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NeoGAF Ban Review/Justice Project

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In this day and age do you really think important stuff is printed and put in an unlocked filing cabinet? The important stuff will be on a network and protected. (Or you'd think so anyway).
So the FBI has been lying about this?
Here we go again with the conspiracy theories.

And even if not, how does this in any way excuse what happened on Wednesday?



That's actually a reference of the Dhofar Front, civil war, between 1965-1975 in my region that has been infected by communism, thanks to Southern Yemen. Gladly, nothing is left of that BS. But that has nothing to do with Oman's position from the Yemeni war as the government provides aid and financial support to the poor there, as the war is messed up and more like a battlefield between KSA and Iran. I really hope they sort things up, it's pretty bad.

Well, that's politics for you. :lollipop_crying:
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
That's actually a reference of the Dhofar Front, civil war, between 1965-1975 in my region that has been infected by communism, thanks to Southern Yemen. Gladly, nothing is left of that BS. But that has nothing to do with Oman's position from the Yemeni war as the governments provides aid and financial support to the poor there, as the war is messed up and more like a battlefield between KSA and Iran. I really hope they sort things up, it's pretty bad.

Well, that's politics for you. :lollipop_crying:
It absolutely is terrible. I hope that you don't think I was made fun of that, it was just a reaction to that oil.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
This is the downside of democratization of information and media. I honestly thought Obama was being extremely hyperbolic here, but it turns out he wasn't.

The big challenge of the next decade will be balancing freedom of speech, and freedom of information with the rise of people living in alternate realities, with misinformation so advanced that it starts threatening the stability of society. And we haven' t even seen the rise of political deepfakes yet. People can become so misinformed that they are essentially weaponized against society.

If we have any hope of holding onto free expression, it will be through the combined efforts of left and right working together - both holding onto higher standards for discussion, and evidence. If we, as informed adults, can't manage the responsibility of freedom of speech ourselves - the government is going to do it for us with an iron fist. The country is currently recovering from a mob attack against the democratic process, and is economically crippled by a virus that a decent chunk of people don't even think is real. The damage is piling up, and there's not a good future for free expression unless we hold our own discussions to better standards. If we don't, someone else will.


Don't really know were to ask this question, but since this thread have been so much more then just what the "topic states" but the question somewhat has to do with it.

Is it a bannable (temp or perm) offense to publicly state why you will be adding some people to an ignore list?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Forgive me if there is a way to easily find out why someone was banned or a thread was shut down but i've failed to do so and didn't no where else to turn.

I was curious as to why this lads thread https://www.neogaf.com/threads/thank-you-neogaf.1585956/ was shut down and as to why?
Yeeeeezy dropped in to cause a scene, as he does. He was on perm warning for previous behavior. See the politics rules staff thread for more.


Accepting reality can be difficult.
Reality is subjective for us monkies, man... but it the age of social media it's something more, some monstrosity that people can control and pivot. I'm afraid of what just happened with the corporations ganging up on the most powerful leader in the world, seriously freaked out man, but you've your work cut out for you here and I sincerely hope you manage to find a balance before things get crazy.... I mean, more crazy than they already are. But please, don't go censoring unless it violates the law of your land, cause these things will pass but you won't get respect back in the long run. You won't be able to come out and say "Hey, I was on the side of free speech and didn't cave to Google" when things settle cause we can all see it in real time.

Lad, I hope things don't pop off but the corporations already came out and declared themselves more powerful than the worlds more powerful sitting leader...where does it go...
As a conservative myself, I wanna be able to tell it like I think it is, but if you just want to see the western world burn, by all means do it somewhere else.
The world is burning when extreme violence is allowed from one side, and the other side even while abiding by moderation, and having removed posts of violence is heavily censored for their political views. Many conservative channels, even nonconspiracy ones, have been shadowbanned and demonetized, many even purged.

Don't know if it's changed but yesterday it seemed twitter was even allowing some conservative calls for violence to trend, when they normally block many conservative things from trending, all to make conservatives look bad. And all without care from amazon facebook or google.


