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NeoGAF FFXI FAQ/Starter topic Redux


Heya guys, I've decided to go ahead and move to Fairy server, anybody able to spare a worldpass for a poor soul?:) PM me please?!


Yeah I tried reinstalling POL but I still can't connect. I'm in a student apartment complex, so we *do* have a firewall and junk like that. Should I just unplug the internet for a bit?


Actually, you know what. The problem seems to be connecting to the version update server. And since I can't get past it checking what my version is, I can't get any farther.

Ploid 3.0

Ok Tamanon, I'll get you a world pass.

Edit: Crap belfast, I sure hope you are able to get back on... lol. Good thing I still have the emp pin aye


Belfast said:
Actually, you know what. The problem seems to be connecting to the version update server. And since I can't get past it checking what my version is, I can't get any farther.
Yeah, same thing that happens to me. After a few minutes of "checking" my version, it pops up a DNS error (POL-0020, I believe). Only fix I've found for it so far is just resetting the router.


No, I get a different one. POL-1160. My interent obviously works, AIM works, IRC works, etc., etc. My roommate who plays the game has had NO problems logging on. I've run both POL and FFXI through the file checker, no files wrong or missing.

It just happened when I had gotten on earlier, yesterday. I was doing a little farming, then I got hit with a disconnect message. OK, weird, but that happens sometimes. But then I can't connect to POL at all. So I exited and restarted. Now I can't even connect to the version update server. I'm on an apartment complex ethernet connection, and while they might firewall some things, my roommate can still play, so it shouldn't be a problem for me.

I've rebooted many times, reinstalled POL, tried to do a system restore (but now it won't start POL, or uninstall it....which puts me in another pickle....). I figure I may have some viruses on my system, but I've tried getting rid of them. I don't know how they would affect POL that way, though. I've never heard of a problem like that before.


Is it that new Service Pack 2 thing from Windows that's causing you to not connect? Only major problem I've heard about was the hitting cancel during CoP installation.


Kills Photobucket
How are people enjoying the expansion?

Man, I feel sorry for some of the newer people who hit lvl 30 and try the promyvion missions. Gonna make a great noob filter for Tavnazia. Don't think it will be as neary underpopulated as Tu'lia, I am kind of happy to see another region that requires work to even be able to access.

I think this is squares way of telling whiny NA players to be careful what you wish for. I'm sure they got complaints about the Zilart Missions pretty much requiring you to be lvl 55 or higher. So they make the start of promethia have no apparent requirements, and first fighting part of it in lvl 30 caped areas.

Now we have areas that aren't very easy to go through, but the boss fights pretty much require people to have really good equipment, and plenty of potions. Now we know why there is now some very nice new items for pre-level 30 people. All you rangers out there will have an easy time getting them done, since all 3 of them go best with 1 or 2 rangers. Black Mages, pretend you're a whtie mage.

Well, I had fun over the weekend. Started up the Promethia missions. Completed Promyvion-Dem, which I think is by far the easiest fight. Then I went to Promyvion-Holla, died twice trying to do the boss (good news for you higher level people, exp loss seems to stick at 500 for everyone over lvl 30, rather than take 10% off whatever level you are at). We're bringing a 2nd ranger next time. Both times we got it very close to death, then the thing just goes into some type of hyper mode and kills us all. And it has an AOE that sleeps/curses everyone. Did Promyvion-Mea this morning. By far the easiest as far as getting to the boss, but the Boss isn't much easier than Holla as it has quite the powerful AOE attack. After Mea a few friends got to Tavnazia having been one of the few groups to beat Holla the night before. Hope to get Holla done some time this week.

Fair warning for folks trying, if you win, you are teleported out of area, you have to fight through to get back to BCNM, so make sure everyone has well rounded parties when you bring your alliance in to fight to boss. If you're party is wiped out, just wait , once the timer for the fight runs out you'll be teleported back outside the arena, and can hopefully get a raise from another group there then try again if you still have items.

So it was fun, some nice cut scene's in there. Can't wait to get to Tavnazia, friends who made it said it's a blast, especially since there arent many people there yet.


Is there anyway to see the cutscenes again (like you can with the bards)? Apparently, mine skipped the one when you go into delkfutt's tower, but triggered all the rest. I hear the one I missed is the best one.


You can replay any cutscene that takes place outside of towns by finding the goblin footprints target for that area (usually near the entrance) and trading 1 gil (or any other item for that matter) to it.
Hurrah, Spider's in Tavnasia! ^^

And ya if you go Promyvian as blm, don't be against helping heal on the bc, and don't sub 13 Smn and stay anon either...or tell people to stfu about your job.. or..try to use poison potions on the NM even though 17 other people in the alliance tell you to use it on yourself.

Farming up recollections for some anima helps too, in case you don't have 2 rng pwnage.

Anyways yay me, I busted my ass doing these. :p

Ploid 3.0

Ha, spider and I was on a escort mission in Tavnasia. A 40BLM/SUM was in our explore party and spider didn't have the gutz to kick him.

