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Natural Born Penalty Killers (NHL 13 EASHL)

2way is the way to go. The rest is up to you and what you're comfortable with really. Agi speed accel is a no brainer. Seems like checking, strength dont do much for me.

Last year they said def awareness and strength were very important but I never saw a good explanation, same with aggressiveness which I think determines who ends up with a loose puck if 2 players reach it at the same time?


I'm taking a break from club for awhile. This shit's already devolving into nothing but a fast break fest and it's boring as shit.



I'm down for it. I have to say, I'm kinda sad Marvie is already taking a break. It's only fast break because people are still learning D and we're much, much faster than who we usually go up against.

@Vis: You taking a break, too? Couldn't really tell from your BL2 post.

@Aces: You basically have to time LT correctly. For a split second it will throw you sideways to make the one-timer happen. Other than that, you have to skate around until your guy gets positioned.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Our cycle game we had going against some of the teams we played yesterday was actually hilarious. Looked like we were playing against the Madden team. Best was when we held it in the other teams zone for almost the entire PK :lol.


Our cycle game we had going against some of the teams we played yesterday was actually hilarious. Looked like we were playing against the Madden team. Best was when we held it in the other teams zone for almost the entire PK :lol.

It still needs a lot of work. I see we're trying to force passes more often now (I'm guilty here too), but a lot of passes are getting through too. It's hard to judge it this year. It's not 100%, but works quite often.


I'm down for it. I have to say, I'm kinda sad Marvie is already taking a break. It's only fast break because people are still learning D and we're much, much faster than who we usually go up against.

I really can't sit through 12 months of people cherry picking and fast breaking. Once other teams catch up, the fast break shit isn't going to work anymore and then we'll be screwed because we haven't learned how to do anything else. Moop's arguments last year about doing the same plays over and over again is starting to sink in with me. We have trouble getting any offense going sometimes because we don't have the patience to set things up in the zone and try to work the puck around for good scoring chances. Granted the shitty puck reception makes it tougher to do but the fact that we don't even try a lot of the time just sucks. I'm not even going to bother drawing anything up because nobody gives a fuck about it anyway. Most of our offense comes down to rushing into the zone, making one deke or a pass, and firing off the same few shots over and over again. We have a lot of talented players on this team but the fact that we are so unwilling to try and play a better team game is just frustrating.

It still needs a lot of work. I see we're trying to force passes more often now (I'm guilty here too), but a lot of passes are getting through too. It's hard to judge it this year. It's not 100%, but works quite often.
Everyone is guilty of this but this goes back to the patience thing. Passes can't get forced through all the time anymore but we're in such a rush to try and get shots off that we force shit whether its open or not. If we slow things down, plays open up.


I agree, but we're taking what we can get. Half our shit comes off of the rush because we're faster. This will even out over time. Do you want us to curl back and wait for the entire team to enter the zone? I mean, there's only so much we can do. We're definitely moving it a lot more than '12, IMO. Only thing that needs to change is forcing passes and getting them off quicker.
I'm down for it. I have to say, I'm kinda sad Marvie is already taking a break. It's only fast break because people are still learning D and we're much, much faster than who we usually go up against.

@Vis: You taking a break, too? Couldn't really tell from your BL2 post.

@Aces: You basically have to time LT correctly. For a split second it will throw you sideways to make the one-timer happen. Other than that, you have to skate around until your guy gets positioned.

dont you ever refer to me by some shortened nickname again, goat fondler!

since Marv is gone (good riddance!) I will be taking over as the team dictator. Those of you lucky enough to have survived my reign of terror last year know that the S.O.P. has changed. Those that are new, get your big boy pants on or get left behind!

I will now be addressed only as 1 of the following:
"Your Greatness"
"Mr. A Poor Man's Bobby Orr"
"The Best To Ever Do It AKA TheVisualizer"

get my name right peons or you will end up face down, ass up as a fresh fish on the Sox or Madden club...


