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NCAA PS2> Xbox

ok I had the xbox version yesterday took back to day for the ps2 one

and yes

ps2 has

longer load times
a litttle worse IQ

but it DOESNT have anywhere NEAR the slowdown as in the xbox version

it has a few stutters during the intros but I havent seen 1 not 1 play yet where the game begins to go into matrix mode like the xbox did

(and im running the same run plays, same team, same game aka notre dames first game against MIch in the dyansty mode)

we got hosed tommy we got hosed


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
WTF matrix mode? My xbox version has had no slowdown :\


Gold Member
Matrix said:
WTF matrix mode? My xbox version has had no slowdown :\

Mine just seems a bit slower online, just like Madden PS2 online was. I don't notice any slowdown other than that.


Matrix said:
WTF matrix mode? My xbox version has had no slowdown :\

There's definitely some slowdown I am seeing but it's not THAT bad. I've played 2 games and it's definitely noticable but I dont think it's unplayable. It mainly seems to happen when the camera pulls back. I hope EA can somehow patch it though... would be a nice way to show theyre truly supporting XBL. And I pray this isnt evident in Madden :\

P.S. I just smoked the Canes in my second Dynasty game. 3 receivers over 100 yards in 1 game, oh yeah baby!


Wellington said:
I bet you could actually play it online too.

Mine is going back for ESPN. Madden for PS2 is a definite for me.

Yes! Yesssssss

Go with the pro games. NCAA hatess us.......yes it does. It wants us to feel pain...it is not our friend!


I haven't had any problems with my xbox version, slowdown doesn't really seem to effect play too much in my opinion, and It's pretty infrequent. Now if EA could just keep their live servers up and running steadily.....


*still happy with decision to get PS2 Madden despite the big forum Xbox shift*

That noted, I imagine the kinks may be gone soon enough.



Big problems here. I noticed the slow downs after the first kickoff. The kickoff seems fine but once you catch the ball and head up field the frame rate drops. Also I can't even play the game online. LAst night after I got the game I connected online just to check it out, I didn't have time to play any games online, I just wanted to look around see who was on, take alook at the leader boards and such. Then tonight after work I get online head for optimatch and then the EA servers boot me off. So I'm like okay, maybe its just first time jitters. So I hop back onto online and I get the message "unable to connect to the servers." Three years us xbox fans had to wait for EA to join forces with xbl and this is what we get? I feel like I was just punched in the stomach, a huge letdown, good thing ESPN will be here next week.


The basic jist is this:

XBOX >>>> PS2 with graphics

The mixed response is extremely strange. Some people think the XBox version destroys the PS2 version. Others complain the Xbox version runs slower than the PS2 version. Then others say the Xbox version doesn't slowdown at all wtf...!!


keep your strippers out of my American football
I am keeping my X-Box version. There is slowdown, but not nearly the problems that some are having. I am getting used to the controller, and the convenience of the X-Box (no memory cards) is pretty cool.


dskillzhtown said:
I am keeping my X-Box version. There is slowdown, but not nearly the problems that some are having. I am getting used to the controller, and the convenience of the X-Box (no memory cards) is pretty cool.

That's about how i feel about it too. The slowdown is there, but I still have enjoyed the games i've played. And it's nice being able to save a dynasty in about 5-10 seconds as opposed to 30-45.


Wellington said:
I bet you could actually play it online too.

Mine is going back for ESPN. Madden for PS2 is a definite for me.




Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Matrix said:
WTF matrix mode? My xbox version has had no slowdown :\

After the Twin Snakes ordeal, I've come to grips with the fact that some people simply are not able to detect slowdown. Framerate is almost too obvious for me. I can tell a framerate from only a few seconds of viewing. A friend of mine, on the other hand, truly can not notice the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps or see frame skips. I suppose this must extend a lot of other people as well...

So, when you see reports of people claiming lots of slowdown...and you get conflicting reports of NO slowdown, those people are probably incorrect (but don't know it).


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I know what slowdown looks like,but to say its going into matrix mode is a tad absurd.I do see some slowdown during intros and cutscenes in the football game,but that kinda of stuff doesnt bother me.

I do believe that he's seeing slowdown cause a lot of people have,but matrix mode...come on now.





Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Matrix said:
I know what slowdown looks like,but to say its going into matrix mode is a tad absurd.I do see some slowdown during intros and cutscenes in the football game,but that kinda of stuff doesnt bother me.

I do believe that he's seeing slowdown cause a lot of people have,but matrix mode...come on now.

Yeah, that's a bad way to describe it...

A lot of the slowdown is likely skipped frames, which simply creates a slightly jerky image.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Apparently turning off 5.1 sound and using plain old stereo mode helps with the slowdown.
sony can't and won't win me back. like i said, my problem with ncaa isn't w/ the slowdown (it's not that bad most of the time anyways), it's with ncaa itself. switching to ps2 isn't going to make it a great game.

you lose mig! enjoy filled up memory cards, long load times and ridiculous cheating on ps2 online!


Buy your Xbox, mig!

So is the NCAA tourney gonna fall flat before it even begins?

I might as well rent the game if everyone ditches it once Madden is out!


Steroid Distributor
Be patient with the tourney. Some of us poor folks in Canada are still waiting for EA to send an email confirming the shipment of the game. They sure screwed up this time. I mean they make the game, they should have the BEST shipping times.
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