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NeoGAF FFXI FAQ/Starter topic Redux


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
ahh, don't quit, I'll be back again...once I play out all these new releases. Est. Date: January!

Ploid 3.0

Rorschach said:
"Us mages" that sounds so weird coming from you...that's it, I quit! ;b

Yeah, most of us (nearly all of us *3.5 THFs*) chose different jobs to level after we hit ~60. Very time consuming (the waiting for a invite part) and we're usually invited so someone can get that extra 1k or so exp so he can level up (after a member left in which we can replace). I got tired of all that hooplah.

Edit: Oh yea, I had good rep with people around my level and i'd get passed or out of their level range because I would spend a week farming or camping NMs for that pair of leaping boots, hairpin, cotehardie, etc to make sure I was doing the best I can for the parties I join. There was a time when I couldn't even farm good because someone would always send me a invite. I was said to be their favorite THF (Luma:Fairy).

Edit: Oh yea, Belfast, Najii is leveling THF and he asked if he could borrow my boots. Since youa are hardly on (it seems that way at least), could you send the boots until you return (to me so there will be no confusion. Najii also love teh gilz).


Worships the porcelain goddess
I could, of course, be horribly wrong, but I believe I'm the first NA MNK on Fairy to now have this...



3 down, 2 to go.


Grats. I hate you. :(

I want a dynamis LS... so I can get a single piece of AF. (only really care about the valor coronet).

Ploid 3.0

Kintaro said:
I could, of course, be horribly wrong, but I believe I'm the first NA MNK on Fairy to now have this...



3 down, 2 to go.

If that's the MNK af2 thing, I saw a galka monk wear his full af2 while camping stroper. Oh wait, I'm sure he was J. Shot me a ('-') when I cheered him for taking stoper from a Number.


Hey where do you find the screenshots you took? I can't locate a few I took during the SAM quest of GA members.



C:\Program Files\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\PlayOnlineViewer\pub\home01\open\ScreenShots

Your drive letter is likely not the same, so change it accordingly.

We got Argus and the Peacock Charm last night, 7mil/4. Guess what the next Charm sold for? 9mil.


Let's see.....Pluto's Staff (470k), 1 Astral Ring (270k), Erase (300k), 2 Phantom Earrings (320k), Reraise and that's it. I also sold my Dark Staff, since I got the HQ of it.


It's not that Argus is hard, it's that he's hard to claim. He's camped by a hell of a lot provoke bots luckily he wasn't this time. We also had the ToD for the Leech King (Argus is a lottery pop off Leech King).


Worships the porcelain goddess
Ugh, I stayed up WAY too late last night in sky with the LS. Paid off though. People got good items, I have two 1026 Chi Blasts to my name (vs. Genbu and Suzaku) and the Indra Katars at in my hands =) Triple Attack? {Yes, please} =D

Shit, only got 2 hours of sleep before work. Noooo

Ploid 3.0

Yesterday was a blast, got my AF Gloves, and the key for my af body. The C-team camped Centurio X-I for a BLM and Jubo wanted Quake for the BLM he's leveling. After getting the kill and drop we went on to check on the Save the Queen mob. Dropped, but the sword isn't worth anything (no wonder no one camps it). Must get RDM to 75 stat >_<

Antican Praefectus

Antican Praefectus group shot

Oz coffer key hunt, aka mass death ; ;
Poor Rufus /fume
Ok that link raped us
Yagado high 5ing eachother on a job well done.

Ploid 3.0

Yea I'm on Fairy. Jubo and I were THFs at first (leveled to 15 together. Noob round). Then he moved on to WHM after he said we would be THFs for life ; ; but I guess it was for the best. We do cool stuff and camp a lot (aka make mad gilz).


Worships the porcelain goddess
Xaerus said:
Xaijin has got you beat Kintaro, 1126 DMG.

That's great, Xaijin is also lvl 75 with a whm sub. No surprise there. I've seen screenshots of 1600-1800 Chi Blasts before.

It's not a contest. Like I said, it was my PERSONAL best.

Anything else?


Kintaro said:
That's great, Xaijin is also lvl 75 with a whm sub. No surprise there. I've seen screenshots of 1600-1800 Chi Blasts before.

It's not a contest. Like I said, it was my PERSONAL best.

Anything else?

Yeah, your mom! Just kidding. I was also just saying. You've obviously never had to heal a MNK with Asuran Fists and a free-to-use 2 hour with DRK subbed. Needless to say, Souleater + Asuran Fists took almost 1000 HP from him. Which turned lethal when he did it on the Asuran Fist NM, and got hellslashed to death.

