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NBA OFFSEASON TALK- Where our favorite teams go shopping for tanks

Btw I have no idea about the draft. What player would be available at 10th???? I figure we'd want to get a sg/sf to either back up Wade
if he stays
or Deng


Yea the Cavs need to grow some balls and hire people that can at least make Lebron listen

Even though he hated the way Riley did things, even he has to admit that he put him in a position to win championships

That's why Thibs would be good for the Cavs and Lebron

Thibs would run Lebron into the ground but I support Thibs as an assistant. Bron's passive aggressiveness is hard to deal with.


Heat Gaf what's yall take on this Wade fuckery situation? I think there's a good chance that he'll opt out and peace out. LeBatard talked about this yesterday. Both sides have legit arguements. Wade rightfully wants to be paid and the Heat need to have cap flexibility for 2016. I just can't imagine Wade in another team'a jersey but if it means that our future isn't handcuffed by crazy courtesy contracts *cough* Lakers *cough* then I'll probably swallow that initial emotional hit.
Before we signed Dragon, I was perfectly fine with giving Wade the Kobe treatment. However, the roster is built to win now, specifically because of Wade. I don't want to lose the opportunity to build something great. Whiteside is frankly more important to the team's future. Durant would make us good enough to win him another ring or two before retirement.

I'm not really worried about it though. If Wade leaves, I'll miss him. But I was a fan of the team before Wade, and I'll be a fan of him afterwards. As long as he doesn't go to Cleveland, I'll be grateful for all he's done here. I'll support him wherever he goes. But I'd like to think an agreement will be reached. I just don't want it to impact 2016, if Riley really thinks he has a chance. PEACE.
Your team is a strong position moving forward with KobeGOAT, Julius, D'Angelo Russell (possibly), Clarkson, and pieces moving forward. All you need is Thibs to come through as HC or defensive assistant.



CavsGAF let's huddle for a minute:

Lebron the GM has to go. FIRE HIM TONIGHT. We remember Larry Hughes...

Lebron the coach can fuck off as well. What's with him undermining Blatt? Matter of fact someone block him from sectioning off the offense next season. Lebron stays undermining a GM or coach. He didn't disrespect Paul Silas because Paul's old man strength would've kept him in check.

Tristan can walk for a max contract. If you want to pay max money for a lesser version of Dennis Rodman then go ahead.

Delly stays and never pays for drinks in Cleveland again. Someone send him the JJ Barea wiki page...

If we're going over the luxury tax threshold then why not court Lamarcus? Might as well swing for the fences and convince him to sign a one year deal. This way he becomes a free agent possibly coming off a playoff appearance.

JR Smith can walk for any more than $7.5 mill per season.

If the Raptors opt to move on from Demar I've got a trade proposal: Demar for KLove or Demar for Tristan in a sign and trade. How about Demar for Haywood's expiring and Andy?

Can someone sell me on OLD, WASHED UP DWADE? What am I missing outside of madmaking? FTR, DWade belongs in Miami. Leaving for Cleveland might get him kicked out of the Miami mafia as some sports personality like Stugotz might refer to it.

Draft wise I'm happy with RJ Hunter, Hollis-Jefferson, Rashad Vaughn, or Jerian Grant.

Under the radar free agents I want: Alan Anderson because of defense, Will Barton as a JR replacement, Biyombo for defense, Jerebko because of shooting, KJ Mcdaniels because of defense, or. Kevin Seraphin for his defense. Give me three of these guys and I guarantee we're better.



David Lee is my hero. He's drinking the biggest bottle I've ever seen in my life. David Lee enjoying the good life.

I don't know about all that, but I do hope they make a run at Sweet Lou and Paul Millsap. And anyone that can serve as a solid backup PG.


G***n S**n*bi
Can the Lakers draft Russell, trade their 2 picks and Clarkson to Philly (if they take him) for Okafor?

Is such a thing feasible or even practical?


can you recommend some good ones for draft chatter?

I'm curious about this too - looking to fill the Simmons-sized podcast hole in my life. I've been reading alot about this draft and podcast, but I can't find a go-to NBA draft podcast.

The closest thing is probably the Draft Express NBA podcast, but the iTunes feed is kinda borked for me and I can only download episodes by going to the general page rather than subscribing. The podcast is basically a collection of Jonathan Givony's radio appearances. Maybe it is will work for you - here's the link.

Locked-on Jazz is a Jazz-specific podcast but it's almost all draft stuff right now, and pretty good guests.

