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Nashvember Wrasslin' |OT| Big Daddy Cool's Big Sexy Diesel-Powered Month

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
  • Start date


I've been ignoring wrestling this week while dumping hours upon hours into Fallout 4. I really like the game but fuck my ass performance is just getting progressively worse on my PS4 version. A stuttering nightmare half of the time. Bethesda pls. Also the building detail from high above is hilariously low. "Looks like an N64 game in some situations on console" is not hyperbole. Which makes for a really uneven visual experience since I think the game looks pretty good otherwise, especially the lighting.

Feels kind of goof just going into Survior Series naked. Although it's been impossible to avoid constantly hearing about that promo Paige cut on Reid Flair.


Cesaro should be in a Ric Flair type character. Give the man suits, limos and private jets and he's gold.


Cesaro is different enough from Flair he can avoid that. AJ wasn't.

Yep... Cesaro's never going to work a match like Flair does, nor will he try to cut promos like Flair.

He'd be more like Windham in the 4 Horsemen or Batista in Evolution with Flair as his manager, not Ric Flair Jr.

I was talking to some people most of you know and it was brought up that right now, Cesaro appears he will be Rick Rude or Mr Perfect tier. He is consistently fun to watch in the ring, but won't be getting that championship and that's JUST FINE.

Rude and Perfect both had main event runs even if they didn't win the belt and were credible upper midcard guys.
As for Heyman not being a good manager, it really depends how much of a personal connection he has character wise. Yankee cap ponytail Heyman fawned over Brock. You believed that Brock was his meal ticket. He was passionate because he acted like a pro wrestling manager. Same thing with CM Punk.

He's not so great when he's the impersonal businessman trying to sell a product.


Does Sandow still have a job? It's amazing that that dude was so crazy over and now I can't remember the last time I saw him.

I do only watch the PPVs, though (and missed the last one).
He seems to just do things like Main Event and house shows now.


Cesaro/Heyman also failed but they had built of Cesaro for a slam dunk face turn after the Andre battle royal and then inexplicably kept him heel.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
So you're probably wondering just how Cesaro is like Ric Flair and I'll tell you. For example: They're both wrestlers, they've both used a mic and I know you're going to say "BUT WAIT Plywood one of them is bald." Or that one has the skin color of the others nipples, but you gotta look past that. That's just superficial aesthetics, we're talking personality. Yes personality because when Cesaro gets inside those four ropes, he doesn't connect he delivers. You see he's not unlike a Diogorno pizza he just needs an oven... or a tanning salon.


¡HarlequinPanic!;186211760 said:
this is a man that went to shows were fans would hit him with weapons they brought from home, folks, saying this about all these full sail WEENIES.
NXT/TNA fans are pond scum compared to the regular scum that was the ECW Mutants.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
ECW fans ruined wrestling crowds forever. I thought everyone knew this?

ECW is one of the worst things to ever happen to wrestling.
I hope EvilLore sent this guy's IP to the FBI before banning him because this guy definitely has bodies buried in his backyard.

Thinking about most improved of the year, and Emma keeps popping up in my drafts of the list.


What does Christian have to do with the what chants? That was all Austin.
Christian was the one who suggested it to Austin after a voicemail didn't come through.

There are like 2 moments when the chant was ok.

The Austin Promo when he is in the back
That time Austin was confronting Vince in the ring.

Every other time it has been used by fans as a tool to disrupt the show and most of the times the show doesn't deserve it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I hope EvilLore sent this guy's IP to the FBI before banning him because this guy definitely has bodies buried in his backyard.

Thinking about most improved of the year, and Emma keeps popping up in my drafts of the list.

I remember this fucker. Had a youtube channel he pretended to pin on his little brother that was nothing but women in games dying or being butchered. Fuck.
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