I feel like the jury's still out on Hinkie. But then I don't really pay attention to the 76ers. What's the inside scoop on them from a fan's perspective?
So Byron Scott would like the NBA to introduce a four-point line? Isn't this dude that doesn't believe in 3s in the first place?
Why must Sullinger shoot threes?
So he doesn't get his shot blocked inside. He's not particularly good at anything right now. Very disappointed.
This was supposed to be the season he trimmed down and looked like what we thought he could become. I've now moved on to the Jordan Mickey hype train.
a terrible athlete who trims down is just a skinnier but still terrible athlete.
True but Sully didn't even do that. He just got a new hairstyle.
maybe he thought he could trick people into thinking he was in shape. Byron Scott should start wearing glasses while on the bench people will start thinking he's smart.
I'm pretty sure he was trying to trick people into thinking he was a bigger Marcus Smart.
Is there anything Marcus Smart can do to trick people into thinking he can shoot?
Is there anything Marcus Smart can do to trick people into thinking he can shoot?
Is there anything Marcus Smart can do to trick people into thinking he can shoot?
...Is there anything Marcus Smart can do to trick people into thinking he can shoot?
What's going on with the Warriors though? I thought they would just destroy the preseason.
Champion doesn't have incentive to give a fuck until all-star break
Curry is looking even better than last year, but the team overall definitely doesn't. Hopefully just some pre-season blues.
Curry is looking even better than last year, but the team overall definitely doesn't. Hopefully just some pre-season blues.
Hibbert literally walked back to the locker room after that dunk.
What's going on with the Warriors though? I thought they would just destroy the preseason.
Not like this, D'Angelo
Gaf need advice; I got 3rd pick in my fantasy so should I get KD or Curry? Kinda leaning towards KD but him coming off injury has me worried.
Gaf need advice; I got 3rd pick in my fantasy so should I get KD or Curry? Kinda leaning towards KD but him coming off injury has me worried.
Gaf need advice; I got 3rd pick in my fantasy so should I get KD or Curry? Kinda leaning towards KD but him coming off injury has me worried.
I'm pretty sure he was trying to trick people into thinking he was a bigger Marcus Smart.
Celtics fans, how has David Lee looked thus far in preseason?
Solid. He seems to fit into the system and he's a good passer too. His defense is still a problem but overall he seems to be a great bench option. (Amir Johnson has a beast preseason so far and he's the prime candidate for the starting lineup).
Is he hitting those free throw line extended jumpers? During his best Warrior seasons, that free throw line extended jumper was damn near automatic. Then somewhere along the line, he just lost the ability to hit them. It was so strange.
NBA OT title brainstorming continues - We need more contributions or a consensus vote.
Suggestions thus far..
Can you beat the Warriors?
We are all witnesses.
Everyone has a big 3.
No blood, no bone, no ash
_____ needs more help
Free Melo
Free Bougie
Parity sucks
I want allll my money
Got to give the people what they want
About to get paid in full
"The NBA season - full of flops, Pop and for Ty Lawson not Scotch"
Won't someone PLEASE be nice to the long suffering Lakers