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NeoGAF FFXI FAQ/Starter topic Redux


Worships the porcelain goddess
Shouta said:
Uh, we know that Excalibur is the 1H sword. Read carefully Xaerus. =b

Skipping Abjurations is silly? Hardly. There's one area that PLDs get the shaft in and that's HNMs where you only need two or three per HNM to rotate around. There's so PLDs many to go around, the people that are favored by the other players battling the HNM will take precedent over other PLDs. Suffice it to say, I'm not the most popular PLD on our server and there's a slim chance I'll get my hands on an Abjuration with so many others that are favored.

Well, then you have a higher mountain to climb if you aren't the most popular PLD out there for your Relic GSword quest =PPP

(I kid)


Shouta have you even looked at the stats of the Koenig and Crimson sets? I can guarantee that you at least want some of the parts. You also did call it a great sword. =P

Great Sword is rox!

Right after a quote from Darsh about Excalibur. :lol

Anyway, Friends aren't always enough Shouta. Hell, I went to Dynamis with people who I didn't like. Like Tanya a horrible nin tank. Listen to Darsh, he knows what he's talking about.


My point? That you weren't carefully reading what I said and what I was responding to. You do this quite often though Catbreath ;p.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Bah, why did COP have to suck ass? For the sole reason of capped missions...goddamn that's retardedly lame. All they had to do was make instances for your lvl! That way people who spend asstons of time can jump in with the job they really want to play as, and can could everyone else regardless of lvl!

Man it started out so cool too....bah. Stupid SE.
For the sole reason of capped missions...goddamn that's retardedly lame. All they had to do was make instances for your lvl! That way people who spend asstons of time can jump in with the job they really want to play as, and can could everyone else regardless of lvl!

According to the developers, the purpose of level caps in Promathia missions was to force/allow players of different levels to party together on equal terms, as they thought the FFXI player base was becoming too segregated by level, and also to help reduce the overall importance of levels in the game, as they thought players tended to be too obsessed with gaining levels and XP. Your suggestion wouldn't really accomplish the first of these goals.


Shouta said:
You do this quite often though Catbreath ;p.

CoP should have let all classes play a role so you could just start a party and go. Wow, they bridged the gap between level 30 rangers and high level players. :| The ones who do CoP stuff are usually high levels on their alts, anyway. Good intentions, but bad implemintation.

I'm a ranger and a red mage, so I really have no room to complain except that pickup parties suck for everything except xp.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Bizarro Sun Yat-sen said:
According to the developers, the purpose of level caps in Promathia missions was to force/allow players of different levels to party together on equal terms, as they thought the FFXI player base was becoming too segregated by level, and also to help reduce the overall importance of levels in the game, as they thought players tended to be too obsessed with gaining levels and XP. Your suggestion wouldn't really accomplish the first of these goals.

Hey, quess what, their goals are FUCKING RETARDED. considering that 9/10 the people who are bothering with COP have these high lvl jobs, in the same LS, just buy the equipment and morosely grind through it to try and see some hope at the rainbow. Wanna know why these goals were retarded? Zilart Missions. You needed to be 60+ to participate in these in the first place. Tu'LIa is a 70+ ONRY place, which is the goal of ZM. Considering the amount of time FFXI has been out in JP and US, it's foolish to even think of making these goals, when you need to be 60-70 in the first place to do their FIRST expansion!

My suggestion would have solved all of these problems because it would let people accomplish how they wanted to play, with the jobs they worked so hard to lvl up for their LAST expansion.

You can't force people to take on lower lvl jobs when you FORCED them to lvl up like crazy for their last expansion outing. Makes no sense (except for EU, but they will need to lvl like nuts to do ZM anyways, so the point stands.)


Bizarro Sun Yat-sen said:
According to the developers, the purpose of level caps in Promathia missions was to force/allow players of different levels to party together on equal terms, as they thought the FFXI player base was becoming too segregated by level, and also to help reduce the overall importance of levels in the game, as they thought players tended to be too obsessed with gaining levels and XP. Your suggestion wouldn't really accomplish the first of these goals.

The only problem is that they segregated it regardless via the need for fucking good equips at that level (in otherwords really expensive stuff that typically only high levels afford anyway) and the fact that alot of jobs are redundant in it.