I'd also love any other recommendations, though. This draft seems pretty intriguing, and it seems like basically anything is on the table for the Celts. Trading into the 7-10 range seems like a good possibility based on rumors, their assets, and the teams in that range that are rumored to be willing to trade down. There's no way they draft 5 players.
What money are the Cavs supposed to use to supposedly sign Wade? Is a guy trying to get every dollar he can gonna sign for the MLE? Cavs are gonna be maxed out on their cap even if they let Love walk.
What money are the Cavs supposed to use to supposedly sign Wade? Is a guy trying to get every dollar he can gonna sign for the MLE? Cavs are gonna be maxed out on their cap even if they let Love walk.

Under the table money.

Are there serious notions that they could sign Wade? Seems like the stuff of fan fiction, to me.


I want to see Ballmer try his hand at being GM...

I wonder if Clipper fans realize that Balmer makes the organizations he runs significantly worse than before he got there. Hiring Doc to be his general manager makes tons of sense when you see what he was doing at Microsoft.

What money are the Cavs supposed to use to supposedly sign Wade? Is a guy trying to get every dollar he can gonna sign for the MLE? Cavs are gonna be maxed out on their cap even if they let Love walk.

Sign and trade for Love, of course. Who wouldn't want to see a starting lineup of Dragic, Deng, Love, Bosh, and Whiteside?
Sign and trade for Love, of course. Who wouldn't want to see a starting lineup of Dragic, Deng, Love, Bosh, and Whiteside?
*throws up*

A shitty deal for both sides

Btw Wade following the Cavs instagram and Gabrielle Union's response to a AMA question about the Heat is just one giant troll job.
Riley wouldn't trade Norris Cole to the cavs just because he didn't want to deal with Rich Paul in any way shape or form. Good luck getting him to do any sort of sign and trade with that organization so long as lebron and his cronies are there.

and if Love opts out he's gone. No reason for him to pass on that reasonable player option for the uncertainty of the market unless he just doesn't want to be there
Riley doesn't want Love anyway. The whole reason he and Wade are at an impasse is because Riles wants cap space open for Durant next year.

to be fair to Wade, he's never been the highest paid player on any team he's been on. Ever.

Dude just wants to have that one fat contract and I can totally understand his perspective. Riles needs to eat a bag of dicks and give Wade at least a one year contract for 2016 that's disgustingly large so that Wade can stop feeling some sort of way about that.


lol Phil:


Q. In the middle of the playoffs, you took to Twitter to ask N.B.A. analysts to give you “some diagnostics” on how 3-point-oriented teams were faring. It struck most as a criticism of teams like the Warriors who take a lot of 3-point shots. You asked, “How’s it goink?” What was that about?

JACKSON: They have all these analysts. I just wanted to see someone come back to me with statistics: Is 3-point shooting in the playoffs as consistent as it is in the regular season? Does your 3-point-shooting percentage change because you’re in the playoffs? No one figured that one out. And that’s probably me being obtuse to leave it open at the end. But “goink” is one of those New York expressions that we use, and I will tell you this: I learned something. Someone sent me the fact that if you look it up on Urban Dictionary, you’ll find out what it means in today’s society.

Q. Should I look?

JACKSON: Well, it’s rather bizarre to say the least.

Q. So it wasn’t just a typo?

JACKSON: “Goink” is a castoff expression, right? Instead of, “How’s it going?,” it’s, “How’s it goink?” It turned out to be either a combination of a mixed ethnic group: part Korean, part Chinese. Or it’s a vernacular term for how do you deal with a sexual partner.

Q. That was not your intention though?

JACKSON: No, I had no idea.

Q. Do you anticipate players being resistant to the idea of running the triangle?

JACKSON: Players who are resistant to it shouldn’t be here. Guys who want to play basketball and feel comfortable with their skills should understand that there is ample opportunity to play a game that’s an evolved game. It’s a thinking man’s game. It’s a logical game.

MILLS: If Phil says we need to get a big guy, well, we just sat in a film session with four big guys who watched the way a big guy operates in the triangle, and I think it’s a lot more attractive than a lot of the basketball that they’ll see other teams play.

JACKSON: We’re trying to find players who are the best fit for us. We’re really chasing as much information as we can. We’re not interested in guys who are just interested in the money and in their branding. They have to have a little more to their life than just those selfish desires. There’s nothing wrong with chasing money, and there’s nothing wrong with making the most from your name. But that seems to be the running theme that you see a lot these days.

Q. You came to the Knicks a little over a year ago. Knowing what you know now, would you have still taken the job?

JACKSON: Without a doubt. I knew it was going to be a challenge. We just didn’t have any room to work last year. We knew that we were going to have to make big changes with the limitations that we had, being in a locked-in situation as far as the salary cap goes. That’s why when I said recently that I didn’t know why I wasn’t given some votes for executive of the year, I wasn’t kidding. I was really serious. We had a yeoman’s job of having to get rid of a lot of fat on our roster to get to where we are. I saw Mitch Kupchak got a vote, so I know some people valued what the Lakers were doing obviously.


