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NeoGAF FFXI FAQ/Starter topic Redux


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Yeah, I just went there and teamed up for a couple hours. Lots of people there.

Sword skill and evasion went up like 5 levels. That determines accuracy right?

Only got about 700 exp though.


Yeah, unfortunately, Valkurm may not necessarily improve your view of the game. I mean, there are other bad areas in the game later on, but since they're higher level, at least you're dealing with *experienced* idiots. Valkurm is n00b city and while there are some competent people there, its rare to find a completely rational party. You're always going to have an idiot or two, but once again, its nothing to hate FFXI for. There are dumbasses in every online game...


Worships the porcelain goddess
Welp, server downtime. Time to research and do some other stuff =) Been working woodworking since last night and went from 16 to 31 before server went down. Need 73, Woot. lol

Looking up all the different crafts, I definitely want to start using mules to specialize in the different crafts. I didn't realize all those Dark/Light/etc Staffs were Woodworking (while the Beads to make the staffs are Goldsmithing.

Interesting how they all tie into each other.


Just get to 15 and skip Valkurm altogether and go kill worms in a party at Korroloka Tunnel. You'll be 20 in no time.


lacks enthusiasm.
Just got to 15 with my thf...soloed 1-12, powerleveled 13 and 14, and soloed 15 on easy preys only in La Theine. It was a bitch, but so worth it.


Reactivated my ID last night and made my way back to Bastok. I plan to raise a little money and then tackle the Summerfest event while I still have the chance, as I'd really hate to miss out on my Yukatas.

After that I'll no doubt head back to Kazham to hit 30ish with WHM, then start tackling some of the Advanced Jobs and try to find people to grab some of my RSE with.

Good to be back. :)
XMonkey said:
powerleveled 13 and 14


Pretty awesome boxart for Chains of Promathia:



XMonkey said:
I don't see the big deal. I'm not taking THF past 15 any time soon (or ever) so I don't need to learn the ins and outs of the job for parties.

It was a bitch, but so worth it.

You're talking about how it was such a bitch, but plenty of us solo it to 15 without a powerlever. How much of a bitch can it be if someone held your hand?


lacks enthusiasm.
Sorry if I didn't feel like boring myself out of my skull for 2 levels. I guess the other 13 I soloed didn't count for anything.

Ploid 3.0

Check this story about a group of people that met in the dunes of FFXI.

"Story was originally written in Japanese. All credits given to the person who wrote this and Jomachine of Sylph who translated it."

http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Domino/6394/meetingagain.swf <<< cool site. Go after you read the story More emotional that way ; ;
First time came to Valkurm Dunes, I saw a Taru White Mage among the group of strangers.
I was a Warrior, at a time I didn't even know what SkillChain was.
Competition for Subjob item was very intense, and it was common that Ghouls at Dunes were claimed immediately once they had spawned.
Every night, we searched for the items endlessly. Without knowing too much, we had a static party settled down.
War, War, Mnk, Whm, Blm, Rdm.
And finally, we had gathered complete subjob items for all.
Already with each other for so long, we decided to level all our subjob together also.

First time went to Jeuno, twice, we had all died on the road.
I still remember clearly the sound of our cheers when we got to Jeuno after all the obstacles we went through.
In order to celebrate the moment, we sold everything we had for some money to buy a LinkShell.
The leader was assigned to the Taru White Mage who lost on the /random dice.

We had such a good time...
Hoping it could always stay that way, never changed...

But. When was this starting to change? Maybe it's when the Taru White Mage learned the Teleport magic.
Gradually, everyone drifted away.
Taru White Mage was the reason.
Always quiet and calm, she started to avoid daily repetitive, killing, mad leveling partying.
To those members who wanted to get strong, powerful, high-level faster, she began to have troubles to get along with them.
The level difference was too wide.
One day, she suddenly told us her decision....
"I am so sorry. I have no use to everyone anymore. Please find another White Mage...."
Actually before she even made her announcement, our members already started to fall apart.
Secretly competing with each other by outleveling, again and again.
Now as I recall, I still don't understand why I was so desperate to level.
Maybe, it's because of the burning desire to persuade greater power, I think.
Two people left the LS, and later on I joined other LS.



