to fail. You can’t allow your partner to put all the blame squarely on you just because you’re supposed to be the smart one and more emotionally stable one. That doesn’t give your partner license to just shirk or not even acknowledge their share of the blame for them being miserable. They have no right expecting you to just magically make them happy when they, themselves, can’t do it. It doesn’t work that way.

10. Lack of connection:

Sakura and Sasuke have never been able to connect on any sort of deep, emotional level. I’m assuming that would remain true even if they did develop feelings for each other. Feelings do not guarantee a connection just like how feelings alone do not guarantee a healthy and stable relationship. Such a connection would then breed understanding which is another thing this relationship lacks.

Why is this bad?

Sakura’s connection to Sasuke has always seemed superficial with her having very little if any reason at all to form a deep emotional bond with him. He certainly didn’t have a deep or meaningful bond with her since he so easily severed their bond in part 1. Sakura’s the one who pathetically clung to it like a child instead of growing up and learning to let go.

While Sasuke lacks any sort of connection with Sakura, he does have a very strong connection with Naruto. This would cause all kinds of problems in the relationship as Sakura would unwittingly become jealous of the bond him and Naruto share and wonder why she can’t have something like that with him. Again, she’d probably look at it as a failure on her part and internalize it/blame herself for it while trying to learn from Naruto what his secret is. Naruto wouldn’t be able to help her because what he shares with Sasuke isn’t something you can teach, it’s bred from having similar life experiences and just being very similar in general.

You're shipping a guy who tried to fucking KILL her for fucks sake.

Do you have any idea how monumentally fucked up that is?


Let's go all in, then, since this is clearly a divisive issue.

Three days after any one pairing is canon, those who betted against it have two-week bans and where the Avatar of said canon pairing.
Holy shit. This whole premise relies on the notion that Sakura hasn't gone through any character development and she (like many others) is just a violent, self-centered bitch.

I'm sorry, but I can't take this serious.


I never said that....
I said Hinata isn't a bad person.... and then I said that even though Sakura developed her character and has become closer to Naruto compared to her former self that knew nothing about him like the rest of the Leaf... she hasn't changed her feelings for Sasuke

I am not sure if your wearing some special type of glasses or what but get of your Sakura defenso vision


smh at NaruHina fans talking about how their ship is the only one that makes sense.

The only difference between NaruHina and NaruSaku is that NaruSaku has actually had considerable development over the course of the series. Sakura had completely changed her opinion on Naruto after their first mission and from there on out they've simply gotten closer. As they are now, they're pretty much exactly the same their masters, and like Tsunade, Sakura is well aware of the fact Naruto loves her, and like Jiraiya, it doesn't seem as though Naruto will not carry a torch for Sakura. Now, given all their development and how Naruto has succeeded where those before him couldn't, what are the odds Naruto won't get the girl in the end? I don't see it not happening.

Also, come on, just look at this, this is going to be endgame.


Sure Sakura changed her personality to Naruto and is really close to him currently.... BUT she does not love him.... She loves Sasuke and Naruto knows that... I know that... Kishi knows that... a random logical person knows that... but do you know it?.... nope
Page 11 of Chapter 297.

I don't support NaruSaku or pairings in general, and even I see it. Only reason I would hope it doesn't come to fruition is to go against the cliche.


smh at NaruHina fans talking about how their ship is the only one that makes sense.

The only difference between NaruHina and NaruSaku is that NaruSaku has actually had considerable development over the course of the series. Sakura had completely changed her opinion on Naruto after their first mission and from there on out they've simply gotten closer. As they are now, they're pretty much exactly the same their masters, and like Tsunade, Sakura is well aware of the fact Naruto loves her, and like Jiraiya, it doesn't seem as though Naruto will not carry a torch for Sakura. Now, given all their development and how Naruto has succeeded where those before him couldn't, what are the odds Naruto won't get the girl in the end? I don't see it not happening.

Also, come on, just look at this, this is going to be endgame.

I don't understand why Naruto fans would want him to end up with Sakura's backup plan. Not to mention all the crap Sakura has given him throughout the series. Name one nice thing that Sakura has done for Naruto that she wouldn't have done for Kakashi.
But she couldn't do it in the end though. :/
Sasuke seemed like he was really going to do it.

Do you think Sasuke knew that when he realised Sakura has a kunai pointed right at his back?

Lets not forget how Sasuke and Naruto have tried to kill each other numerous of times and yet Naruto still considers Sasuke his best friend.


I don't understand why Naruto fans would want him to end up with Sakura's backup plan. Not to mention all the crap Sakura has given him throughout the series. Name one nice thing that Sakura has done for Naruto that she wouldn't have done for Kakashi.

By the same logic wouldn't Hinata be Naruto's back up?

