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NeoGAF FFXI FAQ/Starter topic Redux


Kills Photobucket
FOund a way to impress Noobs.....

Got access to Shiva, Titan, and Garuda. So I go and play with my summoner for a hour or so outside ronfature (onyl lvl 3 smn).

...never had so many people follow me arround before.

Can't wait till I'm the LVL 3 SMN with Fenrir :p


1) Many players enjoy the ability to customize and create an original character that stands apart from the crowd. What plans does Square-Enix have to allow for more character customization?

With Chains of Promathia, there will be even more features to try! We also added a variety of new equipment. Be sure to try them out!

2) Players love the ability to play their favorite jobs in the higher levels. Many players have already hit level 75 with their "main jobs". Square-Enix has stated multiple times that there are no immediate plans for a level cap increase, but are there plans to eventually increase that cap later on down the road or is 75 going to be as high a level as you can get in FFXI?

We currently have no plans to increase the level cap.
In Vana?fdiel, there seems to be a current trend of players trying to increase their stats by simply leveling up. We want to encourage people to realize the maximum potential of each level by experimenting with various battle tactics and equipment. Basically, we want our characters to increase their abilities through other means than simple leveling. The merit point system, which was just introduced, will include growth elements for every character. Even with the release of Chains of Promathia, we intend to push gameplay in this direction. However, if necessary, we will consider raising the level cap.

3) Very little has been released regarding what the new expansion will add for existing jobs. How will "Chain's of Promathia" affect the current jobs? Will there possibly be new skills, spells, and abilities?

Yes. Additional abilities, magic, and ninjutsu abilities are under consideration, and there will be balance adjustments in battle as well. Expect great things to come!

4) Are there any plans that you can share with the players regarding the addition of new jobs?

At this time, there are no plans to implement new jobs.

5) In a interview with FFO WarCry, lead producer Hiromichi Tanaka stated that there will be a plethora of new monsters added with the new expansion. Should we expect to see completely new monster models or will most monsters be different versions of monsters already in the game?

New graphics and models are used on all the new monster types.
Did you have a chance to see the Chains of Promathia information site? (http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/promathia/) From this site, you can see a sample of upcoming monsters--but this is only a taste of things to come. Expect to see many more in the final release.

6) Having to manually sort your inventory seems to be a bit redundant. Are there currently plans to implement an auto-sort feature that would allow players to not be forced to manually sort their inventory?

The auto-sort feature is a good idea, but since we want players to always be aware of what they are carrying, this feature will not be introduced. Another thing to think about is if the auto-sort feature were actually in place, it could spread the use of illegal macros, which would disrupt the balance of Vana'diel. Looking at the situation from this angle, we decided not to include the auto-sort feature.

7) How many new missions can players expect to see with the new expansion?

Missions in Chains of Promathia will be completely different from the current nation missions. The storyline will be independent and the volume of these missions will be as great as the three other nations?f combined. Trust me--the story will be as addictive as it was when you first started FINAL FANTASY XI!

8) Exactly how does the SMN "summoning" skill affect avatars?

The summoning skill affects the chance of interruption when a spell is being cast, as well as the casting time of summoned spirits (i.e. Earth Spirit, Water Spirit, etc.).

9) How soon can players expect to see the "job balancing" that Square-Enix has stated they are working on? Many jobs now are overshadowed by more powerful jobs and thus are harder to find parties with.

We are aware that some of the jobs need balance adjustments. Since balance adjustments affect the gameplay drastically, careful planning and testing are necessary. We are taking everyone?fs opinions and requests into consideration for adjustments not only in battle tactics or weapon skills, but also in balancing Worlds, abilities, equipment, items, monsters, and monster placement to utilize each job's abilities.

10) Are there any plans to possibly integrate Tetra Master into FFXI? Sometimes you must wait for hours in Jeuno searching for a party, and it would be fantastic if players could play Tetra Master while still being in FFXI so that they can search for a party?

Currently, there are no plans to allow players to play Tetra Master directly from the world of Vana'diel.

Yay for new stuff! Boo on #10. I want that implemented dammit! They could still enforce the dollar-per-month thing, too.


lacks enthusiasm.
Boo to the no Auto Sort feature. It doesn't take a long time, I know, but it gets annoying sometimes when you're farming and forget to do it and an item drops out of the treasure chest -_-

The one thing I'm really looking forward to (besides the PLD upgrades) is the ability to get into FF11 with a single shortcut and logout of POL with a single command. Very helpful.


They don't have to auto-sort, but I *do* wish they'd implement auto-stack, or least make it a toggleable feature. I just hate having to dump something out of my inventory only so I can make room for one that would normally stack with others of its kind.

