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NeoGAF Mafia |OT7| Make friends, then kill them (SIGNUPS OPEN, NEW PLAYERS WELCOME)


totally unrelated to the election, but I have to step back from participating in this new season of mafia for now.

awww kitty

(i understand)

should we put you as a replacement, or are you sitting out altogether?

on another note, vanguard, we will now try to accommodate you into persona. a player who has nominated second preference for Pop will be asked if they would mind switching over from Persona. i'll update the roster accordingly once changes are confirmed.

totally unrelated to the election, but I have to step back from participating in this new season of mafia for now.

): You were one of the familiar faces.

We could have had a Deatheater Revival, and even killed Sawneeks again. Even though you were kinda only there in spirit, but still.


After recent developments, I have a proposition :

In this season, we will remove the ability to VOTE from all American players because CLEARLY they can't be trusted with it.

Everyone that is in favor, please say "fuck Trump".


At least in this my vote might actually count for something instead of being overruled by stupidity.

Who am I kidding that's exactly what'll happen here too isn't it?


/in [m] - batsnacks - EST for vampire if possible or replace

no pop?

you traitor.

At least in this my vote might actually count for something instead of being overruled by stupidity.

Who am I kidding that's exactly what'll happen here too isn't it?

I'm kinda surprised Vampire is happening. It felt like it was the least popular at first.

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to play it.


make me proud !

Slay Queen will live on, Nin. \o/

Half serious question, did I miss some memo where I am expected to spams gifs for Pop Mafia or something

Besides Sawneeks' post, I noticed a lot of gifs in the OP for the Pop Mafia game too

If you go to the PopGAF OT in community and click on just about any page you'll find a ton of gifs being used for just about anything. With this being Pop Mafia I'm keeping up with the spirit of things and channeling their gif-energy. And also borrowing from their massive collection of gifs.

I probably won't actually post a million gifs during the game. :x

i'll sit out for now.

hope you come back soon kittymort. :'c



As we near the beginning of the season, I want to take a moment to talk to all players, Old and New, about Outer Gafia.

---------------------NEW PLAYERS START HERE-------------------

What is Outer Gafia?

When Crab first started NeoGAF Mafia, it became clear that certain conversations would have to be held off-site. NeoGAF is our home, but we are not able to create private threads, or lock people out of threads, so making a private and secure place for private game discussion was impossible.
The original answer was a site called QuickTopic, which allows users to make one-time use discussion threads. Unfortunately, QuickTopic was difficult to navigate, and not very robust in terms of usability. A new solution was needed.
In October of 2015, Outer Gafia went live, and the first Gafia game to be played on it was Metal Gear Solid Mafia, run by Ourobolus. Since then, Outer Gafia has hosted off-site game discussion, hosted smaller games that wouldn't work on NeoGAF, served as a place for designers to create new Mafia games, and otherwise helped the NeoGAF Mafia Community where needed.

Am I REQUIRED to sign up at Outer Gafia?

In order to play a NeoGAF Mafia game, yes, an Outer Gafia account is required. As I said before, certain chats for the game are held at Outer Gafia, including the private chat for the Mafia, or Scum Team. If you are in the game and do not have an OG account, the other players can immediately tell that you are not one of the Mafia. This gives you an unfair advantage. Therefore, we require everyone who plays to at least HAVE an Outer Gafia account.
Additionally, once you die in a Gafia game, we host a spectator chat at Outer Gafia, where all of the players gather to discuss the games and cheer on the remaining players. Many players, (myself included,) say this is the best part of the experience.

Outer Gafia is run entirely by the NeoGAF Mafia Community, and is completely safe to use.

You can sign up for an Outer Gafia account here.

How will I know if I need to go to Outer Gafia? How will I find the thread I'm supposed to post in?

If you are part of the Scum or Mafia team, you will receive a link in your Role PM to the appropriate Scum or Mafia Thread. If you have access to a thread for another reason, (For example, a Gossip Chat,) then you will also receive a link via PM.
Once you have received that PM, you will always be able to see the game threads that you have access to by logging into Outer Gafia and looking at the main page. Any game threads that you have access to will be at the top of the list.
If/when you die in game, your gamerunner will ask if you want to go to the Spectator thread, or stay out and possibly replace another player in a different game. If you choose the spectator thread, then that thread will appear when you log in to Outer Gafia.