All this crap Sakura supposedly gave Naruto is just some revisionist history. It might have been a while but if you actually go back and read the manga again, then you'd realise Sakura had done a complete 180 on Naruto shortly after getting to know him. She has actually cheered him on more than anyone in the manga.

Sakura thinks of Naruto and Kakashi very highly, but only Naruto is an actual potential love interest.
This is the same girl who was going to fail the ENTIRE TEAM (including Sasuke!!!) just for the sake of letting Naruto be Hokage someday.

Sorry bros, NOTHING Hinata did for Naruto comes even close to as selfless as that moment.


No matter how you look at it, naruto is going to end up with sakura. Sasuke will be the lone wolf, Sasuke is that dude that really has no interest in women other then to use them. He has a goal and will not stop till he reaches that goal. Women can came later in his mind.

Naruto wants that acknowledgment from everyone and getting a girlfriend in his mind is that first step.


No matter how you look at it, naruto is going to end up with sakura. Sasuke will be the lone wolf, Sasuke is that dude that really has no interest in women other then to use them. He has a goal and will not stop till he reaches that goal. Women can came later in his mind.

Naruto wants that acknowledgment from everyone and getting a girlfriend in his mind is that first step.

Wouldn't that make Naruto a shitty person?
This is the same girl who was going to fail the ENTIRE TEAM (including Sasuke!!!) just for the sake of letting Naruto be Hokage someday.

Sorry bros, NOTHING Hinata did for Naruto comes even close to as selfless as that moment.


She was willing to give her life for Naruto.

Page 11 of Chapter 297.

I don't support NaruSaku or pairings in general, and even I see it. Only reason I would hope it doesn't come to fruition is to go against the cliche.

So wait....let me get this straight....you're going to ignore the near 400 chapters after that event that have shown and highlighted time and time again that Sakura still has a lingering romance with Sasuke and Naruto's acknowledgment of it for what reason exactly?


This is the same girl who was going to fail the ENTIRE TEAM (including Sasuke!!!) just for the sake of letting Naruto be Hokage someday.

Sorry bros, NOTHING Hinata did for Naruto comes even close to as selfless as that moment.

No matter how you look at it, naruto is going to end up with sakura. Sasuke will be the lone wolf, Sasuke is that dude that really has no interest in women other then to use them. He has a goal and will not stop till he reaches that goal. Women can came later in his mind.

Naruto wants that acknowledgment from everyone and getting a girlfriend in his mind is that first step.

Just for shits and giggles, a quick google search brought up this long as compilation. Of course some of it is reaching, but most of it is legit.


Wouldn't that make Naruto a shitty person?

Nah, I think to him it's not as a goal as more as being normal. His while life up till we are introduced to him is a no one wanted to play wish him, adults are scared of him, he's alone. To me it just seems like getting that girlfriend is just a normal thing to do so he can feel normal and the people around him that are scared of him won't be fearful of him because he's just like them, he has a relationship that is meaningful.

I think in the end, naruto wants 3 things. Hokage, acknowledgment, connection.

All right, since we're going to go this way anyhow.

Naruto Fans betting on Naru/Saku being endgame are:


Naru/Hina being endgame:
TheReal Talker
Sasu/Saku being Endgame
Psycho Mantis

Khezu (NaruIno)


Oh, God... Please don't leave me on that list...


She was willing to give her life for Naruto.
Somebody was going on earlier in this thread about how her doing this was nothing more than selfish, reckless stupidity... And I thought that was a very outrageous way to look at it. lol

Was that TacticalFox88? I forget.

So wait....let me get this straight....you're going to ignore the near 400 chapters after that event that have shown and highlighted time and time again that Sakura still has a lingering romance with Sasuke and Naruto's acknowledgment of it for what reason exactly?
You call it "lingering", and I call it "fading".

It's been mentioned even more recently that Sakura's feelings for Sasuke have changed. You can take that as her mere infatuation turning into something more understanding and less shallow... Or that there's little to no "love" left at all.

Lots of folk took it the latter way.
Oh, God... Please don't leave me on that list...

Somebody was going on earlier in this thread about how her doing this was nothing more than selfish, reckless stupidity... And I thought that was a very outrageous way to look at it. lol

Was that TacticalFox88? I forget.

You call it "lingering", and I call it "fading".

It's been mentioned even more recently that Sakura's feelings for Sasuke have changed. You can take that as her mere infatuation turning into something more understanding and less shallow... Or that there's little to no "love" left at all.

Lots of folk took it the latter way.

Give me a recent chapter where this is shown/indicated?


