Matt Karch on the recent patch(available for PC and PS4 of now)and general stuff:
‎Matthew Karch‎ to NBA PLAYGROUNDS Community
53 mins ·
Hey all. Just a quick update. You can trust me when I tell you we are listening to all of your feedback and taking detailed notes. The motivation behind the updates in the latest build was to eliminate what appeared to be surefire strategies to win with 3s. I understand that these changes can cause frustration when you feel comfortable with the given system but we felt that they were important for the longevity of the game. I hope that you can all see that we are trying to be very responsive to feedback but obviously we need to find a balance. A few quick points:
1) The shot meter can be turned off in the menus.
2) No player can 100% make a shot any longer. Guys with the highest ratings (like Curry in 3s) can make their given shot almost all the time (90-95%) so just because the meter is in the green doesnt mean that it will go in. Some people think that is the right decision and others dont. It is just so easy to master a shot that we wanted to make it slightly more like real life while still having the arcade element.
3) Steals should not have become easier because they are tied to stamina, but steals from behind were added - not sure that was the right decision and would love to know your thoughts after you have gotten a bit used to the new arrangement.
4) This game is peer-to-peer so lag can be a problem on occasion. The game generally handles lag well but we understand it can be a problem and are working to make adjustments.
5) More tournaments, playgrounds, players, modes and fixes are on the way for free. If you have some frustration now, it will likely subside with a bit of playing and by communicating with us so we can make changes.
6) Yes, Shaq is overpowered. That needs to be fixed so he stops making 3s. It should have been somewhat improved. Shaq making 3s seems to drive everyone nuts
7) Rage quitting - it penalizes only after a few quits - we didnt want to take away XP for one quit. Bad lag, a power outage or something like that could cause a quit and we didnt want to punish for that. Quitters will be quitters though.
I hope you can also see that we are dedicated to making improvements to the game. We are treating this game as a service and will continue to make fixes, improvements, occasional reversals of action and add a ton of new content. We are excited that people are so passionate about this game. It definitely makes us nervous though as we know reactions to changes will be strong. Stick with us and we will nail it so that 80% of you will be happy.
Ok todays update is done - more to come. Feel free to bash away