Also, in the FFXI opening movie, I've been wondering this for awhile....does anyone even know what city that is? I used to think it might be some weird pre-war version of Jeuno or something, but if you watch the preview animation for CoP from the POL Viewer, it shows the city a few times.... or at least the area it was in (the weird, arched precipice). So, could be a Tavnazian city? That certainly seems to be the implication. I think that means we might get a new city to play with. :) It'd probably be independant like Jeuno or something, but I imagine it would be bigger than the outland towns for sure seeing as it seems important to the storyline.


It's Tanzvania that's shown in the film. It was the destroyed by the beastmen about 10-20 years previous to the current FFXI year. Aldo as I recall is the boy in the film (he's the leader of the Tenshodo now). His sister that's presumed dead is I believe in Selbina (amnesia).


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. It would certainly be an interesting idea and it shows that they really have planned the story of FFXI out ahead of time. :)


Worships the porcelain goddess
Shouta said:
It's Tanzvania that's shown in the film. It was the destroyed by the beastmen about 10-20 years previous to the current FFXI year. Aldo as I recall is the boy in the film (he's the leader of the Tenshodo now). His sister that's presumed dead is I believe in Selbina (amnesia).

Hopefully, more will come of that little cutscene in Selbina with COP. ;_;


Worships the porcelain goddess
Here's a little thing I've always wondered. Each Job has it's own story and so forth tieing in with it's AF, and events that have happened in the world. For example, WAR AF storyline has to do with Raogrimm, as welll as some Bastok politics. MNK is a story dealing with the history of Cornelia's training in the Martial Arts, and her fateful connection to Raogrimm as well.

I know WHM have direct ties with Tavnazia (the city in the opening FMV), with item names, as well mob names (AF3 Shadow's last name is "Tavnazia" and even ends the fight with a quote regarding the city). How do the other AFs tie into everything, or how to they do storyline wise in general? Can be specific or spoiler it up with tags. =)


Yeah, the only reason why I really tried to connect it back to Jeuno (before CoP was announced) was the Aldo connection. I also thought that was pretty cool when I first started playing, that Aldo wasn't just some random annoying kid played up for sympathy in the intro, but an actual character integral to the plot.

Edit: While I obviously haven't gotten through the whole thing yet, the gist of the THF AF seems to be that the Tenshodo is trying to track down some of the members of a disbanded group of thieves which used to terrorize people in the San d'Oria region. I'm sure the farther you get into the AF quests the more interesting it gets, but that's about all I know so far.


The PLD AF story is about a traitor within the walls of the San d'Oria (a spy not working for Bastok or Windurst If I recall) and uncovering it as I recall. I'll have to check it some more. The THF AF has a direct connection to Tanzvania as I recall and involves the guild of THFs doing something there.


Yeah, once again, the burgeoning connection between Aldo and Tavanzia (and therefore the Tenshodo and Tavnazia), it would make sense that it goes there. Dammit! I want CoP so bad. :( From the Q&A posted today it seems like there's going to be *tons* of new stuff. I kinda hope the "40 new areas" really means 40 new areas and not like 10 new areas with 4 maps each. :) Or bullshit areas like Balga's Dais or something. Howeve, the promise of an assload of new missions sounds VERY promising, I just wonder where they'll start the level cap for them......with so many, you'd think they might throw lower-level characters a few of the early missions.


Kills Photobucket
Tavnazia background story is also present in Sandoria's rank missions, in addition to the WHM AF.

Also, for question about the new areas.

There will be 4 fully new regions, and other area's added to existing regions. Also, I mgiht be crazy, but look at map on wall next time you are on airship, Kind of looks liek 2 islands have sprung up west of the northlands and west of Altep.

As for CoP story, while it may not REQUIRE Zilart for installation, i highly doubt you will be able to start the CoP missions without finishing Zilart (Which means lvl 70+) . Kind of like how you can't start Zilart till you hit Rank 6 (Which if I remember right was as high as you could go before Zilart expansion).


SAM AF1 and AF2 dealt with (if I recall correctly) sending off the dead souls of some people who escaped Tavnazia on a ship but wrecked on/near the sands of valkurm or something like that. The AF3 was just some crap about some dumbass thief stealing a helm that had demons in it.

Ploid 3.0

Shouta said:
It's Tanzvania that's shown in the film. It was the destroyed by the beastmen about 10-20 years previous to the current FFXI year. Aldo as I recall is the boy in the film (he's the leader of the Tenshodo now). His sister that's presumed dead is I believe in Selbina (amnesia).

