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NBA commissioner changes stance, says changes are needed in regards to hack-a-player

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The opposing team is already penalized with the hacking strategy, they are put into the penalty really early. Other than that I say learn to shoot.


Oh, you mean like the 12 timeouts allotted to each team, not including the numerous TV timeouts as well?
They REALLY need to do something about all those timeouts at the end of the game, it really kill the flow. I still like the idea of giving teams a chance to advance the ball, but maybe make all/most timeouts in the last 2 minutes to be 20 seconds timeouts.

But that doesn't mean that curbing the hack-a-shaq tactic isn't a good idea that going to help the flow of the game.

I really wish they try to just reduce the number of free throws as a whole, that FThunder fuckery (or the crap the Rockets and Clippers do) is just painful to watch.
I have an idea for Silver: allow the team that was fouled to have the option of having the mascot shoot the FT. If he hits it, free beer to everyone.

National Beer Association.


They REALLY need to do something about all those timeouts at the end of the game, it really kill the flow. I still like the idea of giving teams a chance to advance the ball, but maybe make all/most timeouts in the last 2 minutes to be 20 seconds timeouts.

But that doesn't mean that curbing the hack-a-shaq tactic isn't a good idea that going to help the flow of the game.

I really wish they try to just reduce the number of free throws as a whole, that FThunder fuckery (or the crap the Rockets and Clippers do) is just painful to watch.

KD's arm is going to slip off one of these days with how many times he has to do that little shoulder shimmy routine.


What's the difference if people stand around and watch a shitty free thrower miss 3 shots instead of 2?

Averages even among the shittiest of free throwers are usually better than 66% thereby raising the chance of wasting a foul. At the very least, there is less incentive to foul.


Changing a rule like this would be akin to forcing pitchers in the NL to pitch under-handed to poor batters or forcing a football team to stop blitzing against an immobile quarterback.

The onus shouldn't be on the league to protect poor FT shooters... the onus should be on the teams that employ them to sub them out or DNP-CD.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
It's pathetic how these guys can't even make their free throws, maybe get rid of the million time outs and stoppages if you want to make the product better.
League wide free throw averages have historically been the same with similar variances in averages. There have always been bad FT shooters and there will always be bad free throw shooters. The current rules simply allow teams to exploit weaknesses that have always existed by committing an act that is arguably outside of the scope of the game.

This is not related to averages. It's about 3 players in the league who can't shoot a ball. It's insane the league is going to change to accommodate them.

Jay Sosa

Dudes simply need to learn how to make free throws

I rather would like to see them do something about the last 2 minutes that can last up to 11 hours (that might be an exaggeration) That shit is horrible to watch especially if the team is like a thousand points behind and STILL fouls. Like they have any chance of actually winning the game.


I am Wayne Brady.
Foul someone with the ball - 2 free throws

Foul someone without the ball - 3 free throws

Would that solve the problem?

I'd change that three to 1 free throw awarded to the offense plus two more to the person fouled.

But instead of just fouling someone without the ball i'd do fouling a specific player more than X number of times in a single quarter.
Averages even among the shittiest of free throwers are usually better than 66% thereby raising the chance of wasting a foul. At the very least, there is less incentive to foul.

The three the OP is talking about have 35%, 42% and 54% on their free throw shots. Having 3 shots instead of 2 does raise the risk of them making it, but I know at least Drummond would still be getting fouled.
This is not related to averages. It's about 3 players in the league who can't shoot a ball. It's insane the league is going to change to accommodate them.

3 players per team, you mean. Why would hack-a-player be so prevalent if there were only 3 players total who get hurt by it?


Sounds like lip service to the fans, players and suits never really wanted to change this rule although hacking inbounds/freethrows can get pretty ridiculous. But I doubt the league wants to help 7 footers become dominant again.

As for learning to shoot, it's almost too late in the pros. There's barely any time to practice during the season, and in the offseason these players are out there living a new money lifestyle instead of hitting the gym
Sounds like lip service to the fans, players and suits never really wanted to change this rule although hacking inbounds/freethrows can get pretty ridiculous. And I doubt the league wants to help 7 footers become dominant again.

As for learning to shoot, it's almost too late in the pros. There's barely any time to practice during the season, and in the offseason these players are out there living a new money lifestyle instead of hitting the gym

I think it's beyond practicing for most players. Supposedly Dwight can hit 90% in practice.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Part of me says, make the free throws and there's no reason to do it... the other part says it's fucking horrible to watch.
3 players per team, you mean. Why would hack-a-player be so prevalent if there were only 3 players total who get hurt by it?

It's not that prevalent at all, actually. It's made a bigger deal because a few of the top teams that get a lot of national air time have bad free throw shooters.

