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NeoGAF FFXI FAQ/Starter topic Redux



Thf sux!


What one must do for gil...



Kintaro said:
Molvopolis - Through either the North Gusta Cascade or Gusgen Mines
Attohwa Chasm - Through Maze of Shakrami
Uleguerand Range - Xarcabard (The Range is VERY high lvl)
Bearclaw Pinnicale - No clue
Pso'Jxa - Through all those towers in The Beau Glacier. However, depending on the entrance, you will be lvl capped. I can confirm it's uncapped through the Nue camp, but the mobs go from Too weak to IT++ VERY fast.
Carpenter's Landing - Jugner I think

Just listing em off for Kweh. =)

Bearclaw is through Uleguerand Range and Carpenter's Landing can also be gotten to through N. Sandy.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Had a couple pictures on POL and figured I'd post them.

Bibiki Bay and it's Isle Beach (Clam-Dizzle)





Having fun in Attohwa Chasm. Man we got lost in this place for HOURS. lol



Finally, myself. ^^ The white pants are the Aikido Hoshita btw




Arhat's Gi and pants (casual look)


That's all I got right now. lvl 69 now. Getting close to 70 =) I just bought my Tiger Mask and picked up the Pride Staff for uber Chi Blasting =)

I need a new forum title... =(


Worships the porcelain goddess
Got it for 3.6 million. Which is CHEAP CHEAP compared to Midgards fun price of 8 million. And people complain about Fairy's prices... pussies </runs> =)


Yeah, I think it's running for 4-5 million on my server.

Asuran prices have sky-rocketed in the last month or two.

So how did you make 3.6 million? HNM? Mad farming? Fish botting? Crafting?

I'm not in need of gil in the least, and have the best equipment for my jobs, but again, probabaly doesn't amount to the 4-5 million scorpion harness costs. Well maybe if I count the gil I invested in goldsmithing 40, alchemy 60. Nah, actually, that didn't cost as much since I took those slow.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Tabris said:
Yeah, I think it's running for 4-5 million on my server.

Asuran prices have sky-rocketed in the last month or two.

So how did you make 3.6 million? HNM? Mad farming? Fish botting? Crafting?

I'm not in need of gil in the least, and have the best equipment for my jobs, but again, probabaly doesn't amount to the 4-5 million scorpion harness costs. Well maybe if I count the gil I invested in goldsmithing 40, alchemy 60. Nah, actually, that didn't cost as much since I took those slow.

Fishing, gardening, farming, and more. I was fishing before most NA at launch even thought of it. The Padded Cap thing was my reward and I took advantage of it with the quickness (something the JPs had ever since Rabao was introduced).


Kills Photobucket
Well, I've gotten through more of COP. YOu get to do another round the world tour, kindof like the rank 3 mission, then you have to go to northlands for tough fight.

There is a BIG incentive to get to chapter 4. Tavnazia gets a AH and delivery service, tied to Jeuno's AH no less.

also something fun to look forward to during chapter 3.......


you have to climb to the top of that mountain in background, and ledges are barely as wide as your character.


you have to climb to the top of that mountain in background, and ledges are barely as wide as your character.

Is that past the dark miasma in Boneyard Gulley? or do you mean before that in Attowah Chasm with the huge chasms and thin bridges?

because if the second choice, you can do that before chapter 3. I did that for the attowah chasm map quest.


Kills Photobucket
No that's in the other open area of attowa chasm. Boneyard gulley you just have to hug left wall from the entrance to get to.

Ploid 3.0



We went exploring since Bookey just got CoP and we saw this HNM. The taru Semin got killed got killed walking up to the HNM invisible (guess he didn't know they see through invisible). Then out of no where dirt started shooting up out of the ground towards us from behind (think bugs bunny) and this crab appeard. I think it was mad we wanted to take pictures of it's buddy :\

Pictures from Rufusmackain




Kills Photobucket
Well, square sucks.

They have increased th difficulty on at least 2 of the BCNM fights in promethia. The BCNM that ends chapters 2 and 3 are now much tougher than they were before. I don't know if other pattles, such as Promyvion have also been increased, but I'm expected the next few battles to be much tougher than we've heard about.


Did Prom-Holla last night (8pm - 3am) , square sure know how to keep this game fun -.-

WoW can't come quick enough


I am now 0/11 on the various Promyvions. Sure is fun losing over and over again...

And this is just the first CoP mission too! Can't imagine the fucking headaches the later missions will put me through. Love a challenge and everything, but SE needs to get over this fucking "Only 5 jobs out of the 15 in the game are useful at anything outside exp" bullshit. I want to be able to do these missions no matter what fucking job I choose.

