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Nashvember Wrasslin' |OT| Big Daddy Cool's Big Sexy Diesel-Powered Month

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Heyman is not heenan in the sense he cannot manage a stable of guys.

He is good when he has one person to work with. Only way it would,work is to separate, him from Brock(which would,be a bad idea)
Heyman and Punk were great together.

Heyman's problem is his personality is so strong, he only really works with characters as strong as or stronger than him, or they're overshadowed. He can't get midcarders over, he can get main eventers more over.


Heyman is not heenan in the sense he cannot manage a stable of guys.

He is good when he has one person to work with. Only way it would,work is to separate, him from Brock(which would,be a bad idea)

Notice they haven't mentioned the whole Heyman Guy thing in a looooooong time.


Ric Flair On Getting Cesaro Ready For a Brock Lesnar Feud:


I mean, why don't they just let Flair come in and have a go at making this happen? Bland is their brand, that's why. Take that, user Vince McMahon!


catching up on the past few NXT-episodes.

Mojo & Ryder make for a surprisingly good tag team and I like their finisher, which is more than I have ever liked either before.
"Tana says it wasn't until midway thru the Okada match you realized Tenryu can't move. 'The match reminded you how good Okada is' #podcastoff"

Pretty much. For all the shit Okada gets about "wrestling the same match", this showed his versatility - he did everything he could to make that match as good as it could be, when other less skilled wrestler might have been unable to salvage it. Tenryu, with nothing left in the tank, could only rely on his physicality and Okada's face showed the marks of it post-match, but it was Okada's reaction to those on-point jabs and punishing chops that allowed Tenryu to bow out in respectful fashion. Ace.


I miss Daniel Bryan and CM Punk since they both exited the scene, and I find myself watching wrestling less and less since those guys left,” said Hart. “I don’t know if they’ve filled their shoes. Dean Ambrose has done a lot to fill their space, and I really enjoy watching him, but it’s going to be a tough job for whoever wins the championship–that person will have a lot of weight on his back to carry the team.


“I’d have to take Punk’s side on it,” explained Hart. “Triple H is a bodybuilder nut. He goes after the bodies. He doesn’t care how good–and he can look in the mirror–guys work, he cares how guys look. Punk and Bryan are guys concerned with how they work. It’s a different philosophy. I admire Punk for taking his stand. He was the guy doing all the work, every week, going injured, and here’s a guy sitting at home–working three or four times a year–and you’re going to give him the main event at WrestleMania? I’m not buying it.”
BRET on reigns

Reigns is just like Kevin Nash,” said Hart. “If you look back at Reigns, his character was getting over really good on his own. Then they rushed him into a babyface turn and crammed him down everybody’s thoughts, and people rejected him. It wasn’t his fault. It was kind of like with Kevin Nash. He was slowly getting over, and I wrestled him at [the 1994] King of the Ring and we had a really good match. All of a sudden, by August, they were ready to make him the new champion. And I’m going, ‘He’s not ready yet. Give him a little time and let him get even more over.’ Why is there a rush? Reigns got dealt a bad set of cards. It has nothing to do with his work rate–he’s a really good worker and his style is really good. He just needs to be himself.

They tend to rush guys too soon, and that makes me think of Steve Austin. Vince wanted to turn him baby face much sooner than he did. I remember Steve stopped it. Austin said, ‘No, let me get over more.’ And it paid off to be a little smarter and not rush. Some of the mistakes have more to do with the bookers instead of the actual wrestlers. Reigns is a victim of bad booking.”
Okada is legitimately great. I'm more worried about him and Tanahashi literally becoming John Cena and Randy Orton.

I wouldn't worry too much about that, New Japan's very keen on the idea of a generational rival for Okada and Tanahsahi clearly represents the old generation. They could add another twist to the Okada/Tanahashi feud, but I don't think that's likely to happen - for the second year in a row the stage is set for Okada to dethrone Tanahashi once and for all. Last year's finish surprised a lot of people and I don't think it's one that they're likely to repeat. It's high time for fans to get the pay-off for the feud they deserve.
Bret on Euros

Hart is always outspoken about the WWE’s poor booking of Cesaro, but he feels that problem extends to the majority of WWE’s European superstars–a reason he believes Sheamus will not leave the Survivor Series as world heavyweight champion.