It hurts to see EviLore EviLore take the knee. I guess they got to him too then. RIP freedom.

It's regrettable, but understandable. Like it or not, true or not, the narrative among those with power in the US is that there was an attempted fascist insurrection, and what follow's will be a post-9/11 style crackdown on free speech and civil liberties, this time directed against any voices even suspected of pro-Trump sympathies (i.e. "domestic terrorists"). Under those circumstances, any website even allowing such discussion (of "stolen elections" etc) is going to be under serious threat of being shut down, by means both direct and indirect. The politics section has looked pretty crazy since the election (I say "looked" because I only looked at the thread titles and thought "nope" and moved on), so it's not surprising that it is now getting moderated more heavily. Given the high likelihood of most/all "stolen election" conspiracy theories proving false in the end (as all the Trump/Russian ones of the past 4 years almost certainly were), it's not surprising that the owner(s) of the forum have decided this isn't the hill they want to die on.

I'm sad to see the Hariseldon World thread go though. I always looked on it as a light-hearted, satirical look on the world, and not "hateful" in any way. The most common reaction to posts on there was :messenger_tears_of_joy: , whereas in the Politics section you tend to see a lot of 🔥. It's very difficult to be angry while your laughing your arse off. In the Politics threads there is often the vibe of "OMG, these people are dangerous and they are coming to take away our freedoms, how will we defend ourselves?!", whereas in the Hariseldon thread it was more like "OMG, these people are so dumb/such hypocrites, hahaha".

That all said, people often criticise Era by sarcastically calling it a "games forum", so it shouldn't be forgotten that GAF really is primarily a forum for talking about games, so I hope people don't get too caught up in the politics/cultural wars side of things.


As someone not from the USA I am totally fine with seeing posters like Nobody Important etc having their victory lap because, to be fair, they've fucking earned it. However it is absolute bullshit that I can't now take the piss out of them by saying that their candidate stole the election.

Jussie Smollett, that Covington Kid, Kavanagh, etc its all fine argue away lads. Biden stole the election!? How dare you!? Banned!

The conspiracy theory that Biden stole the election directly resulted in five deaths.

I think that’s probably why GAF is cracking down a bit, don’t you?


What ticks me off in all this is that social media and the internet at large is basically run by Americans for Americans.

I talk mad shit here on Twitter or anywhere else about any other countries elections and nobody bats an eyelid. As someone who is not American I'll be booted off the site for not toeing the line on discussion about US politics. Either agree with the approved narrative or fuck off. Even from an outsiders perspective you MUST NOT offer any kind of alternative take on the US or you are gone?

It's funny to think that for 4 years you had a lot of crazy stuff being thrown around with Trump. I think even one of the late night hosts referred to him as "Putins cock holster"? Widespread political unrest etc but just in general the internet was a bit of a mud slinging free for all.

As someone not from the USA I am totally fine with seeing posters like Nobody Important etc having their victory lap because, to be fair, they've fucking earned it. However it is absolute bullshit that I can't now take the piss out of them by saying that their candidate stole the election.

Jussie Smollett, that Covington Kid, Kavanagh, etc its all fine argue away lads. Biden stole the election!? How dare you!? Banned!

If you can look at the US elections in 2020 and not think that something absolutely stinks there then you are being willfully ignorant. However, even if you want to point it out in jest that's not allowed. If your aren't even from the USA that's STILL not allowed. How very dare you suggest that there is corruption!? Everybody knows that governments and elections are always, always, 100% legit. Just study history. You'll see that conspiracies never ever ever happen. Right?

It's like say your buddy is an AS Roma fan and they lose 2-1 to a dodgy penalty. Your friend screeches and moans non stop about cheating refs and bloody biased authorities etc. You laugh at him for being triggered and you rub it in. Down the line Roma end up winning a match 1-0 due to a dodgy penalty and you want to make fun of them so you mirror their previous comments and say "LOL you cheating bastard that was never a penalty". Then the response is "how fucking dare you even question the decisions of our brave referees you absolute arsehole never speak to me again."

