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Nashvember Wrasslin' |OT| Big Daddy Cool's Big Sexy Diesel-Powered Month

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Is that Data West or Bootaay?


Stone Cold had the Rock.
Tanahashi had Nakamura.

Reigns finally has his eternal rival...gold briefcases.

Cost him the title at WM, hit him in the head at a house show, lost him his title at SS.


Nakamura vd Nagata could have been great... There were glimpses of it too. Nagata had the fire but Nakamura did not that day.

But even if Nakamura had the fire, they could not top Ishii/Honma that night...


Charlotte and Paige are both just the worst. Paige because she acts like a video game sub sub sub boss and thinks randomly screaming future Roman Reigns catchphrases will get heat and Charlotte because she's in the top 5 most awkward WWE wrestlers of all time.

All that intensity they tried to build with that bullshit on Monday and Charlotte still starts the match with that "I'm just so darn happy to be here" smile on.

Paige...my usual main roster complaints, too much preening, not enough violence.


First tonight's PPV, now Cesaro. Reportedly out 4-6 months with a shoulder injury.

Everything is terrible.
This was some of the weakest actual wrestling that they've done in months. So much punch-chop-kick-clothesline-finisher.

I am completely convinced that the guys were told backstage to work ultra safe because of all of the injuries. It's got them scared (and for good reason).

How about...giving some of the guys some time off on the regular instead?

Roman's looking soft, likely unable to train because he's worn out. That bandaged up arm and extra body armor I doubt is just for show. Randy was getting really soft before he blew out his shoulder.

Then on the other side you've got Del Rio who looks like a million dollars
worth of dBol
because he was actually able to rest and not get burned out.

When you've got terrible writing and then you take away the high stakes graps, you've got nothing left to sit on. Some sad shit.

Also, no Dudleys tonight. Lucha and Usos, but no Dudleys. Hmmmmmm
Work schedule is killing their roster.
Not much of a show match-wise. Alberto vs. Roman had brief flashes of greatness at the end, but nothing beyond that. Owens vs. Dean was "better", but not great. The Survivor Series matches were nothing, but Goldust's return was at least amusing. Charlotte vs. Paige was pretty bland and heatless. Wyatts vs. Brothers of Destruction was fun, but not worth rewatching beyond the entrances. Both Roman's title win and loss were LOL-worthy.


Screens -

Dolph's worst getup yet.

Russo on the PPV: "I didn't think there was anything they could do to come out of this PPV worse than they went in, but they did"

The only time I've ever agreed with Russo
He knows how to get heat with a crowd. Go away heat is still slightly better than 'who the fuck cares' non-heat. He was phenomenal at working the crowd during one of the ECW ONS's while Batista was crying and couldn't keep it together at the same event.

Heyman knew how to work with Show. Both in Smackdown and in WWECW.


I have to say I really enjoyed how over-the-top Roman's coronation was. I don't think they used as much pyro and confetti at the past two WMs combined.
Honestly if it wasn't for Lucha Underground and NXT there really isn't much to be optimistic about wrestling produced in the west.

  • TNA is seconds away from bankruptcy and even if they were funded it would probably be shit
  • GFW is a Double J show so it won't draw dimes and it won't be good
  • WWE is being written by a man who appears to be content with doing what ever he wants and he isn't good at booking long term anymore
  • ROH still has the production values of a high school play
  • NXT is saved by using Indie stars to prop up what would just be a developmental system but the nature of it being taped and being in the same arena makes it easier to book.
  • AAA is falling apart left and right
  • CMLL is desperate to remain relevant.
  • Lucha Underground almost was canceled after a great start.

PWG friend

If they didn't turn Reigns now I'm convinced they won't ever.

Almost every Babyface champ needs a heel run of some kind just so they can be cool and be able to showcase their talents.

Triple H

All had heel runs before becoming a main event babyface.
Bob Backgawd didn't.
Roman is the Lex of the 2010's, only Lex was over when he beat Yokozuna.
It was a play on his name
Russo on the PPV: "I didn't think there was anything they could do to come out of this PPV worse than they went in, but they did"

The only time I've ever agreed with Russo
He knows how to get heat with a crowd. Go away heat is still slightly better than 'who the fuck cares' non-heat. He was phenomenal at working the crowd during one of the ECW ONS's while Batista was crying and couldn't keep it together at the same event.

Was it ONS? I think it was just an ECW taping at Hammerstein.


With the shitty booking I can almost guarantee this:

Tournament finals will be Reigns vs Ambrose. Reigns after a dramatic and exhausting match only to see Sheamus cash in successfully.

Then the WWE will wonder why NXT sells out arenas faster than the main roster.

Holy shit, they actually did it.
And speaking of getting heat around here, Nakamura has been my biggest disappointment of 2015. I can't think of any memorable matches he's had since the Ibushi match.

Nakamura hasn't had an amazing year by any stretch of the imagination, injuries and being tied to Goto haven't helped, but as far as memorable matches goes he has had a few IMO, not to mention the G1 final (easily in my top 5, although I'm sure you don't concur);

Strong x2

We need to arrive at the true conclusion that Okada is samey and stale and meta heel good guy eternal company man God King Ace of the UniverseTanahashi is THE man

Why are you so fucking determined for everyone to agree with you on this? Tanahashi does rule, though.


So not worth it
I'd say "never change, WWE." But it seems they have that pretty much covered by themselves. :D

Lucha Underground is only 1,5 months away, guys.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
What do you do with Brock?

And at this point, I'd expect Cena to be cheered as a Conquering Hero at WM32 if they go that route.

Face Reigns vs. Cena would be really interesting because I know I'd root for Cena to go over which would be pretty funny. They're the same character, but Cena is better at every possible thing about wrestling.

But the WWE seems pretty committed to nonsensical booking decisions so I imagine Cena would get squashed.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It seems that I didn't miss much. Was there any match worth watching?

...no. Owens/Ambrose is the closest thing on the card to being passable, but its just kind of mediocre, really.


So not worth it
Breaking Ground is really not doing Mojo Rowley any favors.

Guy is so annoying all the time.

But he is nice to kids, so good on him I suppose.
real talk, I do not enjoy Ambrose in the ring, last time I remember liking one of his matches was the one with Seth where he killed him on the pile of chairs.

At least he has a character though and a charisma about him, that's more than most of the roster. He's someone you can easily get behind if given the right story and he's allowed to cut loose. That aint happening anytime soon.
real talk, I do not enjoy Ambrose in the ring, last time I remember liking one of his matches was the one with Seth where he killed him on the pile of chairs.

At least he has a character though and a charisma about him, that's more than most of the roster. He's someone you can easily get behind if given the right story and he's allowed to cut loose. That aint happening anytime soon.

As silly as the move is, his weird rebound lariat is growing on me.
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