First of all, for reference, I'm this guy:
After that happened the day I sent that confession, I was down the rest of the day. My coworker/friend in the cubicle across from me noticed later on in the day, and asked me what was wrong. I didn't want to tell her there in the office due to who might overhear, so I asked her to take a walk outside with me and I would tell her.
We got outside and I told her what happened. She was confused, as she didn't feel at all like I was "holding the team back" like my boss said. I told her that it was mainly dumb mistakes that got me to this point, and I was super frustrated, and now crying at this point. She was very supportive, and offered some solutions to help (such as demoing everything to her before I call it done so I don't miss anything).
The coworker mentioned above has only been there about five more months than I have. That Monday, I told another coworker about this when I had a moment alone with him. This guy has been there for a long time (10+ years) and he was also very supportive. This sounds dumb, but the only people I truly trust are these two coworkers, which was why I told both of them. He gave me a lot more helpful advice, and even told me it's possible it's just a bluff, as this project is just important. If they were to fire me, they would have a hard time finding people who would be willing to work for the salaries I make (which aren't bad, just comparatively low to other places). I'm still taking it seriously regardless though.
The only problem is I feel like I have to walk on eggshells now about everything. Just today I had a problem, and it was one of those problems where I felt like it was just me being stupid and I just wasn't seeing it. ProgrammingGAF might know this feeling. Regardless, it was ending up telling my manager about stuff like this that got me in this position, so I basically had to take a bit longer and try to figure it out myself. Luckily I did, but it was frustrating being practically unable to ask for help. I could ask my coworkers, but they didn't know about the specific thing I was working on, so I wouldn't be able to get much of a helpful answer out of them.
I guess things are going a bit better since then? I'm still scared of losing this job, but ever since then I have heard absolutely nothing. However, like I said in last confession, I estimate they will decide to keep me or not in about a month from then, so probably two weeks from now.
Anyway, thanks for the advice those who responded to the original confession. I appreciate any advice you might have for this one.
(Note to NTGYK): Please include that link to the original confession in the post. Thanks.