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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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Kirin will probably come back. It was noted that it wasn't all chakra, it was literal lightning, and since Kaguya absorbs all chakra it's kind of the only way to do damage to her outside of basic taijutsu.


So funny! haha I want a Susanoo! green please
Shisui already took that color, sorry.


We still don't know if Shisui's Susanoō was designed by Kishimoto because CC2 desired to give Shisui a Susanoō awakening, or if Shisui was given a Susanoō awakening because his use of it was part of the information Kishimoto provided.

... Y'know what, it doesn't matter. It could very well be canon. Before this chapter, I thought Kishimoto would stick to the trend that Itachi and Sasuke were setting by having Susanoō's rarity explained by possession of two distinct powers. But nooooo!



Last time I read the manga was the Kabuto fight and Itachi's final death. I had no idea where all this other stuff is going until reading that last chapter.So much nonsense and junk to catch up on. Maybe it will all make sense then.
We still don't know if Shisui's Susano&#333; was designed by Kishimoto because CC2 desired to give Shisui a Susano&#333; awakening, or if Shisui was given a Susano&#333; awakening because his use of it was part of the information Kishimoto provided.

... Y'know what, it doesn't matter. It could very well be canon. Before this chapter, I thought Kishimoto would stick to the trend that Itachi and Sasuke were setting by having Susano&#333;'s rarity explained by possession of two distinct powers. But nooooo!


Itachi is the only Uchiha shown so far that had two different eye powers, Itachi also was the biggest liar in the series and also was completely clueless about how the MS works (You need to kill your best friend to get it? Who did you killed Itachi, Shisui killed himself).

You just need two MS eyes to awaken Susanoo, which means that Danzo could had potentially awaken it :O


Sasuke also had two Mangeky&#333; Sharingan techniques. His d&#333;ryoku may have revolved around the use of Enton, but they each had a distinct purpose: Nature Transformation, and Shape Transformation, two cornerstones of chakra control, neither shared those aspects.

All the discrepancies between Obito's eyes blurred until they were practically nonexistent. Before he used his long-range application of Kamui to save Kakashi from Kaguya's attack, attention was brought to his right Mangeky&#333; Sharingan, rather than his left. Kakashi also demonstrated abilities readers had thought exclusive to the right eye, once he put the pieces together: warping himself, and others/objects to and from the eye. "Phasing" is the only ability we didn't see from the left eye. They were all from the same power.
Shishui had Koto on both his eyes. Both Obito's powers are named Kamui. Sasuke's uses amateratsu with one eye and complete control with the other.


Same mess. Same mess. Different abilities! Glad we straightened that out. ;D

Also, don't think Itachi specifically said that you need two powers to awaken Susano&#333;. He only related his experience, that he became capable of invoking Susano&#333; after awakening Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu.

And the matter about killing your "best friend" is still technically true, it's the method several other Uchiha used to awaken the Mangeky&#333; Sharingan since Madara's heyday, because that was the quickest, surefire way for the power-hungry jerks. Thing is, many readers already suspected that it was the feeling of loss that attributed to that change, because they had to witness the death of those closest to them, and because of the way we had already seen the Sharingan's advancement being so dependent upon the user's emotions.

A lot of people thought Sasuke was going to walk away from the Valley of the End with a Mangeky&#333; Sharingan, thinking that he had successfully killed Naruto... Before it was revealed that he spared Naruto, and declared his intent to surpass Itachi in his own way(that went so well, by the way. :p). There were even a bunch of fake spoilers about it.
Nothing Itachi said had being relevant In one hundred chapters, he died thinking Obito was Madara. I'm surprised Kakashi awaken the MS since Uchiha's are the ones that go crazy with loss, that means Kakashi losing rin impact him as much as it did to Obito. Except he got over it.
Do you have a source for this because generally manga-ka write data books themselves. Even Oda writes the books for One Piece and that's war and way the most popular series in Japan. As far as I know, Kishimoto has always written the data books himself.

What? Perfect Susanoo is a top tier jutsu. It is a fucking massive. Of course it would require a ton of chakra, and perhaps Obito is the source for powering it, and I could buy that, but I don't think anyone could reasonably believe Kakashi has the reserves to pull it off solo.