At last, I maxed my warrior in levels. It was still quite some time before the release of Rise of Zilart expansion.
Having completed my initial goal, I started leveling THF in order to make more money.
As soon as the Rise of Zilart has released, my THF already reached lvl 58.
Thinking to explore the new zones and considering THF had the ability to flee from dangerous situation, I decided to go as THF.

Coming back to hometown Bastok, went through the Korroloka Tunnel, I arrived at Altepa Desert.
No map. No direction. I had no idea what to expect.
I just wondered around and see what would happen.
Suddenly, I saw the Telepoint-Altepa.
At the sametime, there is something next to it.

Yes, it's the long forgotten Taru White Mage.
She was in complete AF, sitting there alone quietly.
Next to her name, is a very familiar LS color.
Not possible.... there are too many LS with similar colors.
But somehow, my intuition told me it's the one we had long ago.
She saw me, and smiled.
Then, used /tell and said.....

"Haven't seen you in a long time. You look good ^^"

Maybe she found the awkwardness in the air, she did a /cry emote.

"I was so sorry that time, I wished I could apologize to everyone. One day, if we meet again. But I need to tell you something. "

Bathing in the purple light from Telepoint-Crystal, she started to tell her story slowly.
What happen after that. What she was thinking that time.

She, was an "adventurer" to the land of Vana'Diel, she said.
Of course, samething to me, I thought.
But the way she understood about adventure seemed to be different than mine.

"It was really fun when we were at Dunes. In a world we had no sense of where to go, we found our path together."
"But ever since we came to Jeuno, we were doing samething over and over again everyday. We didn't have any spare time."
"After I learned the Teleport magic, I always thought we could go someplace interesting as one. But everyone was only into leveling......"

"I, I just want to hang around in this world. I know, maybe at somewhere, there must be a great scenery I have yet to see. If we could all share that moment, would be so wonderful. At least, that's what I thought."
"Remember the first time we saw the rainbow at LaTheine Plateau? I still remembered how excited we were, never forgot. I wished we could all did this once again, just like the old times..."

At this point, I am shocked...

Indeed, first time went to Jeuno, it was very excited. But after that, everytime I saw new zones, did I still have the same feeling?
Even if I arrived at a new place, it's just another hunting place to me.
Those Momument Stones detailed the story of each zone, to me, is just another cumbersome obstacle to obtain map of the Crawler's Nest.
Since when, I have lost the enthusiasm to adventure?

The original LS we created, BLM was the one insisted would stay untill the end.
But now, she is the only one left, alone by herslef.
Even though, she said she still wanted to keep it equipped.

"Because, this is a special LS"
"Although there were many invites to other LS, but I all politely rejected them. One day if someone come back, I can say welcome home to him."

I felt ashamed. Until now, I never even thought of her once, already forgot about her in memory. Not to mention other members. I even dropped the Link Pearl long ago.

"Walking around in this world by myself. Everytime I saw something new, I always typed in what I discovered in LS chat, even though it ended up talking to myself only. w"

"I discovered many many stories. Like the history of Davoi, Magic Towers at Beaucedine Glacier and Sarutabaruta......"
The Taru White Mage kept talking to me the stories that perhaps no one would even pay attention to until now.
In the chat window, red texts of her /tells started to fill up slowly.
At the sametime, I felt I was very envied of her.
Her expression was so real and whole-hearted.
I already lost the sense of adventure, but she still kept it in her heart.

Nervously, I asked her.
If it's alright, could you once again, give me a Link Pearl? I asked.
Next time if you go travel around, please take me with you.
I know it is a very shameful, selfish request.

She smiled, and request to Trade.

It's a pearl with the most memorable color. I equipped it right away.
In the chat window, a green line of text slowly flowed in.

"Welcome back. And welcome to the adventure world of Vana'Diel"


Great read Ploid, thanks for posting that here. :)
XMonkey said:
I don't see the big deal. I'm not taking THF past 15 any time soon (or ever) so I don't need to learn the ins and outs of the job for parties.
Who mentioned anything about not learning the class? And why would I care whether you play the class past 15 or not?

Seriously, you're missing the whole point here: powerleveling is cheating. You can try to rationalize it however much you like, but it doesn't change that fact. You're cheating, doing something against the Terms of Service, and just because you "don't see the big deal" doesn't mean it isn't one.

And to make matters worse, you're bitching about the difficult time you had doing so, when you clicked attack and had someone else do the work for you. Is it hard for you to target a mob and click a button?

