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NeoGAF FFXI FAQ/Starter topic Redux


New AH list pricing:

Jeuno auction houses:
Single item fee = 2% of the seller's asking price +100 gil.
Stacked item fee = 1% of the seller's asking price +400 gil.

Other auction houses:
Single item fee = 1% of the seller's asking price +1 gil.
Stacked item fee = 0.5% of the seller's asking price +4 gil.

What the fuck? This is going to kill my Goldsmithing :(

For example, say I sell a Gold Ingot for 50k, that would be 1.1k to sell that. Seriousely, what the fuck?!


Seriousely, those AH changes are going to make being undercut SO painful.

Say I sell 7 platinum ingots at 35k each, that's around 700 per sale. So that's basically 5k in auction house fee's. Now all of sudden someone sells it at 34k and changes the auction house price for a week. That means I just lost 5k instead of the 1k cause of some bastard undercutting everyone.


THF Trio forevar!!!!



Worships the porcelain goddess
Tabris said:
Seriousely, those AH changes are going to make being undercut SO painful.

Say I sell 7 platinum ingots at 35k each, that's around 700 per sale. So that's basically 5k in auction house fee's. Now all of sudden someone sells it at 34k and changes the auction house price for a week. That means I just lost 5k instead of the 1k cause of some bastard undercutting everyone.

Like I said, it's going to be very interesting to see how things turn out. They're obviously trying to take gil out of the economy by inflating the AH costs, but it could backfire.


The point of new pricing is to take excessive gils from previous fish botting and other means out of the system at the same time bringing the prices in AH down to each server's players' accepted pricing point. There's definately going to be a lot of fluctuation at first. We'll see if players' reactions agree with SE a couple months down the road. It may or may not work but I think it's a nice try.

On the other hand, you may just see a lot more shouting to sell/trade items.

See... If EVERYTHING become 1g... Everybody wins. :D

Ploid 3.0

RuGalz said:
Prove it... :lol

:( I knew I shouldn't have put on that pumpkin head. Why couldn't you take a better picture spider ; ; why!

RuGalz = Hogashi ? Wow

[wishful thinking] I can't wait to try out SATA when the server is ready. So is the dex+ 10dex or what? I hope it adds enough dmg that we can do a normal sata for 600dmg or regular TA for 300+. Just think we do Ta+WS for 600, then go around and do regular SA for 200 or something. [/wishful thinking]


Actually, with the wording of the text it seems that THF might get a damage boost to Trick attack by adding in DEX to the TA damage formula. o_O


It sounds to me like it's a passive trait, not an actual JA that you have to activate.

EDIT: Yeah... you got it. Damn me and my slow replies.

I wonder... does the wyvern get the accuracy bonus if the MB works, or does the Dragoon?

Maybe I'm not really reading this correctly. /shrug

A pet wyvern's breath attacks can now be used to produce magic bursts. However, only an accuracy bonus will be rewarded if the MB is successful.

Seems to be worded a little odd. Maybe it's just me.


Worships the porcelain goddess
nataku said:
It sounds to me like it's a passive trait, not an actual JA that you have to activate.

EDIT: Yeah... you got it. Damn me and my slow replies.

I wonder... does the wyvern get the accuracy bonus if the MB works, or does the Dragoon?

Maybe I'm not really reading this correctly. /shrug

Seems to be worded a little odd. Maybe it's just me.

No idea, the wording is vague. Says the same for SMNers too. All the DRGs are RNG or MNK now anyways =P

Edit: The THF trait is nice news and THFs can free some stats up for other factors in battle such as STR/atk.

Edit 2: SE like delvl their servers or something? Getting this patch is becoming a pain in the ASS. I just wanna fuckin lvl a mage ><


I'm gussing it'd be wyvern getting accuracy bonus. But that doesn't seem to help with anything as I recall that wyvern doesn't do much damage to IT mobs with normal attacks?

How's wyvern MB going to work? It'd mean DRG would have to either be the 2nd or the end of SC for the breath to come out at the right time to MB?


lacks enthusiasm.
Tabris said:
I was loving everything in this patch until I read that...

...how does that fix anything?

Completely agree. I can see how this might help the crazy-inflated items like Sniper's and Kote, but SE took the easy way out and decided to just make it a blanket change. The change will take the biggest toll on selling the items that are ~50-200k. The people selling the million+ items usually already have a shitload of gil and don't care much about the AH fee if it doesn't sell, but the mid level crafters and players who try to make money with medium range items are gonna feel pressured to undercut because they can't afford to keep relisting an item if it isn't selling.

edit - Also, what about the low level player who wants to camp Lizzy in hopes of making it rich? They might not even have enough gil to list it once, and if the price is constantly being undercut by those who can afford to relist, the low level player is gonna find it awfully hard to sell the Boots. Gil sellers won't give a fuck about the taxes, they already have shitloads of gil to spend, but the low level players don't.

edit2 - Here's SE's solution to the Kote monopoly: http://www.irc101.org/szem/fuck-kote.gif


Worships the porcelain goddess
XMonkey said:
edit2 - Here's SE's solution to the Kote monopoly: http://www.irc101.org/szem/fuck-kote.gif

HOLY SHIT GIMME NOW. Perfect for my MNK now since I have like +30 STR and not enough atk to cover. Probably gotta do some BCNM or COP crap though >.>

Update: Still can't log on >.> Had plans tonight too >< I'll be damned if I sit at PC for any longer clicking "retry"


Worships the porcelain goddess
One more thing:

"The additional Stun effect of certain weapons will no longer activate in succession.
However, it is still possible to repeatedly inflict the effect on a monster through magic spells and weapon skills."

