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Nashvember Wrasslin' |OT| Big Daddy Cool's Big Sexy Diesel-Powered Month

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Except that when their ratings go, so will their TV deal, and that's what keeps them around.

They make way more money on their TV deal than on the Network.

errrhhh I guess, I hope they're at least monitoring what people are watching on the network and taking notes


TNA announced their next set of TV tapings in Bethlehem, PA at the small Sands Bethlehem Event Center. Jan 5th - Jan 9th.

Interesting to note, their live broadcast debut on POP is the first show but it likely won't be a "live" debut as the show begins at 6:30 and airs at 9pm.

Also, tickets are indie ticket prices. $10 for GA and $25 for first and second row ringside.
Except that when their ratings go, so will their TV deal, and that's what keeps them around.

They make way more money on their TV deal than on the Network.

Once again, you watching/not watching Raw doesn't mean shit if you aren't a Neilson household. Canceling your Network subscription is the most direct way to send a message to them.


WWE should be getting 10 dollars, the Network is the best value wrestling fans have ever had. There is nothing goofier than being told you shouldnt give your money to something because SOMEONE ELSE doesn't like it. Fuck outta here.
I liked that the Shield triple threat is their last big real money match, and in the span of a month one of them died while the other two had a bad sub-10 min match that got overshadowed by HHH and Sheamus


I wonder if the WWE agents will be telling their wrestlers to work safer and not take as many stupid bumps, considering the state of the injured roster.


I still think the "Money in the Bank" concept is fucking flawed. Whether the crowd loves you or not, the logical way to cash in is... when the champion is down and out. Taking advantage of a terrible situation for the champion; an inherently heel tactic. this is fine because most of the time it is a heel cashing in, but... It doesn't make anyone look strong. It gets a pop every time because "OH MY GOD THINGS ARE HAPPENING WE MIGHT HAVE A NEW CHAMPION" but it's not going to result in a good match, and since it's almost always a heel cashing in, their win usually means nothing because they are booked as a chickenshit heel champion that always loses. Adding to this, it doesn't help that the MITB holder is booked like fucking SHIT every time because "losses don't hurt him, he's the MITB holder!" In the end, the babyface overcoming the chickenshit heel that only has the title because he runs away/cashes in when the opponent is down means fucking NOTHING because the heel champion is booked so poorly.

MITB can stay the same, but instead of being this fucking weird "cash in" gimmick, I wish the MITB winner just became the number one contender for a title match at Summer Slam. With the way SS has evolved over the years (3 day event over SS weekend ala Wrestlemania weekend), I think it's a big enough event to deserve a prior PPV designed to hype it up, like Rumble -> Mania.

I just see little value in the MITB concept as it currently exists.


So not worth it
Once again, you watching/not watching Raw doesn't mean shit if you aren't a Neilson household. Canceling your Network subscription is the most direct way to send a message to them.

I like what they're doing with the Network, so they'll continue to get my money.
I'm sure this has been asked/discussed, but with regards to injuries why doesn't the WWE cut back on house shows? I'm just curious if the money they're putting out for these shows is offset by actual revenue from them?

I guess it probably falls into the same area as cutting back on RAW/Smackdown. Advertisers and networks are paying them so they need to fill the time slots.


Yep. WWE's struggling with having two very disparate sets of fans - the older Attitude Era fans and then their sub 25 year old fans. The older set of fans are the ones who tend to buy tickets to RAW and such - but they are waxing nostalgic for all forms of entertainment (see: Hollywood, reboot of every 90s TV show, etc) - and want their anti-heroes / anti-establishment heroes. So they're pre-disposed to liking the bad guys. Most smarks want Reigns to turn heel so they can cheer him (see: Cena).

I'm starting to believe WWE's probably also been pandering entirely too much to that audience (this is where I point out that Tyler Black, Kevin Steen, and Dos Caras Jr were/are the three major champions, along with the New Day). They chose Rollins over Reigns to be "The Guy". They chose Kevin Steen to be "The Guy." They chose ADR to be "The Guy". They had Cena take a secondary title and put on 3 to 5 star matches every RAW with NXT and Indy talent; and job clean to Kevin Owens and Alberto Del Rio (and get destroyed by Brock Lesnar in a squash match). They did everything that audience wanted from 2014 onward, and their ratings have been falling consistently downward. The smark-y fans keep holding on to their theories of "Reigns must be the true guy!" and "CenaWinsLOL" even though WWE has shown through action that's not actually the case.