Oh and before anyone says "but football fans don't riot when their team loses" let me just preemptively laugh at that.

The double standards on display here are shocking to say the least.

Imagine getting your panties in a bunch to this degree because people are saying your guy stole the election. Especially after spending several years claiming the other guy stole it (with the help of Russia).

Its an absolute shambles of a situation and from a foreign perspective pretty appalling that the message is "America has decided that you shall not question the results of the American elections and doing so will result in being kicked off the platform". Eh, OK, China.

The people who caused trouble in Washington? That's on them. Personal responsibility.

The idea that even from the other side of the world you must not question the USA elections because a few fringe lunatics in the US might belive you is total nonsense.

Conspiracy theories are exactly what it says on the tin. "Theories". The idea that you need to shut the hell up because some arseholes on the other side of the world might start a riot is absolutely ridiculous.

Here we are though. :(
Elections are never 100% without fraud, sorry you swallowed that nonsense talk. Nothing is without some fraud; if you want to do word play with that, it’s your own problem. The problem comes about when you start saying there are thousands of fraudulent ballots out there and your 75 million votes are actually 80 million. Are we supposed to take you seriously that 5 million votes have been stolen? Nah man, the deep down rabbit hole shit needs to go to have proper discussions about fixing issues that people actually saw and can fix.


advanced basic bitch
#Phonepunk# #Phonepunk# now? JFC. Tempers are flaring it seems. I want to go to bat for him but he seems to be taking everything that's happened lately very badly. Shame to lose such a prolific guy. Perhaps a few months? Let him cool off a bit?
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
#Phonepunk# #Phonepunk# now? JFC. Tempers are flaring it seems. I want to go to bat for him but he seems to be taking everything that's happened lately very badly. Shame to lose such a prolific guy.
Illustrates the point about the hari's world thread breeding hate. He lost the ability to immerse himself in negativity and mentioned having to go to far-right websites to get his fix going forward. That sort of content isn't right for GAF. I hope phonepunk finds his way out of that vicious cycle eventually.


advanced basic bitch
Illustrates the point about the hari's world thread breeding hate. He lost the ability to immerse himself in negativity and mentioned having to go to far-right websites to get his fix going forward. That sort of content isn't right for GAF. I hope phonepunk finds his way out of that vicious cycle eventually.
I wasn't aware of that. I see that now looking at his last few posts. I hope he can find a positive outlet.
Both zombie and Universe miss the point of the change in moderation entirely and resulted in flaming the person who changed it. Both what they said probably doesn't deserve a perm if it was aimed at a normal member. However, if I owned a website and some grown man child cunt off the forum, decided to have a hissy fit and kick their toys out of the pram and call me a pussy because I made an executive decision to improve the place, then yeah fuck 'em. They could have reasonably questioned and discussed it like others.

Universe is implying that the kind of crazy posters who've been spreading the delusions is what saved the website in 2018 and EL has betrayed them is a massive stretch. Either they wore their masks for 3 years and exploded recently or its complete bullshit. The fact is the loonies have been circle jerking each other off like crazy the last month, they don't know what normalcy is


Gold Member
I guess because I normally avoid the politics section (not what I signed up to Neogaf for) I didn’t realize how far down the rabbit hole some of these posters were.

There are some surprising names on the ban list right now.
I sometimes land in those threads for some reason and have to check how and why I got there.
I'm not invested enough to make a substantiated summary but some posters seemed off the rails while others added similar content and I knew it wouldn't do me any good to partake.
Very post-fact from me but I'm happy it didn't go unnoticed.
I'm glad Explosive Zombie got a second chance, even though he has to serve a month in purgatory. I really liked reading his thoughts on the Politics section. This also shows that Evilore is not out to purge conservatives from GAF.

It's been a crazy couple of months and definitely a crazy week. Everyone just needs to chill the F out. We need cool heads to prevail. Hopefully this storm will pass. GAF is first and foremost a gaming forum. We have an amazing community here and there's more to life than politics. Besides console warring of course. :messenger_winking:
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