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Need For Speed: Rivals | OT | In Theaters March 14

I was so incredibly excited for this, then I started playing....how the FUCK do i actually get away from cops (both real and AI) to save money? I'm trying to complete Speed lists but I'm getting reamed by cops. I've lost 25000, 45000, and just now another 14500 points before I could make it to base.

It's not even fun, just frustrating as hell!

Unless you're playing a Speedlist where you have to get a certain amount of Speed Points as a requirement, just go jump into the nearest hide out. It'll both end the pursuit and bank the points you have.


you can play offline or on a private game

and this is why I feel like such a griefer busting people :(
Yeah, got it today, went out of the garage, immediately got hit by a cop car, went back in to enable single player... didn't realize I had to actively select start session or whatever, messed around a little, then went back in and enabled single player properly.

If I stick with SP initially how long should I go for? And has there been any consolidated lists for friends? My PSN tag's the same as my user name here, and with the Friend Recommendations it should be easy to daisy chain friend requests.



I can't play this online. I just want to race and have fun not be constantly fucked.

EDIT: Oh man this is so much more fun offline. Why isn't this the default?
I'm stuck in the Porsche due to constantly losing money, but I do have Jammer and Turbo. Can I play offline somehow? Or just not allow human cops into the game? I'm already sick and tired of getting busted and I've barely played two hours.

In the all drive options switch your setting to private. That will help a lot. Only the AI comes after you instead if other players.


In the all drive options switch your setting to private. That will help a lot. Only the AI comes after you instead if other players.

I figured out how to change it to single player, thanks man! This is so much more fun just racing at my own pace and running from the AI cops. :-D

EDIT: Spoke too soon. I can barely complete a race without being busted by the AI before I can make it to a hideout. I have no money, so I can't make my cars better. This is incredibly frustrating and I'm really regretting the purchase.
The last NFS game I played was NFS III on the PS1. It remains one of my favorite racing games to this day, alongside Beetle Adventure Racing. I generally hate sims, and love arcade racers with tons of interesting maps/shortcuts.

I'm interested in this one because I love the more natural environments and the PS4 launch lineup is otherwise pretty anemic, do you think it'd be up my alley based off my racing preferences?
The last NFS game I played was NFS III on the PS1. It remains one of my favorite racing games to this day, alongside Beetle Adventure Racing. I generally hate sims, and love arcade racers with tons of interesting maps/shortcuts.

I'm interested in this one because I love the more natural environments and the PS4 launch lineup is otherwise pretty anemic, do you think it'd be up my alley based off my racing preferences?

That was actually the only NFS game I've played before this one. I'm loving this one, I think you would too.
I figured out how to change it to single player, thanks man! This is so much more fun just racing at my own pace and running from the AI cops. :-D

EDIT: Spoke too soon. I can barely complete a race without being busted by the AI before I can make it to a hideout. I have no money, so I can't make my cars better. This is incredibly frustrating and I'm really regretting the purchase.

Hmmmm that sucks man. I would try going out and doing a quick head to head race and bank the points as soon as you can. Then get the shock wave. Hit the cop with it then boost off and it's way easier to get away. Maybe try doing a 180 and switching directions? That seems to help sometimes too. Sorry your not having a good time :(


Hmmmm that sucks man. I would try going out and doing a quick head to head race and bank the points as soon as you can. Then get the shock wave. Hit the cop with it then boost off and it's way easier to get away. Maybe try doing a 180 and switching directions? That seems to help sometimes too. Sorry your not having a good time :(

I have the shockwave and boost but by the end of a race I'm usually at like 5 heat, and there are just too many cops and I'll lose 50000+ points.

I just wish cops didn't show up Every. Single. Event.
I beat the game as cops, then grinded 40~ missions as cops, then played and beat racer.

Cops: Use the next car each level, buy tech as needed. On some levels, stay as the old car that already has techs or to upgrade those techs.

Racer: Preference. I beat the game as the lvl 1 Mustang, fully upgraded (because I like Gunsmith Cats). It ight actually be good to keep a lvl 1 car for most/all the game, as since you start at lvl 1, your multipler is the same as your heat level, so the difficulty of cars chasing you isn't a lot, and online players don't want to chase a low level racer.
Let's talk setup.

What are some of your favourite pursuit techs?
I think all the techs are good. They depend on what your goal is. But, some are pretty bad at just lvl 1. At lvl 4 all the techs are pretty useful.