Dude, you couldn't even tank right. You could have easily had your choice of any player in the draft minus maybe Towns (unless Flip really is an idiot) but now you have to hope for a couple of different scenarios or all you have to show for that awful tank is Bargnani 2.0, and you already have Barg on the squad.

You shouldn't be in the race fot EOTY ever.



Opting out gets them a larger raise for next year. That's all, everyone has expected it since LeBron signed his deal last year. Any deal they sign this year will also include an opt out for next year.
Ah, okay. I assume they will both sign one-year deals so that they can maximize their earnings next year when the salary cap is increased.


about sums up how a day in Oakland can be. (I'm sure it's like that in other towns and cities)

In one area...Cool people having fun... Beautiful day....................aaaaaand someone gets shot down the street. (in this case, other side of the Lake)

the 3 people shot are going to be fine....but still, one reason I hate to be in big crowds.. Higher chance of a knucklehead(s) doing knucklehead things.

besides that, choose to watch it from home. Coverage was great. Turn out was GREAT. Lake Merritt was packed. Steve Kerr was hilarious, as was Owner Joe Lacob. Players were great. The Aussie was also hilarious.

edit- also I was at the Club here in SF last night, where some of the Warriors came out. As expected, some drunk idiot tried to fight Klay Thomspon, and was spouting that he's Maurice Jones-Drews' cousin. Just being dumb dumb. Women were ok.. not like how it used to be in our sport parties here in SF years ago.


Lacob was hilarious, as was Bogut.

I wanted to go, but decided against taking a vacation day for it, just watched the stream. Looked like a great turnout and it's still a little surreal seeing Steph Curry holding the trophy. Hasn't fully sunk in that we're champs.


Lacob was hilarious, as was Bogut.

I wanted to go, but decided against taking a vacation day for it, just watched the stream. Looked like a great turnout and it's still a little surreal seeing Steph Curry holding the trophy. Hasn't fully sunk in that we're champs.

right? this was my post right after it was finally over.

Just like the Giants' first SF World Series win....after all these years.. I'm just too exhausted....more like I can finally exhale now.

everyone around me is going crazy. I'm just frozen and smiling.

as far as Lacob... he always brings the Lulz. He's a big emo kid.

D Wade son putting out a snapchat of him and his dad singing Bitch better have my money with the caption "Dedicated to the Heat"

Riley not gon like that
Riley not used to this bitch made generation. He's probably wondering why Wade can't stay off social media and just have good old fashioned orgies like Magic used to.



Sources told ESPN.com that the Heat are planning to offer Dragic a five-year deal in excess of $80 million to keep him in Miami after acquiring the 2014 All-NBA third-team selection from Phoenix on trade deadline day in February.

Only Miami can offer a five-year deal this summer to Dragic, who told local reporters after the season that he "had a great time" with the Heat despite missing out on the playoffs. He said on more than one occasion that "I want to come back."

Heat president Pat Riley has likewise expressed confidence in Miami's ability to retain him, saying at a season-ending media availability two months ago: "If he doesn't sign, my ass will be in that seat [next to reporters] ‎next year."

A five-year maximum deal for Dragic would exceed $100 million, but Miami also might find itself dealing with Dwyane Wade's free agency one summer earlier than expected if Wade decides to bypass his $16.1 million player option for next season. The Heat also await a decision from Luol Deng about his plans to either invoke next season's $10.2 million player option or opt for free agency.

Four-year offers from interested rival suitors in Dragic, such as the Los Angeles Lakers and New York Knicks, can go as high as $85 million.
Heat offering Dragon 5 yrs 80 million. Not too bad.
Best case scenario Wade takes 3 yrs 47 mill with the first year frontloaded with 19 million?
i dont know what im doing


G***n S**n*bi
Jordan and our 2 picks for NY's 4th pick.
We draft Russell and Justise.
Sign either LMA/Deandre/Tyson Chandler.

1. Russell
2. Bean
3. Justise
4. Julius
5. F/A big

Sign Durant in 2016. If he says no, then fuck 'em. Sign Westbrook in 2017.

Do it Mitch/Jeanie
Heat playing with fire and could lose Dragic. Other teams can offer him 4 years for the same money. They are throwing away their only negotiating advantage if that's true.
I'm done with this shit
If Wade is dumb enough to go to the Cavs for less money because he wants to ring chase then Riley should let him

If Dragic wants to go to struggle franchises because they offer more money then let him too.
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