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NCL October Release Dates

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Pretty big month for NCL. I hope Ninty releases that Yoshi game soon as well.

07th -- Fire Emblem: Seima no Kouseki [GBA]
07th -- Pokemon Battle Card e+ Emerald [e-Reader]
14th -- Kuru Kuru Kurin Tournament [GameCube]
14th -- Wario Ware Turnaround [GBA]
21st -- F-Zero Climax [GBA]
28th -- Mario Tennis [GameCube]


07th -- Pokemon Battle Card e+ Emerald [e-Reader]

Kickass. I've always wanted to pick up some of those cards. Anyone know where I can get the Ruby/Sapphire ones for cheap?

Edit: Wario64, do you really think a single Japanese phrase is going to help you play the game any better than seeing "Potato!"?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Actually those short phrases before the microgames helped me tremendously in Wario Ware. 338 in THRILLING elevator stage baby.

The main factor for me for importing is price and possibly a couple microgames that require simple Japanese (like those command microgames in the original). I can wait a few months if it's coming over here...


Ahh, I guess so. Or should I say "So desu ne." I got a D in Japanese in a college class about 4 years ago. I can read enough katakana, and that's about it. :) In countering to what opinion just may have formed, the only two animes I watch are Bomberman Jetterz and Rockman.EXE. I don't say "kawaii" and I avoid ramen because of msg.

I just wanted to be able to read my pokemon yellow cart.


Nintendo has the Mario Tennis boxart on their site, but the game still says "Mario Tennis GC". The boxart is too small to see if there is indeed a new name for the game or not.


Whoa, whoa... the Japanese get the next Fire Emblem in a week? Damn.

I suppose we won't get to see it until next year :(
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