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NeoGAF Mafia |OT6| The Conversation is to Die for (Signups are now OPEN)


Definitely think we should do a slower roll out during season 6.5. I still wake up at night from season 5.5 and how all games ran around the same time leading to me running around looking beneath rocks for every replacement i could find.


I'm probably gonna sit out till main season 7. That's 90% for personal reasons like having a bunch of trips really soon, but my heart also wasn't exactly in it for this game either, despite the new scenario of being scum, so a break will likely do me good.
4 midseason games after a drop-off in activity?

I didn't mind my brief time in Bar as a replacement. Got me interested in mafia again. I'd be up for a midseason game.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Okay, so Bar and Danny Phantom are now finished! Congratulations to the scum teams on both games! Will Bloodborne complete the Scum Shutout? I guess we will see.

But I want to take a minute to kind of take the pulse of the community. We had a lot of problems with dropouts, replacements, and inactivity this season. I attribute these to Mafia Burnout, and I claim responsibility. I thought we needed a longer break between S5 and S6, but people were excited, so I pushed forward.

We're not doing that this time. Once Bloodborne is over, we'll be taking at least a one week break before starting any of the Season 6.5 games. The first game on the slate is The Price is Right, hosted by Miss Sophia. I'm actually really excited about seeing how this game runs. It's an unusual and exciting setup.

From there, we have other exciting 6.5 games getting ready to run. Sorian is putting the finishing touches on Overwatch Mafia. Burbeting is getting ready to run Pokemon Mafia. And a host of other games are being prepared, including a game by Karkador. Which of these will run? Wait and see!

And that's not all, our Event Game to close Season 6 will be Diablo Mafia, hosted by the master of mayhem, Blargonaut!

But now I'd like to hear from you guys. How are you doing? Are you ready to play another game? Is a week off enough of a break, or do you need longer? The current plan is for the 6.5 be rolled out more slowly than usual, so if you need longer, you can wait for one of the other games as well. But I want to hear from you - how would you like this mid-season to run?

I think we should take it nice and easy. Don't release too fast, and players shouldn't stress over the game. I'm hoping to play in at least one mid season game if possible but that is for later.
I'm interested in the mid seasons, but I'll likely just leave myself as a potential replacement. I've got a third child coming in August. That's part of the reason I'm trying to prep Big Brother USA/CAN Mafia for 7.5 (I'm convinced it won't work as a main season, unless told otherwise).

Karkador, still interested in seeing behind the curtain for BB Mafia?


Think I might be sitting out of initial signups for the halfseason, but I'm planning on remaining unspoiled so I can be a replacement if there's a lack of them.
Woooooooo hello again folks, I feel like I can post in here now

Anyway, wow, Mafia is pretty fun you guys! I'm going to have to sit out for a bit though


The idea is for those 4 to run one at a time unless there is huge demand for some reason, just as an fyi. We aren't doing 5.5 again where we basically had another season in between 5 and 6. Season 7 is a ways away for a few reasons, lack of games, lack of interest from the usual 70ish people required, etc.

Edit: For anyone keeping up with my championship by the way. Current update. The final qualifier game (the wildcard) finished a day or two ago. Voting for who will advance is done and results are going to be posted later today last I checked, that will fill out the final game roster so a date for the game start should follow soon.


Role: The Steam gifter.

Once per night, you can give out 1 copy of Bad Rats to ANY Gaffer. This Gaffer must then accept it and join the Mafia game, regardless of if they want to or not.

Winners of Bad Rats Mafia receive a free copy of the game! Losers also receive a consolation prize: a copy of Bad Rats! Fun for everyone!

But now I'd like to hear from you guys. How are you doing? Are you ready to play another game? Is a week off enough of a break, or do you need longer? The current plan is for the 6.5 be rolled out more slowly than usual, so if you need longer, you can wait for one of the other games as well. But I want to hear from you - how would you like this mid-season to run?