The holiday season is here and FINAL FANTASY XI development elves have been busy putting together goodies for all the good boys and girls of Vana'diel. We are planning our next main version update for Thursday, December 12th. The details of the update are as follows:

- There will be several new quests and events added to the Promathia areas.
- New quests will also be added in Non-promathia areas.
- New monsters (including notorious monsters) will be added.
- Over 15 new "orb battles" will be added.
- Several new weapons, types of equipment, and items will be introduced.
- The difficulty of selected Promathia missions will be adjusted,
- Tavnazian Archipelago supplies quests and regional teleportation will become available.
- Chat filter options will be expanded.
- A new Gobbienag quest will be introduced.
- Shortcuts into Promyvion - Vahzl for those who have partially or fully completed the Promathia mission will be added.
- 'Temporary Items' found on the Ballista playing field now may be stored in one's inventory for the duration of the match(es). Also, several previous 'special' rules will be implemented permanently.
- A new point system for rating Ballista participants on their performance will be introduced.
- The stack number for several select items will be increased from 12 to 99. In accordance with these adjustments, players will be unable to put items up on auction for a short period of time. Details on this temporary maintenance will be provided soon.
- Several previously unstackable foods will now be stackable.
- The duration and effect of certain foods will be adjusted.
- The Old Sabertooth on Sauromugue Champaign will no longer drop any items.
- The variety of items that can be dug up using '"Scavange" ability will be increased.
- A new thief job trait will be added.
- The potency of etudes will be adjusted.
- "Spirit Link" will now heal a wyvern's status ailments.
- The accuracy of "Blood Pact" attacks during magic bursts will be adjusted.
- The strength of physical "Blood Pact" attacks will not increase as much when fighting weaker enemies.
- The order of messages that appear when using the /nominate, /vote and /propose commands will be adjusted.
- The fee collected when placing items on auction will be determined by the current auction price, not the store/guild selling price.

In addition to the changes mentioned above, many other adjustments are being made. A complete list of all changed will be available on the day of the update.

Also, we are planning several new events for the end of the year, so keep your eyes open!

Another issue being addressed during this version update is the monopoly over certain monsters and items by a number of players.

The development team is currently working on several methods to combat these types of actions. Some methods include the introduction of similar items, and new ways of obtaining items.

Articles 23, 24 and 25 of the PlayOnline User Agreement as well as Article 6 of the FINAL FANTASY XI User Agreement specifically prohibit the sale of any in-game money, characters, and/or items on internet auctions, etc. Any player found participating in RMT (real money trading), whether it be buying or selling, may have accounts terminated. Please consider the consequences before partaking in actions that may result in the destruction of all your player characters.

Finally, for all existing and future Windows version players, we have developed a new bunchmark program to test the playability of FINAL FANTASY XI on your personal computer. "Vana'diel Bench 3" will not only display the stunning landscape of Lufaise Meadows, but will also offer a sneak peak into some of the most exciting cutscenes from the Chains of Promathia missions! To download this free software, visit the official FINAL FANTASY XI homepage, or any of the participating game sites,

Best regards,

Looks like the did some thinking on the next patch. :)


That patch sounds realllllly interesting.

THFs get a new JT too =O.

Now it would be great if SE introduced more Accuracy Rings to bring those dumb sniper's down from the 800k they are now -_-.


"Another issue being addressed during this version update is the monopoly over certain monsters and items by a number of players."



If Squeenix wanted to, they could get the price for items like Archer's Rings to drop simply by adjusting the drop rates. If Stroper dropped a ring 1/10 of the time instead of 1/100 or so, the price for Archer/Sniper rings would fall accordingly, gil sellers or no.


* Player can make appointment to a single HNM once a month real time to avoid any sort of camping and mpk activities seem to happen a lot lately in the world of Vana'diel.

^^^^ I Wish...

I do like:

The fee collected when placing items on auction will be determined by the current auction price, not the store/guild selling price.

If it's 10%, 500k Archer Ring = 50k fee. 10 mil Peacock Charm = 1 mil. LMAO. Let everything drop in price and everyone be happy.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Wow, there is NOTHING here. Nothing. New THF JT, who cares. Remember the whole Hide thing? Big whoop. Help RNG out even more, Who care, like they REALLY need it.. At least they noticed gil sellers, won't matter none though. Anything related to COP is bunk and worthless.

Any end game stuff? New? No? Up yours.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Another issue being addressed during this version update is the monopoly over certain monsters and items by a number of players.

