Sign me up for mini.
And give me that spec thread if you'd be so kind.
got u fam~
Sign me up for mini.
And give me that spec thread if you'd be so kind.
Is it possible to watch Mafia Arnold or no?
Anyone is free to listen/watch the events unfold on Discord, where the game will be held.
Anyone is free to listen/watch the events unfold on Discord, where the game will be held.
I'll miss the few hours since I'm flying home from Georgia. Feel free to lynch me, you bastards.How does 5 pm CDT tomorrow sound for everyone for start and end time? That would mean game starts in
Checked, but seems like it would hit 3 - 6 pm for NA and 10 - 11 pm for Europe.
If there are any major concerns, please bring them up
I'll miss the few hours since I'm flying home from Georgia. Feel free to lynch me, you bastards.
kowtowing to ouro. this game is already a disaster.
Who wants to help make Pokémon mafia even more magical by making it a banner (because I have no skills in that department ).
Also, Ash is a jobber. God damn it Ash.
Who wants to help make Pokémon mafia even more magical by making it a banner (because I have no skills in that department ).
Also, Ash is a jobber. God damn it Ash.
I'm considering using this as my avatar during the game, but it ain't no banner .
Hey Blarg, what's the pre-order process like if I want you to do the banner treatment for Overwatch too?
Anyone interested in seeing someone getting his first experience as a mod?
He won't let us down, the game started! We are playing Super Mini Mafia 1.1 at OG
2nd thank you very much
I'm entering a MUCH more exclusive club with this game, I'm one of the relatively few mods that has run multiple games now
get on my level
What was your first game?
pleasemy games are perfectly balanced though
and I'm actually a likable mod
not if i have anything to do with this game
Hyperactivity said:
Who wants to help make Pokémon mafia even more magical by making it a banner (because I have no skills in that department ).
Also, Ash is a jobber. God damn it Ash.
Don't use this.
^The fact I'm included makes me feel so official. Gafia is best community.
Who wants to help make Pokémon mafia even more magical by making it a banner (because I have no skills in that department ).
Also, Ash is a jobber. God damn it Ash.
Who wants to help make Pokémon mafia even more magical by making it a banner (because I have no skills in that department ).
Also, Ash is a jobber. God damn it Ash.
fuckin' art.It's not a bad attempt per se, but I'm sorry to say that I think my piece, of them all, truly encapsulates the essence of what Pokémon is, once was and will be, especially in regards to the Mafia theme commissioned by Burbeting. The 'cutesy portable animal' aspect of the franchise is but a mere surface trifle of what its visual design represents; in the execution of capturing multilayered meaning upon request, one has to look beyond what the creator(s) only intended as a serial 'hook', and instead via a learned development of stylistic character, integrate all underlying references towards a graphical culmination that seethes not only practical informative purpose, but rueful commentary on the nature of fiction as entertainment.
hmmmmm.. theres something about those pokemon that I just cant put my finger on.
It's not a bad attempt per se, but I'm sorry to say that I think my piece, of them all, truly encapsulates the essence of what Pokémon is, once was and will be, especially in regards to the Mafia theme commissioned by Burbeting. The 'cutesy portable animal' aspect of the franchise is but a mere surface trifle of what its visual design represents; in the execution of capturing multilayered meaning upon request, one has to look beyond what the creator(s) only intended as a serial 'hook', and instead via a learned development of stylistic character, integrate all underlying references towards a graphical culmination that seethes not only practical informative purpose, but rueful commentary on the nature of fiction as entertainment.
It's not a bad attempt per se, but I'm sorry to say that I think my piece, of them all, truly encapsulates the essence of what Pokémon is, once was and will be, especially in regards to the Mafia theme commissioned by Burbeting. The 'cutesy portable animal' aspect of the franchise is but a mere surface trifle of what its visual design represents; in the execution of capturing multilayered meaning upon request, one has to look beyond what the creator(s) only intended as a serial 'hook', and instead via a learned development of stylistic character, integrate all underlying references towards a graphical culmination that seethes not only practical informative purpose, but rueful commentary on the nature of fiction as entertainment.
Yeah not enough grass types.
Yeah not enough grass types.