Should have never bought this expansion.

Maybe I'll try WoW open beta...


Oooo, that Antlion brings back memories of FFIV!!! All you need is the spoony bard!

I have a quick, general question about mission parties. What's the best way to find one. For instance, I'm doing M6(?), the Journey Abroad mission for Sandy. I've finished in Bastok and now I'm in Windy with the key and need to go to Giddeus for the BC fight.

How do most people go about finding a party interested in doing missions? Spamming in every zone between Windy and the cave? Or do people generally head to the cave and ask about parties there, or do people recruit in Windy for that sort of thing. I'd just have to be spamming the /shout channel with desperate pleas for a party with which to do the mission.


Maybe we should just get BST up to 30 and spam pets at it or something.

I did Prom - Holla a few nights ago and came really close once but the SMNs didn't hit their damned Astral Flows soon enough and the NIN and I (WAR/THF) did the bulk of the damage. Ironically, we got closer with two SMNs (just because the NIN and I could chip at it much longer) than one SMN and one RNG. This shit is BCNM level and expecting stupid ass pick-up parties to do this is expecting way too much. Need to be organized really well and use every tool you can get. I might organize something for this shit just so I don't get sucked into some random parties that don't know how to make full use of what they have available at this level.


For Journey Abroad, the search function will work better than spamming /shouts in the cities. Do a search of all rank 2 players that aren't from Windurst. It shouldn't take long to find a few players who have accepted the mission and need to fight the dragon at Giddeus. The fight is fairly easy and a full lvl 25 party shouldn't be necessary. Even a 3-person party of 1 tank, 1 damage dealer and 1 healer will be enough to win with food and buffs.


BST isn't very good for Promyvion. I had the misfortune of going with a BST once and their jug pets don't do crap against the memory receptacles and bosses.


Kills Photobucket
Every job can be of use in Promyvion and the other missions. You just need to have a good balance. By far the most valuable jobs are Ninja and Ranjer. Promyvion is caped at lvl 30. BST is probably the only job that can't be of much use here, but if you have access to BST, you have another job at lvl 30 anyways use that.

Chapter 4 is going to end up being the "bare minimum" for CoP over the next few months. Chapter 4 gives you access to delivery system and Auction House in Tavnazia Stronghold (linked to Jueno AH), as well it unlocks more quests in Tavnazia. There seem to be some nice places to party at the 30 levels here, so being able to set up home in Tavnazia is very useful. You do get nomad moogle access as soon as you go there, without any missions. There are 5 total BCNM fights to get to chapter 4, including the 3 Promyvion ones I dont know if I would call these harder than Promyvion, mainly becasue being lvl 40, everyone has access to alot more skills/spells/etc, but they are still qutie tough, and word is they keep getting tougher. Challenge was definatly a key factor in programing. The last two are capped at lvl 40. There is 1 lvl 40 capped NM fight, but it is not in BC and can be done in alliance, and there are 2 soloable NM's (To LVL 65) in non capped areas. There is a LOT of traveling involved. It's kind of like Journey Abroad, part 2. Many cut scenes, which are very enjoyable as the NPC cast for this expansion is very entertaining.

I don't think these fight will be "hard" for long. As it's new, there aren't many walktrhoughs, people going in now really are the daring ones trying these things without a firm strategy in place. Especially now that nerfs have caused the entire battle strategies for some of them to change completly. With Zilart, it wasnt that hard as Zilart wasn't capped. But even the last few Zilart missions still dont have a real firm strategy in place. In a few months im sure Promyvion will be much easier once solid strategies are in place. And even promyvion isnt that hard, problem with Promyvion is lvl 30 people think they can do it, problem is most first time lvl 30 folks have never used or cant afford food and potions, whcih are needed.

EDIT : I said they sucked, I didnt say I was quitting. The Expansion is still great, the storyline and new areas are great.


I just installed the expansion and it never game me the choice to input the Cd Key, so I'm not sure if the expansion is being used or not. Can anyone tell me where do i have to go to input the Cd key?


ShadowRed said:
I just installed the expansion and it never game me the choice to input the Cd Key, so I'm not sure if the expansion is being used or not. Can anyone tell me where do i have to go to input the Cd key?

You have to do it when you register it, not when you install it. Just like FFXI and RoZ.

Shouta: You had 2 SMN's and didn't win? o_O


The fight is fairly easy and a full lvl 25 party shouldn't be necessary. Even a 3-person party of 1 tank, 1 damage dealer and 1 healer will be enough to win with food and buffs.

