I hope I'm not burning through these confessions too fast. I hope everyone is actually going through most of them.
I know right. What's the point in even getting married. Should have stayed single.
I hope he sees this post:
You're an asshole. Fuck you and your money.
Damn son. Nothing wrong with having your own account. My (hypothetical) wife is more than welcome to have hers as well, I don't need to know every single detail of her life.
Damn son. Nothing wrong with having your own account. My (hypothetical) wife is more than welcome to have hers as well, I don't need to know every single detail of her life.
I hope I'm not burning through these confessions too fast. I hope everyone is actually going through most of them.
Damn son. Nothing wrong with having your own account. My (hypothetical) wife is more than welcome to have hers as well, I don't need to know every single detail of her life.
There are too many gaffers are sexing with each other. Stop it you lewd people.
You should go faster! 0_0
You will post all the confessions right? The ones that you can post anyway within the rules.
There are too many gaffers sexing with each other. Stop it you lewd people.
I have weird hangups about sex and virginity. Growing up I just assumed that 90% of people waited until they were married to have sex. When I was in ~8th grade I realized that wasn't the case, and was kind of terrified.
I never want to have casual sex. I feel like if I do, I'll be incredibly depressed, and always miss that one person, and the nuances of the sex we had. I'm a college student and I'm kind of a virgin. I haven't had anal or vaginal sex, but I've done everything else with one person, my current partner. She comes from a religious background, so yeah. But she's not religious herself.
This is horribly sexist, but I really would prefer to be with a virgin. I feel that potential partners who haven't had sex before are more value. I'd rather date a cute virgin than a slightly more attractive girl who has already had sex.
Sometimes I wish I lived in an earlier time period, where people weren't expected to be promiscuous. This way, I wouldn't be judged for being a virgin and I could marry a virgin qt much more easily. People act like Sweden is so great but the idea of a society that sexually permissive horrifies me. I've heard two different horror stories by Swedish women who felt like their lives were worse because they were virgins. One girl was cute enough but said that guys wouldn't date her because she was a virgin at 20. They assumed something was wrong with her, and one guy called her disgusting when she said she was a virgin. I really don't want the US to be like that.
I actually feel bad watching porn, because seeing unmarried couples fuck makes it so much less attractive. I really just stick with amateur and like to pretend that maybe, just maybe, the cute young couple are married IRL. Although I don't watch much porn because most of it is vaguely misogynistic.
I think it would have been best if, instead of giving women the same lassaiz-faire attitude toward sex that men traditionally had, the sexual revolution would have made sure that both men and women were expected to be sexually responsible. I think that having children outside of marriage is abhorrent. It's completely unthinkable to me. Nothing would make me feel like more of a disgusting person and more of a failure than having a child with a person I was not married to. It really makes me sad that illegitimacy is rising in the West and nobody seems to care.
I'm not religious, by the way. My parents are atheists and I've never been to a church service. I'm also not conservative in the least except for this issue. I doubt anybody would be able to guess who I am, because most of my posts on GAF are more political than most.
If you have sent a confession, and it's not up yet, rest assured: It is coming.
Based on what you've written, in my amateur, non-professional opinion... you're not gay. Your OCD is screwing with you and dumping intrusive thoughts in your head. See a therapist.
But hey, maybe you're bi.
If you think people in the old times weren't fucking constantly and having unmarried children, then you are an idiot. Sexual promiscuity has always been a thing, people just weren't open about it like they are now.
I'll make a public confession. I sometimes write posts that are snarky and delete them before I post them. :-/
I'll make a public confession. I sometimes write posts that are snarky and delete them before I post them. :-/
I would get so much shit if I posted everything I wrote.
I'll make a public confession. I sometimes write posts that are snarky and delete them before I post them. :-/
I would get so much shit if I posted everything I wrote.
I do this a lot. I type out a response and then just close the tab.
I'll make a public confession. I sometimes write posts that are snarky and delete them before I post them. :-/
I don't get the money guy. If you're hiding the money you make... you can't spend it, right? Wouldn't it be better to just take the "risk" (if you have a prenuptial agreement it seems significantly lower) of your SO bailing with your money to enjoy it yourself? Or are you content just watching your secret bank account tick higher and higher?
I was always told that I right books in just ordinary descriptions of stuff so TLDR: I think that my behavior and personality is a turn-off for girls in their interest of me. It's not a end of the world issue but it would be nice to maybe have that sense of companionship with a girl.
I am/was always either the very odd or weird child in my life (though i'm 20 so...) in a social sense when I interact with people my age . To my closest friends though I have a never nice personality I can talk like Po from Kung Fu Panda with my narcissism (i even say awesomeness and badassery sometimes). At university others just find me in general absolutely annoying and tolerance level of me in less than for other persons generally. Another group which is normally of persons 2+ years older than me treat me as a little brother always concerned of me and in general love my positive attitude and are just facinated at my "weirdness". And another group i'm a party pooper (or goodie too shoes when i have to be respectful/responsible) sometimes because they are worst than me and want to do some stupid shit sometimes that I have to stop them from doing. Also acting and talking more like a canadian (citizen and did grade 6, 10-12 there)
The persons that I communicate, socialize and are generally seen with are females, I have some male friends but they are really except for 1 or 2 that I talk to more like a real friend. In fact my group of 5 friends who I have known on xbl for 5 years are closer to me than any of my male friends even though we have never met before except for 2.