I agree, but we're taking what we can get. Half our shit comes off of the rush because we're faster. This will even out over time. Do you want us to curl back and wait for the entire team to enter the zone? I mean, there's only so much we can do. We're definitely moving it a lot more than '12, IMO. Only thing that needs to change is forcing passes and getting them off quicker.
Right, but while we have this advantage we should be trying to work on things when the opportunity presents itself. We don't though. We still end up rushing down the and doing the same shit over and over again. Not trying to call out Legit here but I've seen him do the same deke & short side shot a hundred times already and the game has only been out a week.


The club games I've been in, the only times I see things like that is when it's a breakaway/two on one.

Any other time when we're in the zone, we have a cycle game going. Maybe I'm in bizarro world :(


Viz, you seem angry, I think you need to simmer down.

I think if we're going to start trying to do actual hockey shit that we need to get it at least somewhat down pat in practice mode or whatever. I agree though, the rush bullshit is getting boring.
Right, but while we have this advantage we should be trying to work on things when the opportunity presents itself. We don't though. We still end up rushing down the and doing the same shit over and over again. Not trying to call out Legit here but I've seen him do the same deke & short side shot a hundred times already and the game has only been out a week.

listen son, you leave the calling out players to me, im in charge!

you go play your My Little Pony game or whatever you do to chillax, i got this...


Viz, you seem angry, I think you need to simmer down.

I think if we're going to start trying to do actual hockey shit that we need to get it at least somewhat down pat in practice mode or whatever. I agree though, the rush bullshit is getting boring.
Leave the man alone. He's has every reason to be upset. The store ran out of his citrus scented Depends. He had to buy the lilac ones. Now his accidental old man sharts smell like shit & flowers instead of shit & oranges.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
In the games we played yesterday afternoon, we were cycling really well and scoring in a lot of different ways, with a lot of different plays. I get that we'll need to adjust and such, and we will. The players we have are good enough and smart enough to adapt and change. I admit I'm doing the same thing, but I'm not going to stop scoring when it's working all the time. There's a lot of games we've won because I was the only one scoring, am I suppose to stop because other teams are too stupid to let me walk in on them and score? Look at when Viz plays, no one scores goals like that on us because he knows how to handle it and walk up on them. As long as teams are letting me walk in, I'm going to keep scoring that way. I'm always making a lot of plays and cycling.

Don't understand why this is even a conversation when we're winning so much? We lost one game 3-0 and know we need to change our system?


Don't understand why this is even a conversation when we're winning so much? We lost one game 3-0 and know we need to change our system?

Because right now we (I'm not including myself in this we since I'm so far behind in ratings it's not even funny,) have an advantage over other teams, which allows shit like you walking in and shoot high-glove every fucking time to work, but when that advantage is gone we're going to have to adjust which in turn is going to hurt us a bit more then if we start that adjustment now.

I personally think there's going to be games where we're only going to get chances off the rush and other games where we'll only get chances from good puck movement in-zone. I'd like to be able to do both, maybe that's just me.


Because right now we (I'm not including myself in this we since I'm so far behind in ratings it's not even funny,) have an advantage over other teams, which allows shit like you walking in and shoot high-glove every fucking time to work, but when that advantage is gone we're going to have to adjust which in turn is going to hurt us a bit more then if we start that adjustment now.

I personally think there's going to be games where we're only going to get chances off the rush and other games where we'll only get chances from good puck movement in-zone. I'd like to be able to do both, maybe that's just me.
Marv, while I agree with you whole-heartedly (I've never enjoyed the 'rush into the zone, put a puck on the net, then rush back down the ice to play D again' style either), I think that is the game. EA didn't develop a hockey sim, they developed NHL 09, Part 5.

And this series is always going to be about arcade hockey because people are always going to go for the easy option and EA is going to program goalies around numbers and percentages, rather than the quality of angles and shot selection.