I enjoy the strategy. I don't find it boring at all. It's made a bigger deal than it really is and the ratings reflect that
3 players per team, you mean. Why would hack-a-player be so prevalent if there were only 3 players total who get hurt by it?

The only players who are fouled to the point where the game is bogged down are Drummond, Jordan, and sometimes Howard. The strategy is not really as prevalent as people make it out to be. The fact that Jordan and Howard have been on teams in the national spotlight very often is why people assume it's a huge problem.


Changing a rule like this would be akin to forcing pitchers in the NL to pitch under-handed to poor batters or forcing a football team to stop blitzing against an immobile quarterback.

The onus shouldn't be on the league to protect poor FT shooters... the onus should be on the teams that employ them to sub them out or DNP-CD.
The onus on the league is to put an entertaining product out there. The point is not to protect anyone but to make the game more enjoyable to watch.
Now personally I don't think the hack-a-shaq is the worst offender in that regard, but I'm not going to cry if it's gone.


Look, the argument for the change is for the entertainment value, no one wants to see a FT contest at an NBA game. For that reason alone I support the change (and yes, my team is one that gets victimzed by this strategy but that is not why I want it changed). It's simply boring to watch.

Also agree that the number of timeouts need to be reduced (but I wonder if this would cause more fatigue or would it mean larger rotations?)
Hacking is boring, but the amount of timeouts and TV breaks in unbearable, just like in any other american sport.

They should cut timeouts at least in half, throw in the jersey ads to compensate or whatever.

After you start watching games on League Pass, there´s no going back. I´m always watching it on the following morning, sometimes in 70-75 minutes, instead of the dreadful 2.5 hours that it takes live.

In fact, i can´t stand to watch live games anymore, the constant stoppages are beyond annoying, not to mention that they break the flow of the game.

This is a much bigger issue than Drummond or Jordan shooting bricks, but they refuse to recognize it as a problem.

Of course hacking is boring, but 09785 timeouts are much more annoying than this.


Changing a rule like this would be akin to forcing pitchers in the NL to pitch under-handed to poor batters or forcing a football team to stop blitzing against an immobile quarterback.

The onus shouldn't be on the league to protect poor FT shooters... the onus should be on the teams that employ them to sub them out or DNP-CD.

it's always in a sports league's best interest to make the game watchable. if you have too many people stop watching because of bullshit, you don't have a league anymore.

And they've made huge changes to how basketball has played over history, so it's not like the current ruleset is divinely inspired perfection. Like the shot clock.
there's a bad ft shooter starting on just about every squad in the NBA.

They are not that exploited. After the Big 3, some guys like plumlee , ed davis, noels , faried are explored. But not a lot. It's much more boring seeing Harden shooting ft.

3 players per team, you mean. Why would hack-a-player be so prevalent if there were only 3 players total who get hurt by it?

It's not prevalent at all. 3 players equal to more than 200 games though.


Hack-a-player, fool the official by flopping and the excessive use of timeouts are making the game hard to watch. Basketball is actually a beautiful game when it's in motion. Unfortunately, the 25 play stoppages in the last few minutes take what should be a breathtaking final flurry of action and turn it into some sort of slideshow that we label "strategic."


My solution is that off-the-ball fouls should be team's choice on who shoots. If Noel does something like that again on Drummond, the Pistons should be allowed to put Reggie Jackson on the line.

Doesn't need to be technical or anything. Just start letting the fouled the team choose on off-the-ball fouls.


Just extend the two shots + ball rule from the last two minutes into the whole quarter. Away from the ball defensive fouls don't happen often enough anyway unless hack-a-shaq is going on.

Also, it's not a cancer is the league as people try to make it sound. It's just that when it happens, it's blatantly obvious and garbage to watch.
it's always in a sports league's best interest to make the game watchable. if you have too many people stop watching because of bullshit, you don't have a league anymore.

And they've made huge changes to how basketball has played over history, so it's not like the current ruleset is divinely inspired perfection. Like the shot clock.

A league shouldn't change a rule that affects one team. If this was a problem for even a quarter of the teams then ok yeah change it. But we are really only talking about the Clippers. Nobody cares about Detroit.
Being able to just take the ball out of bounds until the last 2 minutes is such an easy change to make that I think they have to make it. The only reason you would need to restrict it is that if you don't let teams intentionally foul at the end of a game, you fundamentally change the end of a game by allowing a team with the lead and less than 24 seconds to go be able to simply take the ball out of bounds to ensure that the other team never gets the ball back unless they manage to steal it. Of course, there is a risk of turning the ball over on the in-bounds play, so I suppose there's some extra drama there to be had, but I think that's something that should be considered at a later time and shouldn't be a side effect of preventing hacking poor free throw shooters.
A league shouldn't change a rule that affects one team. If this was a problem for even a quarter of the teams then ok yeah change it. But we are really only talking about the Clippers. Nobody cares about Detroit.

