Yep. WWE's struggling with having two very disparate sets of fans - the older Attitude Era fans and then their sub 25 year old fans. The older set of fans are the ones who tend to buy tickets to RAW and such - but they are waxing nostalgic for all forms of entertainment (see: Hollywood, reboot of every 90s TV show, etc) - and want their anti-heroes / anti-establishment heroes. So they're pre-disposed to liking the bad guys. Most smarks want Reigns to turn heel so they can cheer him (see: Cena).
I'm starting to believe WWE's probably also been pandering entirely too much to that audience (this is where I point out that Tyler Black, Kevin Steen, and Dos Caras Jr were/are the three major champions, along with the New Day). They chose Rollins over Reigns to be "The Guy". They chose Kevin Steen to be "The Guy." They chose ADR to be "The Guy". They had Cena take a secondary title and put on 3 to 5 star matches every RAW with NXT and Indy talent; and job clean to Kevin Owens and Alberto Del Rio (and get destroyed by Brock Lesnar in a squash match). They did everything that audience wanted from 2014 onward, and their ratings have been falling consistently downward. The smark-y fans keep holding on to their theories of "Reigns must be the true guy!" and "CenaWinsLOL" even though WWE has shown through action that's not actually the case.
Though Vince must really not like Cesaro, because even Cena and Austin have vocally been pushing for Cesaro to get a main event run, and he's still not getting one. Though I could imagine the last couple of weeks might have been because they knew he was getting surgery ala Orton. (Or they are trying to replicate Daniel Bryan 2.0 with Cesaro...which I doubt)