He also tried Souleater + Hundred Fists on an Aura Pot in Ru'Avitau. :lol

I cringe when I see a MNK with DRK subbed. XD


Worships the porcelain goddess
Xaerus said:
I cringe when I see a MNK with DRK subbed. XD

So do I, and not for any fun reasons.

Anyways, I think FFXI is dead for me. It's pretty much finished. Not because I'm trying out WoW (which completely shits on FFXI from a GREAT, GREAT height in some areas...still dunno if I keep it past the trial though), but because it's just tired. I'm tired of having to rely on others to get shit done in order for ME to get something fun done in the game. I'm tired of doing the same shit over and over and over again. End game content...truly...isn't there. What's there, the big game, NA's will never have anymore. If there's a JP LS with a voke bot, it's over. Done, history, don't waste your time. Politely ask for a drop you want, or go home. Spawnable NMs in sky? Sure, cool beans. Gets old quick though. Real old, real quick.

What else is there? Camp this NM, camp that NM? 2-3 hours to stand there...each day. Everyday. Server resets... OH SHIT. But the then, it'll repeat itself. The server economies are done. Ruined. Completely ruined. The gil is completely worthless now. Servers and camp overrun by armies of gilsellers. The prices rising in the matter of HOURS is astounding. Sniper's Rings jumped from 650k to 800k ea...in hours. I could do on and on, but there's no point. Yeah sure, it's great for me since I busted my ass over a 3 month (in retrospect, I should have quit then because I was fucking CRAZY) period with a busted ass craft (fishing) to raise gil to buy my equipment. Snipers, Scorp Harness, list goes on, all bought cheap, now sold at stupid high prices. Buying gil is so cheap now, why bother crafting? Which then puts crafters up shit creek, and it's out of control from there.

I find myself logging in, and standing, doing nothing. Looking at the same players each day, standing around, doing nothing. Then I sit back and look at myself in the chair going "What the FUCK at I am doing here if I'm not doing anything?" Don't get me started on COP. It has to be the most worthless expansion in the history of MMORPG expansions. And I seriously hope it will be remembered at such. SE can stick their timesink lvl cap missions making you repurchase equipment at, now, stupidly high prices (Leaping Boots were 550k. 550k for lvl 7 boots), up their candy asses. I could lvl other jobs...why? Party with noobs that will only frustrate me more? Run into the same situation I dislike dealing with as it is? No, no thanks. I don't think so.

At any rate, I think I'm done, or taking a long ass break from the game (3 months was the amount right before they delete you?). I honestly don't know what's left to do, and what's left to do, I no longer care about doing.

Left to do:
Black Belt
Upgrade Dynamis Weapon

That's it. Maxed fame in every nation/town/village/sinkhole. Rank 10, ZM completed, 3/5 AF II pieces obtained. God armor sitting in my MH. Relic Knuckles rdy to be upgraded. +30 STR/+30 ACC on me just walking around. I think that's it.

When the only progress I can make in the game anymore is to devolve myself from the HARD work I put into EVOLVING my job class, then I think it's time to go.

Anyone left still playing this?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I finally canceled my service with ffxi yesterday. After sending all the gil I could, said goodbye to whoever was left, and uninstalled it all.

Felt pretty good.


Darsh, if that's all that's left, just quit. We should all just quit and go play WoW (which is actually pretty good). :lol

Darsh you forgot something: Buy Xaerus an Enhancing Sword.

Lonestar, you left at a time I wasn't on! See you later! :)

I'm kidding by the way, Darsh.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Xaerus said:
Darsh, if that's all that's left, just quit. We should all just quit and go play WoW (which is actually pretty good). :lol

lol I like WoW, but still not convinced. I like being Warrior, but it's very noticeable this class has been nerfed to hell and back. We'll see.


End game content is nice for FFXI but it just gets old after awhile since there's only so much you can do of it. Combine that with poor design for end-game mobs makes it an annoying bitch. The same can be said of other MMOs though but what they do give is a crazy PvP system or large raids that people can consistently look for or varying ways of increasing class strength. That's the one thing that WoW and other MMOs truly do well over FFXI.

Thankfully, I have personal goals I want to achieve that don't involve as much help from others (my 4 Quest WS, Relic Weapons and damage maximization for Paladin).


Worships the porcelain goddess
Shouta said:
Thankfully, I have personal goals I want to achieve that don't involve as much help from others (my 4 Quest WS, Relic Weapons and damage maximization for Paladin).