I'm not excited to play or anything. >.>;

Just my two cents, but judging from the way people have been this Season having 4 mid-season games ( possibly 5 with the Blarg game ) might be a little too much? Unless they are spaced out in such a way there is little overlap, finding enough people to play might be an issue and not to mention the need for possible replacements. Maybe have only 2 or 3 games and just have a bunch of ONUW and Live Mafia instead?


I for one am looking forward to the mid-season. The main season ended up being really short for me, after all, so I've had a long break away from the game.


Anyone interested in looking over my mafia game "Quarantine?"

I want to submit it for either season 7 or 7.5.

I've actually been watching your forum (well maybe a month or so ago) from when you were adding details in each post. I'll give you a more detailed analysis later (probably this weekend) if you remind me.


4 midseason games after a drop-off in activity?

I didn't mind my brief time in Bar as a replacement. Got me interested in mafia again. I'd be up for a midseason game.

Probably not all of them will run, and they definitely won't all be running at once. I lean toward something like only having two games running at a time, and starting the second game once the current game is on day 4-6

Spaaaaacing it ooooouuuut.


Edit: For anyone keeping up with my championship by the way. Current update. The final qualifier game (the wildcard) finished a day or two ago. Voting for who will advance is done and results are going to be posted later today last I checked, that will fill out the final game roster so a date for the game start should follow soon.

Oh good! I was looking for a new novel to read, it'll be fun to read it chapter by chapter.

Go kick some ass again for all of us.


Two games I really want to see eventually is either a) a reunion of the OG Mafia crew or b) all the moderators.

A reunion game could be cool. A good number of people from season 1 are still around so we probably have enough for a game.


Two games I really want to see eventually is either a) a reunion of the OG Mafia crew or b) all the moderators.

Those games should probably be planned pretty carefully since only a very limited amount of players could join. Also, how many of us are moderators now? Like a bunch.


Those games should probably be planned pretty carefully since only a very limited amount of players could join. Also, how many of us are moderators now? Like a bunch.

Modchat: Stay a while. Stay forever.

From memory, these are the people who are or have been Gafia Mods:
Crab, Karkador, MattyG, Ourobolus, LaunchpadMcQ, Zatoth/Traube, RetroMG, SalvaPot, Nin1000, Palmer_v1, Hyperactivity, CzarTim, ScraftyDevil, YesNOnoNOYes, Burbeting, *Splinter, Sorian, Roytheone, Royal_Flush, Kawl, cabot, and Terrabyte20xx
(I think that's everyone. If I missed someone, I'm sorry, and let me know.)

Upcoming new mods: Sophia and Blargonaut.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Shahrazad mafia

Everyone has powers. At the start of the Night phase, everyone joins an ONUW game and has 24 hours to cast a vote to try to find Werewolf. If they're on the winning team, they get to activate their powers. If not, they pass the night without doing anything.
As I said, I may need a break. If we have games that do something interesting with mechanics I might join, tough. (Oh, and maybe Pokemon because it's a cool theme)

Ouro did a rough count and I think he found... 18? At least.

20! Retro got it right!

I'm kind of disappointed you out of all people missed the missing name...

I don't understand. Aren't .5 games supposed to happen while the main games do?
That was a long time ago. Now it's more so people can have a recovery phase while others can play slightly more crazy games.
Two games I really want to see eventually is either a) a reunion of the OG Mafia crew or b) all the moderators.

Modchat: Stay a while. Stay forever.

From memory, these are the people who are or have been Gafia Mods:
Crab, Karkador, MattyG, Ourobolus, LaunchpadMcQ, Zatoth/Traube, RetroMG, SalvaPot, Nin1000, Palmer_v1, Hyperactivity, CzarTim, ScraftyDevil, YesNOnoNOYes, Burbeting, *Splinter, Sorian, Roytheone, Kawl, cabot, and Terrabyte20xx
(I think that's everyone. If I missed someone, I'm sorry, and let me know.)