The goalies are going to give up 1/15 shots regardless of the quality of those shots. So you can either take your 7% chance to rush down and fling something at the net; or you can try to develop something in the zone and still end up with a 7% chance to score once you put a puck on the net. Except when you do that, you risk turning the puck over and never getting that opportunity.

Statistically it's foolish to play actual hockey, so really, you guys are savants--complete with the spectrum disorders.

Real coach talk.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Well you actually played more games Blinding you would realize we are scoring off the rush and cycle plays. Aces, Milly, Moop, Rev can all attest to that.


Well you actually played more games Blinding you would realize we are scoring off the rush and cycle plays. Aces, Milly, Moop, Rev can all attest to that.

I'm not saying you aren't, I'm just saying that based on what Marvie is saying, doing shit off the rush seems to be the tendency, and it would probably be better in the long run to start changing that now then waiting for other clubs to catch up.


I don't understand what part of this gives Blinding any credit to criticize a team he has barely played with?

I wouldn't say I've barely played with you guys, I certainly haven't played as much as I would like to but I've gotten a decent amount of games in considering my other responsibilities. I'm pretty sure the only person I haven't played a club game with is Milly, and I doubt things have changed drastically enough since the last time I played (what, three days ago?) to dis-credit my opinion.

Like I said, I'm not saying there isn't cycling or anything like that going on, just that (and again, going off of what Marvie is saying,) the typical one shot or pass off the rush seems to be the tendency, which is what it was for sure in those last few games I played in. Take it or leave it, but that's my opinion.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
So because he doesn't sit around and play NHL all day, his opinion doesn't count?
The fact that he has barely played with this team and is trying to tell them how to play? Yea that doesn't make sense. Especially when he's basing everything he's saying off of what you said.


The fact that he has barely played with this team and is trying to tell them how to play? Yea that doesn't make sense. Especially when he's basing everything he's saying off of what you said.

1. How about you respond to my posts instead of Marvies and have an actual discussion?
2. Just because you've put in 100-something games in a little over a week doesn't mean that I've "barely" played with the club, nor does it mean that I haven't played enough to form an opinion.

If you want to show me that I'm wrong, then I'll gladly hop into club games tonight, but from what I've seen while playing and from what Marvie is saying, I'll be sticking by what I've said. Also, I love how you try to say I'm telling the club how to play when in reality I was trying to help explain what Marvie was saying and showing my agreement, which any one of you can toss out the fucking window for all I care.

So much buttmad over an opinion, god damn.


The fact that he has barely played with this team and is trying to tell them how to play? Yea that doesn't make sense. Especially when he's basing everything he's saying off of what you said.
One or two games is about all you need to play to see what we do in the game. It doesn't change much. He played quite a bit last year and its not like we do much different. Only difference is you found a different short side goal to abuse this year.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
One or two games is about all you need to play to see what we do in the game. It doesn't change much. He played quite a bit last year and its not like we do much different. Only difference is you found a different short side goal to abuse this year.
We've been winning non stop since last weekend, making a lot of different plays, and cycling really well. We have stuff to work on like every other club, but we're playing great right now and this whole argument is stupid. If you guys really think all we're doing is scoring off the rush then you need to play with Aces, Milly, Moop etc because we aren't. I'm done with this argument, I'll worry about our tactics when we're on a 10 game losing streak.


I don't even understand why this was an argument in the first place. What exactly were you disagreeing with outside of "if all you think is we do shit off the rush blah blah blah,"? Do you disagree that it'd be better to adjust now? I'd say you don't considering your whole point is that you guys already have.

So then what, we're arguing over a difference of playing experiences, and you unfortunately taking what I was saying as trying to dictate how we should play? That's fucking silly. My club games experience has been dominated by failed cross-crease passes off the rush, with maybe a little bit of cycling play when Viz was with us, obviously you've had a different playing experience, so what's the issue here?
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