Are you on crack? Don't involve as much help? lol I'm assuming for Quest WS you mean Staff (Ifrits), Club (Ro'), Sword (Altepa), and GS (can't recall). Relic Weapons require only about 40 people to help... and luck. If you're upgrading them, you'll need GOOD help (and insane amount of gil). You could do the dmg max thing for PLD on your own...unless you want abjurations, then goes back to that whole finding help thing... GOOD help. =)


Are you on crack? Don't involve as much help? lol I'm assuming for Quest WS you mean Staff (Ifrits), Club (Ro'), Sword (Altepa), and GS (can't recall). Relic Weapons require only about 40 people to help... and luck. If you're upgrading them, you'll need GOOD help (and insane amount of gil). You could do the dmg max thing for PLD on your own...unless you want abjurations, then goes back to that whole finding help thing... GOOD help. =)

Only need a handful of people for the Quest WS heh. maybe what 6-10 people? =b Maxing out the Relic Weapons after stage two will be some work but it really isn't a big issue to get the base weapons. The Excalibur, while I'm aiming for it, is secondary. I'm looking to get Ragnarok done first. Mind you "help" in that instance is a bit more loose ;).

Abujurations I'm not going to touch. Too many PLDs around and you literally have to follow other people's mentalities to get near them. No one is gonna let me get an abujration if I'm not tanking heh.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Shouta said:
Only need a handful of people for the Quest WS heh. maybe what 6-10 people? =b Maxing out the Relic Weapons after stage two will be some work but it really isn't a big issue to get the base weapons. The Excalibur, while I'm aiming for it, is secondary. I'm looking to get Ragnarok done first. Mind you "help" in that instance is a bit more loose ;).

Abujurations I'm not going to touch. Too many PLDs around and you literally have to follow other people's mentalities to get near them. No one is gonna let me get an abujration if I'm not tanking heh.

Yeah, round up 6-10 people for quest WS'...which at 70+ with all the camping and BS going around, can be quite annoying. Trust me...took pulling TEETH to get the best quested WS in the goddamn game done. Relic Weapons, till they do drop easy depending, but you gotta win the lot.

Lets use Excalibur for example. (no idea why a Great Sword would be your goal since... well, nm)

Relic Sword - Glyptic Sword = Koh-I-Noor (800k), Orichalcum Chain (no clue), Cermet Chunk (6k) + 4 M. Silverpieces (lets say 4 million gil). <--- so, what, 6 million + for first upgrade?

Glyptic Sword - Dynamis Sword = Bronze Sword, Mythril Sword, Wing Sword (easy shit here) + 14 100 Byne Bills (OOPS 14 million gil) <--- 14 million gil.

Dynamis Sword - Caliburn = Attestation of Glory <--- These drop in Dynamis-Beaucendine. So, not only ou need all 4 nations cleaered, you'll need to get this cleared as well first off. Wanna know how to spawn the mobs that drop these? You have to kill I think 3-4 Dynamis Statues. Then NMs spawn... everywhere. In packs and hordes. but only certain Shadow NMs drop these... and Shadow mobs in Dynamis are... well sick (only BRD can sleep, and there are not that many Bards =P) Add to that the rarity of the drop and the amount of PLDs (since you want Gsword, add in PLD, WAR, and DRKs [DRKs will get dibs over a PLD in any fair Dynamis run]), you're looking at getting very lucky. That's not counting the commission from the Goblin...which, if there is one, I'm thinking 20x 100 Coin pieces isn't out of the question.

Caliburn - Excalibur - Holy Fragment found in Dragon's Aery according to MT. What MT does NOT tell you is that in order to spawn the NM to receive this item, you require a drop from a NM in Dynamis-Xarcabard. Not to mention, commission. =)

I dislike following other people's mentalities as much as you do, however, if Abj. are out of the question regarding that, your goal of Excalibur will be an impossibly high mountain to climb.


Yeah, round up 6-10 people for quest WS'...which at 70+ with all the camping and BS going around, can be quite annoying. Trust me...took pulling TEETH to get the best quested WS in the goddamn game done. Relic Weapons, till they do drop easy depending, but you gotta win the lot.

6-10 people can be annoying but I do have quite a few favors saved up ;). The winning of the lot is the biggy here. ALthough I'm not sure how many people want Relic Gswords (primary want).