Upcoming new mods: Sophia and Blargonaut.

bwahaha I'm technically in this group, thanks launch

I get the village idiot role here, right? Nin and salva are twin neutral survivor switchers with impossible win conditions. Ourobolus is a 3rd doctor. Zatoth speaks in haikus.

I'll come up with the rest later



I'm so tired of this stupid "hush hush" we're not allowed to breathe a word about active games shit. Main thread was fun when days would end and everyone went here to react
I'm down with people having fun in here especially right after some crazy day end shenanigans. The difference here is that was a currently active day in lylo and the fact he had just been reprimanded for being over bearing in the game thread itself.

So no, I stand by my post.
Speaking of that whole thing, I probably did a pretty dirty move back in FF mafia. In steam group chat, no other players from the game, I complained about the proceedings despite being a dirty liar and scum

Iirc cabot was there.

XD, doing stuff like that is fun


I'm down with people having fun in here especially right after some crazy day end shenanigans. The difference here is that was a currently active day in lylo and the fact he had just been reprimanded for being over bearing in the game thread itself.

So no, I stand by my post.

Yeah, you have to understand that tensions were running a little bit high.
I'm down with people having fun in here especially right after some crazy day end shenanigans. The difference here is that was a currently active day in lylo and the fact he had just been reprimanded for being over bearing in the game thread itself.

So no, I stand by my post.

Yeah, I guess that specific gif probably wasn't the most apt

Yeah, you have to understand that tensions were running a little bit high.

More generic stuff regarding the situation would still be fine, that's what I thought nin's post was there at first glance.

People don't even comment on a game being tense or anything anymore. And it's not just the main thread being inactive, because it's not even discussed on discord ever or anything


Yeah, I guess that specific gif probably wasn't the most apt

More generic stuff regarding the situation would still be fine, that's what I thought nin's post was there at first glance.

People don't even comment on a game being tense or anything anymore. And it's not just the main thread being inactive, because it's not even discussed on discord ever or anything



Bloodborne has ended in a victory for the Town of Yharnam!

Threads on Outer Gafia are now open for Bloodborne, and I will be opening the S6 Spec thread shortly.

I do want to repost this message from the Bloodborne thread, though.

I will be opening the threads shortly, however, before I do, I want to address the gender issue that occurred during this game. Weemadarthur was misgendered several times, and that is something that is very offensive to them. This eventually led to them leaving the game, and possibly the community.

In the scum chat, you will see some of Weemad's concerns being addressed. I ask that you consider their feelings, and be sensitive as you approach this issue. It is my personal goal that Gafia remains an inclusive community. I also sincerely hope that we can take this circumstance as a lesson as we move forward. There will be more clearly defined rules going forward about pronouns, but that is a discussion for the review thread.
Speaking of OG Mafia crew. Did Lord of Castamere ever come back?


aww..., that makes me sad. We need a gigantic list of all the posters who have ever been in a game or signed up for one (or expressed interest) for our next sign up thread, I sometimes worry that its a case of a player being forgotten or something



aww..., that makes me sad. We need a gigantic list of all the posters who have ever been in a game or signed up for one (or expressed interest) for our next sign up thread, I sometimes worry that its a case of a player being forgotten or something

We have one. We typically contact a bunch of them at the beginning of each season. It's usually Ynnny and/or Sorian who are in charge of that.

We don't know what happened to Castamere. There are theories and rumors, but I'm pretty sure he's not on GAF anymore, and I'm pretty sure there's a reason for that. I just don't know what the reason is.

Unrelated, but it's nice to be Alton again. I was going to do a Dad76 avatar, but I think I'll keep Alton around, at least until Overwatch Mafia starts.


On the topic of Bloodborne Moderation, I'll just throw out how essential communication is. Unfortunately both Scrafty and I both got incredibly busy with our own stuff right after Bloodborne really got going. (Me with school and baby prep, her with work) I think there were a few times where we thought the other had something handled when they actually needed help.

I apologize to the Bloodborne players for any and all issues in the modding. We did our best.
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