Er, yes, it does. Sharingan litrally translates to Copy Wheel Eye. How do you think Kakashi became to be know by his moniker? He copied a thousand jutsu with Obit's Sharingan?

Sasuke took a while to achieve his Perfect Susanoo because that obviously served the plot as Perfect Susanoo is a) not a common ability (not even Itachi has it, though in my mind he does cause he's Itachi), and it's ridiculously powerful. Seeing as it's crunch time to save the world, Kakashi just bust it out because he's got Ghostbito with him.

The inconsistency remains however, as Kishimoto previously wrote in data books that Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi were both necessary to awaken Susanoo, which makes sense as those three Shinto gods were all created together by Izanagi. This is a retcon plain and simple.

Kakashi didn't copy Susanoo, that's probably more than likely, however I would argue that Susanoo belongs at least as much to Obito, seeing as its his Sharingan born from his chakra and that he seemed to fully aware what the results would be and that it would expire, i.e. once Ghostbito leaves, does the Susanoo.

But you can't scream "retcon" everytime the author unveils a new plot twist. Fiction is built almost entirely around suspense and misdirection.

Itachi explains Susanoo as a third power that awakened when he activated Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu. There are several ways to interpret that. Just because your interpretation was wrong doesn't make Kishi a hack that can't keep his own story straight.


I'm surprised Kakashi awaken the MS since Uchiha's are the ones that go crazy with loss, that means Kakashi losing rin impact him as much as it did to Obito.
It's the Uchiha's chakra that's responsible for changing the eye like that. Obito was linked to his left eye in close proximity&#8212;he could see through it. Since he was experiencing such a situation just before he arrived on that scene, it's safe to assume that it was because of this link that the left eye he gave to Kakashi also turned into a Mangeky&#333; Sharingan in that same instance.


And the matter about killing your "best friend" is still technically true, it's the method several other Uchiha used to awaken the Mangeky&#333; Sharingan since Madara's heyday, because that was the quickest, surefire way for the power-hungry jerks. Thing is, many readers already suspected that it was the feeling of loss that attributed to that change, because they had to witness the death of those closest to them, and because of the way we had already seen the Sharingan's advancement being so dependent upon the user's emotions.

A lot of people thought Sasuke was going to walk away from the Valley of the End with a Mangeky&#333; Sharingan, thinking that he had successfully killed Naruto... Before it was revealed that he spared Naruto, and declared his intent to surpass Itachi in his own way(that went so well, by the way. :p). There were even a bunch of fake spoilers about it.
Right on.

I guess what has recently come to light is that the source of a lot of the information that the Uchiha treasured, The Tablet within Naka Shrine, was not true and has been modified to suit certain parties. It's also been explained that the path a lot of Uchiha have taken, that of hate, is not what makes the Uchiha powerful. Most of the true power comes from the deepest feeling of 'love', the problem comes that they care and love so much that when something of true despair does happen to them, they fall much harder.

It hasn't been truly shown yet what real power the Uchiha are able to wield when they are actually full of love and peace and not just anger, revenge and despair.

This can also help explain what happened with Kakashi, he was given Obitos Chakra at a point when Obito was full of love, happiness, peace and recognized that he wanted to help Kakashi with all his might.
Kakashi has been shown throughout the Manga to be someone who cares very deeply about his friends and even shows compassion towards his enemies, he cares about his village family more than anything. This power of 'love' within Kakashi when combined with the Chakra of Obito who reached a state of 'zen' enables him to wield it in a more powerful way than perhaps even Sasuke. We are yet to see.

I hope that Sasuke can/will awaken the true power of the Uchiha when he lets go of his hate and revenge and accepts the love of his Friends and Family and achieves the same 'zen' like state of Obito.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
That's some really good fanart.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Speaking of fanart...


Kaguya is a scary looking person already, but real-ified she's kind of terrifying.
Between Sharingan, Naruto´s techs, and Kaguya, i miss the times when ninja required hand signs to do jutsus. I do like the hand signs.