We saw a Dragon swoop down and grab a fish out of the water in front of us. It was tight.
The pictures I sent myself didn't make it to my full hotmail box. :( I'll have some later. >_< (deleted them from POL)


0/5 in the various Promyvions now. -_-

Partying with random people for these = absolute fucking shit.

Recent one was especially bad. Had all the right jobs in my party, but absolute idiots playing them.

Ploid 3.0

Spida said:
And ya if you go Promyvian as blm, don't be against helping heal on the bc, and don't sub 13 Smn and stay anon either...or tell people to stfu about your job.. or..try to use poison potions on the NM even though 17 other people in the alliance tell you to use it on yourself.

lol and I'm surprised you were so nice to him. I bet you were also going "Yess!!!" when that former warrior and former beastmaster axed him. Too bad he didn't have a higher level job or anything.

Hang in there Nataku >_<. The whole LS could have did them, but that would be hard to make happen. Seems to be no other way other than random parties. It's also about luck. The last one I was in was sure to be a failure. I got left behind when they told us to kill off the strays, they came back and we couldn't find a real orb with portal. Then when we found one two more got left behind (one D/C and AFK). After that one of the people from the party that lost the two members quit, leaving 3 members in that party. They then gave that party one of our members from my party, and they picked up a guy that was already there.

So the alliance set up was a party of 6/5/5 >_<. I just knew I wasn't getting through this, and my shurikens were wasted. We lost another one on 3rd floor (my party D/C), and they gave my party two members from the party that had already lost their members. That made my day. I knew i just had to make it to the BCNM and win (Didn't think we had a grain of chance with 5 members).

So on 4th floor we get to a point where they started getting aggro and chose to fight them >_< we kill the mobs to find 3-5 people dead. One of the dead said he see the zone and we raise them and wait on weakness to wear before going. So we make a dash for the so called zone, and he was wrong. It was in that direction but too far away. He died and a lot more died. I make it to zone and 3 more of my party. I just waited for the rest of my party to make it trough. When the last two did, it was like I won the superbowl lol.

We now wait and get ready for the BCNM. My mages tractored and raised the dead in the other zone. Everyone survived, and two parties were still ready to fight the BCNM. The two in the doomed party were warped. And the leaders of both parties rolled dice to see who would go first. My party won the roll and we had the chance to fail more than one time. The setup was PLD/war, SUM/WHM, BLM/WHM, DRK/WAR, NIN/WAR (me), WHM/BLM. Knowing the SUM could give us blinkga I knew it would be an automatic win. Turns out it was a very close fight. Before the fight the HIGH level PLD with vermillion cloak and af gear asked me for advice lol. It seems like he was afraid. I was the first to die with it at 20%hp or less. The PLD then took over tanking. He used 2hr right before he died giving extra time to kill the mob. He later died and the DRK took over. The blm nuked and such. Next thing I now my character stood up and put away the katanas. For some reason I thought time ran up. And I started seeing OMG* in party chat. It died.

The party that went in after us wasn't as lucky though. They died, and were trying to kill every offspring it seems. I was lucky on every one of my Promyvian runs. RNG's rock, NIN tanks rock, WHM's rock, and mages with /whm sub rock.


Yeah, I ditched for good reason, I'm not going in if I'm automatically doomed. We could have just gone back down and got the person, but no, they didn't want to. The first time when they left Ploid, Mellow and I behind, could have been easily avoided if they killed the 2 other strays. Besides the fact that Jooknoe and Pheonixlite were being asshats at the time.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
lets see..I'm 0/3 in the actual BCNM fights (0-1 dem 0-2 Holla). I pretty much don't want to go again if its an alliance. Too much of a clusterfuck. Should have had Dem though. I was the first to die, and it had probably 10-15% left on it. The rest of the guys just ran around, and since no one else could voke, they all died in short order :/ Random people suck (there was TONS of things wrong with last night, just ask Klades, Xae and Rastan

Ploid 3.0

Tamanon said:
Thanks Ploid for the Hookup! If ya'll see a young Mithran monk running around Windhurst named Tamanon, say Hi!:p

Oh god no! Not a Windurstain ; ; Well I guess it's better than being a Sandian.


Ploid 3.0

Sorry about that. For what it's worth none of the pictures were of a quest related event or anything. Just took some random pictures I saw as I walked around. Shouldn't be anymore of a spoiler than the early screens square showed.

Bah, I just got finish scanning over the stuff we need to do for the other missions in Tavnazia (the 40 capped area). Sick stuff. Need another alliance, and everyone needs silent oils it seems. I need to level alchemy like mad.
I'm thinking of getting back into this and playing until WoW comes out. Luckily I was unable to find the expansion when I went shopping this morning.


Open season on fairy, what a night. Nidhogg :p

After tonights events, no HNMLS is safe if they get a king if tonights events are anything to go by. Nidhogg is still alive (popped 3 hrs ago) and kicking, 3 ls's died during the hours of fighting it. And not because of Nidhogg himself...you get the idea.

It was messy.