As cops, lvl 4 Road Block is easy mode against AI. Start Hot Pursuit and spam road block, you instantly catch 3-4 cars. Catch the rest with EMP.

As racer, there are many ways to get away. My preferred method is Jam + Turbo (stuck at lvl 1 with mustang). Get near a jump, and do a u-turn with the e-brake. The cop car usually can't stop in time and goes over the jump. Before/after this happens, use a jammer. At high levels, cops will want to use a helicopter to chase you, but the Jamer prevents them from using tech, so no copter. Then you turbo away and usually you can get away and gold some interceptor missions.
I have yet to play as a cop yet, just having so much fun playing the race mode...what's the consensus on here as to what mode you play more?
Both are fun, fun, fun. I wish I could be more eloquent and actually explain it, but I can't. Just gotta play both and see what you like. Cops is easy mode since you don't lose points, but you get low yields of 20-40k. Racers can make 100k+ easy, but can lose it all in the gamble. I've lost 400k+ multiple times as a racer, completing a speedlist, and going to the next stage with no money to help on the now harder level.

P1 is the final car correct? Do you find that once you got that vehicle all others were useless...just wanna know in a few weeks will we be seeing all p1s on the map cause it's the fastest car in the game?
IF all cars were allowed all 4 levels of pursuit tech, I could see any car being used in endgame. But since it's not, I think any car with all 4 levels of pursuit tech is viable. P1 may be the 'best' but I notice it has low durability and strength. So that's a tradeoff for it's high high speed and acceleration. I would rather have a stronger more durable car.
Why will it say i've escaped, only to turn around 3 seconds later and say "pursuit resumed"? I can figure that out. Do the cops show up on the mini map so you can try to avoid them? I never see them.
I believe if you get away and a cop chasing you before finds you again it says pursuit resumed. If a brand new car finds you, it just says pursuit. Maybe this might help like if you damaged the car chasing you before you know it's still damaged? I guess? I like it for the feeling that my old nemesis has found me again~ Racers are orange, cops are green. You see them if you can see them in the game. If you 'don't know where they are', they don't show up. Maybe speed cams make cars show up on the map too? Just a guess.
This is ridiculous. It's GTA with permanent wanted level. Can anyone with more experience please tell me if there's just something I'm missing, or does playing this game as a racer = Running from police 98% of the time?
Aside from using a lvl 1 car to make it easier before your first pursuit, yeah. Be a cop if you want a relaxing drive. It's helpful to teach you the map this way, too.
Is there a way to pull up the map while driving / see if the other players are racer or cops while driving? I keep ending up in rooms where we're all cops or racers.
Aside from options? Do'nt think so. I heard second screen can be used as a map but I never figured that out. In the options menu map racers are orange and cops are green. You can use easydrive to bring up a list of players to see if they're cops or racers.
What on earth is the rationale for having long forced cutscenes of pointless monologues that have nothing to do with a racing game? It's not loading, because it doesn't do this after the first time.