And despite all of the females I am usually seen around, I have never had a girlfriend. I get asked that question by them quite often (actually the first question that is asked is if i'm a virgin and when I say yes is when they ask if I've ever had a gf) and they ask why: and to be honest most girls just don't interest me. In regards to remembering in my head I remember having a crush on 5 girls since I have been about 12. It wasn't until i was 16 that I told one (crush #4) my feelings but was rejected. We were great friends for a year beforehand and still continued to be though she used me one time to attend something she said she was going to take part in but was actually for her brother and she showed up 2 hours late. Later though I still liked her, it was clear i was being slightly moved out so i ended all communication with her. Crush #5 came last year and it was awesome. I felt responsible and caring around her and for the first time there was someone that especially a female that liked and enjoyed the same stuff as I did especially videogames but not just videogames alone like my male friends but the various types of videogames that I had (aka not FIFA and a little CoD alone), cartoons and is the only person with confidence that I can bring to almost any movie I wanted to see and they would not think it is stupid by the name alone or be actually excited to have wanted to see it already.
However she doesn't like me that way, in fact I learnt that on her birthday when me and her two best friends went to see Thor where they were all sad and disappointed that I wasn't gay (they mentioned it before but I thought it was a joke at te time)! Apparently 1. they really want to have a gay friend publicly and no one is going to be that publicly here (Caribbean country) 2. My behavior fits to the tee a caricature of a type of gay character normally seen in manga and they would love for me to be that. And any explanation right there that I liked her did nothing to still be disappointed so yeah. She actually has very bad short term memory loss so after a few months she actually forgot she even went to the movies let alone that incident (and the fact I told her I had a crush on her) so I decided to try again and even brought up some courage to ask her out on a date (woo first date) where we went to a movie but again same result: she doesn't like me that way.
I've never known a girl that has actually shown advances to me or signs (that i could see I suppose) and when I think back at it I believe it is my personality and how I behave that may be the reason as a kind of turn off. I spoke to some of my closest friends and they agree that for some females that how I am regulates me to either being someone they just want to be a friend of or just someone who is a turnoff to them and this part they say comes from the annoying side of me more than anything else. And yet everytime I still get asked if I found a girlfriend yet from some of them (and the ones that ask the question are already in relationships btw). I also don't really flirt or talk to women that majority of guys here do. I do have a quiet listening side to myself and when there is chaos or ruckus in a general sense around me, i'm normally calm and cool.
My social life now and when I was not at school normally consists of me being at home doing something normally centered around cartoons/sports/videogames though i have started in the past month floorball on saturdays though there's no females my age range that play. I do enjoy going to the movies when I do (and even tried to invite other female friends except for crush #5 but they are always at least 15-30 mins late which i HATE, one person was a hour late and was lucky it was Hobbit and for most if not all I have to pay in order for them to come which is why i stopped doing it). Parties and clubbing is not for me at all because I seriously can't dance and in the caribbean if you don't even have rhythm to at least whine (grind) a girl and change tempo and movement with the ever changing songs: then there's no point going to stand up there (and I don't listen to socca, or dancehall anyway). I'm not saying I haven't gone (Went to 2 parties and the club twice but the bad dancing just didn't work at all, one friend who took me tried to whine with me and it was a trainwreck)
I am currently in a pretty good state in my life, I'm 20 and have already completed a BSc in Sport Sciences with a coaching job at a prestigious private school that has short hours for a teacher (though I am still very busy), pays alot, provides benefits and got it right after i completed university. I have multiple coaching certifcations for various sports at either a national or international level. I have been praised for the perceived dedication, approachability, communication skills and professionalism I display in my work (sharp contrast actually from personal me which is i guess immature?) or at events by my seniors, teachers or clients over the years. So i'm not actually worried about my future but sometimes I just wish that I could maybe experience that first steps of having a relationship with someone and just knowing what that companionship means but I feel like I am the one that is holding myself back from achieving it with the behavior that is so ingrained into me
That was well written. I was crying and laughing hysterically. Damn poop stories.I dropped a poop confessional on the last page, but it got cut off.
Puns intended.
I had a lot of snarky stuff to say, but ultimately, I`m curious about your current partner. Is she a virgin?
If you think people in the old times weren't fucking constantly and having unmarried children, then you are an idiot. Sexual promiscuity has always been a thing, people just weren't open about it like they are now.
I am envious of my friends.
