Marc J. Spears ‏@SpearsNBAYahoo 49s50 seconds ago
DeAndre Jordan is telling friends outside the Clippers' organization that he is returning to LA, a source said.
Marc J. Spears ‏@SpearsNBAYahoo 49s50 seconds ago
DeAndre Jordan is telling friends outside the Clippers' organization that he is returning to LA, a source said.
i guess this helps the celtics, but fuck this shit. jordan sucks.
How does this help? The top 7 is protected and if we start tanking it might be years before the Celtics ever see that pick.
Who is to say Matthews wants to play there anymore? Lakers look pretty good compared to the mavs now
tanking doesn't automatically give you a top 7 pick, how would it not help?How does this help? The top 7 is protected and if we start tanking it might be years before the Celtics ever see that pick.
How does this help? The top 7 is protected and if we start tanking it might be years before the Celtics ever see that pick.
"Then They Started To Play Cards" Absolutely has to be the name of the eventual 30 for 30 right?
This is the best night ever.
Honest question, should Jordan at least allow the Mavs to speak to him one more time? He did give them a verbal agreement. I know that isn't concrete but I kind of think he owes them a face to face.
Honest question, should Jordan at least allow the Mavs to speak to him one more time? He did give them a verbal agreement. I know that isn't concrete but I kind of think he owes them a face to face.
Honest question, should Jordan at least allow the Mavs to speak to him one more time? He did give them a verbal agreement. I know that isn't concrete but I kind of think he owes them a face to face.
Honest question, should Jordan at least allow the Mavs to speak to him one more time? He did give them a verbal agreement. I know that isn't concrete but I kind of think he owes them a face to face.
Honest question, should Jordan at least allow the Mavs to speak to him one more time? He did give them a verbal agreement. I know that isn't concrete but I kind of think he owes them a face to face.
He's afraid to, he hopes they'll get the message without him having to face anyone.
Ramona Shelburne ‏@ramonashelburne 1m1 minute ago
Oh, and DJ and his family are scheduled to leave on a 10-day cruise tomorrow
I would think a phone call to Cuban or Parsons at the very least would be good. They are adults after all.
Physically adults, yes.I would think a phone call to Cuban or Parsons at the very least would be good. They are adults after all. they playing cards and video games inside the house now?
DJ fleeing the country until the heat dies down
Common courtesy is dead, my friend.
It's the Mavs we are talking about here, not Golden State or San Antonio.What if this was all a ploy the clippers decided to do to a western conference enemy just to make them weaker. They aren't that smart are they?
What if this was all a ploy the clippers decided to do to a western conference enemy just to make them weaker. They aren't that smart are they?
What if this was all a ploy the clippers decided to do to a western conference enemy just to make them weaker. They aren't that smart are they?
Which will be proven when a Mavs player throws that elbow in the first meeting.
What if this was all a ploy the clippers decided to do to a western conference enemy just to make them weaker. They aren't that smart are they?
What if this was all a ploy the clippers decided to do to a western conference enemy just to make them weaker. They aren't that smart are they?
What if this was all a ploy the clippers decided to do to a western conference enemy just to make them weaker. They aren't that smart are they?
This is exactly what this is.
What if this was all a ploy the clippers decided to do to a western conference enemy just to make them weaker. They aren't that smart are they?
Why didn't Deandre just decide to stay in the first place........
Cubes is gonna go ape shit on this.
I hope Jordan looks forward to all those touches with Rivers, Crawford, Reddick, Pierce, and Stephenson on the floor. Not to mention cp3 and blake.
I can just imagine during practice cp3 is going to walk up to DJ in practice and whisper "Yo remember all that shit you caused during the off season, making me look like a fool who's hard to play with. I was on a banana boat in the bahamas with lebron until you fucked that up. Get ready to be my bitch all season long motherfucker"
Best defense the Clippers have played all year.
Dallas wasn't going to be much (if any) better than they were last year with him. Even without him though Dallas is right on the edge of keeping their picks. Teams with worse rosters than them are:
Lakers assuming Kobe gets injured.
They're right around the Timberwolves and Magic with their current roster. It'll depend on how hard Cuban wants to tank.