Fuck that. KD needs to stay exactly where he is. OKC blew it this year they have the talent to run with this Warriors team. His best shot at winning a chip is staying put.
KD won't be able to beat the LeBron/Curry Warriors next year tho :^)
Fuck that. KD needs to stay exactly where he is. OKC blew it this year they have the talent to run with this Warriors team. His best shot at winning a chip is staying put.
Daaaaaamn. And they rested curry.
I'm mixed in this. I like the warriors and I have grown to love Benjamin button. I mean, LeBron.
wow, I've been pissed about my team looking like bums, but c'mon now
Lmaoooooooo u mad? Dammmmmmm u mad bro
I wouldn't even give a fuck if I were LeBron, just say fuck it and fully embrace the villain role like he did during the Heat era. People are going to hate him regardless, why bother trying anymore.
Fuck that. KD needs to stay exactly where he is. OKC blew it this year they have the talent to run with this Warriors team. His best shot at winning a chip is staying put.
They took the champs to 7
Bron can't even get his team to play 4 quarters against them, stay salty
Barkley is that you ?Have your little perfect season Golden State, get that shit out of the way and let the big boys play in 2017 man fuck this shit
and yall wanted a warriors/cavs rematch
finals has been a snoozer
ahahahahahahha Cav fans where you at though? LMAO
It's his Diva attitude and how young the team is.
Lebron best of all time clearly not really even a valid point of discussion anymore.
Good defense and good passing, but his offense is garbage now. He will continue to fade as he gets older.
One of the most athletic players the League has ever seen, but that's it..
Don't do this to me, Stinkles...
You're supposed to jump on the bandwagon like anyone that has stepped foot in California.How am I supposed to feel? I ain't got no skin in this game.
Gsw by 30+
How am I supposed to feel? I ain't got no skin in this game.
And if he leaves the Cavs again...oh man. Fucking Armageddon. Not just leaving them again, but leaving them after he trades their future (especially Wiggins) for Love and screwing them with bad contracts.
I'm right here boi
bring it
Time for shitty HOT TAKES
I'm pretty sure the state of Ohio would try to make it so he could never step foot in the state again (if not that, Cleveland).
From 12-2 in the East to a possible 0-4 sweep in the finals.
Lebron James got the cavs to fire david blatt, a defensive minded coach with a proven track record of success, and sign Lue to a 5 year contract. He also got them to sign Tristan Thompson to a near max deal.
Lebron best of all time clearly not really even a valid point of discussion anymore.
Good defense and good passing, but his offense is garbage now. He will continue to fade as he gets older.
One of the most athletic players the League has ever seen, but that's it..
No lies detected...
Warriors will only get better next season
They will spend money on Dwight or Biyombo or Whiteside to solve the rebound issue
Warriors will only get better next season
They will spend money on Dwight or Biyombo or Whiteside to solve the rebound issue