Give me a break.
Rorschach said:
How much of a bitch can it be if someone held your hand?
B..bu..but soloing is so hard. :(

And I'm totally disappointed in you for this. ;)
XMonkey said:
Sorry if I didn't feel like boring myself out of my skull for 2 levels. I guess the other 13 I soloed didn't count for anything.
Wait, boring yourself out of your skull? Why would you want to keep playing a game that is boring you? Does powerleveling somehow eliminate this so-called "boredom" you're experiencing?

Please, enlighten me.

And no, just because you solo'd 13 levels doesn't make the ones you cheated your way through disappear. In fact, a lot of people solo their melee classes into the mid-teens. Why? Because it's easy and quick as hell.

Levels 1-10 is a couple hours of play if you know what you're doing. 10-12 can be tackled with ease taking on crabs near Dangruf Wadi, netting you 25~ exp a mob, and you'll be killing them so quickly you'll outpace the average 10-12 party in Valk. Then you just hit up a party or head to another zone for the next 3 levels. What's the problem? These levels are cake.

Seriously, I fail to see what "was a bitch" in this situation. Perhaps I'm missing something?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Ok, I'm lvl 17, and I'm trying to raise some gil in Bastrok. The best thing I know is to just kill quadavs in palborough mines and sell fetich and gems at auction.

There must be a better way.


Not really. Unless you happen to get a nice drop from an NM or go hunting for beehive chips in gustaberg. :) Farming is a pain in the ass, but its like a lot of other things in MMORPGs...they're only as frustrating as you let them be. Yeah, people complain a lot, myself included, but we keep chugging on, because the end result is usually worth it.


lacks enthusiasm.
Yes, playing thf pre-15 is boring. Playing PLD (my main job right now) is not...you can't make the connection that I think the whole game is boring just because I found getting thf to 15 boring...I won't even start on comparing the different experiences I had soloing my war and pld through the beginning levels and beginning teens with my thf experience.

Forget I ever said anything if you're going to take this so personally. Damn.


By the way, since you're on all on Fairy.

I'm going to give you this tip of advice. If you need to buy any of the low level NM items (leaping boots, emp hairpin, etc), hold off on it for a month or two.

or if you plan to sell them, sell them now.

They're going to drop in price quite a bit with the European release.

Ploid 3.0

The prices on leaping boots and emp pin has gone up recently. Archer rings too. I'm not going to sell my gear anytime soon but if I was I still wouldn't think the price will go down. More people makes the chances of getting those items even slim. That's what I'm thinking at least.

Emp pin = 400k was around 312k

Archer rings = 430k was around 330k

The GAF LS basically farm archer rings now lol. Sorry bookey, but the price increases are sweet.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
That story was good, and makes me nervous whether or not I should start FFXI up anymore. Too much time has gone by, perhaps.

Ploid 3.0

I know this is old news to, well just about everyone in the LS but it was awesomness to me. I was helping someone in the newbie LS (Konex from GA LS for new PS2 users) get his PLD AF1, and I saw my friend in behemoth realm. He dosen't do anything but fight NM's and stroper now so I asked have it spawned yet lol. I camped behemoth's realm many times with the newbie LS, and we never seen it spawn. So I let them know it was about to spawn (Only a few was online). So we made sure we took pictures, and well, here they are.

Pictures from my POV:





The PLD's POV:





Lonestar said:
That story was good, and makes me nervous whether or not I should start FFXI up anymore. Too much time has gone by, perhaps.

Once you finished 5-2, the story really starts to pick up with the ZM.


Just to let you guys know i got some semi confirmation about being able to Download COP if you own both versions of FFXI (us). I own both so i was wondering if i would have to spend the 60 bucks for both. Well it seems that at least from two Tech's that they will have it pre-loaded on some of the servers so that you can download areas as you go, which is kind of nice. I dont use my PC all the time to play FFXI anymore as i didnt own a PS2 till the end of June. So i've been on PS2 more. But this is deffinatly a nice gesture if true.

I have a question do any of you know any members of the beta parties that are being formed to go on the test server? Its not a open beta or nothing, but i know of two people thus far in Sylph that got invitation to a event starting on the 26th of this month. I'll try to work them for more details. Sounds interesting.