Kaguya is seriously over powered. Travelling between dimensions like nothing. Summon hands, rods, etc... Kishi has made her so over powered that Naruto and Sasuke needed a massive power up, and they still can´t deal with her. Kakashi having 2 sharingan does not bother me, although i want him to keep them permanently. Although the method of obtaining them bugs me, even if there was a precedent. Obtaining power is one thing, knowing how to use it is totally different. He just summoned Susanoo as if he knew how to do it he just needed the eyes :(

Besides Itachi stated pre time skip when he faced Kakashi, Asuma and Karai, that even though Kakashi has the eyes, he should not have the body will not have plenty of stamina because the sharingan requires Uchiha body. So i have a big problem with Kakashi spanning Kamui before and now doing a Susanoo. Kakashi should not be able to summon Susanoo since he does not have the Uchiha body to have the stamina for it.


Means exactly what it says, Susano&#333;'s Databook entry was based around Itachi's specific example of the technique. Sasuke didn't meet those exact same prerequisites, not all Susano&#333; have been materialized with the exact same armament.

That entry was not specific to Itachi. It was not even remotely worded that was. It said, to paraphrase, "This is Susanoo, here's how one goes about awakening it" - and it set the prerequisites very clearly. You need Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, two shinto gods conceived at the same time as Susanoo. Everyone assumed Sasuke had all 3 techniques because he frequently demonstrated Amaterasu and Susanoo afterwards. The fact that, as it turns out he doesn't, means that this undeniably a retcon.

If you are getting the impression that I'm trying to discredit the Databooks, or imply that they aren't canon, then that isn't the case; I don't even buy the claims that have been going around that Kishimoto's assistants alone are responsible for the Databooks' writing.

That's not the impression I had, but we clearly disagree about the entry regarding Susanoo.

As you said, they are there to clarify subjects, extrapolate things that were otherwise left vague, or omitted entirely; but when new, or conflicting information is provided by the manga, it will supersede what was provided in the outdated information in the Databooks. That is why they are meant to be taken within the context of the chapters they cover.

Alright, let me explain: How can any sort of databook, both in real life and in fiction, take things into account that have not happened yet? Simple answer: It can't. As real life and the manga go on, new things come up and new information retcons old one. This is a completely normal process. Here we have an old statement from a databook, were only one character was in possession of the subject at hand (Susanoo). Since then, multiple new users of said subject came along. You guys want to apply the old statement (from a time were it could be applied to only one character) to the new users as well, despite new information about that subject. That is plain wrong. The databooks are only correct for the chapters they're covering. Every subject after that can only be explained by a databook statement if there was no new information about that subject.

And the same usually holds true for other similar supplemental reading for manga 'n such that were created to summarize prior events. The only one I know of that hasn't presented this kind of issue has been Dragon Ball's Daizensh&#363;, and that's probably only due to the fact that they were done after the manga's conclusion.

I don't disagree that the manga supersedes the data books, but if Kishimoto states at some point X is a fact but then Y happens in the manga, then that contradiction is a retcon. That's the only point I'm making, and there's no two ways of going about it.

Ironically, I checked the Japanese original of the databook text and I think there's some room for interpretation. The sentence in question doesn't mention the word "jutsu". It only says

The power of a wild god, dwelling only in those who seized/grasped/held both... that is "Susanoo".​

The only problem is that the word both can refer to either the techniques or both eyes... however, the only other statement is Sasuke's, which is pretty clear.

As I mentioned before, not all Susano&#333; ended up as "sword and shield bearing aragami" either.

Early fan translations have also been known to be quite misleading, with liberties taken, and the original meaning lost . Take, for example, the entry for Kakashi's Kamui: it lead a bunch of forum-goers that had nothing but these hastily done translations to work with believing that Kamui could be invoked by anyone with a Mangeky&#333; Sharingan through constant development of one's chakra, when all that statement did was describe what Kakashi was doing when we first saw him use it in Part 2: gathering chakra in preparation of it.

There are still a quite a few who still believe that to this day... Just like there are still many who are still under the impression that Itachi gave all of his Mangeky&#333; Sharingan techniques to Sasuke; you seemed to be one of them.

I find it a little ironic that you say there's some room for interpretation on Susanoo's entry and then say translators have taken liberties that have misled and that the original meaning is lost.

The fact that the data book first states Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu as prerequisites is undeniable. If you want to say that only applies to the Susanoo with sword and shield, I remain thoroughly unconvinced this is anything but a retcon.

No, they don't.