Lets use Excalibur for example. (no idea why a Great Sword would be your goal since... well, nm)

Great Sword is rox! I figure I won't be tanking much doing end-game stuff anyway unless I got lucky and had a bunch of people want me to tank HNMs. I figure might as well go for the neato weapon that I can use for fun PLD DD stuff. It also fights my character name! Huzzah!

Relic Sword - Glyptic Sword = Koh-I-Noor (800k), Orichalcum Chain (no clue), Cermet Chunk (6k) + 4 M. Silverpieces (lets say 4 million gil). <--- so, what, 6 million + for first upgrade?

I thought the Koh-I-Noor was fairly cheap on Fairy? The Orihalcum Chain is the killer since it's sooooooo rare for anyone to make it on Fairy. The M.SPs is a matter of luck and time since it's only 4 pieces but I figure I'll be round long enough for that (or con someone! :D).

Glyptic Sword - Dynamis Sword = Bronze Sword, Mythril Sword, Wing Sword (easy shit here) + 14 100 Byne Bills (OOPS 14 million gil) <--- 14 million gil.

The last component is the killer here (and in all the Relic Weapons). Sweet goodness that's crazy stuff o_O.

Dynamis Sword - Caliburn = Attestation of Glory <--- These drop in Dynamis-Beaucendine. So, not only ou need all 4 nations cleaered, you'll need to get this cleared as well first off. Wanna know how to spawn the mobs that drop these? You have to kill I think 3-4 Dynamis Statues. Then NMs spawn... everywhere. In packs and hordes. but only certain Shadow NMs drop these... and Shadow mobs in Dynamis are... well sick (only BRD can sleep, and there are not that many Bards =P) Add to that the rarity of the drop and the amount of PLDs (since you want Gsword, add in PLD, WAR, and DRKs [DRKs will get dibs over a PLD in any fair Dynamis run]), you're looking at getting very lucky. That's not counting the commission from the Goblin...which, if there is one, I'm thinking 20x 100 Coin pieces isn't out of the question.

The the last two stages of the Relic Weapons are going to be one heck of a uphill climb. Assuming we do get the drop, you're right in that I still have to fight the DRKs for the Attestation (figuratively speaking of course). Not sure why a WAR would want it though since they have their own Relic weapon all to themselves. Then again there has been weirder things happening since time began =O.

Is there a commission for the last two?

I dislike following other people's mentalities as much as you do, however, if Abj. are out of the question regarding that, your goal of Excalibur will be an impossibly high mountain to climb.

Abjurations are a different matter though. While I have to cooperate with others for Dynamis related functions, I don't have to follow the same mentality all the time (unless I joined a single pearl only LS of course). Gaining money for the Country pieces to give to the darned goblin is a money and scrounging issue. The last two parts, the Attestation and Fragment, are the big things. So while it is a big mountain, it's not the most impossible ;). Now, if I was thinking of getting multiple relic weapons (I'm only really gunning for Ragnarok, if I can get my hands on Excalibur, then cool) and etc then there's the mountain you're talking about =D.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I truly believe there is a commision for the last two upgrades. Koh-I-Noor is 800k HQ3 synth of Sparking Stone. See, the problem is this. Time. You can only do Dynamis 2 times a week. 3 days before you can enter another Dynamis. There are times when weeks will go by without a SINGLE 100 coin drop.

As for Great Sword, no clue why a DRK or a PLD would want it either since they have Sword and Scythe to lvl up. However, like you said, it's open for many jobs. A PLD at 75 tanks as much as it ever did. Staff will be your best friend inside and out of Dynamis. If you truly wanna try and be Hunda, you'll be paying about as much as you want to pay for your Relic upgrades =P

Now...if you really, really want to get those Relic Weapons, you're actually in luck. Because the Gil Sellers have devalued to the gil so much, you can go ahead and buy all the gil you need to shave the itme off =P


I figured that there are times that 100x items will rarely drop. Hence why it would probably be easier to buy the items from other folks and collect them eventually.

Level Sword and Scythe? We have those maxed almost all the time. I know I haven't gained one level without having Sword maxed (or Club for that matter). Besides, DRKs and PLDs specialize in Gswords which would be the primary reason to get it.

I figure I won't be tanking as much in large functions because people will want other PLDs to tank in my stead. As such, flexibility isn't too bad of an idea. Working on Staff some as of late but I haven't played my PLD regularly in a few weeks (leveling RDM for BST static and misc other things going on like WoW Open Beta). I don't use it as much anyhoo except for the Earth Staff on occasion in XP parties and the Iron-Splitter/Spirit Taker for NM soloing later.