Why force people to sit through this pointless monologue? It's not even a story game. It's a damn racing game. Just let me in the car and let me damn drive. Have cutscenes and monologues and tutorials *all you want*, but don't force me to sit through them. I seriously lost my shit over this when I first played, and TB's video was cathartic to watch.
I enjoyed the story. I didn't like the video jumps in the intro video. Made me dizzy. Sucks you can't skip it the first time. I was able to skip videos with X when playing a second time on a different PSN account on the same PS4. I dont know the details.
I'm trying hard to like this game, but I'm finding the pursuits to be too frequent and too aggressive. Completing two events -- one time trial and one head to head -- And by the time I do that, just two events, I have the entire city trying to destroy me [...] In GTA, escaping a high wanted level was generally a consequence of your actions and not the desirable part of the gameplay. In NFSR, it *is* the game. And I'm not sure if I like it.
Play as a cop if you want to relax. Otherwise, as a racer, like you said, two events, that's it, time to find a hideout. Gaining 3-4 levels, it's time to find a hideout. (I start at heat 1 and always try to bank when I hit heat 4+. So if you're in a heat 3 car, bank at 6+).
I see a lot of frame drops on PS4
Hearsay: I heard that there is a glitch they let slip. A 1/60 chance of repeating (aka skipping) a frame. 1/60 in a 30 fps game means 1 skip every two seconds?
is there a downside to an undercover cop car? like significantly lower stats? sounds like a huge advantage, I wouldn't use anything else if I played a cop or online (I play offline now, too many races spoiled due to host migrate and having to restart race)
Normal has higher speed, (ENF) Enforcer has higher strength/durability, and (UC) Undercover has ??? I played almost all *UC) because I like the sleeker look and lights inside the car.
I was so incredibly excited for this, then I started playing....how the FUCK do i actually get away from cops (both real and AI) to save money? I'm trying to complete Speed lists but I'm getting reamed by cops. I've lost 25000, 45000, and just now another 14500 points before I could make it to base. It's not even fun, just frustrating as hell!
After being the game as cops 15+ hours in. I tried Racer. I could NOT escape the cop from the first mission. I used all my u-turns and hidden areas and jumps to get away and he's just on me and in front of me (!!!) non stop. It was insane. I think you get away just by driving well a long time and they just get bored and automatically make a mistake. After that first mission you get points to upgrade and do better. Get some pursuit techs asap. EMP might be the worst choice, since you don't want a cop car in front of you. At higher levels, turbo away helps unless you find a new cop in front of you. I actually stood (almost) still once and ESF + Shockwaved until I destroyed the 1 cop car on me and the pursuit immediately ended. But that only worked on low levels. 90% of the time I just stop in front of a hidout with 10+ cops on me and L1 out. So forget getting away, just learn hideout locations and go there and end it mid-pursuit. Learn to GPS by Right, Right on the d-pad (or RIght, down down down down? right if there's other things in the way)
I have the shockwave and boost but by the end of a race I'm usually at like 5 heat, and there are just too many cops and I'll lose 50000+ points.

I just wish cops didn't show up Every. Single. Event.
Maybe I don't have the same experience as you. I did almost all racer missions as the right speedlist.... driver? I think it is? Those don't have races or interceptors as goals most of the time. So I didnt have to deal with ended a race at 5+ with 10+ cop cars on me.

BUt anyways, at 5 heat and 10+ cop cars on me I'd jam to the nearest hideout and L1 midpursuit as stated earlier. I lost 100+k, 400+k, 500+k in speedlists. #feelsbadman.


I'm gonna give this another shot tonight, I really do love the look of the game and the feel of the driving, but having to escape from cops all the time just isn't what I wanted in an open world racing game. Maybe if I can readjust my perception of that the game is I'll be able to enjoy it more.


Neo Member
why does ea keep asking me to sign into origins every time I play. is this required for online? isn't that what ps+ is for? I just keep praying cancel and eventually start playing but what am I missing by not registering am origin account?

aside from that I cant drift for shit. any tips?


why does ea keep asking me to sign into origins every time I play. is this required for online? isn't that what ps+ is for? I just keep praying cancel and eventually start playing but what am I missing by not registering am origin account?

aside from that I cant drift for shit. any tips?

Origin is needed for the Overwatch thing, which is a phone app tie in I guess?

Tap the breaks and steer into the turn for drifting while you still have the gas hammered down. In other racers they kinda need to let off the gas hit the break then hammer gas again, this doesn't work that way. Once you get used to that it's pretty easy to drift.

One thing I definitely can't complain about are the controls, they're really well done.
why does ea keep asking me to sign into origins every time I play. is this required for online? isn't that what ps+ is for? I just keep praying cancel and eventually start playing but what am I missing by not registering am origin account?

aside from that I cant drift for shit. any tips?
Yeah you're not playing online if you don't sign in to origin. You're playing against AI only right now.
Got it for PS4 and aside from the 30fps, the game is really really fun to play !

Graphics are beautiful, some parts look amazing...

Feels like Burnout which is great. Haven't played online yet, i'm enjoying the single player for now...

I recommend it for those who want an intense arcade racer, it's fun and with the Dual Shock 4 it's even better. It's actually the only racing game on PS4 now, until Drive Club.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Honestly I think of them as very different games.

Horizon for me was cockpit view and no assists and a lot of grand tour free roaming and stunts, with some races to mix things up. Oh and Rally too, and wearing GAF created liveries while kicking up the dirt.

