Iva Demilcol
It won't happen but it would be cool if Naruto whipped out a new jutsu called the "Naruto Uzumaki Fuck You no Justu Mother fucker" and sonned him.
His secret technique is the Kiss no jutsu, the fight has to end like that :V
It won't happen but it would be cool if Naruto whipped out a new jutsu called the "Naruto Uzumaki Fuck You no Justu Mother fucker" and sonned him.
They are watching from a distanceYep, that it does.
And seeing some of these recent posts...wouldn't blame people for taking advantage of the feature. It's getting kinda silly over one movie image and some character sheets.
Anyhow, completely expecting the troll from Naruto and Sauce has been brawling with a clone this whole time.
Anyhow, completely expecting the troll from Naruto and Sauce has been brawling with a clone this whole time.
Bigger troll, theyve been playing naruto ultimate ninja storm this whoooole time.They are watching from a distance
Sasuke "See Naruto I won"
Naruto "dammit"
*They both continue to drink tea in a Kurama/Susano shield
At the end of the fight, Naruto will wakes up to being chastised by Iruka for falling asleep in class and it will be revealed that the 5 years we witnessed were all a dream.
Do it, Kishi.
Fuck with everyone one last time.
Bigger troll, theyve been playing naruto ultimate ninja storm this whoooole time.
And its actually goku and vegeta playing
At the end of the fight, Naruto will wakes up to being chastised by Iruka for falling asleep in class and it will be revealed that the 5 years we witnessed were all a dream.
Do it, Kishi.
Fuck with everyone one last time.
Pain vs. Naruto wasn't fucked up. Imo it was one of the best animated episodes ever, just the art sucked but Narutos Art always sucks.
Yes...yes he is.lol wtf is frog fu serious? lollllllll
anyway. Decent chapter.
lol wtf is frog fu serious? lollllllll
anyway. Decent chapter.
Look what they did to toriko,it is so bad.
At the end of the fight, Naruto will wakes up to being chastised by Iruka for falling asleep in class and it will be revealed that the 5 years we witnessed were all a dream.
Do it, Kishi.
Fuck with everyone one last time.
The thing is, we got Kishimoto's sketches for Sakura first and they don't match what Studio Pierrot put out. The fact Hinata has a nearly identical design to the original design intended for Sakura is suspect, even if he Hinata was always intended to have similar design. (though Kishimoto wrote that she was more conservation in style).
Just look at the comparison between the sketch and the movie.
Actually, the anime would suggest Studio Pierrot do heavily favour Hinata over Sakura, or at the very least that they can't be bothered much with Sakura. It's been noticeable for years. Just search for comparisons. I found all this in a minute, and it's the tip of the iceberg.
Code:[IMG]https://38.media.tumblr.com/1c89140879c479dc0a72b2a9866253e5/tumblr_ndg8epYdtW1tery9ko1_500.png[/IMG] [IMG]https://38.media.tumblr.com/4ae263350303b64898e75da1879dd9a9/tumblr_ndg8epYdtW1tery9ko2_500.png[/IMG] [IMG]https://31.media.tumblr.com/7479ca7a854b9c30f6ed050909647ae6/tumblr_ndg8epYdtW1tery9ko3_500.png[/IMG] [IMG]https://33.media.tumblr.com/85d2db14efc2e56e1d8e228efadf3345/tumblr_ndg8epYdtW1tery9ko4_500.png[/IMG] [IMG]https://38.media.tumblr.com/7cd18524d4593cb498fdeb6faadb0a29/tumblr_ndg8epYdtW1tery9ko7_500.png[/IMG] [IMG]https://38.media.tumblr.com/317a08b0a8ef7c97584228b64cb6f839/tumblr_ndg8epYdtW1tery9ko10_500.png[/IMG] [IMG]https://38.media.tumblr.com/a70808b6de264e9b3a964e0786a39408/tumblr_ndg8epYdtW1tery9ko5_500.png[/IMG] [IMG]https://38.media.tumblr.com/987c2543c91efb1aecd58e0e30cf71d2/tumblr_ndg8epYdtW1tery9ko6_500.png[/IMG] [IMG]https://33.media.tumblr.com/7a80768b2fde5d42d556fc90b72b0c73/tumblr_ndg8epYdtW1tery9ko8_500.png[/IMG] [IMG]https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10363952_720919521310892_4616465916205476659_n.jpg?oh=f2c5e906815d332574f4fa2e879a7439&oe=54E47C71&__gda__=1421371340_c215e0e22f1a7c10dfa023b60a3750f2[/IMG]
I found this post to pretty much it the nail on the head.