I don't understand why people are pushing for Naruhina considering how long this manga has been going on and how little interaction they've had.
Page 11 of Chapter 297.
I don't support NaruSaku or pairings in general, and even I see it. Only reason I would hope it doesn't come to fruition is to go against the cliche.
Oh never remembered that, you could add that if you want...
but then again, Yamato is looking at Sakura caring for Naruto while not knowing about her relations to Sasuke... Since you know... hasn't even meet Sasuke yet :/

Nevertheless even if you'd add that into the frat we still see later on when she "confesses" to Naruto or when she faces Sasuke... that her old feelings always emerge
Either she may never realize that she does indeed love Naruto, the fact that maybe she doesn't actually love (as in real love) Naruto, or that she never really loved Sasuke is yet to be seen

MMMMMMmmmm not sure if I want to enter that Naruto/Sakura pairing bet
I still have this bet avatar on me until October 22nd

Edit: Screw it! ADD ME IN... Naruhina or Noone.... but I just don't see a NaruSaku
B]Heck I also don't want to see a Sakura/Sasuke seeing how deranged that would be [/B]

I'm not even expecting the manga to finish with any confirmations one way or the other. I expect a pretty open-ended conclusion.
I could see this happening so many series have done this


I'm betting on NaruHina. Sakura loves the Sauce, she's delusional and so is he with his revolution nonsense. Perfect match.


She was willing to give her life for Naruto.

So wait....let me get this straight....you're going to ignore the near 400 chapters after that event that have shown and highlighted time and time again that Sakura still has a lingering romance with Sasuke and Naruto's acknowledgment of it for what reason exactly?

Exactly. The scene with Sakura "confessing" her love to Naruto was damn awkward and even Naruto saw through it. He knows he is friend zoned and the relationship is definitely more bro/sis and him messing with her. It's obvious she still has feelings for Sasuke and Naruto knows it.

He's a bit clueless when it comes to picking up hints though, but i feel that is more inconsistency with the writing then anything. It was spelled out for him by Neji that Hinata would die for him leading to "that" moment of affection. He hasn't had a chance yet to reconcile all this with Hinata after this revelation though.

There just is no real romance love between Sakura and Naruto, it would be one of those sad loveless relationships. Naruto was infatuated with her but it was silly and childish. Sakura has literally spurned Naruto and made it clear she didn't like him that way . Naruto has never spurned Hinata because he is clueless in that department and didn't realize that was the way she felt till Neji spelled it out. And what did he do in that moment? Yea that's right.



Well She releases that Sasuke doesn't really care for her (that saddens her).... but then she gets that eye to eye time with her beloved later so I guess all is well in her mind...

which sucks since I find this relationship even more silly then Naruto/Sakura

This also. While Naruto and Hina just seems right and feels good I really do feel sorry for Sakura. I'm not joking when I say I hope she ends up with Lee. Sasuke is a prick and unless there is some MAJOR character change with him it would end up being such a sad and mentally abusive relationship for her.

Sakura, go for the springtime of youth!
Naruto is ending..... HXH anime ended and the manga went back on Hiatus

man oh man :(

Well Naruto had a complete run though..... HXH though is just scratching the surface


Exactly. The scene with Sakura "confessing" her love to Naruto was damn awkward and even Naruto saw through it. He knows he is friend zoned and the relationship is definitely more bro/sis and him messing with her. It's obvious she still has feelings for Sasuke and Naruto knows it.

He's a bit clueless when it comes to picking up hints though, but i feel that is more inconsistency with the writing then anything. It was spelled out for him by Neji that Hinata would die for him leading to "that" moment of affection. He hasn't had a chance yet to reconcile all this with Hinata after this revelation though.

There just is no real romance love between Sakura and Naruto, it would be one of those sad loveless relationships. Naruto was infatuated with her but it was silly and childish. Sakura has literally spurned Naruto and made it clear she didn't like him that way . Naruto has never spurned Hinata because he is clueless in that department and didn't realize that was the way she felt till Neji spelled it out. And what did he do in that moment? Yea that's right.

Surely Naruto would have identified Hinata as his love interest to his father when asked if this meant something?


Well She releases that Sasuke doesn't really care for her (that saddens her).... but then she gets that eye to eye time with her beloved later so I guess all is well in her mind...

which sucks since I find this relationship even more silly then Naruto/Sakura
Wrong chapter. The preceding one.

But then, I'd imagine you'd chalk it up to just being nothing more than Kakashi's inner thoughts, not indicative of the author's.


Surely Naruto would have identified Hinata as his love interest to his father when asked if this meant something?

Well that is up for debate. When he said "Not everything is exactly like you'd wanted it" (i may be off on wording don't have chapter up) he said that like right after telling him to tell his mom he did meet someone. Hinata would definitely be different from all the parallels so far being drawn. And ultimately I think that is the message that these three will break the cycle and parallels at some point and go a different path in change.
Wrong chapter. The preceding one.

But then, I'd imagine you'd chalk it up to just being nothing more than Kakashi's inner thoughts, not indicative of the author's.
she doesn't care for him any more.... sure why not
not caring for one person doesn't equal loving another.... Plus my points in my previous comments about the other signal later on is still relevant
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