-----------------RETURNING PLAYERS START HERE------------------

What should I do if I have access to a game thread, and my game runner hasn't told me about it? VERY IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!

1. Do not go into the thread.
3. Contact your game runner, or RetroMG IMMEDIATELY.
5. Your gamerunner or RetroMG will contact you back, and either remove the access if you were not supposed to have it, or tell you that it is OK to enter the thread.

(If I seem a little intense, it is because we have had people need to be taken out of games because they entered threads that they were not supposed to have access to.)

I am concerned that people will be able to cheat on Outer Gafia.

Here are some thoughts to put your mind at ease.

1. No one can see that you have access to any of the game threads.
2. Your posts in the game threads can only be searched or otherwise viewed by other people who have access to that thread.
3. As of Season 7, Post counts will no longer be displayed on Outer Gafia. In the past, game threads were configured so that they did not increase post counts, (and yes, this is still happening,) but now post counts will not be visible at all.

I think Outer Gafia is a little clunky or outdated.

I will always accept suggestions about how to make the site better, and I will try to accommodate whatever I can. I would like to upgrade OG to a better site, and even began working on Outer Gafia 2.0 earlier this year, but life caught up to me in the form of my newborn daughter, and the project is currently on hold.


(If I seem a little intense, it is because we have had people need to be taken out of games because they entered threads that they were not supposed to have access to.)

i was excited at the idea of becoming scum. i thought i may have been converted in the night - my role was Donald Trump after all. i knew it was possible it was a fuck up, but either i saw a scum player's name in the recently posted section (i can't remember), or i ran through the moral argument of if i would be happy playing the game if people thought i could have cheated. n i decided it was best to break contact with the other side and get replaced if it was a fuck up.

i never went back to that game for the post but i posted in the mafia thread mocking the scum players btw but retro deleted it i think - i was onto everyone except L_P, and i wasn't happy with him at all for taking the easy ride out on that day and declining to participate at the day end too. i was preparing to roast him. so that was really crushing to find out. blarg, saw, roy, fireblend ~ all in my hot seat. what a disappointment that was

El Topo

I created an OuterGafia account with the same username as this. Is that alright? Still don't know how this game will run.

Don't worry. I will guide you all as good as I can. Soon the thread for our game should be up, which will hopefully answer many questions (and if not just ask me or others).


I already created my account over there with the same username and avatar as here. Should be good to go as far as I know.


As long as you have an account over there and your name is recognizable, you're good to go. Game mods will handle everything on their side, and let you know via PM if you need to go over there for whatever reason.
To add to Retro's post: If there's any other issues with Outergafia, such as not being able to access a board which you think you should be able to, query it through a PM with the game's moderator. Don't post in here or the game thread.

Not so important if it's just the dead thread, but if you're scum you don't want to be posting publicly about not being able to access boards.

Hi everyone, so the mod team has convened and the following is when you can expect your games to start:

  • Persona - Monday, 14 November
  • Vampire the Masquerade - Tuesday, 15 November
  • Pop Mafia - Thursday, 17 November
Your gamerunners will post actual links to the game threads as well as countdown timers closer to the launch.

Additionally, roster will be locked in later today so if there's any needs for swapping, now's the time. I will publish the final roster once the time is up in the thread.

After that, we will arrive at the most exciting pre-game part: ROLE PMs! Watch your inbox closely for your role PMs !!! (Once you receive them, you can start bombarding your gamerunners with all sorts of love letters and questions about your roles) (they love it) (no, really)

Alright, that's it for now. New comers, if you have any questions, feel free to ask :D
Swampie gonna go VAMPIRE avatar??? \o/ I am excite :D

Some of y'all avatar game is super stronk

I always look forward to Roya's, Abbro's, Squidy's.... Blarg's. They are my Avatar MVPs
Preferred Pronoun: He
Preferred Game: Playstation,Persona
Time Zone: CEST

Im a Mafia virgin but would love to join.

hi there! players have recently been rostered into the games, but we'll pop you into the replacement list :>

it is VERY LIKELY that you will get to play

... also WELCOME aboard!
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