What ticks me off in all this is that social media and the internet at large is basically run by Americans for Americans.
I talk mad shit here on Twitter or anywhere else about any other countries elections and nobody bats an eyelid. As someone who is not American I'll be booted off the site for not toeing the line on discussion about US politics. Either agree with the approved narrative or fuck off. Even from an outsiders perspective you MUST NOT offer any kind of alternative take on the US or you are gone?
It's funny to think that for 4 years you had a lot of crazy stuff being thrown around with Trump. I think even one of the late night hosts referred to him as "Putins cock holster"? Widespread political unrest etc but just in general the internet was a bit of a mud slinging free for all.
As someone not from the USA I am totally fine with seeing posters like Nobody Important etc having their victory lap because, to be fair, they've fucking earned it. However it is absolute bullshit that I can't now take the piss out of them by saying that their candidate stole the election.
Jussie Smollett, that Covington Kid, Kavanagh, etc its all fine argue away lads. Biden stole the election!? How dare you!? Banned!
If you can look at the US elections in 2020 and not think that something absolutely stinks there then you are being willfully ignorant. However, even if you want to point it out in jest that's not allowed. If your aren't even from the USA that's STILL not allowed. How very dare you suggest that there is corruption!? Everybody knows that governments and elections are always, always, 100% legit. Just study history. You'll see that conspiracies never ever ever happen. Right?
It's like say your buddy is an AS Roma fan and they lose 2-1 to a dodgy penalty. Your friend screeches and moans non stop about cheating refs and bloody biased authorities etc. You laugh at him for being triggered and you rub it in. Down the line Roma end up winning a match 1-0 due to a dodgy penalty and you want to make fun of them so you mirror their previous comments and say "LOL you cheating bastard that was never a penalty". Then the response is "how fucking dare you even question the decisions of our brave referees you absolute arsehole never speak to me again."
Oh and before anyone says "but football fans don't riot when their team loses" let me just preemptively laugh at that.
The double standards on display here are shocking to say the least.
Imagine getting your panties in a bunch to this degree because people are saying your guy stole the election. Especially after spending several years claiming the other guy stole it (with the help of Russia).
Its an absolute shambles of a situation and from a foreign perspective pretty appalling that the message is "America has decided that you shall not question the results of the American elections and doing so will result in being kicked off the platform". Eh, OK, China.
The people who caused trouble in Washington? That's on them. Personal responsibility.
The idea that even from the other side of the world you must not question the USA elections because a few fringe lunatics in the US might belive you is total nonsense.
Conspiracy theories are exactly what it says on the tin. "Theories". The idea that you need to shut the hell up because some arseholes on the other side of the world might start a riot is absolutely ridiculous.
Here we are though.