There are similar elements here, sure. Both have gorgeous open world environments at 30fps, both have rivals/auto-log elements, speed cameras, speed zones and leaderboards. Where Forza has in-depth upgrades and visual customizations, there are fewer options in NFS, but its more about whether you slot an EMP package and Turbo or Shockrams and the like. And unlike Horizon, your free roam time comes with a mix of objectives, which I guess is similar to the car challenges added to Horizon after launch, but you have more choices of objectives in NFS: Rivals, and completing all of the objectives in a particular set is key to progressing and unlocking, both as a cop and as a racer.

This game is all about the chase, and either the action of the takedowns or escaping them in a mad dash to the hideout. Its cat and mouse and stunts with a much more seamless multiplayer - along the lines of Test Drive Unlimited. I've always been a fan of the TDU model of multiplayer, and while NFS is a much smaller setup - you're put into discrete lobbies with what, five other players? It still provides an amazing level of dynamism to a world already populated with events and AI racers and drivers.

Taking down other players as a cop, or trying to survive long enough to reach your hideout as a racer so you can bank your hard earned points - these are always a crazy good time. And since the player count is small, everything feels a little more personal. Real rivalries can develop.

I had one player racer that escaped me every damn time until I figured out his tricks and took him down twice in a row, shutting down his heat streak. He actually hunted me down after that and took me down on a quiet country road. As I sat there in my wreck I had to respect the back and forth we had. That's a rare thing for me in multiplayer games and this one seems well balanced to produce those moments on a regular basis.

Its definitely my happiest surprise of the launch games.

Sounds like fun, thanks for the impressions. I'll probably pick it up during Black Friday.

Anyone here have this game on 360? Impressions on how the game runs?


Played for the 2nd time last night and I still can't get into it. I loved Hot Pursuit but couldn't get into the boring/short/repetitive races of Most Wanted. This one feels like a mix of both, but I still don't enjoy "driving to the starting line of a race that is shorter than the time it took to get there".
Played for the 2nd time last night and I still can't get into it. I loved Hot Pursuit but couldn't get into the boring/short/repetitive races of Most Wanted. This one feels like a mix of both, but I still don't enjoy "driving to the starting line of a race that is shorter than the time it took to get there".

I guess that could be a problem for multiple events, but you can always just spawn at the race starting location.
Oh one thing to note. The better car you have, the better car opponents have. If you're in a beginner cop car, racer AI near you will be 1-2 heat. If you're in the final car, racers near you will be 4-6 heat. If you're in a start heat 1 car, cars around you will be in the heat 1-2 class in lower tier cars. if you're in a 3-4 heat car, cars around you will be 3-6 heat and some of the best cars..
What exactly do the heat levels do for individual cars? I notice that, in the garage, more advanced cars have a higher heat level. How does this impact your high level in game?
I guess that could be a problem for multiple events, but you can always just spawn at the race starting location.
That's one thing I love about this game. You can start an event right away just like choosing from a menu in old track-based games, but then when you're done its open season again. You can just waypoint to a base and start again to quickly go to the next event.
Had a 15 minutes online chase as a racer with 5 cops on me, got up to heat level 10 and had 250,000 points to bank and I crashed like an idiot and got busted. Was briefly frustrated but it didn't bother me too much. Game is so much fun, especially as a racer because of the stakes. When you've got lots of points it's incredibly intense.

Here is the chase:



Had a 15 minutes online chase as a racer with 5 cops on me, got up to heat level 10 and had 250,000 points to bank and I crashed like an idiot and got busted. Was briefly frustrated but it didn't bother me too much. Game is so much fun, especially as a racer because of the stakes. When you've got lots of points it's incredibly intense.

Do the constant pursuits get tiresome? I can't wait to get it, but I read someone say you can't get a break.
Do the constant pursuits get tiresome? I can't wait to get it, but I read someone say you can't get a break.

I had cruised around for a good 10 minutes or so before seeing any cops and starting the long pursuit. The world seems big enough that you can avoid cops for a good while.
I'm gonna give this another shot tonight, I really do love the look of the game and the feel of the driving, but having to escape from cops all the time just isn't what I wanted in an open world racing game. Maybe if I can readjust my perception of that the game is I'll be able to enjoy it more.
Have you considered playing as a cop for a while? It's far less stressful and it will give you a chance to see how the different pursuit tech options work and will give you a chance to get a better sense of the game.