It's really funny that I didn't like Hunda that much but we always thought alike. Be as flexibile as possible and do as much as possible when the time calls it seems to be the mentality for him.

How much is a million gil nowadays anyway?


Worships the porcelain goddess
Shouta said:
I figured that there are times that 100x items will rarely drop. Hence why it would probably be easier to buy the items from other folks and collect them eventually.

Level Sword and Scythe? We have those maxed almost all the time. I know I haven't gained one level without having Sword maxed (or Club for that matter). Besides, DRKs and PLDs specialize in Gswords which would be the primary reason to get it.

I meant lvl/upgrade the Relic Weapons for the weapons you will use the most. i.e Sword/Scythe. DRKs specalize in Gswords mainly cuz of SATA. Other than that, Spinning Slash ain't much to jump for joy over. Without SATA, Spinning Slash = Howling Fist. Sans farming, don't see PLD/THF being used in any real capacity =P

I figure I won't be tanking as much in large functions because people will want other PLDs to tank in my stead. As such, flexibility isn't too bad of an idea. Working on Staff some as of late but I haven't played my PLD regularly in a few weeks (leveling RDM for BST static and misc other things going on like WoW Open Beta). I don't use it as much anyhoo except for the Earth Staff on occasion in XP parties and the Iron-Splitter/Spirit Taker for NM soloing later.

Using Dynamis as an example. You're subbing WAR, you're provoking. Your job is to keep mobs off mages. And die. Die to MNK 100 fists. MUAHAHA...ahem. So, you're more than likely using a) sword, b) Earth Staff. More PLDs, the better. Why would I let some PLD sub anything else, when being a meat shield would be the best option they could be in something like that?

Flexibility is a great trait to have of course, but man, I only place I see a PLD becoming offensive is in XP pts at 75 in KRT or some other place where PLD isn't going to keep hate (I care not "good" you are normally. PLD in KRT is a waste unless he's going fully offensive =P).

It's really funny that I didn't like Hunda that much but we always thought alike. Be as flexibile as possible and do as much as possible when the time calls it seems to be the mentality for him.

How much is a million gil nowadays anyway?

It's about 100 bucks for 1.6 mill gil on IGE now. Craziness...

Man, why does COP have to suck so much dick... ><


I meant lvl/upgrade the Relic Weapons for the weapons you will use the most. i.e Sword/Scythe. DRKs specalize in Gswords mainly cuz of SATA. Other than that, Spinning Slash ain't much to jump for joy over. Without SATA, Spinning Slash = Howling Fist. Sans farming, don't see PLD/THF being used in any real capacity =P

Spinning is solid stuff and more consistent than Howling from what I've observed when I've played with people that have had it. It'll be fun to see what I can nabby out of it when I pick it up.

Using Dynamis as an example. You're subbing WAR, you're provoking. Your job is to keep mobs off mages. And die. Die to MNK 100 fists. MUAHAHA...ahem. So, you're more than likely using a) sword, b) Earth Staff. More PLDs, the better. Why would I let some PLD sub anything else, when being a meat shield would be the best option they could be in something like that?

Err, who said I wouldn't be subbing WAR?

Flexibility is a great trait to have of course, but man, I only place I see a PLD becoming offensive is in XP pts at 75 in KRT or some other place where PLD isn't going to keep hate (I care not "good" you are normally. PLD in KRT is a waste unless he's going fully offensive =P).

I've heard Dynamis cases where there were 5-10 PLDs that were in there and not all of them were doing stuff exactly in a tank mode (of course, JPs sure are weird sometimes o_O, I've heard of a few taru PLD/SMNs doing the bulk of Curing both in HNMs and Dynamis so the WHM wouldn't have to get punched in the face. Crazy ass tactics). Being flexible as the situation calls for it (in this case, going offensive) is always a keen idea.

We'll see about KRT when I get there heh.


Um, either of you two realize that Excalibur is a Longsword (1h) not a Great Sword (2h)? Because you said that.

Shouta, you're never going to get Excalibur, you're going to quit before then. Skipping Abjurations is silly. :lol


Uh, we know that Excalibur is the 1H sword. Read carefully Xaerus. =b

Skipping Abjurations is silly? Hardly. There's one area that PLDs get the shaft in and that's HNMs where you only need two or three per HNM to rotate around. There's so PLDs many to go around, the people that are favored by the other players battling the HNM will take precedent over other PLDs. Suffice it to say, I'm not the most popular PLD on our server and there's a slim chance I'll get my hands on an Abjuration with so many others that are favored.
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