No, he doesn't. That would be the people at Caramel Mama. Same thing for Naruto.

Do you have an actual source aside from a link to a Japanese website I can't read? Kishimoto is accredited as the author of every data book thus far afaik. All information in those books come from him as he is the only that actually knows everything. I don't doubt his assistants help, but Kishimoto is more than likely the primary source.

But you can't scream "retcon" everytime the author unveils a new plot twist. Fiction is built almost entirely around suspense and misdirection.

Itachi explains Susanoo as a third power that awakened when he activated Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu. There are several ways to interpret that. Just because your interpretation was wrong doesn't make Kishi a hack that can't keep his own story straight.

I'm not "screaming" anything. And calling a retcon a twist every time it happens is weak. Great stories are built on consistency. If we never had a data book and only Itachi's words to go by, then sure, but if the author says something is a fact and then contradicts that fact, it's a retcon.

It's not my interpretation that was wrong. It was Kishimoto's own words. Maybe you should relax and stop being so defensive? I never called Kishimoto a hack.
Unless charka doesn't matter anymore doesn't this mean Kakashi will have to walk around with his visor over both eyes? Will he get drained in fights even faster now? I should stop trying to make sense of things. I haven't genuinely enjoyed the manga since Pain was killed and it was revealed that he was just a pawn.


Do you have an actual source aside from a link to a Japanese website I can't read?
Aside from common sense (not the author's job), there would be the book themselves (the text makes it rather clear Kishimoto isn't the one writing).

Kishimoto is accredited as the author of every data book thus far afaik.
Because he's the author of the series.

All information in those books come from him as he is the only that actually knows everything.
I believe it's not uncommon for editors/publishers to come up with some stuff of their own. As long as the author doesn't say anything against it...


Aside from common sense (not the author's job), there would be the book themselves (the text makes it rather clear Kishimoto isn't the one writing).

Because he's the author of the series.

I believe it's not uncommon for editors/publishers to come up with some stuff of their own. As long as the author doesn't say anything against it...

Common sense is not on your side. Manga-ka produce external reading material all the time. Kishimoto does, Oda does it, and countless other manga-ka do it.

If Kishimoto didn't write those books, he wouldn't be listed as the author. He would be given credit, sure, but not listed as the one who wrote it.

The Naruto [Secret: Scroll of Facing] Character Official Databook (NARUTO-&#12490;&#12523;&#12488;-[&#31192;&#20253;&#12539;&#33256;&#12398;&#26360;]&#12461;&#12515;&#12521;&#12463;&#12479;&#12540;&#12458;&#12501;&#12451;&#12471;&#12515;&#12523;&#12487;&#12540;&#12479;BOOK, NARUTO [Hiden: Rin no Sho] Kyarakut&#257; Ofisharu D&#275;taBOOK) is the first of the supplementary guidebooks on the Naruto series authored by Masashi Kishimoto. It is the first of three databooks and covers the chapters 1 to 120.

The Naruto [Secret: Scroll of Fighting] Character Official Databook (NARUTO-&#12490;&#12523;&#12488;-[&#31192;&#20253;&#12539;&#38360;&#12398;&#26360;]&#12461;&#12515;&#12521;&#12463;&#12479;&#12540;&#12458;&#12501;&#12451;&#12471;&#12515;&#12523;&#12487;&#12540;&#12479;BOOK, NARUTO [Hiden: T&#333; no Sho] Kyarakut&#257; Ofisharu D&#275;taBOOK) is the third of the supplementary guidebooks on the Naruto series authored by Masashi Kishimoto. It is the second of three databooks.

The Naruto [Secret: Scroll of People] Character Official Databook (NARUTO-&#12490;&#12523;&#12488;-[&#31192;&#20253;&#12539;&#32773;&#12398;&#26360;]&#12461;&#12515;&#12521;&#12463;&#12479;&#12540;&#12458;&#12501;&#12451;&#12471;&#12515;&#12523;&#12487;&#12540;&#12479;BOOK, NARUTO [Hiden: Sha no Sho] Kyarakut&#257; Ofisharu D&#275;taBOOK) is the fourth of the supplementary guidebooks on the Naruto series authored by Masashi Kishimoto. It is the third of three databooks.