​“Look at the European wrestlers, from Wade Barrett to Drew McIntrye–who isn’t there any more–to Sheamus, they are all very good wrestlers,” explained Hart. “But there is a bit of an ignorance from Vince on the promotion’s side of not recognizing these talents because they speak with an accent. I don’t know how they lost Drew McIntrye. They booked him so horribly right from the time he got there. He could be in one of the main events this weekend. What a waste of a talent. Some of the booking for guys has been really bad. Harry Smith is another guy who has a lot of wrestling skills. I scratch my head some time how they can let a guy like that go.”


Why is that almost even wwe superstar or someone who knows a lot about the business raves about Cesaro and how he being under use but wwe never listens and gives him a chance.
Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Lance Archer are probably the best example of two dudes WWE totally failed with who bettered themselves immeasurably outside of the promotion.


Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Lance Archer are probably the best example of two dudes WWE totally failed with who bettered themselves immeasurably outside of the promotion.

I don't know if I have seen enough of him to know for sure, but Chris Masters might be another one to add to the list.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Why is that almost even wwe superstar or someone who knows a lot about the business raves about Cesaro and how he being under use but wwe never listens and gives him a chance.
He has had many chances. He is still getting chances.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Great article on Full Sail and NXT. Even to me as someone who used to not mind the crowd, they were completely fucking obnoxious during the Alexa/Bayley match and actively detracted from not only my enjoyment of the match but the quality of it in a vacuum.


TL;DR Calm down children

They need to send Owens back to NXT to own them again.

He has had many chances. He is still getting chances.

I mean, yes, that's completely right. People love to act like Cesaro's getting buried, but he isn't at all. Dude is on TV every single week and wrestles every PPV. Its the same thing where people claim completely seriously that Dunn and Vince hate Kevin Owens despite the fact they've been letting him do everything he needs to get over since the moment he debuted on the main roster.


Pwinsider version of what happened with the Charlotte and Reid angle:

Regarding the controversial RAW ending with Paige and WWE Divas Champion Charlotte this week, where Paige took a shot at Charlotte's late brother Reid Flair, PWInsider reports that the idea to mention Reid was presented to Charlotte and she was able to give feedback on the angle, in terms of the verbiage she would use and the way the angle was being presented - as a way to give Charlotte some sympathy from the fans.

The original idea reportedly came from something Charlotte mentioned to WWE creative recently, about how her entire career is a tribute to Reid. Apparently some parts of the angle were dropped throughout the day and other parts evolved. Charlotte was not forced into the segment and was given time to prepare or give feedback during the day.

It was also noted that the angle was discussed a lot throughout the day and senior WWE creative members were against it. Some voiced their opinions to Vince McMahon, who ultimately made the call. There's talk that the angle was actually pulled before RAW went on the air but Vince made the decision to keep it on the show.

Wow Vince should of nixed it and it shouldn't have never happened without both parents approval.

Plus as for putting Flair with Cesaro. How do you do that correctly without Cesaro becoming Ric Flair Jr like they did to AJ styles when Flair was paired with him.
Pwinsider version of what happened with the Charlotte and Reid angle:

Wow Vince should of nixed it and it shouldn't have never happened without both parents approval.

Plus as for putting Flair with Cesaro. How do you do that correctly without Cesaro becoming Ric Flair Jr like they did to AJ styles when Flair was paired with him.

The question I have is why Triple H or Arn Anderson didn't call Ric Flair to at least let him know that this angle was coming.


I don't know if I have seen enough of him to know for sure, but Chris Masters might be another one to add to the list.
During the last year that Masters was with the WWE he had greatly improved to the point that some(not me) said he was the best worker in the company. But by that point the WWE had buried him along side the Ricky Ortiz's of the world.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
What chances ? because honestly I remember any of them.