Nidhogg is still up, at 100% health atm too. He's been up for around 11 hours now. MPK has been going through the night.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Kweh said:
Nidhogg is still up, at 100% health atm too. He's been up for around 11 hours now. MPK has been going through the night.

Retarded >.>

LS wars are underway! lol


Kweh goes by Kweh. I like to call him King Kweh, because he's a taru with the Opo-opo Crown! King Mushi and King Kweh! :D


Out of curiosity does anyone know which zones in the original US PC release are actually part of the Zilart expansion and weren't in the original Japanese expansion-less release?


All of Kuzotz, Vollbow, Elshimo Uplands, Elshimo Lowlands, Li'Telor, and Tu'Lia. As for single zones: Labyrinth of Onzozo and Crawler's Nest. I think that's it.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Xaerus said:
All of Kuzotz, Vollbow, Elshimo Uplands, Elshimo Lowlands, Li'Telor, and Tu'Lia. As for single zones: Labyrinth of Onzozo and Crawler's Nest. I think that's it.

Korroloka Tunnel as well.


Was Selbina one too? I seem to remember someone saying a long time ago that a party member couldn't zone into Selbina while running from a train because he didn't have the expansion registered.


Kills Photobucket
Well, i'm even further into the Promethia Missions, and I really have to hand it to aquare for being able to put a good story into a MMORPG. I never though i'd see the day....

Anyways, I finaly finished the Promyvion missions. Got access to Tavnazia. Man, I love that music, and the view from that bridge, wow. I've heard that in one of the 2 main areas is a view of the city seen in the opening trailer for the game, if anyone knows location, please post :).

Thanks to a few eager folks in my LS who followed a JPN party a few nights ago, we were able to continue once we got to the safehold, and all recieved the best title in the whole game "Dead Body". We did a few more missions and got access to Riverne - Site #A01" another lvl 40 area with a BCNM at end. This area is very pretty, and seems a lot like Tu'lia. Gonna attempt this one tonight I think.


Sounds sweet!

Anybody else just get kicked from the server? Booooo, was going to peruse the meager monk pickings at the Windy AH.


Anyone else get kicked off? Did FFXI/POL implode again? My roommate and I both got kicked, though the rest of our internet is working fine.

I was in a REALLY nice XP party, too!

And boo on you people who got through promyvion. Its not my fault other people are idiots, I shouldn't be held back because of it. :p


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
came back from afk, and I was frozen at the AH, and finally booted all the way out, even through POL


Yeah, server is being shitty right now. Tons of people kicked and can't get back in. Server was at 1700 people when I finally decided to log.


Anyone got a list of the new zones to visit in CoP from the get go? I've only seen Bibiki Bay so far, don't know where any of the others are >_<


Bibiki Bay, Uleguerand Range, Bearclaw Penninsula, Pso'Jxa, Newton/Oldton Molvopolis, Mine Shaft # (can't remember #), Shadow's Maw (or something like that), Attohwa Chasm, Manaclipper, Carpenter's Landing, Phaneut Channel, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl (and their respective BCNM areas), a few new Dynamis areas, a new area that looks similar to Tu'Lia, but doesn't seem to be on the world map, and all the areas in the Tavnazian Archipelago (Lufaise MEadows, Miseraux Coast, Tavnazian Safehold, Phomiuna Acqueducts, Riverne Site #A01, and B01. There might be a couple I'm forgetting, but that's most of it.

Edit: available from the get-go? Hmm....Molvopolis, Attowha Chasm, Bibiki Bay, Uleguerand Range, Bearclaw Pinnacle, Pso'Jxa, Manaclipper, Phaneut Channel, Promyvion (after a few quick cutscenes accessible to anyone who can get to Delkfutt's Tower), Carpenter's Landing, and I think that's about it.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Belfast said:
Edit: available from the get-go? Hmm....Molvopolis, Attowha Chasm, Bibiki Bay, Uleguerand Range, Bearclaw Pinnacle, Pso'Jxa, Manaclipper, Phaneut Channel, Promyvion (after a few quick cutscenes accessible to anyone who can get to Delkfutt's Tower), Carpenter's Landing, and I think that's about it.

Molvopolis - Through either the North Gusta Cascade or Gusgen Mines
Attohwa Chasm - Through Maze of Shakrami
Uleguerand Range - Xarcabard (The Range is VERY high lvl)
Bearclaw Pinnicale - No clue
Pso'Jxa - Through all those towers in The Beau Glacier. However, depending on the entrance, you will be lvl capped. I can confirm it's uncapped through the Nue camp, but the mobs go from Too weak to IT++ VERY fast.
Carpenter's Landing - Jugner I think

Just listing em off for Kweh. =)



Yesterday was depressing for FFXI.

I said goodbye to some good friends who were leaving the server. I mean even people I didn't even talk to as much before, I just found I missed ;_;

I was so split on whether I should move or not. Every minute I'm either regreting it or assuring myself it was right. Just because half of my friends left, and the other half stayed.

Damn Square-Enix, this server move thing is a horrible thing to do.
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