o lawdy lawd!!Eh, close enough for enough. Plus it's got this going on:
Guys, let him down gently about this whole cutscene thing...
Give me a NFS game starring Neville dammit.
Side note, where can I find PC copies of the original NFS Most Wanted and NFS Carbon? They don't seem to be on Steam or Origin
Eh, close enough for enough. Plus it's got this going on:
Pretty sure the trophies aren't shared because they're slightly different.Nothing is shared between Vita and PS3 except for Speed Points
Because EA
are the streets completely empty in this?
Large open city, plenty of things to find and collect/take off the list, and reasons to just drive around and explore? I love it. Hopefully the online multiplayer lasts just as long for people playing.
So glad to have more options for open world racers since I really can't get into closed track racers for more than a couple of weeks, but I'm still playing Burnout Paradise after all this time.
Nay, they show NPC cars driving about in all of the trailers in and outside of races. Though it does seem less than in Burnout Paradise.
Eh, close enough for enough. Plus it's got this going on:
This is why midnight club Los Angeles remains my all time favorite racer
The memories are coming back!That gif reminds of waiting for people to barrel role through old aeroplane pieces at the aircraft field in BP.
Give me a NFS game starring Neville dammit.
PC recommended specs are a quad core CPU and GTX560/6950 GPU. Is it likely to be demanding or will it work ok on a GTX660m (laptop)? I wish they had a demo for PC.
And if I buy the DVD from GMG (cheaper than download oddly), will it need the DVD to play, or is it just like a steam works game and it'll register with origin?
Any difference between getting 360 or PS3 version?
Apparently there are some framerate issues on the 360.
Paradise City should be on the sountrack, just to fuck with people.
If they wanted to do that then they'd put Girlfriend on the soundtrack again...and they'd pick a dubstep remix of it.
Thank you for reminding of that. Custom Soundtrack complete.
Any difference between getting 360 or PS3 version?
Hot Pursuit had that one 30 Seconds To Mars song
If they wanted to do that then they'd put Girlfriend on the soundtrack again...and they'd pick a dubstep remix of it.
Green Man Gaming with their 20% off voucher should be £32.
How about jaggies?Played this at a two day preview event.
Day 1 I played on PS3.
Day 2 I played on 360.
Honestly, aside from button icons on the screen, I couldn't tell the difference.
Both looked and played the same to my eyes.