The development team is currently working on several methods to combat these types of actions. Some methods include the introduction of similar items, and new ways of obtaining items.

This might be very important.
New thf trait, yay! Built in Gameboy while in Jueno lfp. Spider and Ploid can Pictochat when in same area! :lol

Update seems cool, and the 60 snipers in the AH is comedy.


Worships the porcelain goddess
RuGalz said:
If that's how you feel, yet you want them to fix stuff? Oh the irony. :lol

Yes, people want them to fix shit. However, when they try to "fix" shit, it comes out broke as all hell.

What, should I wish they continue to leave shit BROKE? Lu Shangs lost due to a zoning bug? Claim bugs? Synth items still breaking when spells cast on you (yes, that's still in)? Etc. List goes on.

Point is, when SE has "fixed" shit, nothing was fixed, and even more problems arose from it.



What spells can you cast on Crafters to fuck them up still? I accidently tried to cure someone crafting a few Capes but couldn't o_O.


Oh, I love the game. I just hate the player base and a few facets that they could've expanded on. I'll be doing a thread about what I think is truly wrong with FFXI fairly soon, just have to find some time to sit down and do it.


Uhm, wouldn't the player base be the same in any mmorpg (besides the japanese half)?

I mean cause that's one of the things that bothers me the most. So many players are so...retarded in this game. Since it's so group intensive, it just makes pick-up aspects to the game very frustrating. Now I've gotten around that by making some good friends. It's just for example, Zilart Missions, most of them are all ahead of me. So I have to join pick-up alliances, and it's just so frustrating and time-consuming because most people are just so damn stupid in this game. Or maybe it's just when their in a pick-up alliance.

I just assumed all other mmorpgs were like that?


:lol :lol :lol

From end game fix to little bugs that could be find in any game. Funny stuff.

Anyway, any game that you have to deal with random people, be it mmo or other Xbox live game or other online game, you have to deal with a bunch of retards out there. The fact that FFXI relies soooooo much on group effort at all levels makes things frustrating even though it's an unavoidable problem in any online game.


Worships the porcelain goddess
RuGalz said:
:lol :lol :lol

From end game fix to little bugs that could be find in any game. Funny stuff.

Actually no. Any game where you can steal claims on HNMs YOU TRIGGERED, is broke. bottom line. Breaking an item that you spend months on acquiring in an instant because the game cheats you out of it, that's a nasty bug.

If these are found in "any" game, that most game definitely suck ass.

Ever had King Behemoth stolen from ya Shen because of the well known claim bug in the game since birth that should not exist? Fafnir? Kirin (Yes, Kirin.)? No? Then please move {Over There} =) Know what would help this? Instances. Not that Kindred Seal bullshit either (since KS BCNMs that mimic the 3 Kings do so in a matter that puts you at an EXTREME disadvantage. Not to mention doesn't even offer abjurations as prizes). Dynamis could be considered one, but it still isn't since outsiders can come into your Dynamis unless you're completely full (AND still lot on your shit).

Len: Any spell. Casted at a point in the crafting animation (near the beginning), will still break the crafting.

Tab: I still like FF XI, but it's nature of intensive grouping to get anything done, causes a lot of jaded players. Zilart Mission 4. Getting help on this pain in the ass mission is crazy. Why? Those who have done it, want nothing to do it ever again. Wasn't fun, wasn't excited, was pretty damn shitty. Same goes for ZM5 (Ifrit's anyways). After that, you're more likely to find help. I think the game affects the player base and vice versa. Wanna know a great example of this? WAY WAY WAY back in the day when myself, nataku, and another player needed Genkai 1 help in the LS. The most helpful guy in said LS (Mjunter) even laid it out simply. "If I had to suffer through it, you have to." Mainly because of his experiences with it.


Planning for ZM4 isn't hard, getting people is, I know a lot of people who have trouble getting help for that. I did not have that problem, we sorted it out while making the parties. I ended up doing the fight 3 times. I have no problem doing it again, other people are just lazy if they don't want to help someone do it. However, we shouldn't have to, if you can't be bothered working for something, just go away.

Which claiming bug Kintaro? The Heal and Run thing?

The spawned monster stealing is rather annoying, the spawner (and their party/alliance) should have permanent claim until you die, at which point the mob should disappear. Kirin is kind of difficult to prevent stealing, after all he does summon the other gods. Kirin should also get claimed by the spawner and until everyone in their party/alliance is dead, it stays claimed, and when he summons gods, they should automatically be claimed by the people attacking him. Lots of things SE could do, but they don't. That's just sheer laziness.

