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NeoGAF Mafia |OT6| The Conversation is to Die for (Signups are now OPEN)

Posting Wall of Shame:
Sorian		3762
[B]LaunchpadMcQ	2385[/B]
Blargonaut	2353 (former 2nd)
cabot		2348
*Splinter	2061
CornBurrito	1639
CzarTim		1632
squidyj		1605
Palmer_v1	1557
Xamtheking	1555



How did he lose? He just resurrected :p

The role didn't resurrect. A new player would take over the role as a new ghostbuster. But since there was no one available, kitty just got put back in. But at that point he was a "new" player so to speak and he did actually full on lost once :)

Updated, even though it's cheap as hell :p

Sorian said he would be annoyed if it counted. I think that is enough reason in itself to count it!


GAFia Data has been updated through Season 5.5!


Posting Wall of Shame:
Sorian		3762
LaunchpadMcQ	2385
Blargonaut	2353
cabot		2348
*Splinter	2061
CornBurrito	1639
CzarTim		1632
squidyj		1605
Palmer_v1	1557
Xamtheking	1555

Holy shit it's been a while since I last played. My last official game was Heist back in December. :(

volcano should be acknowledged so i can up my win rate.

I second this motion. I need that 50% win rate, not this paltry 40%.


I disagree. VI was a game for funsies. No stattrack.

VI was a very serious game Coppa. You never joke about Spirit Animals!

I'm not doing stats for VI. How can you do it when there really weren't any winners

I feel like we all won something during that game, good and bad.

Some happy memories and then piles of PTSD and volcano-based nightmares

Yet you have stats for Harry potter and WWE ;)

I'm looking at the Google doc and "technically" I was in Harry Potter, I just got removed because I saw stuff I wasn't supposed to see...

Anyways: still working on Big Brother USA/CAN Mafia. im not really sure how far I need to take the setup before I can request a peer review. There are a couple of quirks that I want to make sure that they make sense before I actually try and make it eligible as a mid season game (the voting structure likely makes it too complex for anything else).

Edit: a little background. The games needs between 14 and 18 people to play. "Weeks" (the typical day cycle) are very quick, the emphasis is on votes, being nice while voting everyone out, and "thunderdoming". I have been batting the concept around for the past year and trying to make the concept work and I think I solved the problem. But that's why i need someone to review some of my work.


I'm looking at the Google doc and "technically" I was in Harry Potter, I just got removed because I saw stuff I wasn't supposed to see...

So I debated this a bunch when I first made the sheet, and I have it so that if you are replaced, the replacement gets the credit. It's a little unfair for someone to drop out and get to claim a win (although things like your scenario are a bit fuzzy).


VI was a very serious game Coppa. You never joke about Spirit Animals!

I feel like we all won something during that game, good and bad.

Some happy memories and then piles of PTSD and volcano-based nightmares


VI was all about fun and #SwitcherOrgy, it was SERIOUS fun.


So I debated this a bunch when I first made the sheet, and I have it so that if you are replaced, the replacement gets the credit. It's a little unfair for someone to drop out and get to claim a win (although things like your scenario are a bit fuzzy).

Zipped was an honorable scum in that game since he did the right thing!

Which means he lost. But also that he is an honorable member of the goat! But still lost.
So I debated this a bunch when I first made the sheet, and I have it so that if you are replaced, the replacement gets the credit. It's a little unfair for someone to drop out and get to claim a win (although things like your scenario are a bit fuzzy).

Completely fair, I just wanted to leave a note. It's really good work
i have an alternative stats in which replacements are still given credits for participation and volcano island and avalon are counted

i can say it reduced palmer's win rate to 56%



i love ouro's work though :> is so purrrrrrrrdy <3


Don't forget the Ghost thread and Roy the Messenger! I heard they all had a ton of fun too. :p

I am still overworked from that. "Roy, can you tell them this" "Roy, don't forget to mention that" "Roy, why haven't you told them this yet? " "Roy, can you explain to them these things? " "Roy" "Roy" "Roy" "Roy"



It was like a job :(
Hi murderers !

Just a heads up. I've designed a small questionnaire to capture this season's results... to take a temperature of how we're doing as a community and all that.

Danny Phantom participants will soon get a PM to the link for the survey since the game has now wrapped up.

It's not mandatory but if you have some time and inclination, it'd be great if you can tell us your opinions. Bar and Bloodborne players will get their PMs once their games are completed.


I'm preparing the review thread. If you want any topic to be highlighted or talked about, PM me so I can include your issue with the OPENING POST.

I'm kinda interested. Tell me more?

The premise of the game is quick days, voting goes all the way to the end, and everyday is thunder dome.

Voting follows big brother USA format, HoH nominates two other players for eviction, the house votes to kick one of those players, player that stays becomes the new HoH. Talking about nominations is encouraged, votes can go to majority but only "stick" when time runs out (so last minute "flips" can occur)

There are a couple of other twists (it would not be big brother without twists) but I don't want to spoil them unless you want to collaborate.


A life is such a terrible thing to waste.

And yet some would say that's just what MattyG had done. His only regret was not asking that one girl out that one time and just asking Dating Gaf instead.

Unfortunately he died the way he lived, unsure and mostly disappointed.

This is my favorite death flavor ever. Good job, Kawl.

Dead thread access?
grats BAR participants and moderators :>

now that only one main game is running, we're almost at the review thread stage. i've prepared it and it's ready to post as soon as bloodborne wraps up

if any of you have any particular topic that you'd like to be highlighted for discussion, PM me, so i can include it in the opening post



Okay, so Bar and Danny Phantom are now finished! Congratulations to the scum teams on both games! Will Bloodborne complete the Scum Shutout? I guess we will see.

But I want to take a minute to kind of take the pulse of the community. We had a lot of problems with dropouts, replacements, and inactivity this season. I attribute these to Mafia Burnout, and I claim responsibility. I thought we needed a longer break between S5 and S6, but people were excited, so I pushed forward.

We're not doing that this time. Once Bloodborne is over, we'll be taking at least a one week break before starting any of the Season 6.5 games. The first game on the slate is The Price is Right, hosted by Miss Sophia. I'm actually really excited about seeing how this game runs. It's an unusual and exciting setup.

From there, we have other exciting 6.5 games getting ready to run. Sorian is putting the finishing touches on Overwatch Mafia. Burbeting is getting ready to run Pokemon Mafia. And a host of other games are being prepared, including a game by Karkador. Which of these will run? Wait and see!

And that's not all, our Event Game to close Season 6 will be Diablo Mafia, hosted by the master of mayhem, Blargonaut!

But now I'd like to hear from you guys. How are you doing? Are you ready to play another game? Is a week off enough of a break, or do you need longer? The current plan is for the 6.5 be rolled out more slowly than usual, so if you need longer, you can wait for one of the other games as well. But I want to hear from you - how would you like this mid-season to run?
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