Wow, Aldo is that boy? Cool. Good to know. Much respect for Aldo now.


Well, they said that the CoP missions are going to be an entirely independant storyline, so I assumed that there may not be a prereq, at least for the first few.


I'm unclear on how the CoP missions will work as well. I'm guessing you'll need at least rank 6 to begin the CoP storyline. However with Square's intent of keeping the CoP and Zilart expansions completely separate, it's doubtful that rank 10 will be needed to begin the CoP missions.


THFs really don't need Snipers unless it's a high-end mob with tons of evasion. While Hogashi's accu is increased by Fred's Madrigal in our static he still hits STDE for upwards of 900 for a fair amount of the time.
Hey Scott and Rorschach... I don't think you've been on, but if your mages are near the same level do you want to see about partying together? Just thought I'd try ...

come back :(


Worships the porcelain goddess
Ploid 3.0 said:
Maybe I won't need snipers after all.??

Link to weapon test thread.

The test is rather inconclusive. As far as I read (maybe I missed it), there wasn't any mention of a BRD or not in the pt. If you remember hoga, even with a BRD in party, you could still here him saying "I can't hit it!"

I don't think you need Sniper's for your weapon skills (especially since Shark Bite is a one hit, which won't miss with SATA), but rather for your gaining TP.

At times, I wonder how our static would have done vs. the Orcs without the help of a BRD. See how our DMG and Accuracy would be...then I say "fuck it" and keep punching. =)


Okay, I'm going to try and tackle and actually respond. It's going to be short in comparison because I can't spend that much time from work.

Shouta said:
Long speech

See, the thing is, what if you don't need that extra damage to hold aggro. You hold aggro without the modified damage. "Aggresive Tanking" isn't needed because you, as a Paladin, have the ability to hold aggro on (Full Attack!) mode without it. You have Provoke, Flash, Cure IV (healer should keep you at 800 hp the entire battle). You have job abilities that generate hate when activated. You can spike hate equal to that of the highest dps character.

It's all about the timing of these abilities, mp management and knowing when to spike.

So you need to "Aggresive Tank" to hold aggro on a (Full Attack!) mode, that's great. I don't. I hold aggro without the extra dps tacted on to my tanking.

I can't believe you need to, especially in your setup. I don't mean to diss the other jobs, but in terms of pure spike hate (which is a tank's biggest problem, because you should be holding no matter what on basic dps), there's nothing greater than RNG and BLM.

BLM = Ancient Magic Macro > Ranger: Slug Shot (Gun, huge difference) > Thief: SATA: Viper Bite on to the Ranger > Distortion > Ancient Magic Bursts.

I held aggro, just by effecient timing, mp management before hand and spiking. I guarantee you no other spike hate in your entire lifetime (in an xp party, until level 3 renkei's) will be as much as that. We do that all the time, most of the time they start the battle with it off me, but in some cases (Thief doesn't have SATA at beginning), they don't get a chance to pull it off on me.

So if I can hold that, I have faith you could hold hate in your party's setup without any extra dps. Just work on your timing a bit more.

So in conclusion, you shouldn't need extra damage to hold hate, even on "Full Attack!". If you're a skilled Paladin with a good sense of timing and spiking, you shouldn't need the extra dps, and you always have cover for those circumstances where the players spike hate (renkei, magic bursts) too soon or too late.

So what's more important now? Lessening Damage or Adding Damage?

The answer, well it's always up to you, but I would say lessening damage. You may have only noticed a small increase in damage reduced, but I've noticed quite a difference with my equipment from a less-defensive paladin's equipment.

Anyways, either way, in the end, it doesn't matter, as long as you're hitting 5k or more/hr each xp session, then it's all good. So are you hitting that? If so, then (Congratulations!).


Worships the porcelain goddess
Tabris said:
BLM = Ancient Magic Macro > Ranger: Slug Shot (Gun, huge difference) > Thief: SATA: Viper Bite on to the Ranger > Distortion > Ancient Magic Bursts.

You bring a good argument, but I'd like to say that Ancient magic is shit. Always was shit. Always will be shit. -ga spell = little less dmg, a LOT less MP used.

Ancient Magic = overrated. I hope Ancient Magic II says on mobs, instead of on players. I'd hate to go through newb shit like that at lvl 75 >.>


Yeah, why use Freeze when you can burst with Blizzaga II for about the same damage (I've seen it a lot of times). :)


I don't know, I'm not a Black Mage, so I have no right to dictate which is wrong or right.

I know he also uses -ga spells a lot, just depends on the scenario I guess.