The translators on the Naruto wikai that translated the pages confirmed everything is written and supplied by Kishimoto.


Common sense is not on your side. Manga-ka produce external reading material all the time. Kishimoto does, Oda does it, and countless other manga-ka do it.
You're just restating your initial position, there, nothing more.

If Kishimoto didn't write those books
He didn't.

he wouldn't be listed as the author. He would be given credit, sure, but not listed as the one who wrote it.
And as it happens, he's not listed as the one who actually wrote the book, but as the original author:

The translators on the Naruto wikai that translated the pages confirmed everything is written and supplied by Kishimoto.
Well, that's bullshit, sorry. The books make it really clear which parts are actually written by Kishimoto, and it's a tiny portion (stuff like comments regarding the character designs or interviews).
Okay, so I stopped reading the manga around the time all the Hokage / leaders were meeting up and I believe Sasuke and his team showed up or wanted to show up to kill them all I think. I'm pretty sure the leaders were meeting to discuss a war. So, question for all of you... is this the same war going on or has there been multiple arcs since then? I've randomly read a chapter here and there over the years just to see how crazy it's gotten but I was never sure without jumping back in.


Okay, so I stopped reading the manga around the time all the Hokage / leaders were meeting up and I believe Sasuke and his team showed up or wanted to show up to kill them all I think. I'm pretty sure the leaders were meeting to discuss a war. So, question for all of you... is this the same war going on or has there been multiple arcs since then? I've randomly read a chapter here and there over the years just to see how crazy it's gotten but I was never sure without jumping back in.

The summit meeting? That's where Tobi declared the start of the Fourth(?) Ninja War
Okay, so I stopped reading the manga around the time all the Hokage / leaders were meeting up and I believe Sasuke and his team showed up or wanted to show up to kill them all I think. I'm pretty sure the leaders were meeting to discuss a war. So, question for all of you... is this the same war going on or has there been multiple arcs since then? I've randomly read a chapter here and there over the years just to see how crazy it's gotten but I was never sure without jumping back in.

It's the same damn war...


You're just restating your initial position, there, nothing more.

He didn't.

And as it happens, he's not listed as the one who actually wrote the book, but as the original author:

Well, that's bullshit, sorry. The books make it really clear which parts are actually written by Kishimoto, and it's a tiny portion (stuff like comments regarding the character designs or interviews).

So let me get this straight.

You claim that Kishi doesn't write the data books for his own manga, give me a link to some obscure site that only lists his name, but you don't actually have a name for the supposed author(s) of the books? You just call bullshit on it being Kishimoto despite his name being listed as the author?

You are wasting my time.
Okay, so I stopped reading the manga around the time all the Hokage / leaders were meeting up and I believe Sasuke and his team showed up or wanted to show up to kill them all I think. I'm pretty sure the leaders were meeting to discuss a war. So, question for all of you... is this the same war going on or has there been multiple arcs since then? I've randomly read a chapter here and there over the years just to see how crazy it's gotten but I was never sure without jumping back in.

The war was over a couple of chapters ago, Madara ''won'' but a twist happened and the series had being in a really weird direction.

Edit: Come on Frog-Fu those data books are outdated as hell.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Okay, so I stopped reading the manga around the time all the Hokage / leaders were meeting up and I believe Sasuke and his team showed up or wanted to show up to kill them all I think. I'm pretty sure the leaders were meeting to discuss a war. So, question for all of you... is this the same war going on or has there been multiple arcs since then? I've randomly read a chapter here and there over the years just to see how crazy it's gotten but I was never sure without jumping back in.
Same war. The manga chapter that marked the start of the war officially came out in November 2010


You claim that Kishi doesn't write the data books for his own manga
Because he doesn't.
Right now, I can't think of any manga artist who does, actually... Maybe Shirô Masamune? I'd have to check...

give me a link to some obscure site that only lists his name
It's Shûeisha's own site, and it doesn't only list Kishimoto: it credits him as the original writer, and the actual book to Caramel Mama.

you don't actually have a name for the supposed author(s) of the books?
Like I told you, they're all people from Caramel Mama. The actual names are all listed at the end of each guidebook.

You just call bullshit on it being Kishimoto despite his name being listed as the author?
You sound like a broken record, at this point... He's credited because he's the original writer. That's all there is to it.