Friend #1: this guy, although he has had to "work" for some of the things he has, his entire life has been easy. I say "work" because he has a job where he barely does anything. Not because he is lazy, but because almost every time he does his part and for the rest of the day he just sits and does nothing. Literally gets paid to sit on his ass. He lives in a nice house in the suburbs where he pays absolutely nothing, only his own personal things. He will also be inheriting houses that his dad owns and rents.
Friend #2: this one, he isn't as lucky financially as the first, but he is good with women. He's always bragging about how he had sex with this gorgeous woman who is freaky in bed and does all the things he likes. Fucking aggravates me how this guy is always getting laid with zero to no effort while I have trouble just even talking to a random woman, and yes I'm a virgin, to add insult to injury.
Friend #3: this one I've known the longest and I consider my best friend, but some times is hard being friends with him. He is a combination of the first two. He comes from a household that has always been financially stable. He always had the best shoes, latest games/consoles. And the last 2-3 years he has had many sexual encounters, which being his best friend feels inclined to tell me everything in detail.
I love all the guys mentioned above, but I just can't help but feel envious. I hate it.
I would get so much shit if I posted everything I wrote.
I do this a lot. I type out a response and then just close the tab.
OMG...I thought I was the only one.
I'm not alone... *sniff*
I am shocked, Max, SHOCKED.
I confess I do this as well.
I thought everyone already did this?
Oh boy, if you think that's good: I vanity search myself even on forums that have a "who quoted me" feature. It's possible someone could talk about you without quoting you!
I keep a tab open of every (recent) thread I've posted inhoping someone replies to me
Virginity anxiety seems to be a thing.
Are you surprised?
Virginity anxiety seems to be a thing.
I have friends like that, and it's a pride thing for me at least.We all have friends that we hate. Why haven't you asked your buddies to hook you up? They're your bros. Come on, man.
I have friends like that, and it's a pride thing for me at least.
Can you elaborate?
If you are truly, in your heart, happy with your life, then I wish you well.
Based on what you've written, in my amateur, non-professional opinion... you're not gay. Your OCD is screwing with you and dumping intrusive thoughts in your head. See a therapist.
But hey, maybe you're bi.
We all have friends that we hate. Why haven't you asked your buddies to hook you up? They're your bros. Come on, man.
what would be the advantage in letting your friend have sex with someone you could?
what would be the advantage in letting your friend have sex with someone you could?
I just turned 34 and am married, and have a 17 year old son. I'm sleeping with my sons girlfriend behind his back. The thing is, I'm not fit to be a father, y'know? I didn't want to be a father. When I was 16 i had sex with a girl in HS, neither of us were ready and had no protection. The results were obvious, she got pregnant. She was forced to marry me but, in the end we made it work just barely. I love my wife, but were in a sexless dead end marriage. Neither of us are happy with how our lives turned out. My life was dull, working a dead end job barely making ends means. Thats when Amy came into my life.
Amy came into our lives about a year ago. She was 18, and he was 17 they were both juniors going into their final year of HS. From the moment i met her I was in love, she looked like my wife but, younger and sexier. I started hitting on her, telling her how hot she was and how mature she looked. We kept things PG-13 at first but, things began to get R-rated when she'd send me dirty texts and nudes. Should have ended it there, should have but Amy was everything i wanted in a woman. I let my primal urges take over my brain, I began thinking with my dick.
It was the end of September, she had a big fight with my son and wanted a ride home. I took her home, she wanted me to come in. I'm not an idiot I know what she wanted. I followed her in, she told me she had a present to give me and she wanted me to wait in the living room. I had no idea when her parents (As soon as she graduates they plan to kick her to the streets) would be home, and I knew this would end badly. Few minutes later she came out in a towel and nothing else, she began flirting with me trying to kiss me trying to get into my pants. I tried to discourage it, telling her that her parents might see us, and it was wrong. She reassures me that her parents are used to her bringing strange men home, and wouldn't care too much. I'm having doubts, and try to get up, but she drops her towel and asks if I like what I see. I do, i really do, part of me's screamin get the hell out, and yet I can't resist. I gave in to temptation and we had sex.
We've been having sex constantly since then. She made me feel young, and I make her feel good. Nobody knows, they just think of me as deluded glory hound trying to recapture my youth. Her parents are good people but, they've basically given her free reign to do as she pleases as they've given up on her. Nobody knows what i'm doing except, my son. He's smart, he thinks shes cheating and he suspects I know who it is. He's going to find out sooner or later. I don't pry into their relation, I just know they are barely even together. Truth be told i don't regret what we've done. She's mature, shes sexy, she has no future plans in life. So it's not like I've ruined her life, so what's the big deal?
TLDR: Confessor is a timid guy who thinks his personality prevents him from getting girls. He numbers his crushes. He may be right. Is the real life version of Kung Fu Panda.
Look man... talking like Po and going on and on and on and on is not attractive to most girls.
The big deal is that you're fucking your son's high school girlfriend behind his back, you scumbag.
The big deal is that you're fucking your son's high school girlfriend behind his back, you scumbag.
teen fucker