I played up to rank 10 or so as a cop and recently switched over to racer to see what that was like. It definitely feels like a completely different, more frantic experience, but it's a nice change. I don't feel like I'm having near as much trouble with the racer side as you are, and maybe that's because I got my introduction to the game by playing as a cop for a few hours.


Ok I am trying to find my second PS4 game and am really leaning towards NFS. The problem is I have never really gotten into racing games before and am worried about my skill level. Would guys say this is an easy game to pick up and enjoy for someone new to the genre.
Ok I am trying to find my second PS4 game and am really leaning towards NFS. The problem is I have never really gotten into racing games before and am worried about my skill level. Would guys say this is an easy game to pick up and enjoy for someone new to the genre.

Yes very easy to get into since it's an arcade style racer.

Some people have issues with outrunning cops and whatnot when playing as racer. I don't have too much of a problem with it. Though I should probably note that I played through Demon's Souls and loved every minute of it.
Ok I am trying to find my second PS4 game and am really leaning towards NFS. The problem is I have never really gotten into racing games before and am worried about my skill level. Would guys say this is an easy game to pick up and enjoy for someone new to the genre.

I think so, its great because you earn points everything you do (races, pursuits, near misses, exploring, jumps, drifts) so you can level up your car (a bit like in dark souls, as you level up you get better so gets easier to take on that boss thats killing you)

that's why I love this game so much, late game I don't care if I fail a mission I just bank my points
Yes very easy to get into since it's an arcade style racer.

Some people have issues with outrunning cops and whatnot when playing as racer. I don't have too much of a problem with it. Though I should probably note that I played through Demon's Souls and loved every minute of it.

yeah its important to get some persuit tech, eg I like that EMP shock thing that electrifies your car


Ok thanks guys. I have been meaning to try out a racing game and this seems inline with my tastes. Online play is really important to me and the all drive system sounds like a blast. Is it easy to jump in and play with friends?


Have you considered playing as a cop for a while? It's far less stressful and it will give you a chance to see how the different pursuit tech options work and will give you a chance to get a better sense of the game.

I played up to rank 10 or so as a cop and recently switched over to racer to see what that was like. It definitely feels like a completely different, more frantic experience, but it's a nice change. I don't feel like I'm having near as much trouble with the racer side as you are, and maybe that's because I got my introduction to the game by playing as a cop for a few hours.

I might do that tonight, but I'm the kind of person that plays these games to try and get better times on courses. I dunno if more car combat stuff gonna be my cup of tea.
I might do that tonight, but I'm the kind of person that plays these games to try and get better times on courses. I dunno if more car combat stuff gonna be my cup of tea.

You can choose to stick to "undercover" missions where it's mostly rapid response challenges (time trials). I'm not super far into the game yet though so I don't know if that eventually changes.
I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I'm playing on PS4 and it runs like a champ for me.
You can choose to stick to "undercover" missions where it's mostly rapid response challenges (time trials). I'm not super far into the game yet though so I don't know if that eventually changes.
I think (normal) becomes the time trial tree later on. UC becomes more about interceptors, and ENF becomes more about hot pursuits. Or the other way around.

But yeah, Cop's Quick Repose races are good time trials since it's about perfect driving, not hitting walls/cars. So it might even be more perferable than racer's time trials, which might get interuppted by cops.


AgreedI think (normal) becomes the time trial tree later on. UC becomes more about interceptors, and ENF becomes more about hot pursuits. Or the other way around.

But yeah, Cop's Quick Repose races are good time trials since it's about perfect driving, not hitting walls/cars. So it might even be more perferable than racer's time trials, which might get interuppted by cops.

Oh sweet, that sounds pretty good! I'll give those a shot tonight. :)


Today was the first time I heard other players... and boy did I hear them. Sony has to fix that open mic on the camera. A constant stream of game audio from other players, along with a faint hint of their offline conversations

Fortunately I figured out you can disable voice chat entirely in the menu (after getting tired of muting players individually, which you can only do on the road

How long does the controller last?

I haven't timed it or anything, but not long. I have to charge it every day


I haven't timed it or anything, but not long. I have to charge it every day

How long are you playing? Because you should be able to get something like 6-8 hours out of it.

I haven't charged mine since the weekend and have played an average of an hour each night.


Have any of you guys been able to use Overwatch on friends? I am level 40 and I've yet to use it on anyone. :(

Really wish you could use it on random people.
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