I'm a 23 WHM, am I screwed?? :D j/k, I've got regen and all the good stuff aside from auto-regen and raise obviously. I'm thinking of investing in some HP=>MP gear though since I'm Elvaan and could use the MP boost rather than downing apple pies like crazy.


Xaerus said:
You have to do it when you register it, not when you install it. Just like FFXI and RoZ.

Shouta: You had 2 SMN's and didn't win? o_O

Humm... where in the viewer do I register it? When I went to play it never asked me to register.

Ploid 3.0

Check it out. The video is cool, got good music and everything. Then check out the original thread it came from (don't matter which one you view first). It gives me hope in being THF again lol.



Awesome stuff.


I went 0-3 on Promyvion Dem. Almost beat it once with a party consisting of PLD, WAR, RNG, RNG, WHM. Would have won if either our sixth party member, a MNK, hadn't taken a powder halfway through and left because "daddy needed to use the computer," or had our WHM been anything other than a Galka. As it was we still got it down to about 5% and were the only party in the alliance to lose =(. Other times I got stuck with an absolutely terrible party setup (BST, WHM, WHM, PLD, NIN, BLM) and had the alliance fall apart on the fourth level when people didn't listen to simple instructions and got stranded at the third MR. Lost 1.6k exp and a couple thousand gil in potions, food and juices.

It's going to be awhile before I ever retry Promyvion I think.


Kills Photobucket
Well, I think i've found out why they buffed the mobs in battles....

Oh and added to the 2 previous ones i mentioned, the first battle in chapter 4 is nerfed as well.

Like Zilart, the expansion probably isn't done at time of release. I've been told at Tu'lia was no included with Zilart expansion initially, but was required for the later Zilart missions. They want to make sure few people reach the point that they havnt finished. There are areas that people have seen screens of that are NOT in game yet, or at least not on any maps.

If you want to beat the battles heres the key. 1 buy potions/foods/ anything. Have GOOD armor. You cant skip out on this. They may be capped at lvl 30, but most 1st time lvl 30's can't do it, cause they dont have cash for stuff they need. Big money items like snipers rings, astral rings, MP/HP booting equip is a must. Also look for the item quests. Promyvion has things called Anima that make battles easier, use that (Give some of the memory reminate things to guy in Ru'Lude gardens, from what i've heard). You must keep in mind these battles in BCNM's are nothing like other BCNM's in the game. They allow very little room for error, and require a very focused team.
Like Zilart, the expansion probably isn't done at time of release. I've been told at Tu'lia was no included with Zilart expansion initially, but was required for the later Zilart missions.

Well, it was included, or at least the graphic data was. It just wasn't unlocked yet.


I experienced my first HNM linkshell drama today. The only person who will know what I'm talking about here is DrForrester.

Me and some friends from HeavensFire knew spawn time on Serket so went there to camp. No one was there.

5 minutes later, a bunch of players from a new HNM linkshell named Edenia (the kind of ls that invites anyone who's 60+) started camping it, which is fine. Then 5 minutes later, some players from Machina and Nantekotta start camping.

Eventually we have basically all the major NA HNM linkshells there, Machina, Nantekotta, Precedence, HeavensFire, and that new Edenia. There was definitely past 50 people all sitting there waiting for the spawn

So 30 minutes of waiting and Serket spawns, Dougy (our amazing ranger) shadowbinds it right off the bat, everyone runs in and engages. All the other LS' stay around to watch I guess. Mad nuking insues until it starts running, I provoke then invincible, end up tanking for a good long time. Then all of sudden while I'm running around forcing it to run after me while blm's all nuke, it goes yellow for a second. Then someone from Edenia KS' it. I die (still had aggro the entire time). All of the linkshells get into an uproar, especially Machina, defending how horrible of an act KSing Serket was. During this entire time, 2 more members die because we still have aggro. Edenia doesn't let it go, but it goes yellow for a second and someone from Precedence KS's it from the original KS'ers.

Then they finish off Serket and give us the drop (just the ring dropped), now while it was a very noble act, they should have let us finish it off. So after that, half of the members in Edenia leave and then the linkshell is broken at their act. Their was so much HNM linkshell drama during and after.


A LS dedicated to endgame fights/events.

Whether it be camping the 3 kings (Nidhogg, King Behemoth, Aspid.) , their regular versions (Fafnir, Behemoth, Adamantoise), regular HNMs (Serket, Simurgh, Cassie, Vivian, Roc), farming the guardians in Tu'lia and taking on Kirin.



