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NBA2K10 GAF Season IX Thread of Meltdowns and Sweet Tears

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Zep said:
Hawks owner and Memphis...Ive sent trade requests.

Arg I just turned the system off. I'll check tomorrow :\

That game was tense. NEW GUYS REMEMBER THAT YOU CANT STEAL THE BALL TILL AFTER HALFCOURT! That almost cost me the game.
Raging Spaniard said:
Arg I just turned the system off. I'll check tomorrow :\

That game was tense. NEW GUYS REMEMBER THAT YOU CANT STEAL THE BALL TILL AFTER HALFCOURT! That almost cost me the game.

If this is a rule that viakado and hunter should have every single win forfeited

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Actually I just re-read the rule, turns out Im partially wrong:

-Do not pick up your man until he has crossed the half court line. Full court pressure is allowed when are down by 10+ more points. It is allowed at anytime in the 4th quarter.

But yes I noticed Hunter does it all game long.


RJNavarrete said:
Cavs, you available?? We need to run our game already!

cavs owner is playing the nuggets right now.

you should get on so you can challenge him when his game is over


Bunch a fucking cheaters in this bitch league.

The rule is not to pick up the man past halfcourt on the inbound. Which I never do. I man up on misses which I have seen everyone do. Doesn't matter I'm done with the league anyways.

Matter of fact I am going to de up on every inbound and show people what type of exploit it is.





ecnal said:
No shit. I'm going to show people why playing as the inbound defender is fucking broken. He says he didn't know. Like he has never played any version of 2k basketball. I never quit out in close game because I was going to lose, but no way was I sitting through that fuckery. I was up by 2 in ot inbounding the ball and the fucking asswipe changed to the inbound defender and stole it as the ball was leaving the inbounders hand. And then he denies doing it like didn't see it happen. Like I'm fucking blind. Bitch I was sitting only a foot away from a 37 inch tv. Fucking dirtbag scum. The internet keeps my size 10 and a half Redwing boot from flying up your ass.


charsace said:
No shit. I'm going to show people why playing as the inbound defender is fucking broken. He says he didn't know. Like he has never played any version of 2k basketball. I never quit out in close game because I was going to lose, but no way was I sitting through that fuckery. I was up by 2 in ot inbounding the ball and the fucking asswipe changed to the inbound defender and stole it as the ball was leaving the inbounders hand. And then he denies doing it like didn't see it happen. Like I'm fucking blind. Bitch I was sitting only a foot away from a 37 inch tv. Fucking dirtbag scum. The internet keeps my size 10 and a half Redwing boot from flying up your ass.


Stop being a little bitch. I admit I stole the ball on the inbound, but I said I didn't know there was such a rule. You act like you follow the rules all the time, riding my guy full court whole game. You just don't bring up shit until its against you, at least mine was an accident since this is my first time playing in league. Stop crying and act as if that one play changed the whole game. Remember - You blew a 17 point lead and you missed a game winning dunk.

Get that sand outta your vagina, its just a video game. I couldn't give less shit if you get the win instead of me. Just stop trying make it seem I did it on purpose to win the game.

BTW, the bolded part in your post is true. The last game I played in 2k was probably 2k3 on the Gamecube.


ecnal said:

It's just ridiculous. And it's not just lag for things like Kevin Martins jump shot. Missed layups, missed open shots. Meanwhile everyone I play hits shots with me playing good defense or no defense. It's becoming a waste of time to try and do anything to get a good shot, it makes no difference for me. I couldn't care less if I lost, I could go 0-30 for all I care. It just feels like I have no effect on anything I do on the court, I may as not be playing.
Hunter is the first guy to rage quit a game this season and the first to threaten to quit the league. I am not surprised

and :lol :lol :lol at hunter bitching about getting the ball stolen not past midcourt. you pull that shit on everyone all the fucking time, you ate your own medicine and now you say you'll do it to everyone else...hahahahahaha ok. and calm down on the violence dude, you're not going to stick your foot up azn's ass you sick fuck. and as far as I know we can full court pressure in the 4th/OT and doesn't that include picking up the ballhandler?

this seems to be the theme for whiners:


hunter if you wanna get nit picky about style of play you will not like your feedback.

charsace said:
Matter of fact I am going to de up on every inbound and show people what type of exploit it is.

No you won't.


Kevin Martin trade broke him. Poor Knicks.

Whens the league advancing? I'm not working tomorrow so I have all day to shoot 30%.
pilonv1 said:
Kevin Martin trade broke him. Poor Knicks.

Whens the league advancing? I'm not working tomorrow so I have all day to shoot 30%.

League advances at 9 or 10 PM CT tonight. I am pretty sure it is 9 PM CT though.