I think I'm going to reactivate my content ID this weekend, since everything will be deleted at the end of this month and maybe I'll find some time to play soon, so I'd prefer to not have to start completely over.

Anyway, rather than jump back into the level grind, I think I'm going to do some crafting, etc. which I never really did when I played before. Is there a good FAQ on how to do this? I see FAQ's on gamefaqs for recipes and stuff, but nothing really on how to go about actually building it up and doing stuff and actually doing it, the whole crafting business just seems to have flown over my head. I did fish a little though - very little :)


teiresias said:
I think I'm going to reactivate my content ID this weekend, since everything will be deleted at the end of this month and maybe I'll find some time to play soon, so I'd prefer to not have to start completely over.

Anyway, rather than jump back into the level grind, I think I'm going to do some crafting, etc. which I never really did when I played before. Is there a good FAQ on how to do this? I see FAQ's on gamefaqs for recipes and stuff, but nothing really on how to go about actually building it up and doing stuff and actually doing it, the whole crafting business just seems to have flown over my head. I did fish a little though - very little :)

If you sign up for the Stars of Destiny board, you can find pretty much all of that info. I'll probably just end up fixing up the links a lot (maybe put up a page).


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I'm sticking with the game. I was thinking about stopping, but I think I'll play for a while.

What really annoys me is the monthly fee. After paying $50 for the software, you've got to pay $13 a month, which is beyond ridiculous. Square Enix reported breaking even with development fees just after the Japanese release.

They're making an insane amount of profit off it. In an evil way.

Ploid 3.0

SpiderJerusalem said:
Were you guys fighting that Ploid? Damn hurricane knocked me off the internet for most of the week so I missed hearing about that.

No, I just went there to watch "The show". My friend was in the LS that beat it (75whm). He lost the 3 way lot for the shinning cloth (5,000,000G), Do'h!! lol


I've been signed up on the Stars of Destiny boards for a while - shortly after it started in any case. Never posted there, and I've forgotten the URL by this time - mind giving it to me?

That also reminds me, when you restart a cancelled Content ID does your character have all the items he had when you cancelled? Basically wondering if I need to arrange to get back into the linkshell again or if I'll still have it when I log back on.


All your items will still be intact. One thing though, I believe it doesn't matter which day of the month you reactivate it, you'll be charged for full month. Kind of screwed up that their system doesn't handle partial month but that's what I heard.


That makes no sense, considering they were able to prorate the monthly charge when I first started the Content ID and I wasn't charged the full month.


teh_pwn said:
I'm sticking with the game. I was thinking about stopping, but I think I'll play for a while.

What really annoys me is the monthly fee. After paying $50 for the software, you've got to pay $13 a month, which is beyond ridiculous. Square Enix reported breaking even with development fees just after the Japanese release.

They're making an insane amount of profit off it. In an evil way.

Development fees, maybe. But server costs and GMs and development of expansions and patches and another new content, no. Yes, they are making a pretty sizeable profit off the game, but there's still a lot to pay for. That's why MMORPGs tend to have a monthly cost. :)
SpiderJerusalem said:
Ha, I made it to the end of 5-2 last night....We all died.

But wow, that was cool.

Funny story about 5-2. I went with a party to kill SL and after hours we finally get there. We blew through the first form of SL then as he was changing I got a norton pop-up and was disconnected(stupid non-windowed FF shit screws me so often). Anyway, I log back in just to see everyone dead except the tank who's still fighting him. The party leader is dead so obviously he can't reinvite me. So instead the tank calls for help and I meditate->penta thrust and off SL. It worked out though because we all still got the cutscene and rank 6. Still hilarious though to log on and see my whole party dead.


Wow....there's a ton of stuff in this game:) Just picked it up, hah. Started a Hume Warrior on Shiva. So far, I've only got my ass TOTALLY stomped by some Cube thingy and a Ding Bats that was a lot stronger than the other ones I killed. Jet Stream for 22 was a shocker haha.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"But server costs and GMs and development of expansions and patches and another new content, no."

Fire GMs. I haven't seen any and don't need any.

Development of expansions cost money. But don't you have to pay for the expansion? What do they run at?

All PC games have patches and they don't cost frekin $50 to buy.


If there were no GMs, I'd still be stuck in wind waters. Also, there's a difference between simple patches and server maintenance.
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