MP isn't a problem though, verm cloak (while resting) + dark staff+1 (while resting) + TaruTaru.


SpiderJerusalem said:
Hey Scott and Rorschach... I don't think you've been on, but if your mages are near the same level do you want to see about partying together? Just thought I'd try ...

come back :(
Pfft yeah right...I dunno about scott, but I'm pretty sure we're a billion levels behind you.

Ploid 3.0 said:
Check these gifs out. I think they're funny.


Haha. Some of those were pretty funny.

Ploid 3.0 said:
Who's going to swich servers when CoP comes out? I heard that it was done before.
Even if everyone switched servers, we wouldn't all end up on the same one. If it's done the way it was done last time, you sign up for the switch and they randomly switch you to one of the two new servers. I think I'll stick to fairy.


See, the thing is, what if you don't need that extra damage to hold aggro. You hold aggro without the modified damage. "Aggresive Tanking" isn't needed because you, as a Paladin, have the ability to hold aggro on (Full Attack!) mode without it. You have Provoke, Flash, Cure IV (healer should keep you at 800 hp the entire battle). You have job abilities that generate hate when activated. You can spike hate equal to that of the highest dps character.

The problem with using only your abilities and MP to cure is that you're restrained by time and by MP. Shield Bash, Sentinel, and Rampart all have 5 minute timers allowing you to use it maybe once every 2-3 battles. MP is dependent on race and even with refresh, we have only a finite supply to use per battle before we reach zero and have to let it recharge. Sure, we can probably spike 1000 damage points worth of enmity but then you wouldn't have access to your JAs for 5 minutes and your MP would be drained. With those gone, how else are you going to hold aggro outside of provoke? Proper timing and spacing goes a long way but ultimately standard PLD tactics just don't generate as much as other DD classes even though our aggro degradation is slower.

So you need to "Aggresive Tank" to hold aggro on a (Full Attack!) mode, that's great. I don't. I hold aggro without the extra dps tacted on to my tanking.

Simply holding aggro isn't the objective. It's holding aggro so that the DDs can go full power and ultimately destroy the mob faster and for more XP.

Kintaro commented last night that he had to hold back from stealing aggro while fighting Raptors and Perytons in the Valley of Sorrows. If he had used Berserk to up his damage, he would've been deadmeat because the PLD couldn't hold aggro from him (I'm assuming the guy uses a fully defensive setup). The PLD is holding Kintaro back from doing his full potential in damage and that makes it noticeably slower in terms of killing. Doing generating more aggro through aggressive tanking allows the DDs to kill faster by being able to unleash they're maxmium damage without worrying about death.

can't believe you need to, especially in your setup. I don't mean to diss the other jobs, but in terms of pure spike hate (which is a tank's biggest problem, because you should be holding no matter what on basic dps), there's nothing greater than RNG and BLM.

The only reason why RNG and BLMs are renowned for their spiking ability is because they're the easiest classes to play that put up that sort of number. THFs and WARs can spike as hard as RNGs at my level but its rare to since most people that play the jobs aren't very good =p.

Kintaro hit a 968 Raging Rush while we were XPing in Terrigan on Pugils and Raptors (when he was a WAR). Kintaro's also hit a 600-700 damage Howling Fist as a MNK. Hogashi's hit 1000+ a few times (averages 800+) for Sneak/Trick/Dancing Edge on Monastic Cavern Orcs (in comparison, THF/NINs would do maybe 700 damage tops with our setup). Nightwing has hit 650-700 damage Skewers on Monastic Cavern Orcs as well. That's damage equivalent to what RNG/NINs and BLMs can do.

BLM = Ancient Magic Macro > Ranger: Slug Shot (Gun, huge difference) > Thief: SATA: Viper Bite on to the Ranger > Distortion > Ancient Magic Bursts.

Ancient Magic is aggro only on the BLM. The skillchain damage would be all behind the RNG. Assuming the regular RNG/NIN and THF/NIN setup. I'd estimate 1400-1600 damage on average from Slug Shot + STV + Distortion (700-800 Slug Shot which is the average I've seen, 400-600 STV, 200-300 Distortion on average). Oddly, that's how much our DRG/WAR and THF/WAR do as well and on beastmen =P.

I held aggro, just by effecient timing, mp management before hand and spiking. I guarantee you no other spike hate in your entire lifetime (in an xp party, until level 3 renkei's) will be as much as that. We do that all the time, most of the time they start the battle with it off me, but in some cases (Thief doesn't have SATA at beginning), they don't get a chance to pull it off on me.