I should definitely be around to get some games in, probably going to try and sleep by midnight or so tonight though.


Hunter raging? News at 10.

You are not supposed to pick up your man, as in play man defense on him, until after the crosses half court. In the 4th you can use full court pressure, but any other time during the game you have to be down by 10+ before you can do so.

Do not run around and try and pick off the inbound pass either no matter where the inbound is taking place. If the CPU does it that's one thing, but if you manually do it...no.

Azn said it was an accident, and if you feel that it wasn't you should've paused the game..saved the replay and show how it was not. After you saved the replay you could've uploaded it to the website to back up your claim or w/e.

In fact that is what I would encourage people to do. If you think something is BS well save it and have it on the website for all to see and we can be the judge of it.


I'm going to show people why defending the inbounds is cheap. If you don't like it then tough cookies because pheeniks told azn it was allowed.


charsace said:
I'm going to show people why defending the inbounds is cheap. If you don't like it then tough cookies because pheeniks told azn it was allowed.

No you won't unless you'd like to be banned.
charsace said:
I'm going to show people why defending the inbounds is cheap. If you don't like it then tough cookies because pheeniks told azn it was allowed.

I wasn't clear in what I said to him. I meant to tell him full court press is allowed.

If you willingly break a rule then we will ban you, if you don't like it then tough cookies.
tough cookies, seriously what the fuck?


I'm going to find out if there is a fifa football league because this is ridiculous. Fucking nonsense. Just ripoff bullshit. Now the inbound rule will be enforced. Fuck you guys.


charsace said:
I'm going to find out if there is a fifa football league because this is ridiculous. Fucking nonsense. Just ripoff bullshit. Now the inbound rule will be enforced. Fuck you guys.

Is this guy serious? I mean really? You gonna take your ball and go home? This has been a rule since........since I have been playing in these leagues. So someone fucked up and did it, a warning has been issued. Chill out and play the god damn game, it is after all, just a fucking game.


charsace said:
I'm going to find out if there is a fifa football league because this is ridiculous. Fucking nonsense. Just ripoff bullshit. Now the inbound rule will be enforced. Fuck you guys.

Can someone just give this bitch the W so he can stop crying?

Ridiculous. :lol :lol :lol
charsace said:
I'm going to find out if there is a fifa football league because this is ridiculous. Fucking nonsense. Just ripoff bullshit. Now the inbound rule will be enforced. Fuck you guys.

He said it was an accident. Relax, and fuck you too.

Right now I wouldn't mind if you left our league and joined them. Then they can hear you screaming into the microphone about being wide open and not getting the ball enough, etc.

Also, all of us here are busy and get stressed during the day; the last thing I want to see is coming home to see a habitual bitcher bitch about shit like this, your game still had a few minutes left and you were down by 2 when you quit? That's on you. And if you continue you pout like this after losing then just go since you have veins popping in your shit and your left eye blinks uncontrollably or whatever.


daw840 said:
Is this guy serious? I mean really? You gonna take your ball and go home? This has been a rule since........since I have been playing in these leagues. So someone fucked up and did it, a warning has been issued. Chill out and play the god damn game, it is after all, just a fucking game.
Cool. Whatever. I don't care if I win or lose games anymore. I will play out my games. Right now I am just hoping the fifa league really does start up. I'm tired of this nonsense.


charsace said:
Cool. Whatever. I don't care if I win or lose games anymore. I will play out my games. Right now I am just hoping the fifa league really does start up. I'm tired of this nonsense.


charsace said:
I'm going to find out if there is a fifa football league because this is ridiculous. Fucking nonsense. Just ripoff bullshit. Now the inbound rule will be enforced. Fuck you guys.

Oh please. I assumed it was common knowledge that trying to steal inbound passes was cheap because that has been "illegal" since I can remember. I will put it in writing now that this has been brought up. This is the first time azn has played in the league, he made a mistake. I'm not going to kick him out for that.

It will be in writing in the OP now, so everybody should be clear on this.
I think the only time we should be allowed to try picking off an inbounds is when your opponent is inbounding in the last minute, you're down, and you have to foul him, but stealing an inbound is the most efficient way to comeback.

Also, its really not that hard to counter someone trying to steal your inbounds. Just control someone else and pass it him.


intangibles, motherfucker
daw840 said:
Hunter is approaching Ludicrous level of whining captain!



That might be the funniest damn shit ive seen all month :lol :lol :lol :lol


Mrbob said:
I actually just got back...heading out for a bit again but i'll probably be ready to play in maybe 45 min or so?

If you can't play then we wait till 2015!


Did you think this was the Madden thread?
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