Though Vince must really not like Cesaro, because even Cena and Austin have vocally been pushing for Cesaro to get a main event run, and he's still not getting one. Though I could imagine the last couple of weeks might have been because they knew he was getting surgery ala Orton. (Or they are trying to replicate Daniel Bryan 2.0 with Cesaro...which I doubt)

There are far more than two different types of fans for this product and they all want different things.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You really think they tried to make Rollins the guy? Did you watch his title reign? Owens is just a midcard heel who gets to talk now and again and ADR has nobody giving a shit.

Cena did win, he ran through the entire mid and lower card (including RuRu and Owens twice) only to get some attention on a multi time WHC that nobody really ever care about.

Reigns, whatever, he won't move the business, he won't draw like the Cena replacement they want him to be if the show stays structured as it is right now.

They wouldn't have given Rollins the title, especially at Mania, if they didn't see a big future in him.


I'm sure this has been asked/discussed, but with regards to injuries why doesn't the WWE cut back on house shows? I'm just curious if the money they're putting out for these shows is offset by actual revenue from them?

I guess it probably falls into the same area as cutting back on RAW/Smackdown. Advertisers and networks are paying them so they need to fill the time slots.


assuming this is all factual figuring, live events seem to do well for them. Or did, given the age of this info. No clue how 2015 is.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I still think having heels hold all the titles is a terrible idea.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm sure this has been asked/discussed, but with regards to injuries why doesn't the WWE cut back on house shows? I'm just curious if the money they're putting out for these shows is offset by actual revenue from them?

I guess it probably falls into the same area as cutting back on RAW/Smackdown. Advertisers and networks are paying them so they need to fill the time slots.

House shows are good money, good way to move merch as well. It's worth doing, or else they wouldn't do it, but at the same time even NXT is crazy marketable so they put them out on the road. It's decent business and worth doing.


Face it, the future main event scene in WWE is Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. You might be able to add in a few from the NXT five and make it Reigns, Ambrose, Rollins, Owens and Zayn with Balor mixed in for good measure.

But that is the core of the future main event scene in WWE as it stands.


WWE should be getting 10 dollars, the Network is the best value wrestling fans have ever had. There is nothing goofier than being told you shouldnt give your money to something because SOMEONE ELSE doesn't like it. Fuck outta here.
The network really is fantastic.

I mean there are still issues with some missing shows, music rights, playlist features, taging and their refusal to tag benoit matches. But for the most part it's great.

We should make a top 10 matches or shows to watch from different promotions.

A guide for new posters or fans to see stuff.
House shows are good money, good way to move merch as well. It's worth doing, or else they wouldn't do it, but at the same time even NXT is crazy marketable so they put them out on the road. It's decent business and worth doing.

Forgot about the merch bump. Which probably also factors into wrestlers wanting to do them, assuming they get a cut of merch.


They wouldn't have given Rollins the title, especially at Mania, if they didn't see a big future in him.
Yep. Poor writing and shit booking weren't done on purpose. That's just the current product.

They mentioned on commentary last night how Rollins said whoever wins the title is keeping it warm for him until he comes back. They don't really do that with talent they don't believe in. They gloss over important character details like that otherwise.


I still think having heels hold all the titles is a terrible idea.

I think long-term, it only works if you're doing a build to get someone over in a big way when they win. But short-term, people love a chase, seeing their boy finally win the big one after his "x years of sacrifice boyhood dream" story.

Though, with the way the world is now, and the kids love those tower defense games, maybe they like seeing a face champ who beats everyone on the roster. Sometimes all at once. That sounds fu---

So how do they fuck up the Rumble this year

Because you know they will

Bryan #30, eliminated by Brie pulling him over the top rope like Sid did Hogan in 92. New season of Total Divas is about their baby fever or whatever she said recently.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yep. Poor writing and shit booking weren't done on purpose. That's just the current product.

They mentioned on commentary last night how Rollins said whoever wins the title is keeping it warm for him until he comes back. They don't really do that with talent they don't believe in. They gloss over important character details like otherwise.

He's going to come back as a hugely over face. It'll be fantastic. Lots of money in that.


They wouldn't have given Rollins the title, especially at Mania, if they didn't see a big future in him.

I've edited that post a bunch but I'm just gonna disagree. Rollins has just about zero agency in anything that happened during his title run, started losing a lot and felt like he regressed as a character during his run.

He's not gonna be as big a star that the company is going to need in the next 5 years once Cena/Orton really start pulling back on appearances.