If you want a spike, there was one skill chain that did 2150 damage all behind the DRG a few nights ago. 650 Skewer, 1000 STDE, 500 Distortion. ;p

It's a shame you aren't on our server so you could see our static and try them on for size =P.

If they did a worldshift like last time, everyone on one server will be moved to a specific new one instead of being littered amongst the new ones.


First of all, I already established you can hold aggro on "Full Attack!" without having to resort to extra dps. Well at least I can, it's all about timing, mp management and spiking.

Ancient Magic is aggro only on the BLM. The skillchain damage would be all behind the RNG. Assuming the regular RNG/NIN and THF/NIN setup. I'd estimate 1400-1600 damage on average from Slug Shot + STV + Distortion (700-800 Slug Shot which is the average I've seen, 400-600 STV, 200-300 Distortion on average). Oddly, that's how much our DRG/WAR and THF/WAR do as well and on beastmen =P.

Haha, do you really want to get into a pissing contest?

Ranger > 2 Hawkers, Musketeer Gun+2 (using Silver Bullets), Spectacles, AF gear, +RNG Atk/Acc items, +AGI items, etc
Thief > Black Cotehardie, Lust Dagger (off-hand), AF Gear +DEX/AGI items, etc
Black Mage > Verm Cloak, +INT items, AF gear, Ice Staff+1, Most Staffs, Moldative, etc.
2nd Black Mage > Shaman's Cloak, AF gear, +INT items, Most Staffs, Moldative, etc

I'll check damage (I have it filtered out) next session just so you can shut up about your damage. Infact, I'll find that log parser program just to record it.

I ABSOLUTELY guarantee you my party does more spike hate than yours.


Actually, you know what? a pissing contest is just pointless (and kind of immature, oohh, look at my static, it does more damage!).

The truth is, neither of us know the correct Paladin strategy because we've spent too much time in statics. Our strategies are customized for our specific parties.

All that matters is you are making 5k or more an hour. If you're doing that (never answered my question), that's all that matters.



You're the one who said Shouta doesn't deal with hate spiking in his party setup, putting down the jobs that were in it. Don't get pissed off when he shows some numbers to prove otherwise.

Just for curiosities sake, what level are you Tabris?


The truth is, neither of us know the correct Paladin strategy because we've spent too much time in statics. Our strategies are customized for our specific parties.

Actually, we've been only staticing two weeks or so. I garnered my techniques to hold aggro through normal pickup parties =b.

Oh and there's no way can spint it THF/WAR whomps all over on THF/NIN for damage =p.

Here's a thread that Hoga posted on our LS forum with a pic of one of the higher damage ones we did a few nights ago. Not the highest they've put out.

Btw, he's being modest with his STDE average damage in his post =P.


Sounds cool. Didn't think most of the areas they toured would be in established regions, but that's only like 7-8 of the new areas anyway....nice to have another potential use for those crags though. :p Always thought they were too damn big just to serve as tele points. Also, one of the things that SE really seems to be adding to make areas more interesting this time around: height! Even the mountainous zones in the game already have mostly flat or mildly-hilly terrain. Then you might get like Zegham Hill in Gustaberg or something. :p Some of the northlands areas might be the only exception. But a lot of the new areas seem to have multi-tiered terrain and it DOES make for some nice-looking zones/pictures. :)


Worships the porcelain goddess
Sounds like some ok impressions (past the little bitching quips here and there, just STFU and give impressions asstards). Doesn't seem like we're going to get in depth things going until the launch of the California event that's close to launch (if I remember) anyways.

Wish we could hear more job things...oh well.


Entering Emptiness instantly dropped us to Level 30, suggesting it's designed to be an experience shared by most of the game's populace to enjoy together.


Really hope this doesnt happen too often in the new areas. I really don't want to carry around equipment for a ton of different levels.


I kind of wish they'd handle how temporary level caps affect equipment differently to alleviate that problem. Like if you're a lvl 50 player carrying around level 50 gear and a level cap drops you to lvl 40, you'd still be able to wear your lvl 50 gear, but their stats would temporarily degrade to something more or less equivalent to a level 40 piece of equipment until the cap wore off.


Azrael said:
I kind of wish they'd handle how temporary level caps affect equipment differently to alleviate that problem. Like if you're a lvl 50 player carrying around level 50 gear and a level cap drops you to lvl 40, you'd still be able to wear your lvl 50 gear, but their stats would temporarily degrade to something more or less equivalent to a level 40 piece of equipment until the cap wore off.

That's a pretty good idea. :)

Would be kind of like a Brisingamen whose stats depend on your level and not on hour and day.
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