Fifty said:I'm not sure if Vince has even met with the new GM yet. He got married a few days ago...I believe, and he should keep his mouth shut until he knows what the direction of the team is. We needed a big man as our number one priority, so that's who we drafted. What "direction" is he talking about? Of course we're going to suck if our star player is sitting on the bench and crying like an Italian soccer player after every little bit of contact.
This is why I hate the media...they float some shit out there, and then the naive, non-thinking fans latch onto it with their own spin and make a mountain out of a molehill.
VC and Babcock met either last week or the week before at the ACC for about an hour. Babcock said this in a press conference last week. Babcock said they had no issues, and that Vince didn't ask him to be traded (which is in accordance to an interview in an Orlando paper a couple weeks ago where VC said he'd give the new management a chance). Babcock didn't confirm or deny speculation that a representive of Vince asked for a trade, so that's something to chew on.
Now here's the thing...Vince is getting married this weekend. So how are people knowing what his thoughts are, when he's too busy getting ready for that to give a shit about basketball at this time? VC has also said for years that he's wanted to see a team bring in a big man. So why would he be pissed off now that the team has drafted one? That makes no sense. They have enough swingmen on the team to field another squad, so why draft another.
Some people are just ready and willing to believe the worst or most negative angle of a story, particularly when that's the only air that seems to surround him. Vince said in a small press gathering that was video and audio taped that he said he just wanted the Raptors to at least talk to Dr J, but that ultimately he wanted to see them get the best guy for the job. Does that mean he wasn't disappointed that J wasn't hired? Well yeah, sure. But unless Vince is a bold faced liar (or unless Vince feels that the Raps were never serious about J at all and simply strung their asses along...and I wouldn't doubt that for a second), I fail to see the reason why Vince would be upset.
Fact of the matter is I don't see VC being traded regardless, unless it's for Pierce or Ray Allen. No point trading him if you can't get fair market value back, and his trade value isn't very high considering the injuries he's had the last few years, and his scoring going down the last two years (though he was still 8th in league scoring last season). People in this town are just far too quick to bury him, all the while wanting him to be traded for someone like AI who had more injury issues last year then Vince did, and literally quit on the team during that infamous undressing incident. A part of me would love to see Vince traded though, just so he could blow up somewhere else and stick it in the faces of all the idiots in this town.
Ninja Scooter said:sportscenter is also gonna do some report about a rumored Shaq for CWebb deal (please Mitch, don't you fucking do it). I may be forced to root for both Coach K AND Chris Webber? God, these fuckers are really testing my fandom.
I hear the Clippers might be the favourites for landing if all else fails, at least you have another team in the same town to cheer for.
BTW, how's Shaq going to Dallas with no Nash to trade?