Face it, the future main event scene in WWE is Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. You might be able to add in a few from the NXT five and make it Reigns, Ambrose, Rollins, Owens and Zayn with Balor mixed in for good measure.

But that is the core of the future main event scene in WWE as it stands.

As soon as Cena and Orton come back they'll take their spot back, you already forgot about them

Owens is a midcarder by now, and as much as I want it to happen I don't think Zayn and Balor will never ever be in the main event picture on the main roster. Balor might get a shot but once the DEMON thing gets overplayed by Vince, it'll be midcard for him too

this business has no future.


So thinking about the Survivor Series, did the tourney help to elevate anyone stock?

Like even Roman winning it... didn't feel like a big watershed moment for him since he has been hovering at the top all year.

Ambrose is kind of stuck under the glass ceiling.

Like I can't think of anyone... maybe Kalisto who came out looking like money


As soon as Cena and Orton come back they'll take their spot back, you already forgot about them

Owens is a midcarder by now, and as much as I want it to happen I don't think Zayn and Balor will never ever be in the main event picture on the main roster. Balor might get a shot but once the DEMON thing gets overplayed by Vince, it'll be midcard for him too

this business has no future.

I think Cena is nearing the point of done. He even decided to take time off because he sees there is nothing else he can do. Orton is getting close to there as well. He has lived in the upper mid card for a while now, and I doubt he has another main event run in him.

Owens has more upside to him than anyone at his level, especially given how long he has been there. Zayn is a natural babyface and they're in dire need of that now on the main roster. Balor brings a flash of style to the table that they're lacking as well.
X-Pac said on last weeks We Watch Wrestling podcast he heard Vince say he'd rather have characters he created work in a half-empty arena than characters he had nothing to do with working in a full arena

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Alright, whoever made those "WWE fans hate WWE because" list guy HAS to be a Wrasslegaffer.


X-Pac said on last weeks We Watch Wrestling podcast he heard Vince say he'd rather have characters he created work in a half-empty arena than characters he had nothing to do with working in a full arena
He's been cited as saying this on several occasions in the past.


I think Cena is nearing the point of done. He even decided to take time off because he sees there is nothing else he can do. Orton is getting close to there as well. He has lived in the upper mid card for a while now, and I doubt he has another main event run in him.

Owens has more upside to him than anyone at his level, especially given how long he has been there. Zayn is a natural babyface and they're in dire need of that now on the main roster. Balor brings a flash of style to the table that they're lacking as well.

No way, Cena is 38 he can still be in the main event for AT LEAST 6-7 years, maybe 10, we're talking about WWE here. Kane was in the Main Event 2 PPVs ago

Owens, Zayn and Balor are amazing and I love them, but objectively, they won't make it unless Vince dies
My 2 month tradition of watching the opening of a WWE show then getting sleepy and going to bed continues.

SS seemed utterly predictable. The 2 most WWE choices where RomanWinsLOL or Shemaus cashes in.

I dont know which is worse out of those 2. Would have been interesting if Dean turned and they just stuck him into Rolins slot but we cant have that.

At least they dont have the MITB get out of jail free card for a while I guess.

And I guess Cena wins the rumble. Roman wins the title between now and then. Cena v Roman at mania! YAY!

Also remember when Paige was cool? What happened?


No way, Cena is 38 he can still be in the main event for AT LEAST 6-7 years, maybe 10, we're talking about WWE here. Kane was in the Main Event 2 PPVs ago

Owens, Zayn and Balor are amazing and I love them, but objectively, they won't make it unless Vince dies

Cena is a lot more beat up than Kane was at the same age. Possibly more beat up than Kane is right now even.

Rodeo Clown

All aboard! The Love train!
So thinking about the Survivor Series, did the tourney help to elevate anyone stock?
Tyler? He had a really good promo during the show and then his match with Ziggler was okay, but he did go over, which was the right call.

But then he'll probably be jobbing to dudes by the Rubmle.


So thinking about the Survivor Series, did the tourney help to elevate anyone stock?

Like even Roman winning it... didn't feel like a big watershed moment for him since he has been hovering at the top all year.

Ambrose is kind of stuck under the glass ceiling.

Like I can't think of anyone... maybe Kalisto who came out looking like money

but michael cole said it was

he said so

prepare for commentary telling us this fact every single week until roman wins the belt from sheamus at tlc

So how do they fuck up the Rumble this year

Because you know they will

they will announce bryan is in the match

bryan will get eliminated

someone who isn't bryan will win
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