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NDS around $140 USD in australia?


Well i didn't find this when I searched, but this could very well been posted here. Sorry if that's the case.

I babelfished this bastard, so bear with me:

Hard and software prices for Australia admits? 12.08.04 - Nintendo DS is to possibly cost 199.99 in Australia Australian dollar (euro 117/USD 143/Yen 15,830).

That announces CubeEurope with reference to data of the dealer 'Mr. Toys Toyworld'. Plays are to presumably cost Australian dollar (euro 6/USD 7/Yen 792) less to 10, than GBA software: Those is acted at present at the price of 69,95 Australian dollar (euro 41/USD 50/Yen 5,541). The introduction on the market of Nintendo DS is to stattinden in Australia at the end of of February 2005. Nintendo did not confirm prices and distribution date officially so far.

Well nothing confirmed by Nintendo, but maybe it's not impossible that the DS will retail for $149 in America. (then i'll import for sure)



works for Gamestop (lol)
I'm surprised we haven't gotten any price yet, or a hard release date at this point of the game


Wario64 said:
I'm surprised we haven't gotten any price yet, or a hard release date at this point of the game

Might be similar to PSP. DS may be a bit more powerful than we thought :p + touch screens like DS's screen dont come that cheap.


If it's $199 in Australia, that translates to $99 in the US. Just like how games here cost $100-$110 AUD, while in the US it's only $50 US.

I do not believe this news.


I agree, if it's US$149 it will be AUS$249. They're still selling GBASP's for a touch under $200, which is about $40-50 more than a Gamecube ;)
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