Oh, and I do believe they semi-fixed the crafting bug. Although, it may be quite useful for crafting worthless items for skill.

Also, I think I've seen a screenshot of a GM saying the more people that complain about the same thing, the sooner it will get fixed or an attempt at doing so will be made. Quantity and Quality. :lol


Tabris said:
Anyone in this thread still like FFXI?

Am I the only person that rarely gets frustrated playing the game?
I love the game; hate the people. ESPECIALLY SPIDERLILY. :OOO ;b
Part of me wants to think that it's a Fairy thing, but it sounds like it's the same all over (especially the JP elitism).


Worships the porcelain goddess
Xaerus said:
Planning for ZM4 isn't hard, getting people is, I know a lot of people who have trouble getting help for that. I did not have that problem, we sorted it out while making the parties. I ended up doing the fight 3 times. I have no problem doing it again, other people are just lazy if they don't want to help someone do it. However, we shouldn't have to, if you can't be bothered working for something, just go away.

That's...what I just said Xae. Getting people is, and ZM4 being a pain in the ass, can't blame people for not wanting to do again. Of course, you didn't have trouble since you're a RDM. Try being a DRG getting it done.

Which claiming bug Kintaro? The Heal and Run thing?

The spawned monster stealing is rather annoying, the spawner (and their party/alliance) should have permanent claim until you die, at which point the mob should disappear. Kirin is kind of difficult to prevent stealing, after all he does summon the other gods. Kirin should also get claimed by the spawner and until everyone in their party/alliance is dead, it stays claimed, and when he summons gods, they should automatically be claimed by the people attacking him. Lots of things SE could do, but they don't. That's just sheer laziness.

Claim stealing is the bug. A big bug. Annoying ass bug. To think you can go into a steal Kirin, after working hard for the Seals to spawn him, is mindblowing.

Also, I think I've seen a screenshot of a GM saying the more people that complain about the same thing, the sooner it will get fixed or an attempt at doing so will be made. Quantity and Quality. :lol

Rorschach said:
I love the game; hate the people. ESPECIALLY SPIDERLILY. :OOO ;b
Part of me wants to think that it's a Fairy thing, but it sounds like it's the same all over (especially the JP elitism).


I miss the Rorschach anyway. I sold my flower buy me a new one! :D

I love the game too but Im at high enough level again to be where all the assholes live, boo.


Kintaro said:
That's...what I just said Xae. Getting people is, and ZM4 being a pain in the ass, can't blame people for not wanting to do again. Of course, you didn't have trouble since you're a RDM. Try being a DRG getting it done.

Um, what of the main organizers was a DRG. :lol

I was just agreeing with you...kind of. =P

Ploid 3.0

SpiderJerusalem said:
New thf trait, yay! Built in Gameboy while in Jueno lfp. Spider and Ploid can Pictochat when in same area! :lol

Heck yea!!! Bring it THF/MNK gone WHM/BLM spider. You'll never beat the THF/NIN gone RDM/BLM Ploid in Pictochat.

The most helpful guy in said LS (Mjunter) even laid it out simply. "If I had to suffer through it, you have to." Mainly because of his experiences with it.

lol good old Mjunter.

Got all of my coffer AFs now. On par with the amount of thf AFs now. I'm kinda glad I tackled the GC coffer alone (sneak in after other unplaned people open the gates). After a lot of hours of not seeing it behind gate 3 I noticed gate 1 was opened again so I jumped down and tried to see if someone was about to open gate two (it was a false alarm). After a long wait a group finally came and I got behind 2, logged, (wanted to make sure I didn't get in the way of the people that helped me) and tried in gate 2. Got beetle aggro and had to warp out. Started over a few more times (got bat aggro once before getting behind gate 2 or 3 and such.

I finally got lucky, it seems a group came to open the gate.... but they were just standing there. I think they didn't want to let me in although it was clear that they were there to open the gate. A PLD got on one of the far west levers and I got on one. He then got off and joined the rest in the hall again. I got back in the hall and made sure I stayed sneaked and got back in camp mode. After a while of not seeing any of them anywhere I thought they might be on their way to gate 3 (at this point I didn't care which gate I got behind). Turns out they were all dead. I didn't know what to do for a bit. Some had lots of af on so I was thinking my raise 1 wouldn't be enough for them.

