What was the racist bullshit that JordanN posted? I cannot see the post that got him banned since in the list there isn't a link guiding to it. If he said some explicit racist things like calling people of X place genetically inferior, then I stand corrected and will no longer appeal for him. But if it is about the views he has about certain cultures, then I keep with my original appeal.
I am well aware of JordanN's views about western culture and third world countries, and how he doesn't like the mix that is happening between them thanks to globalization, I had a debate with him awhile ago about this specific topic since I fundamentally disagreed with him in many points (being myself South American). I understand how certain things he says could rub some people the wrong way, but these are views that can easily be rebuted and if you engaged with him he would actually respond with arguments defending his point of views with a clear rationale and without falling to personal attacks (which I at least was thankful that his responses were so thorough). Even if his point of views are not mainstream and generally frowned upon now, it is a legitimate political stance presented in a coherent and respectful manner, and If the politics subforum wants to be a space for political debate, it should be open for people with his ideology to share their views. He created discussion of different range of topics (the last one I saw was about U.S National Debt) so it isn't like he was parroting the same things over and over again. I also don't consider his points of view racist. Race and culture are different things and I think it is legit to discuss and be critic of certain customs, as well as how each of them relate to the western idea of progress. I would like to know what would be "racist" now, since it is difficult to have a political debate when more and more topics are banned as people get personally offended so quickly.
If mods can see the posts and threads of banned users, then I would like them to compare JordanN thread and post history to Schrodinger's Cat constant poor psychoanalysis schtick where he never adresses anything, the difference should be as clear as night and day.
As for Crypto, I just think that a temp ban would be better since he was only warned before and not banned. Maybe he needed to actually suffer the consequences of breaking the new rules. A few weeks back it seems that his posting wasn't an issue but now he is permanently banned? I don't know, it just feels that here the moderation pulled the trigger to quickly and didn't see it long term. Way too punitive imo.