Again, common sense: he's a manga artist, not a guidebook writer. You can't seriously expect his publisher to want him spending time on that when other people can do the job and simply ask for his approval after the fact. That's how those things are done.
As with most (all?) Shûeisha guidebooks, Caramel Mama did most of the writing. And again, you don't even need to read the credits on the last page to tell: the books regularly reference "Kishimoto Sensei" or "Sensei" in the third person and make it very clear when they have comments and quotes "from the Man Himself". Kishimoto even thanked the Caramel Mama people at the end of the first guidebook.

Now, you wouldn't be the first one to be mistaken about this: I regularly see Western readers argue guidebooks are written by the original authors. I guess not being able to read Japanese can't help, and since it often is about Weekly Jump series, we're generally talking about young readers, which probably explains a lot as well...
I've seen a lot of similar discussions regarding the Dragon Ball Daizenshû, for example, despite the fact those very books have Toriyama stating in no uncertain terms that he didn't write them. There again: Caramel Mama.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Kishimoto has the Word of God and has the ultimate say in things, but the databooks hardly qualify as "filler" material just because he himself didn't pen them, like I (think) I'm seeing suggested. They are outdated by this point, but they're nothing like a filler episode of the anime. I think they're a good source of canon information unless certain facts are corrected/changed/retconned/confirmed incorrect by Kishi.


the databooks hardly qualify as "filler" material just because he himself didn't pen them, like I (think) I'm seeing suggested.
Just to clarify: I'm merely saying that those guidebooks aren't actually written by the original authors. Obviously, those authors have some amount of input (for the interviews and direct quotes, at the very least) and approved the thing (which, admittedly, may or may not mean much, depending on the author). They still are official guidebooks.
Personally, I'd tend to trust them, but I keep in mind that some of the "new stuff" (i.e. information that can't be found in the actual series) may not actually come from the original author and be ignored/contradicted later on.


Because he doesn't.
Right now, I can't think of any manga artist who does, actually... Maybe Shirô Masamune? I'd have to check...

It's Shûeisha's own site, and it doesn't only list Kishimoto: it credits him as the original writer, and the actual book to Caramel Mama.

Like I told you, they're all people from Caramel Mama. The actual names are all listed at the end of each guidebook.

You sound like a broken record, at this point... He's credited because he's the original writer. That's all there is to it.

Again, common sense: he's a manga artist, not a guidebook writer. You can't seriously expect his publisher to want him spending time on that when other people can do the job and simply ask for his approval after the fact. That's how those things are done.
As with most (all?) Shûeisha guidebooks, Caramel Mama did most of the writing. And again, you don't even need to read the credits on the last page to tell: the books regularly reference "Kishimoto Sensei" or "Sensei" in the third person and make it very clear when they have comments and quotes "from the Man Himself". Kishimoto even thanked the Caramel Mama people at the end of the first guidebook.

Now, you wouldn't be the first one to be mistaken about this: I regularly see Western readers argue guidebooks are written by the original authors. I guess not being able to read Japanese can't help, and since it often is about Weekly Jump series, we're generally talking about young readers, which probably explains a lot as well...
I've seen a lot of similar discussions regarding the Dragon Ball Daizenshû, for example, despite the fact those very books have Toriyama stating in no uncertain terms that he didn't write them. There again: Caramel Mama.

At this point you're just being a nuisance.

You say Kishimoto isn't the author. Everyone I've asked and every source I've read says he is.

You claim your assertions are based in common sense but have no source to back up them up. Are you kidding me, you're just spewing hot air and then have the nerve say I'm acting like a broken record.

Here's a novel idea, produce a fucking source for your assertions instead of shovelling this condescending bullshit.


At this point you're just being a nuisance.
So pleasant...

You say Kishimoto isn't the author. Everyone I've asked and every source I've read says he is.
Yes, the people you've asked (I imagine I'm not included though), and you mentioned a wiki earlier (wiki are only as reliable as their most recent or stubborn editors).
Thing is, the books themselves say otherwise.
But if you really insist on being wrong, well...

Here's a novel idea, produce a fucking source for your assertions
I already did. It's hardly my fault if you choose to ignore it (or call shueisha.co.jp "some obscure site").
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