Operation Ploid to the rescue(tm). I started to /say to them that I don't know if it would be a good idea for me to raise them there, and that I only had raise 1. They sent tells saying it's good just raise them where they were (Turns out they didn't know how to do the gates, and they were just there for the furnace thing for a quest *some staff*). I tractored all of them because I didn't want to take the chance of blood aggro (skeletons close by). I raised all of them and bats started to repop. Someone's sneak was about to run out and I try to motion to them that they need to get to the stairs but my health was a bit to low and I got aggro by skeletons (I converted and didn't heal myself enough). I pulled the bats and skeletons away and died by the stairs. They later got sound aggro (only one mage with them).

Long story short, we regroup and kill teh bats and a bst/whm show up and charms a acid greese and we owns the place proper. We open the gate, bst says thanks, we say thanks to the bst, and everyone get's what they wanted. I help them to the furnace before checking a coffer, and it turned out that they didn't have enough keys. Bleh all that lost exp. I say my goodbyes, after asking if there was any way I could help, they say their goodbyes. I find my coffer by that darn flesh. I got new friends out of this. <True> <Adventure> <Excitement> <Awesomness>


Worships the porcelain goddess

A sixth Gobbiebag quest has been added. Please note that the previous Gobbiebag quest must be completed before the new one will trigger.

Supply quests and regional teleportation to the Tavnazian Archipelago are now available.

Shortcuts into Promyvion – Vahzl for those who have partially or fully completed the Promathia mission have been added.

The longer a player remains in the same area, the more difficult it will become to obtain certain items through logging and mining.

A mage from Windurst's Orastery has been dispatched to Jeuno.

Several new quests and events have been added to the Promathia areas.

The Bastok quest "All By Myself" can now be played&#12288;regardless of whether or not one has the Chains of Promathia expansion pack installed.

The level restriction for the Tavnazia quest "The Big One" has been raised from 40 to 45.

The Old Sabertooth that plays a part in the quest "The Fanged One" will now only appear after a player has targeted the set of tiger bones in the Sauromugue Champaign.
In addition, the Old Sabertooth will no longer drop any items.

Only players who have accepted the quest "Hook, Line, and Sinker" will be able to fish the monster in Qufim that drops the Egret fishing rod.

A new reward for completing the quest "Tuning Out" has been added.

The contents of the treasure coffers in Castle Oztroja have been changed. Accordingly, certain items will now be obtainable through different methods.

Weather coverage has now expanded to Chains of Promathia areas.

Players can now only target the Brass Statue in Castle Oztroja for a limited amount of time.

Monsters can now be caught while fishing in all areas of Qufim and the Buburimu Peninsula.

Several events previously unavailable for replay through town bards, etc. have been added to the replay list.

The following changes have been made to Ballista.
The following match types are area-specific:
All or Nothing (one match) * Normal Items Restricted: Jugner Forest
Best of Three (three matches) * Normal Items Restricted: Pashhow Marshlands
Best of Three (three matches) * Normal Items Allowed: Meriphataud Mountains
However, please note that items such as arrows, bullets, and projectiles are allowed in all areas.

A new "temporary item" system has been added.
Items that are dug up using the /quarry command can now be stored in one's inventory for the duration of the current Ballista match (set of matches). These items can be used at any time, but will be collected by the presiding Herald at the conclusion of the match.

Only one type of each temporary item can be held at a time. If a player happens to dig up an item he/she already possesses, it must be used immediately or thrown away.

A new point system for rating Ballista participants on their performance has been introduced.
Players will earn and lose "Ballista Points" for their various actions on the battlefield. These points can then be traded for vouchers that are automatically exchanged for temporary items during future matches.

Players will now build up a resistance to bards' lullabies after having the spell repeatedly cast on them.


The following orb battles have been added: *snipped list*

If all party members' HP remain at zero for a set amount of time, the party will be removed from the battlefield.

The conditions for certain notorious monsters to appear, as well as the drop rates for the items they carry, have been adjusted.

Several new notorious monsters have been added to the Chains of Promathia areas.

The following adjustments have been made in Promyvion – Holla, Promyvion – Mea, Promyvion – Dem, and Promyvion – Vahzl:
Monster placement changes
Monster movement pattern changes
Monster level adjustments
Monster item drop changes
Memory stream appearance rates

An issue preventing the cure of "HP Max Down" and "MP Max Down" with holy water or the spell Cursna has been addressed.