- This is some shitty shit. Just kills one of my best MNK weapons (Stun Jams)


lacks enthusiasm.
While we're on the topic of shitty things SE is doing, how about the patch distribution system. I understand that the way they do it now is basically required for PS2 users, but why not let PC users download an .exe (this updates like 21MB) and then, naturally, other users will set up mirrors of that same patch and further distribute the load? It will allow the servers to be stressed primarily by only PS2 users and should cause a lot less headaches for both types of users.


I see Santa hats and new low level gear in my look through the dat files =O.

Anti-Archer's/Sniper's Rings found.

Jaeger Ring, level 35, Accu/Raccu +4


Level: 30
Slot: Ranged
Type: Longbow
Rare / Exclusive
Races: All
Damage: 42
Delay: 524
Auction House Category: Weapons / Ranged
Comments: Vs. Empty: Ranged Accuracy +10, Ranged Attack +10%

Hmm their attempt to make those jobs useful? Heh.


lacks enthusiasm.
Meat Mithkabobs now synth 6 at a time, instead of 12. No word yet on if HQ rates are changed.

Good to know SE wants Mithkabob stacks to double in price while also taking as much gil as they can from players. Thanks, SE.


Worships the porcelain goddess
XMonkey said:
Meat Mithkabobs now synth 6 at a time, instead of 12. No word yet on if HQ rates are changed.

Good to know SE wants Mithkabob stacks to double in price while also taking as much gil as they can from players. Thanks, SE.

Are you fucking kidding me...jesus christ man. So now you need to farm 2x the amount as usual, AND pay more AH fees to make up the cost? ><


lacks enthusiasm.
Looks as if they gimped boiled and steamed crab. Great news for all you Paladins (like me) out there

Fuck you Square, I can't see any reason why they needed to change this other than to piss us off.

New stats:
Boiled Crab: +2 VIT, +15.6% def
Steamed Crab: +3 VIT, +20.2% def

Old stats:
Boiled crab: +4 vit -1 dex +21.9% def
Steamed Crab: +5 vit +24.8% def

This also probably means mithakabobs and fishkabobs got gimped as well.


Worships the porcelain goddess
XMonkey said:
Looks as if they gimped boiled and steamed crab. Great news for all you Paladins (like me) out there

Fuck you Square, I can't see any reason why they needed to change this other than to piss us off.

New stats:
Boiled Crab: +2 VIT, +15.6% def
Steamed Crab: +3 VIT, +20.2% def

Old stats:
Boiled crab: +4 vit -1 dex +21.9% def
Steamed Crab: +5 vit +24.8% def

This also probably means mithakabobs and fishkabobs got gimped as well.

Ouch. Yeah, meats are not worthless for RNGs. They need another food (Yellow Curry I think now). I dunno stats on themnow though.


One question I would ask here cause KI is slow, I'm at work and Allakhazam is annoying.

What's a good place to level Staff at 102 for Paladin.


You can do fine against Lost Souls in Eldieme probably. I auto-battled 100-125 for dagger there while playing Yugioh with my cousin.

Meatkabobs seen to have stayed fairly constant in their attack up bonuses. There's some small deviation though I believe.

With the crab and fish not being as strong, it's time to look for those fun HQ fish foods that don't stack! =D.


Okay, then I'll do that. Thanks.

I really wish MysteryTour would update for once. Especially with this new patch. Is it dead?


Finished the first 3 Promy missions over the weekend. They made a few adjustments to it so that it's actually possible to go up to the BC as a single party now. Also, ranger does not do as much damage to the BC boss as they used to. 3 Eagle Eye Shot at 50% health would have guaranteed to kill the boss before the patch. Now it only gets them down to about 10-15% health. While we didn't try using BLM and other jobs, I'm gussing they probably are more useful now. But we had so many animas that we were able to just peck the boss until its death with 3 RNG and 1 Sam. Fun stuff.


They made a few adjustments to it so that it's actually possible to go up to the BC as a single party now.

I did it pre-patch with a single party.

It was totally possible before, unless you and/or your teammates were weaksauce at stray killing management and solid snaking.


RuGalz said:
Ya and before patch we had a single rng and whm from our LS duo their way to BC... What's your point. -.-

Then why didn't you do the single party before? That's my point.

People are too weaksauce in this game. Don't like a challenge.

Rawk Hawk

With Walmart dropping it's price I'm thinking of geting this, mainly for the HDD, but I always like a good online RPG. Just wondering, how many people are still on the servers these days? Enough to warrent start up, or is everyone such a high level I wouldn't have anyone willing to join up with me?


Then why didn't you do the single party before? That's my point.

Because it was difficult to convience people that 1 PT can work?

We still lost to BC on our first try because old strategy using 3 RNG didn't work. Feel l337 for finishing it before this last patch all you want, honestly I don't give a shit. :) It's Square's best interest to encourage more people to participate in Prom missions intead of discouraging them. It's only the first mission after all.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Tabris said:
Then why didn't you do the single party before? That's my point.

People are too weaksauce in this game. Don't like a challenge.

Yeah, I hate challenges. Tiamat, Jourgie, Dynamis-Xarcabard, My Relic Knuckles... I fuckin HATE challanges...


Rawk Hawk: There's still plenty of low level people because of the european release as well as other high level players picking up other jobs to play.
I guess im nearing being a high level as Im catching all the drama that goes on there...wtf. When do I start sneering at lowbies and talk shit about other people my job? :lol

I love the new quests or not so new moblin ones too.
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