There really is no denying that Studio Pierrot consistently fuck up when it comes to Sakura, and there is plenty of there to suggest they heavily favour Hinata to the point their bias is reflected in their work.
I was thinking, if Sasuke absorbed natural chakra from Naruto, won't he turn into stone before getting to Naruto?
I don't even think Kubo could do a troll that good
I could see Kishi actually doing that.
They are all actually inside of the Infinite Tsukuyomi, Susanoo didn't actually block the technique. Fight ends and the shot zooms out to see Naruto and Sasuke next to each other in pods on that tree while Madara stands on top of it.
lol wtf is frog fu serious? lollllllll
anyway. Decent chapter.
Yes...yes he is.
Can I get a Hinata comparison lol?
Actually, the anime would suggest Studio Pierrot do heavily favour Hinata over Sakura, or at the very least that they can't be bothered much with Sakura. It's been noticeable for years. Just search for comparisons. I found all this in a minute, and it's the tip of the iceberg.
I was thinking, if Sasuke absorbed natural chakra from Naruto, won't he turn into stone before getting to Naruto?
Damn, only 2 chapters left.
Sasuke is lucky that Naruto:
Has been fighting continuous for a few days.
Doesn't want to kill him.
i typed your username......The collective anger stroke in the fandom would be worth it.
If you have a problem with my post, feel free to quote me directly instead of going about being snide in a roundabout way.
If I can find one, I'll post it in the thread.
Not alone, I feel nostalgic, not really sad.Is weird that I feel no sadness about it ending,
love how Naruto barely talked in the chapter. serious mode.
and he's still going to take the L.Sasuke stealing chakara to try to win the fight Lol. Dude can never win clean.
How badly would have naruto stomped sasuke if he didn't collect the bijuu, I mean wow, naruto has half kurama and sage mode and it was enough to match rinnegan, bijuu, and EMS.
I really hope naruto just beats the shit out of Sasuke to the point of making him afraid to ever try any bullshit again. M
I wouldn't be surprised if Naruto sent a clone to fight so he could recover using Sage mode.
I know it sounds like wishful thinking but Kish end it with Naruto just beating the fucking shit out of him. Just to shut up the people that will eventual start nick picking the fight when Sasuke loses.
Naruto's clone are so overpowered for real, it would be amazing if he just kept one for recovery or just a partner to wreck sauce. Naruto and his boss ass kage clones.
I wouldn't be surprised if Naruto sent a clone to fight so he could recover using Sage mode.
I know it sounds like wishful thinking but Kish end it with Naruto just beating the fucking shit out of him. Just to shut up the people that will eventual start nick picking the fight when Sasuke loses.
Please please please, this is my secret hope too. Could you imagine him piercing Naruto, we get Sawce's smug as hell look and then POOF. Fucking clone disappears, as the real Naruto descends from above with his final Rasengan. I want the everliving shit beat out of this prick already.
I wouldn't be surprised if Naruto sent a clone to fight so he could recover using Sage mode.
I know it sounds like wishful thinking but Kish end it with Naruto just beating the fucking shit out of him. Just to shut up the people that will eventual start nick picking the fight when Sasuke loses.