Kweh said:
Whether it be camping the 3 kings (Nidhogg, King Behemoth, Aspid.)

Basically impossible on our server, the japanese linkshells have them completly camped.

Infact, our largest (and most organized) NA linkshell left for Remora because of it.

Now we just have a bunch of disorganized linkshells trying to camp what they can (which results in what we had yesterday).


Kills Photobucket
It's a lot easier now on our server, a lot on Japanese left, HP left, and most the Japanese are busy working on Chains of Promethia. Big reason is many are expecting there to be a nice new "end game" area , like Tu'lia that you need to do CoP to get to, and the sooner you do it, the less competition you will have :p.

As for Machina, we aren't a HNM LS. We have a few guys who like to camp them, but it's never really an organized event. If someone is able to get it, they tell the LS and we have a ton of people there soon in some cases, but for the most part, Machina goes and fights the God's in Tu'lia. We did Serket the other night, and we got a horrible drop. Now and then we might go and do Hakuhaku, or Bomb Queen to get some of those nice rare/ex items. Right now some of our LS is working on Promethia.

Fafnir, King Behemoth, all thost guys, it's going to get even easier with these 3 new dragons out there. From what i've heard only 1 of them has been beaten so far, on any server. There's now a lot more for everyone who's willing to go for it.


I've heard the drops on those dragons are shit and they don't repop for days on end.

Fuck you SE... could've fixed some of the end game loot problems by giving those dragons good abjuration drops (none god abjurations)... a minimum of 2 say, as they typically take way more than a normal HNM to kill.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Zaptruder said:
I've heard the drops on those dragons are shit and they don't repop for days on end.

Fuck you SE... could've fixed some of the end game loot problems by giving those dragons good abjuration drops (none god abjurations)... a minimum of 2 say, as they typically take way more than a normal HNM to kill.

How could you have "heard" about the drops if only one (or none) have beat any of them? And if one was beaten...maybe they got a shitty drop that happens sometimes.

I mean, I can't blame ya for cussing out SE...but these are brand new mobs kicking the shit out of everyone. Just cuz it doesn't drop anything good the first time around... lol

Ah well...

Darsh update. Lvl 71 MNK. Killed Serket with TF on Fairy and completed Dynamis-Sandy last Wednesday. Going Saturday again for the hopes of a Melee Hose drop, and hoping my connection doesn't take a shit on me like last time ><


Multiple kills across multiple servers.

I've heard of mnk/sam/nin +10 acc gloves

as well as whm/smn/blm +12% speed boots (why?! Why?!)

I still haven't heard reports of abjuration drops.


Kintaro said:
Darsh update. Lvl 71 MNK. Killed Serket with TF on Fairy and completed Dynamis-Sandy last Wednesday. Going Saturday again for the hopes of a Melee Hose drop, and hoping my connection doesn't take a shit on me like last time ><

You joined forsaken?


Worships the porcelain goddess
Zaptruder said:
Multiple kills across multiple servers.

I've heard of mnk/sam/nin +10 acc gloves

as well as whm/smn/blm +12% speed boots (why?! Why?!)

I still haven't heard reports of abjuration drops.

I'm sure there's more drops. Great to know where those +10 ACC Gloves for Eastern classes drop though =D

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Well, finally getting back into the swing of things after a month's hiatus. Time to get WHM up to 37 and get random requests for teleports on top of the constant pestering for raises and power-leveling. :p

Anywho, once I get to 37 WHM, I'm going to take a break from leveling to working on my crafting skills. Anyone have some rough figures on what I can expect to spend to get both Cooking and Clothcraft up to about lvl 40? Clothcraft is my top priority, since that's the one I plan to maxout, being a mage and all.


Yep its not that bad, the synths that have costly ingredients sold decent to npc's. So you dont lose too much money


lacks enthusiasm.
Cooking to 40 is very cheap. You lose probably the most money in the beginning (which isn't even a lot), but once you hit insect paste in the 20s you'll make all of that back and maybe even then some. I'll guess you need maybe 40k to get to 40 in cooking. I powerleveled it in about 3 days from 6-42 and still came out with a profit. Key to making money is 1. buying ingredients from NPCs (Allakhazam has a good list) and 2. be willing to sell things on the AH, especially insect paste. It really helps if you have some mules in the main cities (I had one in Bastok and Windurst) because those extra 14-21 AH slots helps immensely in moving your stock. I had Insect Paste overflowing out of my mog house and would not have been able to sell it at a decent pace if I didn't have mules.
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