There are lots of guys who don't do anything but wrestle house shows. It's at least partially on Cesaro to show that he can do something other than be really good at performance wrestling.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What chances ? because honestly I remember any of them.
Almost every week. Matches. Brief promo time. Backstage interviews. He's consistently on TV with top talent. Ask Axel what he'd do to get that, or Adam Ross. Cesaro is being given opportunity.

I was talking to some people most of you know and it was brought up that right now, Cesaro appears he will be Rick Rude or Mr Perfect tier. He is consistently fun to watch in the ring, but won't be getting that championship and that's JUST FINE.
I was talking to some people most of you know and it was brought up that right now, Cesaro appears he will be Rick Rude or Mr Perfect tier. He is consistently fun to watch in the ring, but won't be getting that championship and that's JUST FINE.

Fans can't be satisfied with seeing their favourites only ascend to mid-card level because, for years now, the mid-card has been so poorly handled. The be all and end all of a WWE superstar is winning the WWE title, because nothing else matters in comparison.

People look back and say "so sad Perfect never got a run with the world title", but back then it's not something his fans expected because they could actually be satisfied with his role at the time. He was entertaining and well presented, the fact that he wasn't in the upper echelons didn't matter to the degree that it does now.


Don't cha worry there is one man who can bring some class to the WWE and send ratings soaring brother!

During what would have otherwise been a run-of-the-mill call in to hype WWE's Survivor Series pay-per-view (PPV) this weekend and help a good cause, Paul "Triple H" Levesque gave us the first sign of a thaw in his company's cool stance toward Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan.

The Executive Vice-President of WWE was a guest on Portsmouth, New Hampshire's WHEB Morning Buzz show this week as part of their charity auction campaign to help the area organizations that help feed the hungry and homeless. Host Greg Kretschmar asked Trips if he thinks Hogan, fired and basically disavowed by the company since tape of him using racial slurs leaked to the public earlier this year, will return to WWE at some point.

And his answer is a subtle change of tone from what we've heard to date on the subject:

For me I hope so.

It's about reinvigorating his brand and him as a human being and the confidence within the world as to who he is. But the one thing about people in general, when somebody is on top they love to see him fall and when they fall they love to see him make that comeback. They're great stories and I think that's where people are.

Do I think he can be forgiven and make amends with the world and move forward? Yeah absolutely. But at the same point in time for us in that time frame you're putting up a message to the world of how you'll tolerate things and how you'll react to things. And we did what we needed to do and he'll do what he needs to do to get himself back.

And its not, to me, at the end of the day for him, how he's perceived by the world, him as a human being, I'm sure is a lot more important to him than anything else. And re-establishing who he is as a human being I'm sure is of utmost important to him and I'm sure he's gonna do it and when he does we'll go from there.

It's an answer that is careful not to commit to anything, but also that can be read as "we had to cut ties when the bombshell hit, but as long as more don't fall and he keeps apologizing, he'll be back". Because this isn't just anybody saying he hopes the Hulkster ends up back with WWE. This is Vince McMahon's son-in-law, a probably heir to the throne, and someone who has brokered returns for past estranged superstars like Bruno Sammartino and Ultimate Warrior.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
If they put you in a televised feud with anyone they're giving you chances. That's just television truth regardless of the booking decisions in a vacuum or through some particular lens.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Fans can't be satisfied with seeing their favourites only ascend to mid-card level because, for years now, the mid-card has been so poorly handled. The be all and end all of a WWE superstar is winning the WWE title, because nothing else matters in comparison.

People look back and say "so sad Perfect never got a run with the world title", but back then it's not something his fans expected because they could actually be satisfied with his role at the time. He was entertaining and well presented, the fact that he wasn't in the upper echelons didn't matter to the degree that it does now.
I've always, always loved the mid card. Maybe it's because what I liked doesn't usually doesn't lend itself to marketability or whatnot, but I'll always love the chances that can afford to be taken in the mid card.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The reason you're not remembering Cesaro's other feuds for the past year is because he was in Kidd & Cesaro for a bunch of it:

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