A new thief job trait that increases the dexterity bonus of the ability "Trick Attack" has been added.
This trait is called "Assassin."

The effects of select high- and low-level etudes have been adjusted.
High-level etudes will now raise a player's attributes considerably more than before. However, the enhancement will gradually wear off with time.

The dragoon job ability "Spirit Link" will now not only heal a pet wyvern's wounds, but also cure it of detrimental status effects such as poison.

A pet wyvern's breath attacks can now be used to produce magic bursts. However, only an accuracy bonus will be rewarded if the MB is successful.

An accuracy bonus is now rewarded when using "Blood Pact" attacks during magic bursts.

The strength of physical "Blood Pact" attacks will not increase as much when fighting enemies considerably weaker than the summoner. The damage ratio when fighting stronger enemies has not been adjusted.

The variety of items that can be dug up using the "Scavenge" ability has been increased.

The Goblin Archaeologists that are found in the Konschtat Highlands, Tahrongi Canyon, and on the La Theine Plateau can now see through the ninja ability "Hide."

The additional Stun effect of certain weapons will no longer activate in succession.
However, it is still possible to repeatedly inflict the effect on a monster through magic spells and weapon skills.


The transaction fee for items put up on auction is now based on the seller's asking price. The formulas for calculating the transaction fee are listed below.

Jeuno auction houses:
Single item fee = 2% of the seller's asking price +100 gil.
Stacked item fee = 1% of the seller's asking price +400 gil.

Other auction houses:
Single item fee = 1% of the seller's asking price +1 gil.
Stacked item fee = 0.5% of the seller's asking price +4 gil.

In accordance with these adjustments, new messages will be displayed when putting items up on auction. Be sure to confirm these messages before completing a transaction.

The duration and effect of several foods have been adjusted.

Limits have been introduced to certain statuses that are affected by consuming meals and drinks. Those statuses are as follows:
attack/ranged attack/defense/accuracy/ranged accuracy/HP/MP

These limits vary with the type of food, as well as the consumer's job and level. We suggest trying many different combinations to see which foods are most effective in different situations.

Effect Types
The effects of most of the foods in FINAL FANTASY XI have been adjusted and categorized by type.
Please note that this categorization will not affect the listing of foods on auction.

Meat dishes
Mainly improve attributes such as STR, attack, and ranged attack.
Example: Grilled hare

Mainly improve attributes such as DEX and accuracy.
There are also some types of sushi that improve ranged accuracy.
Example: Carp sushi

Fish dishes
Mainly improve DEX.
There are also some dishes that improve accuracy and ranged accuracy.
Example: Salmon sub

Seafood dishes (other than fish)
Mainly improve defense.
Example: Boiled crab

Mainly raise maximum HP.
(The effects of most cereals did not require adjusting.)
Example: Roasted corn

Vegetable dishes
Mainly raise AGI and ranged accuracy.
Example: Pea soup

Mushroom dishes
Mainly raise MND, maximum MP, and enmity.
Example: Roast mushrooms

Mainly raise INT and maximum MP.
(The effects of most pies did not require adjusting.)
Example: Apple pie

Snack foods
Mainly raise amount of HP and MP healed when resting.
The effect duration of snack foods has been reduced to three minutes; however, synthesis production quantities, as well as maximum stack quantities, have been increased.
Example: Garlic cracker

Sweets (other than pies and snack foods)
Mainly raise maximum MP.
Example: Snoll gelato

Mainly refresh MP.
(The effects of most drinks did not require adjusting.)
Example: Pineapple juice

There are foods that do not fall into any of the above categories. These items have effects that may differ from those items listed here.

Duration of Effect
The duration of most food effects have been adjusted based on the dish's new categorization.

3 minutes:
Snack foods (crackers, etc.)

5 minutes:
High-quality snack foods, raw meat, fish, fruit, and vegetables

30 minutes:
Stackable (12) dishes

1 hour:
Stackable (12) high-quality dishes

3 hours:
Unstackable dishes (not including drinks)

4 hours:
Unstackable high-quality dishes

The "enhances effect of rice balls" attribute found on certain equipment has been enhanced.