People are going to care when teams employ the hack-a-iguodala strategy against the Warriors in the playoffs.
why reward the two or three chumps who couldn't pull off free throws?

Maybe you should move the 3 point line in too so that midrange shooters can make those shots while youre at it


The argument of "Players should learn to just make their FT!" sounds good, but its ultimately pointless

Its not about improving this for the players, its about improving the viewing experience for the fans. Jordan and Drummond are not missing on purpose or are magically going to improve.

"But they should improve!"
But they wont!
"But they should!"
But they wont

Games can be too long. Too many timeouts, too long, too much time between freethrows, the fat needs to be cut.
why reward the two or three chumps who couldn't pull off free throws?

Maybe you should move the 3 point line in too so that midrange shooters can make those shots while youre at it

Seriously. Lower the basket too so JJ Barea and 2 other short people can be better rim protectors

The argument of "Players should learn to just make their FT!" sounds good, but its ultimately pointless

Its not about improving this for the players, its about improving the viewing experience for the fans. Jordan and Drummond are not missing on purpose or are magically going to improve.

"But they should improve!"
But they wont!
"But they should!"
But they wont

Games can be too long. Too many timeouts, too long, too much time between freethrows, the fat needs to be cut.

If you want the game dumbed down for entertainment value, that's fine, that's your opinion. I don't . I don't think nearly as many people hate the hack strategy as the media wants it to be perceived.
The argument of "Players should learn to just make their FT!" sounds good, but its ultimately pointless

Its not about improving this for the players, its about improving the viewing experience for the fans. Jordan and Drummond are not missing on purpose or are magically going to improve.

"But they should improve!"
But they wont!
"But they should!"
But they wont

Games can be too long. Too many timeouts, too long, too much time between freethrows, the fat needs to be cut.

Right. In fact, hacking DeAndre Jordan has backfired more often than it has worked (or at least the Clippers have won more games where he's been intentionally fouled a lot than they've lost under those circumstances, so there isn't a ton of incentive for the Clippers to take him out. However, there is enough of a chance of it working that desperate coaches still do it, so it's not really going to end any time soon.
People are going to care when teams employ the hack-a-iguodala strategy against the Warriors in the playoffs.

Maybe the Cavs should have used it last year, maybe it would have kept him from winning Finals MVP.

I'd that actually worked against him they would have done it.


If you want the game dumbed down for entertainment value, that's fine, that's your opinion. I don't . I don't think nearly as many people hate the hack strategy as the media wants it to be perceived.
How is having less free trows dumbs down the game?
Also, entertainment value is probably the most important thing when deciding on such things.



If you can't shoot free throw as a multi million $ per year NBA player. thats on you and its up to your team to either teach you or get you off the floor. or come up with a strategy to combat it.

it pandering to players who don't have a basic skill. should we move the 3 point line in 15 feet so more people have a better %. maybe we can take the basket down 2 or 3 feet so that the shorter people can dunk easier.

what a pile of shit.
Obligatory link to the Ginuwine version of the Noel jump on Drummond.


Drummond knows he's going to get jumped on, right? Why wouldn't you just move away from it instead of catching him gently in your arms? He's not even required to be at the box.


If you want the game dumbed down for entertainment value, that's fine, that's your opinion. I don't . I don't think nearly as many people hate the hack strategy as the media wants it to be perceived.

The game has always been "dumbed down" for entertainment value. Or do you think the many rule changes basketball and and other sports have employed over the decades of their respective histories were universally enacted solely in the interest of fair competition?

Drummond knows he's going to get jumped on, right? Why wouldn't you just move away from it instead of catching him gently in your arms? He's not even required to be at the box.

His job is to box out his man so he or his teammates can secure the rebound. Why would anyone risk giving their man a clear chance at getting their own rebound because he "might" try to jump on them?
Maybe the Cavs should have used it last year, maybe it would have kept him from winning Finals MVP.

I'm not sure what you're getting at here? That teams aren't going to realize that they'd be much better off intentionally fouling Iggy and Draymond for the entire game instead of letting Steph jack up threes?
Oh, you mean like the 12 timeouts allotted to each team, not including the numerous TV timeouts as well?

So what are you suggesting. That they play all the way through without timeouts? Why not scrap halftime while we're at it.

I think you know what I meant.


TBH, the intentional fouling of a player is probably saving some injuries here and there because if they eliminate the current practice, you're going to start seeing players chop down hard on DeAndre Jordan's arms the second he touches the ball in the offensive zone. Same with Howard and Drummond.

It wouldn't be gentle, stop the play, intentional fouling as we know it... it'll be hard, slap at the arms, aggressive, make-sure-he-doesn't-get-an-easy-layup fouling that will essentially be an extension of the same practice that people complain about now.
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