The graphics of select throwing weapons have been altered.
The icon graphics for the following items have been changed:
Jusatsu/Kaginawa/Sairui-Ran/Kodoku/Shinobi-Tabi/Mighty Bow

The stack number for several select items has been increased.
In accordance with these adjustments, the buying and selling prices of the aforementioned items have also been changed. *list snipped, drinks are still not stackable*

Players can now receive their reward immediately after trading anima to Harith in the quest "Empty Memories."

The effect duration of the item "yellow liquid" when used in the Chains of Promathia mission (chapter 2) has been increased.

Hippogryph tail feathers can now be traded.

Players can now possess more than one "mistmelt."

The number of items required to obtain a mistmelt in the quest "Fly High" has been reduced.

The number of items required to obtain a pinch of Shu'Meyo salt in the quest "Bombs Away" has been reduced.

The equip slot for the following items has been changed from "Waist" to "Back":
Ether Tank/Water Tank/Potion Tank

The buying price for the following items has been adjusted:
Black Sole/Silver Shark/Bastore Bream


By pressing the Enter key on the keyboard or the confirm button on the controller while viewing the "Price History" of an item on auction, a player can display the date and time of sale, the unabbreviated buyer and seller names, and the sale price in the log window.

The order of messages that appear when using the /nominate, /vote, and /propose commands has been adjusted.

The chat filter has been expanded to include NPCs.

NPC Filter
Previously, all PCs and NPCs (monsters included) not in a player's party or alliance were treated as "others." However, with the addition of the NPC category in the chat filter, players can now toggle on and off the display of text spoken by other PCs, without filtering NPC speech (and vice versa).

Pet Filter
Messages regarding the actions of a player's pet are now categorized with the actions of his/her master. To filter the pet messages from a party member, a player would have to use the party filter options. However, to filter the pet messages of a non-party/alliance member PC, the player must use the NPC filters. This type of usage may be changed in a future patch.

Filter Accuracy
The accuracy of the existing chat filters has been improved. This has been achieved by assigning priority levels to different types of PCs and NPCs.

For example, previously, when a member of a player's party cast a spell on another member of the party, the "Effects of special actions on party" filter would not cover up the spell message; it could be filtered using "Effects of special actions on others." However, now that character priority levels have been introduced, this anomaly no longer occurs.

Also, HP recovery messages are now covered by the "Effects of special actions" filters.


Wheee updates.

A new thief job trait that increases the dexterity bonus of the ability "Trick Attack" has been added. This trait is called "Assassin."

I guess that's their fix to Drk/Thf being better than Thf since Thf's damage is for most part based on Dex.

Lots BCs, can't wait to try them out.

Lots adjustments to food that sounds good.

New AH list pricing:

Jeuno auction houses:
Single item fee = 2% of the seller's asking price +100 gil.
Stacked item fee = 1% of the seller's asking price +400 gil.

Other auction houses:
Single item fee = 1% of the seller's asking price +1 gil.
Stacked item fee = 0.5% of the seller's asking price +4 gil.

And hurray to new filters.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Couple of points.

- 20,000 gil auction fee per 1 million of price in Jeuno. Will be interesting to see how this helps the economy, or if it will at all. To be honest, people with millions of gil in the first place, won't give a shit about extra fee. For example, Shining Cloths. LS' are going to sell the thing to get our money's worth one way or another. All there is to it. lol Prices could actually go UP to cover the AH cost. Items like Kote, Hairpin, etc I could see going down in price no doubt...depending on the "adjusted" drop rate. However, for premium items on the AH, this fee won't mean jack.

- Selling fish to NPCs being "adjusted." Another reaction to botters. One of those kneejerks that will hurt more non botters than botters. Fishing is a dying craft in this game now.

- New THF trait. Cool. Wonder how big of a boost it'll provide and what lvl it'll be at (40+ I bet). Probably done to help THFs out compared to DRK/THFs. I doubt DRK/THFs will be hurt at all though, but hey, someone good for THF is always welcomed.

- Tons of new BCNMs. Always cool, if only to see what equipment we'll see (and overpriced) from these. =)

- "A mage from Windurst's Orastery has been dispatched to Jeuno. " - Possible new summon?

- Wyvern now magic bursting - bout fuckin time. Just keep skilling up that sword to be useful anyways =/

Dunno anything else. Patch seems cool, but we'll see. I suggest waiting 2 weeks before making any big AH buys though =PPP


Pretty underwhelming considering 2 giant MMORPG's were released recently taking away their customers


Nothing is going to bring back jaded players. Server population still hover around 3000-3500 I don't think they need to worry that much.
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